Accidental Missmatch

Chapter 1: Accidental Missmatch

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Daniel took a look at his clothes which has just been taken out of the laundry, The clothes themselves looked normal but there are two articles of clothing that stood out like a sore thumb among the dull looking clothes.

Picking one up and I saw a yellow shirt but the design shows that is clearly made for girls and when he looked at the other one he saw that it was a black skirt.

'Doesn't this look like Ella's clothes?' I thought, remembering that Ella wore these some time ago.

Looking at the rest of the clothes, There were no other clothes from Ella but it seems like some of my clothes are missing, I know this because I only have few clothes.

'Huh, Seems like we switched clothes'

Taking Ella's clothes so i can return them, I was just one step away from opening my door when i stopped.

I stopped because a idea came to my mind from seemingly out of nowhere

Should I... Maybe...

Trying to get that thought out of my head was no use because no matter what i did, It always comes back

All my life, a tiny voice in my head always tells me that something is wrong, But I always ignored it part of it was because it was so weak and another part was because I didn't know what was wrong, I had good life, good grades, Few friends but they were true friends.

However, When i look in the mirror, that voice always gets louder and i feel discomfort so I kind of stopped looking at them when i can, Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my body, I was slim and short and no matter what i did, I can't just get to seem to get any muscle.

Shaking my head out of memory lane, I finally gave up resisting that idea

'Just this once, Nobody will know except for me and Ella won't be here for another hour or two'

Before doing that though i shaved off my all my body hair (Which there wasn't much of by the way) from top to bottom except my shoulder length hair which was in a man bun which i let free and straightened it with a comb. (I had one in my drawers, I occasionally brush my hair)

Now ready, I stripped down my clothes leaving only my underwear, First I put on the shirt which gives me fuzzy feelings when it is touching my skin, Then, next I held the black skirt in front of me, Taking a deep breath, I put my legs inside and put it on.

Sitting down on the bed for a bit, I relish in the feeling of the clothes on my skin, The feminine shirt on my upper body and the skirt on my now smooth hairless thighs.

'It feels good, But... It do.. I'm probably looking like an idiot like now'

Making the desision to not delay the inevitable, I stood up and went to the big mirror in the bathroom, Expecting to see a long haired man wearing girl clothes looking like an idiot.

But when i saw myself in the mirror, I gasped.

Because, I saw a girl .

In the mirror there was a girl wearing a yellow shirt and a black skirt that goes below the knee staring back at me.

I raised my hand, She also raised her hand.

I waved my hand, She also waived her hand.

That was then i realized.

That girl was me.

From somewhere, The sound of an egg breaking could be heard.

That was when he.. no, She knew.

She was a girl all along.

And then the voice in the back of her mind dissappeared, Because she finally found herself.

Then i cried, I cried tears of joy not sadness because i finally found the reason why i felt wrong.

After some time i finally wiped my tears and smiled.

My reflection also smiled back at me.

"Aria, I think my name is Aria" I say in a whisper.

I twirled in my skirt, Feeling fuzzy feelings as it spins, The next few minutes were spent playing around in my room before i heard someone at the door

"I'm home" I hear my sister Ella say.

I was still twirling when i heard her, Panicking, I quickly got out of the skirt and shirt and hid it deep inside my closet, Then i wore my old clothes again.

First my shorts and then my shirt, As i finished, I felt that feeling of wrongness again,, Only this time it was stronger and more constricting around my chest.

Wearing boy clothes felt wrong, really really wrong.

I took deep breaths as an effort to calm myself down and that atleast alleviates the constrictness on my chest slightly.

Deciding that water can help me distract myself from feeling my clothes, I went down the stairs to grab some.

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After an uneventful dinner with the family, Either neither of them noticed my hair (Which i kept untied) or they noticed but just didn't mention it, I finally escape to my room to wear the clothes again.

As i don the outfit again, The feeling of wrongness dissapeared and I finally felt comfortable again.

I slept peacefully that night.


Days passed after that with me still wearing th outfit when i'm alone, I have also been practicing my girl voice to aa level where i was satisfied with it, Then one day a delivery arrived.

When i opened it i found a blue top, A red below the knee skirt, a headband, a handbag, underwear, A pair of sandals some makeup like lipticks. I ordered these the next day after i figured myself.

Along with practicing my girl voice, i have also been watching some basic make-up tutorials so i can now know what i am doing, And with the make-up tools here, I can now put my meager skills to the test.

Of course the first time went bad, But during the next several attempts my skills were improving so i can now at least apply basic make-up.

All of this i did because i want to buy some clothes, I already bought a pair online but i want to experience buyng it myself at a mall. I just have to wait for an opportunity to do it.

Fortunately, It came.


One day, Mom and Dad were out together on a date for a whole day and Ella was in her friend's house.

After making sure that they were gone, I didn't wait another second to run into my room, strip out of my boy clothes and wear the outfit that i ordered.

The panties that i got fit snugly on me and i tucked that under it so at the front it looks like i had a smooth crotch with no hint of that whatsoever.

Wearing the top and skirt, i sat in my desk and applied my make-up. Then i wore the headband around my had and wore the sandals which looked great on my feet

With that done, It was time for the moment of truth. I walked into the mirror and just saw a cute looking girl in a blue top, red skirt wearing a headband on her shoulder length hair. You could see some make-up on her definitely feminine face but not too much or to little.

I felt a happy feeling in my stomach at the sight of my reflection knowing that I am that cute looking girl.

Opening my door, I looked left and right to watch out for anyone seeing me. Seeing no one, I went into my car and drived.

The drive was an hour long because the mall I'm going to was far away from my neighborhood as possible to prevent anyone from recognizing me.

An hour long was short but long enough to finally finish the thoughts i kept thinking about for a few days.

How was i going to come out to my family?

The answer to that was this trip, During shopping, I'll buy a perfect outfit to wear home. Then I'll first some out to Ella sice she'll be home first, Depending on the outcome I'll come out to my parents later.

So this trip has two purposes, Buying outfits and finding the perfect outfit to wear for my coming out

During my thinking, An hour has passed and i fianlly got to the mall. Parking my car, I took a deep breath before walking to the entrance.

Walking along, I made sure that i didn't see anyone that might recognize me. Then I entered the first store I saw.

Looking around I immediately saw the women's section which i went to.

There were so many clothes in here but i kept walking until i found clothes i liked.

Eventually, I ended up with 3 tops with varying colors, 5 skirts of varying lengths and types and 2 pairs of jeans. I tried them all in the fitting room with different pairs of clothes.

Some pair looked good on me like the purple top and the jeans which hugged my lower body snugly. and Some pairs were okay but overall I had fun just trying on different clothes.

So as i was walking to the cashier to pay I also grabbed panties before continuing to walk. But not for long before I stopped and walked backwards for a little bit.

Then I saw it.

The moment i laid my eyes on it i knew that it as the one.

It was a beautiful black floral dress which has a 3/4 sleeve and a floral pattern that goes down into the waist before flaring out into a skirt which is inchs longer below the knees

This is it

"You have a good eye miss, I'm sure this dress will look beautiful on you" An female employee suddenly says, breaking me out of my reverie but not before feeling the happy feeling in my tummy at being called miss.

"Thank you for the compliment" I say in a voice which is definitely feminine. A product of my hard work.

I then grab the dress and turn back around to the fitting room itching to try it on.


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