Ace Amnesia

Chapter 1: Ambushed

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As he trekked through the dense forest, Ace Loftus couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. His senses were on high alert, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs sending shivers down his spine. He had just completed a dangerous mission and was eager to return home, but something felt off. 

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him, and he knew he was being followed. Without hesitation, he darted behind a nearby tree and surveyed his surroundings. He spotted a group of assassins, their weapons drawn, closing in on him. They were skilled hunters, and they had been tracking him for miles. 

Ace knew he had to act fast. He quickly assessed his options, his mind racing as he weighed his chances of survival. He knew he was outnumbered and outgunned, but he had one advantage – his training. He had spent years honing his skills as a warrior, and he was ready for this moment. 

With a deep breath, he sprang into action, dodging and weaving through the trees as he fought to escape. Poison darts flew past him, but he was too fast for them, too skilled. He could hear the assassins shouting, their voices growing louder as they closed in on him. 

But then, one dart hit its mark, lodging itself deep in his leg and causing him to lose his footing. He tumbled to the ground, pain lancing through his body. He could feel the poison seeping into his bloodstream, weakening him with every passing second. 

With the assassins closing in, Ace knew he had to act fast. He fought back fiercely, his body moving on autopilot as he dispatched one assassin after another. He was relentless, his determination driving him forward as he battled to survive. 

He ran deeper into the forest, his mind focused solely on survival. He could hear the assassins shouting, their voices growing louder as they closed in on him. But he was not about to give up, not now. He had come too far to be stopped now. 

As he ran, he could feel the poison taking its toll on his body, sapping his strength and making it harder to move. But he pushed on, his willpower and determination fueling him forward. 

Eventually, he stumbled and fell down a steep hill, tumbling into the water below. The current quickly carried him away, washing him downstream until he washed up on the shore of a small village. Exhausted and injured, he lay there on the shore, barely conscious, but alive. 

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