Ace among Jokers

Chapter 3: Ch03: Suitor in Rags

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I stood in front of my father’s large throne room doors. Behind me were maids and knights my father sent. He did not send them because he cared about me, but because he cared about appearances and reputation. His reputation. And having an Imperial daughter come in dressed in old-fashioned clothes and without the company of handmaidens certainly did not look good. For him or for the Empire. 

From outside his door, I could hear the incessant chatter of the Eveothus Kingdom’s envoy and the clatter of armour. Inside my father’s throne room were men from the Kingdom I would be wed to. No, they weren’t just men, I corrected. Nobles. 

Behind me, I could hear my father’s heavy footsteps. His heels clacked on the expensive marble floor of his palace as he approached. He stopped beside me, clicking his tongue in distaste. I could feel his annoyed gaze land on me. 

Does he really hate the fact that he’s going to be introduced alongside me?

My father raised his arm and nudged my side as if telling me to quickly put my hand on his so we could be introduced together. I could feel him flinch the moment my skin touched his silver silk gloves. It was a bit offensive. But who was I to feel offended over someone who is literally the father of the Empire? “Remember to just shut your mouth. Speak only when spoken to.” Over and over again, this was rooted deep in my brain. How could I forget? “Do not disgrace me,” he said. 

The moment our names were introduced, the large doors to my father’s throne room swung open, releasing a momentary gust of wind as it widened. My father’s hand tightened on mine and I tried so hard not to wince. It was a warning. I had to act my best otherwise he’s going to have me punished if I don’t do well. 

Inside, my attention was caught by the numerous noble men lining up, all from the Kingdom of Eveothus. They were dressed in strange clothing; like drapes hung carelessly on their body. It was peculiar, how they looked. Their eyes focused on my father and then stopped on me, as if I were a valuable prize won by their prince. My father walked me toward the middle where his throne supposedly was. But now it had been replaced by a different throne, this one looking less expensive than his first one. Beside it was mine, a smaller throne he probably commissioned in haste based on the inconsiderate design and material used to make the item.

“It is a pleasure to have you at Ostulia Empire, Prince Dion Edelvinn, Duke William Derek.” My father quickly greeted them the moment he led me to the small throne where I was supposed to sit like a doll the entire time. “It is our greatest honour to be able to set foot in the highly respected Ostulia Empire, Your Majesty.” The man donning the same outfit as the other noblemen in the envoy responded. 

“It is also with joy that I greet Princess Cecilia von Hathem,” the man who donned a different kind of strange outfit, even stranger than that of the other noblemen, said to me with a smile. He had wavy black hair and moderately tanned skin. And a pair of dimples as he smiled at me. The smile never reached his eyes. It made me think about whether or not he was forced to actually come here and propose. If that was the case, then I resonate with Prince Dion to some extent. 

They all started with the pleasantries, just like they always do. And then, they move onto the gifts; very luxurious gifts from gold gilded crossbows to a fancy set of jewellery. The process was all the same, boring and tedious. I had to hear them sing praises with my name, praises I didn’t deserve; my father never failed to remind me. 

I was glued to my throne the entire time they were singing praises to my father’s name. One would think the noblemen Prince Dion brought with him were here to marry my father. Just the absurdity of my thought made me laugh. An action that caught the attention of my already irritated father. I cleared my throat and continued to look straight ahead, although I knew I was going to receive a beating later on. 


The banquet was in full swing. It was a party to welcome the envoys of the Eveothus Kingdom. A some sort of pleasantry to show respect and joy—something my father clearly did not feel towards them. 

Both my mother and father were present, sitting on the thrones overlooking the entirety of the ballroom. As usual, there was a cold atmosphere between the two of them, I guess they weren't even on speaking terms. I was standing next to my mother’s throne, bored and unmoving. Banquets were never something I truly enjoyed. And yet people from the kingdom wait for my appearance. For some reason, my father never revealed to the world that I was his firstborn. In the people’s eyes, I was the youngest daughter of the king. The daughter he so cherished and hid from the world. But reality is much different than what they perceive our relationship to be. If only it were like that.

I glanced around for the sight of my younger brother, but not even a shadow of his can be seen. Even my father's beloved wasn’t present. And he was always present at every banquet with the excuse of being the king’s secretary. Around the ballroom, I can see the eyes of all the men on me, smirks and smiles on their lips. But there was one particular man that caught my attention. 

Prince Dion was slowly making his way towards the throne where we were. And just like that, he hung his head low as a form of respect before turning to my father. “Your Imperial Highness,” he started. A flurry of flowery words rolled out of his mouth, a pretty speech, if I may say. “Can I request a dance from your wonderful daughter?” 

My father flinched. He wasn’t aware that Prince Dion would ask me for a dance. Nor did I expect he would ask me for a dance. I didn’t know how to dance. And unlike the people’s twisted imagery of my father treasuring me, it was quite the opposite. He had not taught me how to dance nor did he hire tutors to teach me how to dance. Sure, I had learned how to dance from my mother back when I was a child, but it had been years since I relearned. Now I fear I might mistakenly step on the prince’s shoes. Would that cause a dispute between Eveothus and Ostulia? 

I looked at my father and saw that he was visibly shaken. He had not expected this at all. And it would be rude to decline the prince’s invitation knowing I was standing healthily beside my mother. And so, without any reason to decline, a dance with Prince Dion was permitted. My father, of course, as usual, never forgot to tell me not to disgrace him. But I wasn’t feeling too confident. 

I was only told to sit still, stand still and not utter a single word. But dancing with the prince meant that I had to do none of those things. 

Prince Dion led me to the centre of the ballroom where most of the people started clearing out. I tugged on the Prince’s sleeve as we got into position and quietly whispered, “I don’t know how to dance.” The Prince merely chuckled and grasped my hand in his before giving me the reassuring words I wanted to hear. 

“It’s okay.” 

“Even though I might step on your feet?” 

“You can step on it all you want, Princess Cecilia.” 

He placed a hand on the small of my back and took the lead. We swayed as the music kept playing, and I'm pretty sure my father started throwing sharp glances at me, probably demanding that I not make a single mistake. And yes, I was in fact very occupied thinking about how to avoid stepping on the Prince’s feet. 

“You know, your majesty,” he opened up a topic as he swayed me about. “Today is the first time I’ve seen you.” My attention was now on him. Below his left eyebrow was a beauty mark that I thought looked adorable. “And to be perfectly honest, I was blown away by your beauty.” 

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Of course, since I look like my mother. 

“Thank you, your highness,” I said. “But you flatter me too much.” 

A low chuckle escaped his mouth as he shook his head. “This much flattery isn’t even enough.” 

What a smooth-talker, this prince was. It was off putting and yet very refreshing. Were all men like this? No, maybe only towards beautiful people? Would he call off the engagement if he knows I’m a firstborn? Are we even engaged yet? 

As thoughts quickly swirled inside my head, the song finally came to an end. And Prince Dion, who bowed before looking into my eyes, smiled at me. He took my hand and planted a kiss, before ultimately saying the words I dreaded to hear all night. “Can you accompany me tomorrow and give me a tour of the Imperial Palace, Princess?” 

I quickly shot a glance to my father and then to the Prince who looked at me with so much expectation. “You don’t have to seek your father for permission, your highness,” he said. “You can make decisions for yourself.” The words that he uttered during that moment sunk deep into my brain. And he was right. But what could I do? I was merely a powerless princess in front of my indifferent and cruel father. Nobody outside the Imperial Palace truly knew of my relationship with my father. And yet, this man who I just met earlier this morning seemed to know the full picture. In the end, entranced by his gaze, I  had accepted his request. 

“Then I shall inform your father about our tomorrow.” He planted another kiss on my hand and flashed me a dimpled smile. 


I turned my head towards my angry father. It was the first time he called me by my name. I am quite surprised he still knew of my name. I thought I was so insignificant in his eyes that he didn't bother to remember my name. Before, he would always call me ‘you’ or ‘hey’ or most of the time, nothing at all. 

He pulled me away from the view of the public and frowned. “What did you and the prince talk about earlier? You didn’t humiliate me didn’t you?” 

I shook my head as always and made sure to reassure him that I did nothing to damage his reputation. “The prince only spouted pleasantries. We have never once talked about you, your majesty.” 

From the looks of it, my father was not satisfied with my answer. But it didn’t look like he was going to press me any further. “You should retire for the day lest you embarrass me in the future.” He turned his back on me and walked back into the ballroom. I inwardly thanked my father’s hatred of me. It was because of his hatred that I was able to go back to my palace without much issue. But that would be the only time I would thank my father. 

“It looked like the Prince of Eveothus liked you, sister.” 


My brother crossed his arms as he leaned back on the pillar. “I saw your dance with Prince Dion,” he said. “Such a miracle your engagement did not fall through. You must be happy to leave this place.” 

“Why aren’t you inside the ballroom?” 

Cedrin shrugged.” I wanted some fresh air.” 

I scrutinised him and nodded my head. “Don’t stay out too long.” I hastened up my pace to get away from Cedrin much quicker but my brother caught me by the arm and pulled me back. “What do you want from me, Cedrin?” 

“Do you really want this marriage?” 

I shrugged. “It’s beneficial to me, why would I decline?” 

“What if the Prince knew of your birth?” 

“If by any chance, Prince Dion gets to know of my situation and the engagement is cancelled, then Father would find another poor prince to take up his place and take me away from his Empire.” I explained clearly, but Cedrin only frowned. 

He laughed a moment later. “Give it a few days, sister. Prince Dion will cast you away, like all those princes who came before him.” 

He finally let go of my arm. I watched as Cedrin turned around and disappeared into the crowded ballroom. 

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