Adored Koi in the ’70s

Chapter 151: 151

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When people reach middle age, they have to brew gojiberry water in a thermos cup.

Qiao Middle-aged Zhen Guo was bald.

He became the first bald man in Qiao Family, creating a record and a precedent for Qiao Family.

On the day that Qiao Zhen Guo became bald, Wan Chun Ju laughed so much that her chin almost dislocated again, completely gloating at his misfortune.

If it were another man, he would definitely become angry from embarrassment and might even physically abuse the wife. However, Qiao Zhen Guo didn't take it seriously. He was a little worried about when his hair would grow.

The rest of Qiao Family felt very strange when they saw Qiao Zhen Guo’s baldness.

Because Xue Chuan was almost sixty years old and wasn’t bald at all!

Why did his son, Qiao Zhen Guo go bald first? ?

Qiao Zhen Guo felt very aggrieved about it. He didn't inherit his dad's handsomeness nor his mom’s superstrength. Why was he the only one who was bald!

Qiao Xiu Zhi looked at her eldest son and spoke after a moment of silence, "Your maternal grandfather, who is my dad, was bald. I guess it skipped a generation!"

Qiao Zhen Guo: "..."

After the customers in the shop discovered that his baldness, they enthusiastically recommended various remedies to him.

Since then, Qiao Wife-retorting Zhen Guo had become Qiao Wholeheartedly-researching-on-curing-baldness Guo.


After Zhao Chu Yang was sent to the police station, his family had to be notify to come to the police station to bail him out.

Although he had repeatedly told his mom that she mustn’t let his elder brother know about his visit to the police station, Chairman Zhao soon found out.

Chairman Zhao was a person who opened a company and ran a business. He knew people from all industries expecially since he was the film and television industry. It went without saying he got acquaintainces in the police station.

As soon as Zhao Chu Yang left the police station, he received a notification from his friend the next moment.

Chairman Zhao was furious!

He had rejected him many times before and warned him not to go to Da Qiao. And he just wouldn't listen!

If this younger brother isn’t controlled now it, it won’t be a matter of him being useless or not. Sooner or later, he will become the scourge of the entire family!

He didn't go home immediately to teach Zhao Chu Yang a lesson. Instead, he got someone to secretly investigate. He wanted to see who leaked Qiao Family’s information!

No matter who it was, he will not lightly ket thaat person off as long as he dare to betray him!

Then on the weekend, he rode the car and personally went to Qiao's house to apologize.

When he came to Qiao's house and saw Qiao's courtyard dwelling, he couldn't help being stunned.

After signing the contract with Qiao Family, he asked people to inquire about Qiao Family. At that time, he had heard that they lived in a courtyard dwelling. He assumed Qiao Family lived in a small and rundown courtyard. That’s why, he didn't give it much thought.

But the size of the courtyard dwelling in front of him was completely beyond his previous understanding.

It seem that Qiao Family was more capable than he imagined!

While thinking about it, he rang the doorbell of Qiao's house with the gift in hand.

It was Qiao An Jie who came to open the door.

When Chairman Zhao saw Qiao An Jie, he couldn't help being taken aback. Xue An Xu was filming on the set at the moment. So he shouldn't be here. Soon, he caught on.

This should be Xue An Xu's twin elder brother. They looked so much alike. It was as if they were carved out of the same mould!

He tried his best to show a kind and friendly smile: "You should be Qiao An Jie, right?"

Qiao An Jie's fair and handsome face didn't show any smile. He looked at him seriously and said, "Are you Chairman Zhao, the boss of Haisheng Filming Company?"

Chairman Zhao was once again startled: "Have you seen me before?"

He remembered that Xue An Xu's elder brother had never been to the filming company. Even if he did, the two of them had never met. Logically speaking, he shouldn’t know him.

Qiao An Jie replied: "First of all, when you saw me, your eyes showed surprise. Which means you mistook me for my younger brother just now. Then it soon came to you; meaning you know where my younger brother should be at this time. Secondly, your clothes and the car you drive show that you have a lot of status. Finally, my elder sister was harassed by an idiot named Zhao Chu Yang on Wednesday. If I am not mistaken, you should be here on your younger brother’s behalf to take care of the aftermath?"

Chairman Zhao stared at the child in front of him. At once, he felt the future generation was terrifying: "You are very smart. You can analyze every bit logically. I am indeed Zhao Chu Yang's Eldest Brother. You can call me Uncle Zhao."

Qiao An Jie said: "Please come in, Chairman Zhao."

Chairman Zhao sighed silently in his heart and followed the little guy into Qiao's house.

The Qiao's courtyard dwelling was very clean and warm. There was a jujube tree and a few wolfberry trees in the courtyard. At this time, bright red fruits were hanging on the trees. Quite a merry atmosphere.

There were also various flowers and plants in the yard. They were pleasing to the eye. There were two rattan chairs under the vines not far away. What was amazing was that seeing these makes his heart strangely calm.

Little bridge, flowing water, and people. This used to be the life he yearned for the most. But he had always been busy with his career and being driven. There was never a chance to calm down and enjoy life.

They entered the living room.

Qiao An Jie had already stated his purpose for coming here: "Grandfather, Grandmother, he said that he is Chairman Zhao of Haisheng Filming. He came to make amends for his idiot brother!"

Although Chairman Zhao was a little embarrassed, he still straightforwardly confirmed it: "...Hello An Xu's grandparents. We have met before. I am indeed here to apologize to you for my younger brother Zhao Chu Yang!"

As he said that, he deeply bowed to Qiao Family.

Xue Chuan said, "Please sit down."

Chairman Zhao was relieved to see that Qiao Family didn’t speak in a grudging manner.

He set the things on the nearby table. Then he told Qiao Family about the whole thing and his guesses.

"No matter who leaked the information, it’s still due to my poor management. After the investigation results come out, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation! As for my younger brother..."

Having said that, Chairman Zhao stood up again and bowed to Da Qiao, who was sitting quietly at one side.

He continued: "I apologize to you on my younger brother’s behalf. I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again. I have already arranged for him to go abroad. Before he goes abroad, I will get people to watch him. I won’t let him harass you, Student Qiao!"

Chairman Zhao coming to apologize in person was beyond Qiao Family's expectations. Seeing his sincere attitude, they were once again surprised.

Da Qiao blinked her eyelashes and responded, "I don't need your apology, because it's not you who did the wrong thing. However, I hope this is the end of the matter. If your younger brother dares to harass me next time, then I won't hold back!"

Chairman Zhao didn't understand the meaning of ‘won’t hold back’ for a while as he didn't know that Zhao Chu Yang was thrown over the shoulder by Da Qiao. Or that Da Qiao was born with great strength.

Still, he still maintained agreement with a good attitude. Then he took out two documents from the briefcase: "In order to express our Zhao Family's apology, I am willing to give out 2% of the shares of the filming company to Qiao Family as compensation. Hope you can accept it!"

Qiao Xiu Zhi didn’t accept the documents he handed over, and waved her hand: "We will not accept this contract for the time being. We already understand your thoughts. To be honest, before you came, we originally planned to get the two children stop working under your company. For now, we can wait for the results of the matter to come out before making plans!"

When Da Qiao was harassed by Zhao Chu Yang at school, Qiao Family were mad when they found out.

Qiao Xiu Zhi and Xue Chuan even decided to wait for this TV series to finish first before seeing how to terminate the contract. Now Chairman Zhao told them that the information of Qiao Family wasn’t leaked from his side and had sincerely apologized.

Due to this, they were willing to give the other party a chance. They’ll wait for the outcome of the matter to see whether to terminate the contract or continue to cooperate.

"Okay, I understand. Rest assured, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter!"

When Chairman Zhao heard this, he felt very fortunate that he came here today. If not, the company would suffer heavy losses.

The TV series starring Xue An Xu was expected to be released next summer. He was very confident that this drama will become an instant hit and Xue An Xu will definitely be popular all over the country by then.

If Qiao Family terminate the contract with them at this time, their company will be busy for nothing!

Since the apology was given, Chairman Zhao tactfully bid farewell.

Xue Chuan sent him out to the door.

Just when they came to the door, another car suddenly appeared at the entrance of Qiao's house. The class of this car wasn’t lower than Chairman Zhao's.

Mao Family’s eldest son got out of the car. He came to bring snacks to Da Qiao on his mom’s behalf.

Chairman Zhao's eyes widened when he saw the other party.

Mao Family’s eldest son very politely handed things over to Xue Chuan. He even said Da Qiao should go to their house to play when she is free. Since he still had things to deal with, he didn't go into the house.

After Mao Family's car drove away, Chairman Zhao secretly broke into a cold sweat!

Earlier on, he was just glad that he made the right trip. Right now, he wants to burn tall incense!

The man just now was a high-level official of the government. A person whom he usually wanted to make friends with and couldn’t find any connections to. The guy personally came to deliver snacks to Qiao Family and his attitude was very modest!

It can be imagined how much he underestimated Qiao Family before. And his younger brother was seeking death when he went to provoke the girl, Da Qiao!

He decided that for the sake of the entire Zhao Family, he would send him abroad no matter what. What’s more, he can forget about coming back in this life!

Actually, Qiao Family never considered relying on their connections with Huo Family or Mao Family to deal with Zhao Family. But if Chairman Zhao didn't come to apologize in person this time, Huo Chi's side would indeed take action.

His own match was molested in public. How could he do nothing as a man?


After Chairman Zhao returned, he immediately put Zhao Chu Yang in his room and then locked the door from outside to prevent him from coming out.

Zhao Chu Yang was about to go mad from anger!

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In the room, he threw things and yelled. He hollered that if they didn't let him out, he'll die right now in front of them.

Chairman Zhao told him to do whatever. If he died now, he would buy him a good tomb!

Mother Zhao was so infuriated that she almost had a heart attack. While hitting her eldest son with a cane, she ordered someone to get an axe to chop down the door.

Chairman Zhao finally exploded: "I will state it now. If any of you dares to let Zhao Chu Yang out, I will separate the family tomorrow!"

As soon as the words ‘separate the family’ came out, the room was quiet. Even Zhao Chu Yang, who was crazy in the room, was quiet.

Mother Zhao pointed at him with trembling hands: " are taking my old life!"

Chairman Zhaodao: "Mom, you are also taking my life! I know that you only have Zhao Chu Yang as a son in your eyes. You and Dad's property can be left to him if you want. I don't care, but Haisheng Company is mine. It was built by one person, this house was built with money from me, Zhao Chu Yang, don't even think about getting a penny! In the future, he will starve to death on the street, don't think that my big brother will give him a look."

Mother Zhao was trembling with anger. With a roll of her eyes, she fainted.

Be it hunger strike and hanging herself, Chairman Zhao wouldn’t give in to Mother Zhao and let Zhao Chu Yang come out.

Seeing Eldest Son’s determination, Mother Zhao didn’t dare to release Youngest Son, for fear that Eldest Son would really separate off because of this.

The results of the investigation soon came out. It was Chairman Zhao's secretary who leaked the information. Chairman Zhao got her to compensate the company's losses according to the contract before telling her to scram.

This was the beginning. After she left Haisheng, she can forget about staying in this industry in the future!

As for Zhao Chu Yang. The visa has been obtained. He can be sent abroad in a week.

After finishing these things, he went to Qiao's house in person.

Qiao Family was quite satisfied with the result and accepted the compensation they gave. Qiao Xiu Zhi wanted to give the shares to Da Qiao, but Da Qiao didn’t want it.

In the end, Qiao Xiu Zhi accepted it for her.

Qiao Xiu Zhi thought it was better for girls to have more money as a safeguard.

Right now Huo Chi and Huo Family were treating Da Qiao wonderfully. But the world was unpredictable. Besides, women were better off when relying on themselves than another.

After hearing her grandmother out, Da Qiao accepted the shares.

Qiao Zhen Jun and Lin Hui returned to the capital.

As soon as the twins saw them, they jumped up and hugged...their mom. Then they cutely expressed how much they missed her.

Especially Xue An Xu. His whole being became a pendant hanging on his mom’s body.

Da Qiao also went over. She hugged her mom, "Mom, I miss you too. Welcome home!"

"My dears, Mom misses you guys too!"

Lin Hui was surrounded by the few children’s embrace and her heart bubbled with happiness.

And Qiao Zhen Jun, who was standing beside her with his arms stretched out, "..."

Someone come and give him a hug. It’s awkward to be like this, okay?

Seeing her dad like this, Da Qiao covered her mouth and chuckled.

Daughter’s reaction made Qiao Zhen Jun feel even more embarrassed. He ended up as a transport worker and moved in all the things he brought back.


In two days, Zhao Chu Yang was going to be sent abroad. Rage boiled within him.

During this time, he had used every trick. But his eldest brother was set on not letting him out.

He couldn’t accept going abroad like this. Nor was he willing to let Da Qiao go like this!

If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have been locked up like this. Or get sent out in such an embarrassing way!

Since he can't get her, he would rather destroy her!

A ‘boom’ rang from outside. Lightning and thunder partied outside. Followed by this was heavy drifting rain.

Hearing the constant thunder outside, Zhao Chu Yang suddenly came up with a good idea. He wanted to take advantage of this cover to smash the window and run out!

He was going to find Da Qiao. Afterward, turn the raw rice cooked. Without her innocence, see how she can reject him!

So he picked up the chair and forcefully smashed it at the window. The glass window shattered.

Because of the thunder outside and the window of Zhao Chu Yang's room was far from the living room, no one in Zhao Family heard the sound of glass breaking.

Zhao Chu Yang took out the rope hidden under the bed from before. After tying it, he climbed down the rope.

The wall was wet and slippery from the rain. His feet had no grip. He almost lost his hold on the rope and slipped down. At this critical moment, he reached out and grabbed the iron window on the second floor.

BOOM. A thunder exploded in the sky. Several lightning bolts followed after.

Zhao Family were flustered by the lightning and thunder. The next moment, they heard a shrill scream.

Then there was another ‘bang’. It soudned like something fell to the ground.

Mother Zhao spoke, "Why do I seem to hear Chu Yang's voice?"

Eldest Sister-in-law Zhao said she heard it too and hurriedly went outside with an umbrella to check what happened.

If she didn’t see it, it was all fine. Now she did, her soul was almost frightened gone!

She found Zhao Chu Yang lying on the ground. His face dark, while his hair and clothes exploded. He was unconscious.

Her heart beated like thunder as Her hands trembled violently. She almost couldn't even hold the umbrella in her hand.

Youngest Brother-in-law was hit by lightning! !

Once she recovered from her panic, she went back to tell the others with trembling legs.

When Mother Zhao heard the news that her youngest son was struck by lightning, she fainted with a roll of her eyes.

Zhao Family was in chaos.

Zhao Chu Yang’s rotten life was saved in the end. However, he was struck by lightning and was left with fatal side effects.

He was impotent.

Mother Zhao cried until her eyes were almost blind. In an instant, she aged ten years.

Younger Brother’s troublemaking ability filled Chairman Zhao will hate as well as inducing helpless. After he recovered and was discharged from the hospital, Chairman Zhao sent him out of the country regardless of his mom’s pleas.

His mom berated him for having no conscience; can't even tolerate a younger brother.

Chairman Zhao knew that if Zhao Chu Yang’s stay in the country would truly harm him!


Da Qiao didn't know what happened to Zhao Family. Her attention was all on her studies.

She was like a sponge, frantically absorbing knowledge.

After a snowfall, the capital finally entered winter.

Da Qiao never knew that the winter in the capital would be so cold. It was the first time she knew that the snow could fall so heavily.

The snow outside was almost to her knees. When looking around, everywhere was covered by a white blanket.

In such an environment, one would shiver from the cold even when wearing the thickest clothes.

Cai Ru Nan deeply envied Da Qiao: "You look so slender. Why are you not afraid of the cold at all?"

Not only was she not afraid of cold, she was also not afraid of heat in summer. In summer, the temperature on Da Qiao's body seem to be a little lower than that of ordinary people. It felt cool when she was close to her.

But in winter, her body actually adjusted itself and became warmer. What kind of physique was this!

Simply envious to death!

Da Qiao pursed her lips into a smile: "My family has given me a lot of nutrition. When I come back next year after the New Year, I will bring you some dried roses!"

After a semester of getting along, Da Qiao finally recognized Cai Ru Nan as a friend.

Cai Ru Nan rushed over and hugged her with joy: "Da Qiao, I really love you to death. How about I marry you!"

Da Qiao refused: "I don't want. You’re not as good-looking as my match!"

At once, Cai Ru Nan's face turned into a puffer fish.

The final exam was approaching. The students were occupied with revision.

Very few people failed the course these days as everyone wanted to get the best grades in the exam and get the school scholarship. It can reduce the burden on the family.

In mid-January, Da Qiao and the others finally wlecomed the final exam of the first semester.

At this time, a big event occurred in Da Qiao’s class.

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