Advent Gear: Seal of Lightning

Chapter 1: Jin Lockett

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Today couldn't get any worse.

Awoken as a Gear? Still weak, the very bottom of the food chain, hell. Mutated rats were stronger than him, and they were classified as a G- existence. 

Accepted into a minor, but still useful Gear school for resources? Bullied around, monthly resources stolen.

Jin always have bad luck, but some days it just felt like the entirety of the world and heavens were against him.

Even as he lay in the alley, curled around himself shivering against the cold and pain it felt like nothing was going his way, not even a little.

Footsteps passed him occasionally, if he remembered right this was a shortcut to one of the better pubs in the area, a good place for a good drink.

He just zoned them out, focusing on his breathing, and trying to slowly rub at his freezing skin to try and keep his blood moving, anything to feel the warmth.

Suddenly, he felt something large and warm suddenly fall over him.

Instantly the snow around him melted away, quickly evaporating as well as he looked up, it... It almost hurt to feel warm again, having gotten so used to the cold.

Whatever it was on him was soft, as he used his fingers to slowly pull the blanket down to stare up.

There was a large man standing over him, a look of sorrow in his eyes as he slowly lowered to take a knee. 

''Look at you... I understand what you're going through... I've been through it twice myself, but the kindness of a single person helped me, a long, long time ago... Just as I understand giving you to much won't help..''

The man, massive in stature pulled something from a storage ring on his finger, something expensive for sure, and depending on how much storage it was, depending on how expensive. If Jin had known that this man's ring was capable of storing the entirety of the city he currently stayed in, he'd have passed out from shock.

Even a few cubic feet was well worth more than what the school made a year.

The man handed him a set of clothing, what looked to be a boxed ration pack and a small bag.

''Eat, rest, get some actual clothes on... I won't give you any more than this, and it's up to you what you do with the crystals... But I will say this... Are you happy with what you are now... Or do you want to fight?''

By the time Jin understood what those words had meant, he was gone. The snow not even disturbed where the massive man had once stood.

He looked at the ration pack, curling the blanket up and around under him. Jin was only 14, but malnourishment and not eating properly when he could lead to him being incredibly small.

Even then the blanket was huge, able to wrap it completely around himself a few times and still feel fine, warm, but not hot enough to sweat.

Pulling open the ration pack he noticed there were eight bars. A single bar of ration was able to keep someone fed for four days, they usually tasted bad, but it was better than nothing... Only a single bite would be enough nutrition and energy to feed him for the day even with heavy activity.

Taking one he peeled it open, biting a quarter of the bar off he began the slow process of chewing through it.

God, he was exhausted, even as he chewed it took a lot of energy just to finish. The bay made him salivate naturally, but the bar itself also held multiple energies together. A single quarter of the bar provided both foods, and water for the body to work off of.

As he slowly closed the bar and put it back into the pack before sealing it once more. A single bar meant 4 days of food, and he had eight bars. He had a whole month of food and water at his disposal which would help him a lot.

He pulled the tattered rags off him as he simply tossed them across the alley, letting them hit the wall near the trash cans as he began to pull the clothing on.

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He felt it slowly shrink to his size, as well as the refreshing feeling of warm water, when he began to inspect himself he noticed that he looked clean.

The clothes and blankets were both artifacts... Did people like that exist? Able to just walk around and throw out artifacts like this... What of the people who made them?

It wasn't until Jin opened the back his heart almost stopped in his chest as he suddenly pulled the string tight once more, closing the bag and quickly hiding it in his chest, looking around wildly.

The bag had a storage ring in it...

It didn't matter the level of the storage ring, it was a storage ring. People would very well KILL for something like this... People would kill for less as well.

He retreated into his blanket, closing it off as he slowly pulled the bag open.

Every Gear when they awakened, had a trait that would be enhanced for them. It was always random, see better, smell better, naturally have good bed hair, random traits like these weren't really counted... But Jin did, he got an extremely rare, and very useful trait when he first awoke.

Night Vision, not a weak kind either, a powerful kind that adjusted according to light, meaning that even in the case a bright light suddenly went off, his eyes would be fine.

So even now, in the darkness of this large blanket, he could see just fine. Pulling the bag open once more slowly, he reached into the bag and retrieved the ring, sliding it onto his finger he watched as it slowly shrunk to the size of his small fingers, cracked and weathered due to the cold.

Then it began to slowly vanish, relief flooding through him when it did.

Few rings could, but those that could vanish meant he didn't need to worry about people trying to steal it.

His other hand moved, rubbing along his fingers as he felt for the ring, it has a comforting warmth to it as he focused the little energy he could move into it.

The ring was... two cubic feet, and there were already a few things inside it.

A few more sets of clothing, similar to the pair he had, a few canteens, and in the corner of the small box... A few crystals made Jin's heart soar!

Taking the crystals into his hand he pulled them from the ring, the weight, and power the crystals held felt... Wonderful.

Crystals were things that helped Gears cultivate... Few Gears who awakened would also awaken their gear at the same time.

It took energy to awaken most Gears, the energy that could be found all around them, and with cultivation could be taken in... But these crystals were hardened, condensed versions of this energy.

Three white crystals, and a very soft blue crystal.

Jin could sell these crystals, get a sizable amount of money, use it to find himself a normal job, and just drop out of the Gears Academy he was now enrolled in... But thinking back to the words of that large man, with eyes like embers of a fire, his hand clenched around the crystals...

He wanted to fight, he wanted to be strong.



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