Advent Of The Chaos King

Chapter 1: Ch 1 Where and Who?

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Ring Ring Ring

Huh? groaned a boy.

Ring Ring Ring

"God What?" asked the boy, waking up to the sound of an alarm clock.

The boy smacked the top of the clock to make the ringing stop. He then stood up from his messy bed and began to rub his eyes sleepily. He then realized he was in an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar house, in an unfamiliar town.

"What the?" asked the boy looking around the strange room trying to recognize something. He saw a bookshelf in one corner of the room filled to the brim with different genres of books. In another he saw a laptop sitting on a small sturdy desk with a pile of papers next to it. The room appeared to be small but comfortable with light coming in through the window beautifully illuminating it.

The boy was trying to think back at the last thing he could remember but only drew a blank. That's when the boy realized how much of a dilemma he was actually in.

"Wait a second, who am I?" the boy thought to himself frighteningly.

Just as he was getting ready to panic a voice called out to him from downstairs.

"Sora get up or you'll be late to school," said a female voice.

At the name Sora visions began to flood through the boy's head. Visions of a car accident, of a funeral, of a boy crying into his older sister's shoulder while she comforted him. The boy fell to his knees panting his head throbbing from the visions which continued to flood his mind like a river. Then memories of a flight to a country called japan came to his head, to moving into this small 2 story house, and to getting accepted to a newly coed academy as a second year.

When the memories finally ceased the boy stood up from the ground, sweat running down his face, and his breathing heavy. He made his way to the bathroom to wash his face off. He then examined himself in the mirror, he was Asian European mix, he appeared to be 180 cm tall with short black hair and blue eyes. He appeared to be 17 years of age and his facial features were rather plain by his own judgment.

"Sora did you hear me?" asked the female voice again, this time louder and more impatient. 

"Yes Maia, I heard you. I'm just freshening up. I'll be down in a minute." He replied with an annoyed tone.

After finishing cleaning himself up he made his way back to his room. He sat down on his bed to organize his thoughts. With the memories passed he at least knew who this boy was and where he was. His name appeared to be Sora Azuma, a transfer student from Europe starting over with his older sister in a country called Japan. They're parents appeared to have died in some sort of accident a few months prior.

As he was thinking all this over he glanced at the bookshelf and glimpsed some of the books. After he got up and approached the shelf and picked up one of the books written in a strange language the weirdest thing happened. The letters seem to shift and change where they were translated so Sora could read them. He looked over the other books and the same thing happened along with any information associated with the book immediately came to his head.

"So this boy was a bookworm huh?" He thought to himself happy at this revelation which would make his life easier.

He ultimately decided to take things one step at a time as panicking wouldn't help anything. He then began to get dressed into his new school uniform which consisted of a black blazer with a white long sleeve dress shirt with matching black pants and brown shoes. After dressing himself he made his way downstairs to find a table filled with food.

He sat at the dining table and began to pour himself a glass of orange juice when his sister walked in. She was 175 cm tall with a slim but rather curvaceous figure. She had long black straight hair and blue eyes and was the same mixed race as him. She appeared to be in her early twenties with a very mature aura about her.

"Hurry up and eat Sora, you can't be late on your first day." She said sternly.

"Yes onee-chan." He responded nonchalantly in a way he remembered the real Sora always talked to her.

After Sora finished eating, Maia spoke again.

"Remember I'm gonna be late coming home tonight so you'll have to make your own dinner tonight OK?"

"Yes onee-chan."

"Good boy now grab your bag, it's time for you to get going and don't forget your lunch." She said affectionately.

"Yeah I got it onee-chan geez." The boy responded annoyed as he grabbed his bag and headed towards the door.

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"Oh and one more thing Sora." she said Sora pausing at the door looking back at her. "Have a nice day and I love you." giving him a very loving smile that seemed to stir some emotions in him.

"Yeah, yeah" he responded as he turned around waving his hand back at her as he left.

"Fufufu" Maia just laughed to herself at her younger brother's tsundere behavior.

Sora was walking down the street passing houses on both sides. He was using the real Sora's memory to get to school. As he walked he pondered about this morning and the feelings he felt towards the sister. To him she was a complete stranger but because of Sora's feelings and memories he reacted with genuine affection. It left him confused and somewhat concerned but he just accepted the fact that there wasn't much he could do about it until he knew more about his situation. 

As he continued to walk he noticed other students going to school wearing the Kuoh uniform.

The girls had very short skirts that with one gust of wind and their panties would be visible for all to see. He personally thought these outfits were rather shameless for high school girls but who was he to argue with the local customs.

After walking for a few more minutes he finally arrived at the school gates. There was a group of students standing there watching the students as they entered. At the head of them was a young girl in the standard uniform. She had black hair trimmed into a short bob cut, she appeared to be 166 cm tall with a slim figure, and wore a very strict expression on her face. 

Sora didn't really pay her any mind until he passed by her and a shock expression broke on her face.

She yelled out "Huh" to the boy who had just walked by her. Her reaction startled him a bit along with her club members as she stared at the boy with wide eyes. Sora just looked at her confused then turned and continued his way into school.

"Sona what's wrong?" Asked another young bespectacled girl clearly worried.

"It's nothing Tsubaki, I just thought I sensed something." She responded in a calm collected voice.

"Was it that boy just now?" Asked a young boy with short blond hair and gray eyes.

"Yes" responded Sona, pushing up her glasses. " Saji, please look into him for me."

"You've got it ma'am." He responded cheerfully.

After the students finished entering the school grounds Sona and her club mates turned to leave.

"What's got you so curious about that boy president?" Asked Tsubaki clearly curious.

"It's probably nothing but for a second there I swear I felt some strange power radiating from him." responded Sona "It's better to be safe than sorry this is my territory after all."

After he passed the strange girl at the gate Sora made his way up the stairs and to his classroom. He arrived at his homeroom class 2B and as he walked toward his seat he noticed a young boy with spiky brown hair and light brown eyes talking with a bespectacled and shaved head boy. They appeared to be talking about something lewd as he heard some girls whispering the word hentai. He then noticed all the girls looking at them like they were complete filth so he was guessing that they weren't popular. 

"Well whatever, I've got more things to worry about then some local perverts." He thought as he took his seat and set his bag down.

At that moment the teacher for the class walked in and started writing on the chalkboard.

"Good morning class ready to start the lesson?" She asked cheerfully. "Good then please turn to page." 

She began to drum off while Sora just stared out the window.

"What the fuck am I gonna do?" Is all he could think.


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