Adventures Log

Chapter 11: Adventure Log -3.6 (Poisoned??)

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Rimmel will wake up in cold sweat 

Rimmel suddenly sprung awake, sweat dripping down his face and slight tears starting to form in his eyes, he quickly surveyed his surroundings but all he saw was the calm stillness of the night, "So it was all just a dream..." Rimmel had been suffering the same nightmare every single night for as long as he could remember, 'I should go for a quick walk', Rimmel got out of his sleeping bag and proceeded to walk around camp, he took in all the sites that were available too him, the calm stillness of the night, the loud snoring of several people, even someone screaming could be heard....wait a minute, screaming? Rimmel quickly ran to where the screams were coming from, it was in one of the tents that were set up, 


Rimmel dashed into the tent to see who or what was screaming, Malabo was by the side of the screaming young half elf, "Malabo what's happened to him? why is he screaming like he's going to die soon!" Malabo was slightly surprised too see Rimmel but she promptly replied "Somethings aggravated the wounds he sustained earlier" Malabo pointed too bandages that were wrapped around Tref's injured waist, "can you see that there?" Rimmel focused on where Malabo was pointing "Wait, pus? Why is pus coming out of a wound like that?" Malabo shook her head, "I have no clue, I've asked Balgour about it but he had no clue, someone we're travelling with said it could be due to poison" "Poison?, what type of poison causes something that gross to come out?" Malabo once again shook her hand as if to indicate that she herself had no idea about what type of poison it was, "Your lucky Rimmel, if you weren't resistant to this type of stuff I'd be dealing with two screaming idiots" Tref was still screaming from the pain of the wound. 


"I'll be right back Mala" Malabo was taken slightly off guard by this, she thought Rimmel would want to stay by the boys side as to comfort him, "Where are you going Rim? if you want someone to make an antidote, why don't you send Balgour or another member of the caravan?" Rimmel was already long gone by the time she finished her sentence 'well he could of at least listened', Tref's screams of agony caused a few members of the caravan too stop by to see where all the screaming was coming from, when they saw the injured boy that had come along with them for the journey to the capital, all they could feel was pity and sympathy for the young man. "Stop staring at him and get out!" Mala was furious at the way these people had just barged in here, she shooed every single one of them out and went back too trying to treat Tref.


Rimmel dashed into the nearby Forest looking for any type of herb that could help ease the pain that Tref was going through 'Damn it all, this is all my fault, if only I hadn't took him into the forest' As Rimmel ran through the lush green thickets that stood before him, he stumbled upon something that was oddly familiar too him, it was a flower that he had used when he was younger too ease the pain of a minor poison that he had gotten while fighting a Karantualous, 


Rimmel stopped in his tracks and inspected the blue sparkly flower, 'this should help' Rimmel grabbed a small knife out of his pouch and slashed the root of the flower and quickly stored it in his pouch, 'lets hope this helps...' The Belessa flower was a flower that was quite common in forests inhabited by monsters, these flowers absorbed the nutrients left behind when a monster defecates, due to the poisonous nature of the monsters dung, this flower had become resistant to minor poisons.


Rimmel proceeded to dash through the greenery of the forest, for most people the dark night would cause them to trip over but due too the enhanced vision of the white cats this was not a problem for Rimmel. As he dashed through the forest he stumbled upon another weird looking plant, but this time Rimmel was not aware of what type of plant it was, it drew Rimmel him, ushering him to come closer, The white cat moved slowly towards the plant unaware of what he was actually doing, just as he was about to pick the pink enticing flower a sudden screech caused the cat too tense up.


Rimmel could hear a small squadron of goblins to his left, he swiftly hid behind the nearest tree and hoped the goblins would walk on by, "Kre kree!" The goblins randomly started shouting, this causes Rimmel too put up his guard 'oh please just move on, I'm not here I'm not here' Just as Rimmel thought he had been spotted the goblins the goblins dashed off in the opposite direction too him, with this he sighed in relief 'I doubt I could take on a single goblin in my current state' from all the dashing Rimmel could feel a few of the stiches on his torso coming undone, 'Its either this, or the kid keeps screaming'. 


Rimmel after checking that his surroundings were clear dashed in the opposite direction of the goblins, making sure to avoid the weird plant that had drawn him in earlier 'could that have been an Illamast..., ill have to ask Mala later', Rimmel ran for what felt like hours, every so often taking a short break so he could regain his stamina, by the time he had found another useful plant the sun was starting to rise 'please kid, you better pull through'. Rimmel looked down at the herb that he had just come across and swiftly cut off the root 'This had better do the trick' Rimmel once again stuffed the root into his pouch. 

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Rimmel who was now satisfied with what he had gathered tried to get a grasp for where he was, he looked to his left and then his right multiple times, 'Welp i'm lost' Rimmel had absolutely no clue about where he was, 'I'll just run the way I came and hopefully that'll bring me back to camp'


Rimmel once again started running but this time he was running in the general direction he had come from, he hadn't been running senselessly while he was in the forest, he had left small marks on trees that he had passed and he luckily stumbled upon one 'I knew it was worth marking my way' He followed the marks on the trees until he stumbled upon an open patch with a dead changeling in the middle of it. Rimmel looked around confused only too see more small marks that led away from the area 'Well shit...' Rimmel had been following the tracks left behind by what appeared too be the goblins earlier.


Rimmel walked up too the changeling and inspected the condition of its corpse, 'this seems like it was killed recently, the blood is still fresh' the blood that was all over the open plain had not dried up yet, Rimmel sighed and debated what to do.


After thinking about what to do for a few moments, he decided too keep following the tracks, he hoped they would lead him out of the forest, but just in case he encountered any goblins he decided too stick close to the shadows of the trees, 'If I need too I could climb up a tree, even if it would be a pain' Rimmel followed the tracks but he was more cautious then he was earlier, always listening out for anything that could be a threat.


Rimmel made an abrupt stop, "Kre kree" he could hear multiple goblins in the distance, they were dancing for some odd reason, at this point it was almost day break and during the day goblins weren't highly active so this confused Rimmel deeply, Rimmel noticed that the goblins weapons were too the side of them, he took this opportunity to lunge forward and cut down two goblins in one go, he used his one handed dagger too make quick work of them, he was too heavily injured too use his normal sword techniques. 


The goblins were taken by complete surprised and they started panicking "KREE KREEE KREEEE" the three remaining goblins shouted at attempted to grab there weapons but they were all swiftly cut down by Rimmel, he was breathing heavily after this quick encounter, he still had not completely healed from his earlier encounter with the hoard of changelings. 'Fuck I want to rest, I might need to rest but that kid is injured because of me, I have too get him these plants', Rimmel put away his dagger and noticed that the markings on the trees carried on, but this time they were deeper and seemed to resemble Rimmel's markings he had made finally, 'Finally!'



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