Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 68: Chapter Fifty-Nine In the Valley of a Dragon

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The girl nodded as her face lit up at the question. “Yep! In fact, some new faces arrived this morning. They came floating down the river on a crude raft.”

“Oh? Now that sounds interesting. Uliera has led a few people here over the weeks. But this is the first I have heard of people coming to the valley on their own.”

She nodded, “Yeah they have stories to tell as well. Seems things are more interesting beyond the borders of our pleasant little valley. Not everyone was as lucky as we were.”

Seru giggled, “I’m not sure being found and helped by a dragon could be considered lucky. Then again, most people would never believe it happened.”

She smiled, “With their reputation as ship-eating monsters?”

Seru nodded, “That, and the fact that no attempt to communicate with them has ever worked.”

“There is that alright. I wouldn’t have believed it myself, if she hadn’t spoken to us.” the girl shuddered, “Can’t say it was an experience I would care to repeat.”

Seru shuddered sympathetically. She tried to ignore how that movement excited the boys who were nearby watching them. Being maneuvered like a puppet was not an experience she had enjoyed. It did drive home how hopelessly they were outmatched by a single dragon. Seru already knew she was going to have to get used to living under a dragon.

They both were, and it was an idea they were still getting used to. Seru could honestly say she had never imagined this would even be remotely possible. Afterall, Dragons weren’t known for communicating with other species. They were apex predators, ship eating monsters. Creatures that even the elder races respected and feared. Sharing a world with one was proving to be an educational experience. They were far more interesting than she had thought. At least one of them was. Uliera was a majestic and deadly creature, but she could also be remarkably gentle. Not to mention caring.

Seru changed the line of conversation, “I’d like to meet these newcomers.”

The girl nodded, and gestured in another direction. Seru glanced at the boys who had been watching them, and hoped they wouldn’t follow. She wasn’t used to people staring at her naked body that way. Even if she knew that she would have to get used to it. She was already getting used to spending her days in the nude. Hell with each passing day it got easier, more natural to her.

They found the newcomers out by the river. Uliera hadn’t bothered to build any docks for them, and the town was only on the one side of the river. It was a nice wide river with a calm flow. The fish were plentiful, and Seru knew that a few colonists had already been very successful harvesting the river’s bounty.

Their crude raft had been lashed to the shore with some rope, and a couple of stakes driven into the soft river soil. Seru didn’t think much of the work done. She figured it only worked because the river was calm, and the raft wasn’t much of a boat in the first place. The crude raft was made from a couple of logs that someone had cut down and cleaned of branches. Then someone had bolted a titanium plate on top of them both to create a floor and serve as structural support. For propulsion they had a couple of oars that someone had carved out. They had done a passable job making them, and they were lashed to the side of the craft. Seru did note a supply crate that someone had bolted to the floor. Likely for storage and a place to stow their tools so they could take those with them.

She could tell that the raft would do alright on the fairly calm waters of this river, but it wasn’t going to cut it on more dangerous waters. Nor did she think it would hold up well if a storm were to strike. Hell, it offered no protection from the elements for its crew. Seru wondered how far the newcomers had managed to get with that raft. Her mind was already considering the conditions. The weather had been rather peaceful in the valley. Over the last few weeks she had seen a few gentle showers but nothing worse in terms of weather. At the moment it was generally cloudy, but no rain clouds were in sight. The river was calm throughout the valley, but she didn’t know about beyond the valley. As the river cut right through the valley as it came down from higher elevations. She imagined it would stay rather calm for much of its length. So perhaps that raft was enough for exploring the river.

The pair approached the newcomers who were by their crude watercraft, and talking with someone Seru recognized. It was one of her ship’s engineers. A younger man, a junior officer as she recalled. Not that it mattered much anymore. Events had led them to becoming colonists. There was not much point in maintaining a military command structure. Not rigidly anyway. Especially not after the dragon showed up, and the events that followed.

The newcomers noted her approaching and turned to face her. The leader, a young woman with her breasts on full display, smiled, “Hello. More folks coming to welcome us to town?”

Seru noted that she wasn’t reacting to her nudity, simply treating her normally. She wasn’t surprised. Uliera had not undone the brainwashing of every Neku on the planet. Not yet, anyway. The Dragon had been breaking it with every Neku she met though.

She smiled, “sort of, I was just told there were newcomers in town and had to see for myself. Enjoying life on the river?”

She chuckled, “Well we were mostly exploring. The river is nice. Although you seem to have made some progress here.”

Seru sighed, and gestured to the mountain where the den was. “We had help. If you know where any other survivors are I suggest you tell them about this place. They will be welcome here, and we have the room.”

The woman nodded, “I was hoping that would be the case. Your town could use a proper dock though.”

Seru looked over the riverbank, “Yeah we could. Just like you could use a proper ship. I’m sure we can help each other on that.”

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“I would like something better than the raft. It was the best we could do at the time with the materials we had on hand. If you are offering a better boat I will gladly take it. Just don’t know where we would put it, given the lack of a pier.”

Seru giggled, “Still going on about that?”

“Well what river town doesn’t have a pier?”

The ensign next to her answered before she could, “One which is barely a few weeks old.”

“I guess you have me there.”

Seru smiled, “Anyway, care for a tour? We can show you around. I spend most of my days out in the mountains, but I do spend enough time in town to know where things are.”

“Sounds fun! Especially since your town looks like a good place for a home port. Once you fix your lack of a pier that is.”

The group soon found themselves touring the town. Seru enjoyed showing the newcomers around. There was plenty to show them. The dragon had gifted them with homes, and shops. The first place she decided to show the newcomers was the town plaza. A nice area featuring paved stones, a few shops, and a lovely fountain.

The woman she had been talking with noted the fountain, “So you had time to decorate, but haven’t bothered with a pier yet?”

She giggled, “Well actually that was a gift.”

The newcomers all frowned, the woman said, “Gift? From whom?”

Seru gestured towards the mountain again, “From the same person who helped us build the town.”

“Ah, I see, and they didn’t help you build a pier.”

Seru shook her head, “She helped us, but she doesn’t want us to get used to relying on her. She wants us to be somewhat self-sufficient.”

“That makes sense.”

The ensign interjected, “Anyway, let's check out the shops.

The group headed into the nearest shop moments later. They hadn’t had much time to get settled, but a few colonists had already started doing business.

Entering the shop, she was greeted with the sight of two younger girls, both topless. What really caught her attention about them was the fact that they were actively kissing right there behind the counter.  Seru looked away. It was a lovely sight, but she did not want to see it. Mainly since she would not be able to really hide how she felt about it. Not with the dress code her new job forced upon her.

She distracted herself with the shelves. The girls here had taken to carving. Likely a hobby that they were making a business out of. They had carved a number of gorgeous trinkets and put them on display. They were not the only group in the shop. There were a couple of boys actively watching the two behind the counter. Not even disguising their interest. There were also a few girls actively watching things as well.

She ignored them, and focused on the trinkets. A few of them looked rather nice, and it reminded her that her room felt rather... impersonal. Maybe she should try and buy one. Although being naked meant she couldn’t carry any currency, that would not stop her from buying. Especially since their colony did not yet have an active currency system. They had been forced to go with a barter system. One of them caught her eye. It was a very gorgeous wooden carving. One that displayed a pair of very naked women that seemed to be dancing together. Most of the ones on the shelf featured women in various states of undress. Usually with at least one boob on full display. Part of the shop’s theme she guessed, but she had to admit they were well done.

It did occur to her that old her would not have considered it, but after everything that has happened to her. Well let's just say an immodest figurine wasn’t going to really phase her. Besides the girls in the figurine were just dancing, nothing really lewd about it. It seemed okay to her, and it would add some much-needed decoration to her room. She picked it up, already intending to negotiate for it. She had a few things she could trade for it.

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