Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 92: Chapter Eighty At the Spa Again…

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May followed the pair into the spa building. They had only stopped to have a quick bite to eat on the way here before Riku’s spa appointment. Probably something the Neku girl sorely needed after spending most of the day having her mind picked through and memories erased. Yiria led the way into the familiar reception area where an Iniri girl greeted them.

There was a quick exchange, and then she said, “Ah, Riku. Right this way, we are starting off with an oil rub, then we will be moving on to a tit and pussy massage.”

Yiria smiled, “Being more direct already, are we?”

“Yes, she proved most receptive last time. Well enough that we feel we can move more directly today.”

“I see. Might be a little too fast, don’t you think?”

“Maybe, but you have her well in hand don’t you?”

“I do, but I don’t want to move too fast. You know what I mean?”

The other girl shrugged, “I do, but it’s too late to rework the schedule. Just stay close and keep her in check.”

“I’ll do my best,” replied Yiria. May noted that she didn’t seem happy about this, though. Not that she was going to complain. If they were moving faster perhaps she could get more answers about what they were up to here. More definitive ones, in any case. It would make it easier to reverse later if they actually knew for sure what they were up to here.

The group headed deeper into the building, and were soon led to a small room. It had one of those massage beds in it, and a special shower as well. It wasn’t the same room as last time, but the set up was similar. She did note it had an extra table with an array of odd tools on it. The purpose of which was rather unclear, and May didn’t know for sure what they were to be used for.. She did have her theories, but that was just speculation.

Riku was directed to step into the shower, first. It was activated almost as soon as she stepped into the shower. Several moving arms sprayed her down with a light pink fluid. Perhaps the same kind of oil as last time. Automated brushing arms moved in, to rub it in. The automatic shower didn’t stop there this time. As the spray arms activated again, and sprayed her down with a second fluid. It was also pink, but of a different shade. Again automated brushing arms rubbed it into her skin and fur.

The shower took only a few minutes to complete its work, and then allowed Riku to step out. Where the two Iniri were standing by to rub her down with some kind of oil. They paid special attention to her boobs and pussy. Even using those wide area injectors on those sensitive areas several times. Each time elicited a sharp gasp from Riku, but otherwise, she didn’t even react or question what they were doing. If anything she was quite docile and compliant.

They spent several minutes working various oils into her skin and injecting various compounds under her skin. During which time, May noted Riku’s body became increasingly aroused. Her skin grew flushed, her nipples swelled and hardened, and her pussy puffed up. The lower lips begging to bloom and glisten. They even twitched occasionally.

Neither Yiria or the new Iniri spoke until one of them grabbed one of the odd tools off the table. It was a short rod that ended in a rounded tip with several prongs spreading in front of it. The design, and shaping of the prongs were quite unusual but rather suspicious. They were oddly split in a fashion that suggested they were meant to spread something open, while a second smaller set was meant to grip something. She had an inkling of what it was meant to be used on. Especially after it was adjusted. The words that were spoken a moment later only confirmed those suspicions.

“Okay Riku dear. I’m going to use this on your clit. You are going to feel quite a bit of discomfort when I do. Don’t worry, it's perfectly normal. Afterward, your clit is going to be extremely sensitive, and raw to the touch. That is normal too, and nothing for you to worry about. Understood?”

“...Yes, I understand,” responded Riku seeming rather dazed and out of touch.

With that, Yiria pressed the device against Riku’s pussy. The special prongs spread her labia, giving the second set of gripping prongs clear access to her swollen clit. They gripped it holding it straight. Riku grimaced slightly as the device was secured against her sensitive flesh. Then Yiria activated the little thing. The sphere glowed briefly before sending a stream of light into her clit. The instant that beam hit the little nerve bundle, Riku cried out, but otherwise didn’t react.

Yiria stroked her head, “It’s okay, I know it hurts. Just put up with it for a few minutes, and we will be done.” One of her other tentacles reached out, and picked up a second device. It was also a rod, but it had a different design for its gripping prongs. There were two of them on the table. May had the impression that they were meant to be used on the nipples.

“Now I’m going to use this on your nipples. It shouldn’t be as bad as your clit right now, but it won’t be comfortable. That’s okay though, and perfectly normal. Nothing for you to worry about. When the device is done, your nipples will be raw and overly sensitive for awhile, okay.”

Riku nodded, and held back her whimpers. Whatever these devices were meant to do, they were not gentle about it. Not gentle at all. Yiria attached the ones to her nipples one by one. Starting with her left nipple, then her right. Doing so quickly and efficiently. Riku didn’t resist at all. When they were activated each one sent a beam of light into one of her nipples and caused Riku to cry out again.

Yiria paused to keep her calm, and then while the devices did their work they continued to rub strange oils into her flesh. They were careful however the make sure the devices weren’t disturbed while they did their work. A process that ended up taking several minutes to complete. The devices all shut themselves down automatically when they were done, and the Iniri simply removed them when they were done.

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They placed them aside, and immediately began massaging her boobs, and pussy. No longer bothering with the oils. It was clear now the goal was only to stimulate her. So that was what they did. Bringing the Neku woman to the heights of pleasure again and again. Riku was putty in their tentacles, unable to resist both mentally and physically. They helped her up onto the table before her legs gave out.

Eventually, after countless orgasms, Yiria spoke to Riku, “Okay we are going to let you rest for a moment.”

Riku responded slowly, “...Okay,... that sounds... nice.”

Yiria stroked her head, “You’ll be glad to know you are doing great. After you have had a chance to rest, we are going to conduct a few tests. We need some data on your sensitivity and state of arousal. Perfectly normal after a special massage like this one.”

Riku just nodded. At this point, it seemed fairly obvious what kind of grip they had on the poor girl’s mind. Not to mention she had a very strong idea about what they were doing to her here. Especially since she had taken the chance to scan her while the oils, injections, and devices were doing their work.

Kiru rolled over, and stretched. Feeling the lovely feeling of soft sheets against her naked skin. It was wonderful. Opening her eyes, she was greeted with the familiar face of Larelu. She blinked. For a moment she was confused. Last thing she recalled was coming into the bedroom with Qelu after a bit of fun in the bathroom. She flushed as her memories of earlier came back in a rush. Even now she wasn’t entirely sure how it had happened, but she had somehow ended up in a foursome with Qelu, and her two mothers.

Her blush deepened as she remembered how... exuberant they had been. A seed of worry however blossomed in her heart, and she couldn’t help but run a self scan. Thankfully it took only moments, and when the result came back, she let out a breath of relief. That was one worry assuaged. Unfortunately, it left her with others. Mainly about how she felt about the whole matter.

She knew the Iniri didn’t think much of it. It seemed they were pretty free when it came to sex. They did bond and create intimate relationships, but from what she had seen they were not beholden by them. Apparently, they didn’t think much about incest either.

Looking around, she noticed she was the only one awake. A quick glance at the clock revealed it was getting late. It seemed they had whiled away far more time than she had planned.

Any idea why they don’t seem to find incest taboo?

A giggle was her first response to the message, but after a moment Megumi gave her a more serious answer. They don’t have one for much the same reason the Solean’s don’t. As a species both races enjoy remarkable adaptive DNA. They don’t suffer negative effects from generational incest. Even if they did, their rather free nature ensures they maintain a high degree of genetic diversity. In fact, that is part of why they like to mate with Neku. The Iniri are designed to incorporate the best traits from the races they mate with. In a fashion, that is similar to, but inferior to one that the Soleans possess.

What is this about the Soleans?

Well, it’s not too important, but the Soleans are shapeshifters. They learn new forms through physical contact with other life. Intimate contact is especially effective. In regards to the Iniri, they aren’t shapeshifters, and what traits they acquire from others comes from either the mating itself or being implanted in the womb of another.

I see. That reminds me. What is my child with Qelu going to be like? Especially given...

I’ll leave that for you to find out. Only thing I will say is that she won’t be an ordinary child.

Suddenly a tentacle wrapped around her and pulled her to the side. Where before she could even really process it, she was being kissed, deeply. It lasted for a moment or two before the other girl pulled away. It wasn’t Qelu, but surprisingly Meru.

Meru smiled, “I changed my mind. You might just be a good fit for my little Qelu afterall.”

Kiru blinked, “Um,... okay?”

Meru stretched, “Just don’t make me regret this decision. If you hurt my little Qelu, I’ll make sure you live to regret it. Understand?”

Great, she happened to find the one subject both Qelu’s mothers could agree on. Kiru nodded, not entirely sure what to make of this. Maybe this was a good thing? Although she couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t.

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