Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chương 127: Chapter One Hundred Eight An Enjoyable Escape Plan

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The pair slipped into the bedroom. A-98 smiled as she led her friend and occasional lover E-5 to her bed. The two of them had been roommates once but now they had their own private rooms. A-98 was quite happy that their rooms were close, it made getting together easy and not having to share a room was nice. It gave them some semblance of privacy.

Carefully she pushed the other girl down. As no words were exchanged, and then she mounted her friend. E-5 was about ready to pop, so was extra gentle. In moments their pussies were resting against each other. A-98 was on top like they often did when their cycles aligned like this. She smiled and leaned forward. Gently pressing her belly against E-5’s warm belly. Her mind recalled their earlier conversation. E-5 had told her about how her sister had been found. Now she needed help getting there. “So how do you plan to get out of here without us getting caught?”

E-5 giggled, “Well you know they don’t watch us like the other subjects. We are good girls. When was the last time we did something bad?”

A-98 started rubbing. It felt good as her pussy moved up and down against E-5’s. She thought on it, “Yeah, we haven’t really gotten into any trouble in a long time.” She frowned as she thought about Xeni. “Too bad Xeni is opposed.”

E-5 sighed, “Yeah I kind of feel bad about lying to her. Kinda wish I didn’t need to, but its my sister!”

Rubbing one of her own nipples as she moved, A-98 moaned for a moment before saying, “So what is the plan?”

E-5 smiled, “Well Eriku and I discussed it on the way here. Right now we won’t do anything. Plan kicks in after I give birth.”

A-98 nodded as she rolled her nipple and maintained their slow rubbing pace. Already both of them were getting nice and wet. “Yeah that makes sense, but you know how we get after giving birth.”

She nodded. Moaned as their clits brushed against each other briefly and then said, “Yeah I know. That’s why I need you. Besides ,we often help each other after a birth so they won’t think much of it. We just act normal, but instead of guiding me to my room to rest, you help me get to the docks.”

A-98 glanced at the ceiling. Stopping her movements for a moment. “I think I see a problem with your plan.”

“Getting a ship? I know but,” E-5 paused, leaned forward and whispered into her ear.”

She blinked and then adjusted her movements. After a couple moments, “Yeah that does sound like it might work. You two are crazy though.”

E-5 smiled wryly, “Don’t like our plan?”

“What!? No! I love it. I’m coming with you!”

E-5 tried to frown but her moan broke the effect. “You can’t!”

A-98 picked up speed, “Yes I can! Besides, we both know I’ll be in trouble after this. Might as well have a little fun before they punish us.”

There was nothing E-5 could say to that, so she fell silent. Only to moan again as their clits rubbed against each other again. Feeling like they had talked enough for now. She picked up the pace again. Her hands rapidly kneaded her own breasts as she rubbed against E-5’s pussy. Heat built in her belly and then she arched her back as sticky fluids gushed from her lower lips and soaked her friend’s pussy. A moment later E-5 did the same thing as they continued to play.

Just a moment before there was a sudden knock on the door no less. Moaning, she called out, “It’s open!” She would have preferred saying something else, but she wasn’t allowed. They didn’t get locks either, so she often wondered why the Iniri even bothered with the courtesy of knocking. Not that she would ever ask. She was quite happy to have a door and some semblance of privacy. Why would she try to endanger that?

Almost instantly after she declared the door open it swung open and Mistress Xeni walked in already speaking, “Hey A-98 have you...”

She trailed off for a moment when she spotted them before saying, “Nevermind.”

A-98 let out a moan as their clits rubbed against each other again, and frowned. “Were you looking for E-5? If it’s her birthing, I thought that wasn’t scheduled for another couple of hours.”

Xeni shook her hand, “It’s not that. I was just wanting to check in on her. Did she tell you about her sister?”

E-5 let out a loud moan at that moment and then rolled her eyes. A-98 didn’t think Xeni noticed. A-98 nodded, “Yeah, she did.” pausing for a moment and then she lied, “I’m trying to help her take her mind off it. She wasn’t happy.”

Xeni smiled, “I see. She was rather upset earlier. I’ll leave you two be for a while. See you two later!”

With that Xeni left. Closing the door behind her and leaving them to their fun. E-5 smiled, “That went well.”

A-98 slowed, “I... I can’t believe I lied! I lied to Xeni!”

She sighed, “I know. So did I.”

Xeni was so nice and sweet. Even now she would take them out and let them simply enjoy themselves. Just a few days ago the three of them had gone into the local town on the base. Enjoyed some lovely sweets, a long walk around the various sights and concluded the outing with a lovely party. It had been a wonderful celebration and it had become something of a ritual to celebrate each successful birthing. She also took them out on their birthdays. They always had fun with Xeni. So perhaps in that light, it wasn’t surprising that she felt a little bad for lying to her.

Suddenly she felt a finger press against her clit. Lightning surged through her and her vision turned white. As her senses returned she found E-5 looking at her with a mischievous grin. “Feel better?”

She resumed rubbing, “So assuming your plan to get a ship works, do you think we will get there fast enough?”

E-5 nodded, “I do!” then she shifted, “Oh! Yes, before we leave we are going to need my sister’s memory crystal and K-20. They are both on my nightstand.”

A-98 blinked, “I’ll get them. I can hide them in my pussy.”

“Thanks! I thought of that too, but...”

“You are giving birth soon. It would get in the way. I know.”

“Thanks again.”

Sticky and covered with each other’s juices the pair stepped into the birthing room. It was a comfy little room built just for breeders like them to give birth in. It had nice warm walls, a clean tiled floor and most importantly a specially designed birthing chair. E-5 gave A-98 a smile, who said, “I’ll wait here.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it!”

Over by the chair, an Iniri nurse smiled, “So E-5, ready to give birth?”

She nodded, “I’m ready!”

The nurse smiled, “Great, if you would settle in the chair we can get started.”

Happily she did just that. Settling into the chair and spreading her legs into a proper birthing position. Something the chair was made specifically for so she found it very comfy. The nurse pressed an injector against her sex a moment later and she gasped as she felt the instant onset of labor. Something she was rather used to. The Iniri liked to control and schedule their births so she was on a regimen meant to suppress the natural birthing cycle. More specifically she was on special drugs that prevented her from entering labor on her own. Something they considered a risk considering that she was on a regimen that accelerated the growth of her children. They didn’t want her going into labor too early on them.

As her belly and pussy suddenly became burningly hot Eriku muttered to her, “I always hate this part.”

E-5 giggled and replied, “Yeah I don’t like this part either.”

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Thankfully the pain lasted only a moment and then she gasped as the first contraction came. With it the pain was gone. Eriku commented, “Much better, can’t wait to see their little faces.”

“I can’t either!”

She sighed, “Too bad we can’t keep them.”

E-5 sent a surge of emotions to her counterpart, “Only you would say that!”

For a moment or two they just chatted with each other. While the nurse monitored her dilation. It wasn’t long before her pussy was fully open and ready for her children to pass through. The contractions that came with the process were a bit distracting. They weren’t painful, just distracting. That had not been the case with her first birthing, but the Iniri had fixed things for her after that. Since then it had always been a pleasant experience. 

The nurse looked her over with a smiling face, “Okay sweetie, you are there. Push!”

She complied. E-5 didn’t much need the prompting and largely ignored the nurse. Paying far more attention to her contractions and bearing down when she knew the time was right.

Before she knew it the first one was out. A healthy wail signaling her arrival into the world. As the nurse picked her up and wiped the little one clean. With a simple flick of a laser scalpel, the umbilical was severed. With a smile the nurse placed the first little one in E-5’s arms. She smiled and guided her to a nipple. 

E-5 felt it latch on and nurse. Knowing full well this would likely be the only time she would get to see this little one. A little one who didn’t even have a name yet. E-5 could technically give her one now, but she wasn’t going to. She never did. It wasn’t her right to name the little girl anyway. That right was reserved for her caretaker.

The moment was interrupted suddenly by the next contraction. Her second baby of this litter wanted to come out now. Happily, she stroked her little one’s back as she bore down for the next one. 

It wasn’t long before another cry greeted the world. One just as healthy as the first of the litter. The nurse caught the little one as she came free of E-5’s pussy and cleaned her up. With the same skillful flick of a laser scalpel she severed the cord.

E-5 happily took the second girl into her arms. As the nurse took the first one away from her. Inwardly she felt Eriku pout. It was time to say goodbye. She would not see that little one again. She brought the new one to a nipple as the nurse briefly left the room with her other baby. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a second Iniri take the little one. E-5 knew where the little one was going next. Her first little health exam and a bit of programming before heading off to the nursery. Idly she recalled the time she and A-98 had snuck in there to see the babies. The caretakers hadn’t been that happy, but even now it was a fun memory.

The nursery was huge with thousands of beds. At any given time there were hundreds of little newborns in there waiting for a caretaker. Little girls could spend up to a year in the nursery waiting their turn to be given to a caretaker. Until they were given to a caretaker they wouldn’t even get a name. During their stay they would be cared for by the facility caretakers who she felt didn’t really care at all for those kids. Regardless they did make sure they were fed, watered, played with, and cleaned. Of course in their defense, they weren’t supposed to actually care about those kids. Only give them what they need until they are given to a caretaker and that was exactly what they got. No Iniri was going to neglect a baby given into their care and she had seen that personally herself. They made sure those kids were checked on every hour and fed roughly every two hours at the minimum. As for play, they had play sessions three times a day for about thirty minutes. Cleaning and bathroom were taken care of as needed. It was really good care and it made her feel good about her kids' futures. They would grow up nice and healthy.

Her mind soon drifted from that as the contractions told her the third baby in her belly was on its way. This one seemed quite eager to greet the world as well but at this point she was well into the rhythm. Mere moments later, a strong health cry signaled the arrival of another newborn into the world. The nurse followed the same ritual as before and this time it was her second child of the day being sent off. Eriku as usual pouted as she went.

That pout reminded her a bit about why the two of them had done that. It was because of Eriku. They had done it mainly for her sake and frankly the only reason they had not done it again. Was not due to the caretakers being displeased with them sneaking into the nursery. It was because Xeni asked them not to. Although Xeni did later tell them that the incident was one she privately enjoyed. Even asked them to tell her the next time they wanted to play with the newborns which they did. It led to another lovely memory when they got to see their own little newborns after they had been taken away. It was something that Eriku especially cherished and E-5 enjoyed it because it was really nice when Eriku was happy as well.

She barely even noticed when the fourth kid arrived and her third child of the day was taken. As she was fairly lost in her own memories. Eriku’s new round of pouting reminded her that they were taking another kid from her. She didn’t much care, but E-5 knew that was largely due to her being programmed that way. E-5 was very glad that her babies wouldn’t have to go through what she did. They were going to grow up programmed.

Finally the last contraction came and a strong cry signaled the fifth and final child of the litter greeting the world. Just as healthy as her older sisters. Well just as lively anyway. The nurse cleaned her up, cut the cord and placed her in arms like she did with the others and proceeded to take number four away. Someone was waiting at the door to take her off for her exam and E-5 just relaxed after getting her last one to start nursing. This was the only meal they would get from her. Most of the time she would just be milked and her milk would be used later by the caretakers for the infants in the nursery. Not necessarily for her own either. They only gave a simple label of ‘Neku Milk’ on all the bottles. 

After a moment the nurse came back over to her. Before cleaning her up. It was part of her usual post-birth care so she was quite familiar with it. First her vagina was thoroughly cleaned inside and out. Next she was given a few injections to help her recovery. Before finally her last baby was taken from her. This time the nurse left with her baby. She would not be coming back.

E-5 simply lay there for a moment while Eriku commented, “Think we could sneak into the nursery for a moment? Make sure they are properly settled before we leave?”

E-5 mentally shook her head, “Can’t risk that.”

Eriku sighed, “I had a feeling.”

A moment later, A-98 slipped into view. Gratefully she took the other girl’s hand. Allowing her to help her up. With A-98’s support the two girls slipped out of the room and into the hall. Leaning against her, she whispered, “Do you have the crystals?”

Smiling, she nodded, “Yep! Both of them, nice and secure in my pussy.”

“Great! That will save us time.”

“Yeah while you were busy giving birth, I snuck back to your room and grabbed them. Also, I put together a bag of supplies I thought we might need. Hid it in the hall on the way back.”

She smiled, “Sounds good.”

After that they proceeded mostly silent as they walked together. Having been here for years they were able to avoid all the high-traffic areas and avoid being spotted. It wasn’t that long before they reached the docks even with the slow speed her condition required.

The drone slipped into the dock. It had arrived moments ago after a hop through hyperspace. It had been sent here via a Hyperwarp catapult. This location was one of several secret Iniri facilities that had recently been located after a study of captured files. The drone was here to recon the facility and if possible locate certain individuals of interest. This facility was expected to have one of high interest.

The drone moved past the active shuttles and off into a quieter part of the dock as it started scanning. It wasn’t long before it came across two young Neku girls who were chatting as they watched. One of them matched a profile and it started scanning as it watched.

“Okay that looks like the ship you wanted, think it will be fast enough?”

“It’s a courier shuttle, they have very powerful drives. It should get us there in a couple of hours.”

The first girl nodded, “That does sound fast. Okay now we just need to get the pilot to leave and sneak on board. No problem there.”

The second girl giggled, “When you put it that way it sounds like a problem. Come on, let’s do it like we planned. You create a distraction and then I will crawl out to the shuttle.”

The drone, having noted what they were planning, reported to Megumi while deciding to aid their escape. It didn’t know where they were going, but one of them was clearly Eriku, who was someone important. It focused a beam at a fuel container, low power. Too low for the limited and poorly placed scanners to detect. A moment later there was a small explosion on the other side of the bay. In moments people were rushing to put out fires and help any injured. There were none. It had selected one that was isolated and away from people to avoid collateral.

As a distraction it worked. The pilot even left the courier shuttle the girls wanted. One of them commented, “Or I guess we get lucky and just board the shuttle?”

Eriku spoked, “I guess we do. Help me to the shuttle?”

The other girl helped Eriku up and together they worked their way to the shuttle. Having received a response, the drone soon boarded the vehicle as well. A replacement was already en route and would be here in about a minute.

It took the girls a few minutes to get settled. Eriku was helped into a chair in the cockpit and her friend started fussing with her to make sure she was comfy. “Stop! A-98 focus, we don’t have time for this. Get the ship moving.”

A-98 sighed, “Okay, I’ll see what I can do, but are you sure you are good?”

“I’m fine but we need to get going before someone comes back.”

A-98 moved to the console and started working. The drone observed and soon noted what she was doing. Trying to program the autopilot. It subtly started correcting her mistakes, as she plotted a course out of the bay and into hyperspace. Moments later the ship left unnoticed. As it did, a new drone slipped into the bay to recon the place.

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