Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chương 132: Chapter One Twelve Qiri’s Wings and a Sister’s Reunion

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Qiri turned the corner. She was heading down to Rinara’s lab. Rei had another modification procedure scheduled today and had asked her to attend. Qiri honestly felt sorry for her. Not that there was much she could do about it and Rei seemed okay with being a lab rat. It was a good thing she’d been taken from her mother too. No mother would approve that and honestly having grown up without one she was happy too. Of course she was programmed to feel that way. Not that Qiri had a problem with that. She existed to serve the Mistresses and Opuri was an excellent Mistress. She was having a great deal of fun with Opuri. Even if she wasn’t exercising her rights with her. Opuri did claim her and yet she wasn’t even touched in that manner.

Her thoughts drifted to Rei. The whole reason she felt sorry for her wasn’t the lab rat thing. It was Rinara’s right to experiment on her and change her body as she saw fit. Rather the main reason she felt sorry for her was the whole tail-cutting thing. That and the sensitivity tests. Most girls were tested by pleasure response, but Rei? She got a pain response test instead. Idly she recalled watching Rei be tortured and asked to identify which part was stimulated and how badly. Bigger numbers meant more pain and if the number had been too small, Rinara would increase the jolt.

Reaching the door leading to the lab, she opened it and headed inside. Rinara was nowhere to be seen, but Rei was nearby. She watched the girl stand up and start walking over. She was moving much better than the last time she had seen her. Her silky black fur was looking quite healthy and her bright green eyes seemed happy to see her.

Qiri took a moment to look her over. She was still tiny with four large perky breasts on her chest and a healthy sheen to her skin. The biggest changes were her ears and tail. When she last saw Rei her ears had been freshly clipped and her tail gone. Now both of them were back and she was walking much better than she had been.

Qiri smiled, “Hey Rei! How are you?”

The girl shifted, “Fine. I’m glad you are here. Mistress is getting her tools ready for today.”

Qiri frowned, “Speaking of today. What is she doing?”

Rei gestured at her boobs, lifting one, “Well Mistress is pleased with my new boobs and wants to give me another pair. Not that there is any space left on my chest, she was thinking about putting the new ones on my belly. See how that looks.”

Qiri thought back, “Ah, right. Mistress Rinara did say that she thought we Neku had too few boobs. Something about four being better and six perfect.”

Rei nodded, “Yep, most of her experiments are towards creating an ideal Neku. When she got me, she thought I was really cute, but I wasn’t perfect.” she paused gesturing towards her body, “now? I’m almost perfect.”

“I see, so she prefers tiny Neku girls with multiple large breasts?”

Rei smiled, “Um yeah sounds about right.” Her tail shifted, “and um she really likes our tails. Did she show you mine in a case?

Qiri nodded as she recalled seeing that. It was on display in the woman’s office. “I saw.”

Rei’s smile widened, “It looked lovely in that case didn’t it? Mistress says my tail always belonged in a display, not attached to me. I think she is quite proud of it.”

Qiri wasn’t too sure what to say. She didn’t exactly approve of perfectly good tails being cut off. Which reminded her that Rei here was likely facing further amputations. “Oh right! Rinara mentioned cutting your tail off again, is she...?

“Planning to cut my tail off again?” Rei finished, a smile still on her face, “Yep! I’m looking forward to it.”

“You are looking forward to it? Why?”

Rei opened her mouth but didn’t get a chance to explain. As Rinara entered the room, “Rei, sweetie? Ready for today’s procedure?”

Rei closed her mouth, nodded and ran on over to the chair. Qiri noted how much better she was moving with her tail back. She sighed and the poor girl was going to lose it soon, again.  Idly she recalled meeting her mother Meri. Once again she was feeling good about Rei being taken away. Meri had heard about it just before her memory of Rei was taken away and didn’t react that well. Just more proof that girls like Rei needed to be taken away from their mothers. Even if Rei was getting the short end of the stick with Rinara, at least she was better off away from her mother.

Qiri stepped on over for support and watched as Rei was prepped and Rinara pulled out a pair of injectors with prepared serum. Boob growth serum. It was the same stuff she had used the last time she had watched Rei being worked on. That meant she knew what to expect and what followed mostly conformed to her expectations until suddenly it didn’t.

Rinara started by running a hand over little Rei’s exposed belly, “So what do you think Sweetie? Do you think the final set will look better near the top of your belly close to the ones on your chest or down low closer to your little pussy?”

Rei blinked and after a moment replied, “it’s uh not really my choice, it’s yours Mistress.”

Rinara giggled, “It’s okay to voice an opinion Sweetie when asked.”

“Um, well... the top, I guess.”

Rinara’s giggles intensified, “I was thinking the same actually. Glad to see we are on the same page.”

In that moment, having picked a spot just a couple of centimeters below her lower set of boobs, Rinara pressed the first injector into her skin. Activating it and then smoothly mirroring the injection on the other side. Almost instantly Rei’s eyes watered.

Qiri stepped closer, wanting to give her support. When suddenly an alarm blared, followed by “Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!” Immediately followed by a weird whining sound. It vaguely sounded like a plasma discharge, but it was wrong. Not the right whine. Then there was only the alarm. As no one knew what to make of that. Then a female voice spoke, “All specimens report to bay 12. Repeat all specimens report to bay 12. Failure to comply is not advised.”

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Qiri didn’t have any time to think about that before the door opened. A woman appeared in the door, she looked over the room and then sighed, “You started without me? How rude!”

Rinara gave the woman a look, “Who are you?”

“Oh? Just your executioner. Mother has deemed you unsalvageable. Although perhaps your body might be of some use,” then she turned to Qiri, “As for you, Mother has your birth mother and would like you to meet her, but first we have some conditioning to remove.”

Qiri blinked. She didn’t feel any hostility from the woman, not towards her and felt like asking a question, “What are you talking about, who is this Mother you are talking about?”

“Megumi, primary AI of the Imperial Solean Battleship Constellation. I presume you have already heard about the ongoing invasion of Nekuri?”

Qiri nodded, “I have.”

“That’s Mother's work. Oh and your birth mother is helping her with it. She disabled the planetary shields for her.”

Qiri didn’t know what to think or say. She barely even noticed the tendrils wrapping around her head from behind. She tried to jump away only to feel a jolt and then she was... free. She felt the conditioning on her mind break and with it came confusion and freedom. She felt like she had wings for a moment. With all the recent mentions of her mother, her birth mother she found herself wondering who she was. She felt nothing for the woman, just curiosity. Something she never had before, was never allowed to have, but now she could.

Looking to the side, she noticed she had missed something. As Rinara was drooling on the floor, no light in her eyes. While the strange woman was kneeling over Rei, speaking, “Feeling better?”

Rei nodded, “Yes my new boobs aren’t burning anymore.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Sorry, I wasn’t here faster. Anyway, mother has prepared a treatment to reverse your changes.”

Rei shook her head, then frowned and finally said, “Um, just the new boobs right now. I’m uh, not sure I’m ready for that.”

“Of course sweetie. It’s your choice.” she paused and then regarded the two of them, “Now if you two would follow me. Megumi would like to meet the both of you. She has questions for the both of you.”

Qiri and Rei shared a look and a moment later followed the strange woman out of the room. Qiri didn’t have a reason not to. She really wasn’t sure what to make about the strange woman and she was honestly curious. She’d never met her birth mother. Qiri had been taken away from her the day she was born and she recalled her mother wasn’t even supposed to know she existed. Her training told her a different thing, but her instincts were telling her this woman was stronger than she looked. The way she effortlessly picked up Rinara’s limp body only reinforced that and she felt smarter for following minutes later when she saw a plasma round harmlessly absorbed by a personal shield. An instant after that, the shooter took a round to the face. Crumpling to the ground, alive, but unconscious.

E-5 followed A-98 down the ramp. The shuttle had set down in a port on the outskirts of the capital. Not quite where she had been planning to land but the area seemed safe. She noticed a number of drones, precursor drones. One of them had appeared at the door of the shuttle the instant they left, scanned them and then promptly ignored them. E-5 looked around the area and A-98 asked, “So, um where do we start?”

E-5 glanced at a nearby drone, “I guess we try asking? Maybe the drones know something?”

A-98 giggled, “Don’t think that will work, but I guess it’s worth a shot.”

E-5 approached one, “Um, would you, uh, drones know where my sister Kiru is?

The drone rotated, “One moment.”

After a moment it continued, “Your sister is at processing camp 47.” It pointed a tendril behind her, “Unit SD-44712 is free and can escort you to the camp. Would you like an escort?”

She glanced to A-98 who commented with wide eyes, “I can’t believe that worked.”

E-5 turned back to the drone while listening to Eriku’s excited feelings. They were so close to finally reuniting with her sister. While she had questions, they didn’t matter. Who cared that it was too easy, they were nearly there. E-5 nodded, “Show the way.”

The second drone flashed to draw their attention and then spoke, “This way.”

They followed. E-5 found the walk nice, but was more excited about the coming meeting. Her counterpart was looking forward to it as well. It had been years since they had last seen Kiru. Part of her was worried though. Last time they saw Kiru, her memories of them were erased. Kiru didn’t know they existed, anymore. She clutched the two crystals in her bag more tightly. They contained that gift she and Eriku had worked hard on for Kiru, but also her memories. The ones taken from her by the Mistresses. Her mind drifted back to Xeni, and her betrayal. The woman had promised and instead she had to come here on her own to retrieve Kiru. E-5 was going to give her a piece of her mind, next time she saw her. She pushed the anger aside.

Turning a corner, she came face to face with a familiar black furred Neku. One that looked a lot like her, only bigger. They shared many of the same features. They were built much the same but E-5 was only 133 cm tall where her sister stood at 147. Not that she cared. A smile graced her face, and she broke into a run. Eagerly closing the distance, she crashed into the other girl. Barely even noting her confused expression, “Big Sis!”

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