Adventures of Erika.

Chapter 2: Chapter – 1

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(POV Hero)

We have returned from defeating the demon lord we are about to enter the capital for the celebration however we have to pass through the slums as this is the closest entrance. I never like travelling through the slums the people there always ask for money or food it gets annoying. I want to help them, but I can’t I have my job as the hero to do so I don’t have time to go about helping these people if you can call them that. They don’t do anything to help themselves they sit around in these dismal conditions are they really human? The law doesn’t even recognise them as citizens or as people they have no rights or protection in law so why do I a law-abiding citizen and hero help them?

I shouldn’t have to worry about that today as I have the rest of my party with me and the city guard. As we approach many of the slum dwellers come out to the road to see what is happening just like usual. I look around at them they are all wearing the usual patched and torn clothes while being covered in mud and who knows what else. However, as I look around one of them stands out towering over the others.

Standing at least a foot taller than the rest long messy black and red hair, on her head she has a pair of wolf ears. It's rare to see beastkin around here. As she looks at me her bright red eyes gleam with childlike happiness. How old is she? She looks to be cleaner and better looked after than the rest. Who is she?


Bells? Is there a monster attack? One of the guards runs out from the capital shouting.


Immediately the slum dwellers all scatter and run away back into the slums as usual except one the wolfkin girl.

“I the hero and my party will face this threat we will protect the citizens of the capital.”(Hero)

I turn around on my horse to face the goblins but before I can do anything a flash of black and red passes by me. Following it I find the wolfkin girl from earlier mercilessly, violently and bloodily tearing the goblins limb from limb. It is a sight that I don’t want to see but I am the hero I can not be outdone. I charge forward on my horse but as I do I can't take my eyes off the young wolf girl who is tearing her enemies apart covered in blood with a large smile on her face. I heard that wolfkin like to fight but not to this extent. Is it because she lives in the slums? Wait is she better looked after because everyone else is scared of her?

(POV Erika)

Fighting, blood the adrenaline is all so exciting. I haven’t had a good fight like this since that gang tried to rob me. They made a big mistake that day I ripped them all apart watching the life slowly disappear from their eyes fills me with such pleasure as well as the looks of despair on their faces as I rip their friends apart.

These goblins might not be as fun as some more sentient life forms, but they will do for now. As I am relishing in the slaughter I look back at the hero and his party and they are weak very weak. All they can do individually is fight one goblin and that takes them at least a minute to a lowly goblin where I take about a second to rip them apart with my claws and teeth. However, I don’t check if I actually kill them so for all I know they are still alive slowly dying in pain which the thought of gives me even more pleasure.

Once I have dealt with the goblins in my immediate vicinity, I look around for anymore and it looks like they are still fighting the hero's party and the guards. I understand the guards being weak but the hero. Why did I look up to him when he first arrived? I thought he would have had some sort of strength. How did they even get close to the demon lord? Unless the demon lord is also this weak but he couldn’t be could he?


What was that? I look around trying to find the source of the sound. Eventually, I find that the hero has been stabbed by a hobgoblin. I can’t help but sigh in disappointment at this hero. He can barely fight a goblin and he nearly dies to a hobgoblin. I run over and slice the hobgoblin's throat. Was it really that hard? I kneel down next to the hero and put on my best innocent face and voice.

“How are you mister hero? You don’t look too well.”(Erika)

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“H-h-h-help m-m-me p-p-please.”(Hero)

I tilt my head slightly putting on a confused expression.

“Why would I do that mister hero?”(Erika)
“I-I am t-the hero y-you have t-to.”(Hero)

“Why I am not a citizen of this country I have no obligation to help you. Besides it's more fun to watch you slowly die in pain to see the life drain from your eyes slowly and painfully. It brings me so much pleasure.”(Erika)

The hero looks back at me with a mix of shock and fear. He begins trying to crawl away while trying to stop the bleeding. Before he can get too far I step on his hand with my boot and slowly apply pressure feeling his bones snap beneath my boot is too exciting and his screams of agony are music to my ears.


I laugh in the most childish and innocent way I can.

“♪~Where are you going Mr hero? We haven’t finished yet ~♪”(Erika)

I put down all my strength and with one final resounding crack, every bone in his hand has been broken.

“♪~ Let's have some fun shall we. Just us Mr hero. What do you think? ~♪”(Erika)

“No, no, no, no, no, nooooaRRRGHH.”(Hero)

I bring my boot down onto his back and push him to the ground with the cracking of bones.

“♪~That was a rhetorical question Mr hero I never cared about your opinion. Now we are going to play a game you have to run away if you make it to the city gates before I catch I will let you go otherwise I will kill you. I will give you a minute's head start. Three, two, one go. ~♪” (Erika)

I lift my boot from his back and watch him try to crawl away with one arm and a stab wound. He’s not getting very far, is he? It's been about thirty seconds now and he has moved about ten metres. Another thirty seconds later he hasn’t moved much further. I stroll over to him and stop him by once again putting my boot on his back.
“♪~Looks like I win Mr hero. Goodbye. ~♪”(Erika)

I increase the pressure on his back slowly as I savour the music that is his screaming and pain. Eventually, his body explodes like a human firework all over me and the surrounding area. That was fun now what to do with his party. I think I can have some fun with them I can't wait to hear how they scream.

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