Adventures of General J. Bottle

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Hope is Bright Green

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A girl no taller than a chair stool could be seen walking alone. She wore rags, muddy and ancient only contrasted by her fair light skin and somewhat long silver hair.


Her silver hair, once a cascade of radiant moonbeams, now hung limp and lifeless like a forgotten silver chain.


The light in her green eyes had gone out, like a candle in a room with no windows, leaving only a faint flicker of what once was.


Gesus Grist had been wandering the desolate wasteland that was once a world, searching for meaning and purpose in a world that had long since forgotten her. 


A superhuman, genetically enhanced to carry the mighty Infinity Sword, she had been forced to wield the weapon during the brutal wars that had ravaged the planet. The sword was quite mighty, perhaps even the mightiest of them all.


The blade extended out from the hilt like some chainsaw, so fast that it would ignite the air. Sparkling and glowing a memorizing array of fierce fire. What was more amazing was that Gesus had complete control of the sword, even though she herself didn’t know exactly why, but the blade responded to her will, which was helpful as an infinite blade was quite a troublesome weapon to wield. 


But she was no angel; rather she was more like a haunting figure in the battlefield, like a discarded doll, left alone to rot in the corner, her once-gentle features now twisted in a menacing scowl. Like a toy soldier, she stood at attention, ready for battle, but inside she was falling apart.


But now, the wars were over, and Gesus was alone, a lonely, soulless creature, lost in a world that no longer had a place for her.


Leaving a trail of blood resembling that of red thread weaving its way through her journey and depicting the countless battles and enemies she has slain along the way.


She wandered the ruins of cities and towns that resembled shattered glass, searching for a purpose, a reason to keep going. And then, one day, she stumbled upon an old, crumbling building. She could hear the sounds of someone moving inside, and she entered cautiously, her Infinity Sword at the ready.


Inside, she found an old, forgotten war hero, just like her. His once mighty body was now weak and fragile, and he was barely able to move. But he had a spark of life in his eyes, a glimmer of hope and determination.


Gesus was drawn to the old war hero, and she approached him carefully. Her eyes were fixed by this seemingless mystical sight.


As she observed she could pick out little details of the man.


The fragrance of gun powder could be smelt emanating from him. 


He wore a brown uniform with medals and ribbons which would sit silently on his uniform. She thought that if she were to taste his uniform it would taste bitter and stale, a sensation almost that of wood.On his waist was his decorated revolver, which would appear to have aged like a fine wine. The saturated color of the metal would further exonerate its service to its wielder. 


His hair was dark and messy so much that it would feel like the fur of an unwashed dog. A commanding officer’s hat would sit on top of his head like a vulture making a nest on a sack of twigs. 


A pair of black boots would sit appropriately on both his feet, but there was an elegance to it almost like a sitting black cat. 


She could see that he was similar to her, someone who had also been forced to carry a terrible burden, and who had also been forgotten by the world.


The old war hero looked up at Gesus, and he saw the Infinity Sword in her hand. He could see the pain and loneliness in her eyes, and he knew that she was just like him.


"Who are you?" the old war hero asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


"M-mah name is Gesus Grist," Gesus replied, her voice quiet and haunted. "I..." She paused, seemingly searching for words. It had been ages since she had a conversation. “I’m lo-st...”


Dew came down to her check. She tried to hold in her tears but as if trying to repair a crumbling dam; she failed.


The old war hero nodded, understanding the anguish and isolation that Gesus felt. He reached out his hand, and Gesus took it, feeling a connection with the old war hero that she had never felt before.


"Gesus… Huh?" the old war hero said. "What a funny name… heh. Come on, let’s go."


Gesus felt a spark of salvation in her heart. She wiped her tears, and together, they set out into the wasteland, searching for a new purpose, a new way to live in a world that had long since discarded them.


The war hero’s name was General J. Bottle. It had roughly been one year since World War 10 ended, ever since then he’s been an outcast of the world. 


His story was grand, but equally horrific. But none of that mattered anymore, as this was a new world.


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A world fundamentally different from what he had fought for, and different from the world before it.


General J. Bottle and Gesus Grist continued on their journey, traveling through the desolate wasteland that was once the world. 


Entire landscapes were terraformed, certain parts of the deserts into fields of shattered glass reflecting dangerous rays of light periodically and randomly.


The arctic is now filled with toxic promothin gas, acidic enough to burn your lungs like mustard gas. 


Certain regions had their gravity reversed even. Causing destroyed buildings to be raised and frozen in the sky.


Others had a strange magnetic phenomenon in which clouds would continuously form, causing that area to be perpetually covered in darkness.


Such is the world as it is now. Mangled and destroyed like some corpse of a destroyed beast that is bleeding and rotting.


It has been 4 days since their fateful meeting. To Gesus’s surprise Bottle was able to keep up with her. Rather, it was her who was getting tired of traveling day and night.


They ate very little, after all there was barely anything to eat. She herself was quite malnourished, although genetically enhanced it has done little to prevent hunger.


“U-umm~ B-Bwttle where are we g-gowing? She asked.


Bottle merely kept walking, leaving a shallow footstep behind him.


After a deep sigh, she continued on. But not long after, on the edge of her eyes she could see giant towers, a city of some sorts.




As they walked closer to the colossal spires protruding from the ground, Gesus could make out faint details. 5 Towers, as tall as the clouds, could be seen behind a massive wall.


The outer wall had various makeshift buildings and industrial buildings in which loud and noxious noises could be heard rumbling.


“W-Why are we gwnna do here?” Gesus’s eyes were locked, as her mind was processing this new location.


“hUh?” Bottle seemed confused by that question, he scratched his goatee a little bit and replied.


“WE'RE GONNA EAT SOME FOOD DAMMIT!” As he said that he ran as fast as he could to the city as much as his body would allow it.


“W-Wah! W-WAIT FOR ME!” Gesus scurried along trying to catch up. Although it had been roughly 4 days since they talked, she seemed pretty happy. Her cheeks turned pinkish red as her eyes brightened up more than ever.  


Compared to the desert the city was far more grim. The grey concrete was practically everywhere, with occasional sheets of metal littered throughout the entire district glimmering as she occasionally ran by.


Gesus never got a good look at the people, they practically blended into the background with their similarly greyish clothes and garments.


The people she was able to observe were disproportionate and irregular in many ways. Some looked more human than others.


Cybernetic implants, a grotesque bump on their forehead, diseased homeless people, the smell of ash and smoke was a constant reminder that this place was… familiar.


Bottle stood out far more than the rest, his brown uniform contrasted well against the grey compared to the others. However, he was faster for some reason.


He wasn’t sprinting, rather he was limping and passing by all these strangers. Gesus stretched out her hand in the hopes of grabbing something, maybe Bottle’s shirt or pants.


“Uh~ u~U~uhk!” “ACK!” She fell


Face first into the ground. It appeared she hit someone else on the way down as well as another individual who was also on the ground.

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