Adventures of General J. Bottle

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Sugar Crash

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Bottle and Gesus were on their way home from getting Ice-cream.


Gesus walked behind Bottle, her eyes closed in pure bliss as she savored the taste of the creamy vanilla ice cream in her mouth. 


She held the cone delicately, taking small licks as the sun descended from the sky.


She was in a state of pure happiness, the cold treat providing a refreshing respite from the salty burger they ate not too long ago.


It was a busy day, for the both of them… from MPD officers showing up to Bottle’s home to having blown up an MPD outpost… and soon after breaking in and eating the boxers at Food Fight.


Gesus was unfazed by this. Merely enjoying the time she spent with Bottle.


Bottle however was worse for wear, having been brutally beaten, by the French fry boxer, Krisper.


Only to be saved by his nano-tech body armor, which took most of the punishment.


Bottle’s ice cream was cookies and cream, his favorite


He held the cone in one hand and used the other to occasionally wipe away the drips of melting ice cream that ran down the side.


As they walked, they attracted the attention of many passersby. 


The sweet and joyous look of them eating ice cream invited envy wherever they went. 


He paid them no mind, as he was too focused on enjoying his treat.


Gesus however, inched closer to Bottle using him as cover as if to hide something precious like jewelry.


As the sun set and as they approached closer to their home, they could see smoke stretching out like a tongue not too far away. 


Loud explosions and screams could also be heard from the same direction.


Bottle lived just in the outskirts of Sector 9, as dangerous as that may sound there was a small pocket in which only a few people lived.


As they approached closer to their home, Bottle paused.


Gesus halted as well, curious as to the reason why.


Raising a arm and waving behind him Bottle spoke with the back of his head facing Gesus, “Go ahead without me Gesus, I’ll catched up soon.”


Gesus’s eyes blinked like a railroad sign, she never caught his eyes as she was standing behind him but the tone of his voice felt real.


She gave a gentle nod as she gave a, “Umh!




Bottle sat on the roof top of another building, as he watched the sun inching away like a snail trying to find shade.


Bottle sat on the edge of the rooftop, his feet dangling over the side as he looked out over Omega Sector


The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the buildings and streets below. 


From his pocket, a crinkled cigarette pack with a plain font labeled, Walnut.


Pulling out a cigarette and he lit it with a lighter from his back pocket, taking a deep drag as he watched the sun take cover.


The smoke from his cigarette swirled around him, curling and dancing in the warm evening breeze. 


He closed his eyes and took another drag, feeling the nicotine hit his bloodstream and calm his nerves.


He took in the sights and sounds of the city as it came to life at night. 


The streets were quite empty and void of people, contrasted by his other senses, as the sound of gunshots and shouting filled the air from a distant location. 


He took another drag from his cigarette and let out a sigh


It was peaceful up here, or so he imagined


He leaned back and watched the dark night slowly consume the sky. 


It was a beautiful sight, the stars twinkling against the darkening sky.


He smoked his cigarette down to the filter and flicked it off the roof. 


As he began to pull another cigarette he spoke to himself.




“It's been one whole year… and I’m still here…”




I knew it would end all the same, I’ve fought in three world wars afterall and yet I still expected something like the fool I am…”


“I’ll be honest, I'm pretty damn salty. “


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No parades or celebrations, hell not even a holiday card from anybody.”


Sure I wasn't expecting much… but come on? I won a world war for god sakes!




As for me?


I'm sitting on the roof, watching the sun go down. Don't get me wrong it's a shitty sight.


Crumbling and rundown buildings, factories that shriek and howl.


Hell the only half decent things to look at are the 5 Omega Towers.


But you can't even get a good view because of the giant ass concrete wall.


I will note however, that girlGesus Grist was a surprise to be assured.


I was expecting to die alone in that wasteland, I didn’t care at all… or so I thought.


A generation 1 or — no… it's not just her, but also that weapon.


Although I only saw a glimpse of it from our first encounter it was definitely something out of this world.


The only class of weapons that I know of like that are atomic-grade weapons.… but how is that possible


Even atomic-grade weapons have their limits or restrictions. But she wields that sword like nothing.


There were colossal flying battleships during World War 10 and those were considered atomic-grade weapons, but each ship had to be manned with thousands of people just to operate the damn thing.


B-but that sword… 




Maybe if I could wield that sword… 


Heh, what am I even thinking about? It’s not like it can bring back the dead. 


Flicking the cigarette Bottle stood back up, trudging down the dimly lit street, his feet heavy and his body aching. 


As he walked, the sound of his footsteps echoed off the empty buildings. 


The only other sounds were the distant screaming of pain and the occasional explosion and gunshots from Dark Side.


The streets were deserted, everyone having retreated indoors for the night.


Finally, he reached his building and made his way up the stairs to his apartment. 


Bottle rounded the corner, his mind fuzzy from his cigarette, when he saw a figure standing outside his home. 


As he got closer, he realized it was Gesus


She was leaning against the wall, her arms behind her cushioning her butt against the wall. 


Bobbing her head occasionally like a Japanese bamboo fountain.


Bottle replied, surprised to see her. "What are you doing out here?"

Her head perked up, as she fought off the wave of tiredness that constantly flooded her body.


"I-I… w-wa-s w-worr’ied," Gesus said, pushing away from the wall.


"About?" Bottle said, feeling the cold night breeze caress his skin.


"T-that… I-I wuuldn’t see- you… again…," Gesus said, trying best not to fall onto the ground. 


"W-where… dwid ywu… go?"


"...Nowhere," Bottle said, as he unlocked his door. 


"T-then… c-can I co’me w-wi’th y-owu next t-time?."


"I-Iwt's what p-p-partners do… rwight?" Gesus said, with a small smile.


They stood in silence for a moment longer, before Gesus collapsed against the wall. "I-I’m… s-so (Yawns) slwepy…" she whispers. "B-But I'll s-see ywu twmorrow, r-wight?"


"....Yeah," Bottle said, as he helped her inside. 


In a joking manner Bottle remarked, "You know… all of my partners died, you know?"


"I-I… w-won't.." Gesus replied, as she closed her eyes for the night.


Crumpling barely five feet deep into the apartment.


Bottle closed the door and leaned against it, he saw Gesus’s lifeless body. “Will you..?”

Bottle slid down the door, his officer’s hat tipping lower as he hit the ground, shrouding his eyes as Bottle fell asleep.

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