Adventures of General J. Bottle

Chapter 15: Chapter 16: Louder Than My Heart

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It was a comical sight, as the crash was rather slow, which made it all the more jaw dropping to the people who could see it.


The Behemoth crashed into the upper-middle floors of the 5th Tower, wedging itself on the tallest and yet most robust tower.


The 5th Tower barely even buckled from the initial crash.


Having been designed for Vermillion’s specific tastes, the engineers and architects have done quite well.  


Of course, Bottle would’ve loved to crash into the roof, such was not the case.


Several dozen anti air cannons fired at the Behemoth which ripped and tore through the hull and disabled one of the anti gravity propulsion devices.


The passengers on board were slamming and rioting to try to stop whoever the hell was piloting this ship to their doom; but all of that was over now.


The initial impact killed hundreds of passengers, many perishing as fire would rupture throughout the ship; the B-40’s fuel cells were combusting at an alarming rate.


The windows of the tower were all shattered simultaneously resulting in the tower commencing an automatic shutdown protocol. 


Steel blast doors as thick as books lowered in every window available.


A loud creak could be heard as if some of the iron pillars that held the building up were screaming in pain.


The military police department quickly assembled at the base of the tower preparing themselves to go and eliminate the perpetrator behind this chaos.


In total three companies showed up: 


7th company commanded by Captain L. Luck 


4th company commanded by Kasper


2nd company commanded by Mocha Macko


“Captain Luck Sir, [Salute] we’ve secured the perimeter around the base of the tower” A junior officer clad in full body armor stood to report. 


His armor was pitch black with red lines glowing on some parts of it. 


He wore the standard issue corvus black helmet which would cover his entire head. 


Both of which were an upgraded version of the previous equipment. 


It had many advanced optics, such as heat vision, night vision, and a communications ray to match that of cybernetically augmented opponents.


The only noticeable way to identify him was the name tag on the front.


“Well done, officer Niston, However this situation might be a lot more dangerous than it would appear.” 


Marshall L. Luck the Captain of the 7th scratched his mustache as he observed the chaos in the central command vehicle.


“Niston, I need you to gather up 3 squads and use the Trojan dropships and get to the top of the building and start your way down.”


“The 2nd company will go bottom to top, until you meet with them, consider all the personnel in the building as hostile.”


Niston has served long enough to understand the harsh reality of the MPD(Military Police Department), however he never would have thought that he would be ordered to shoot staff of the Vermillion Corp. 


The bewildered Niston hesitantly responded, “But… Sir, should at least the staff of the Vermillion Corp. be rescued?”


Marshal Luck looked at the holo display on the table in the command vehicle, he himself knew that the Vermillion Corp. had direct ties to the MPD. 


In fact, Max V. Vermillion owned both. He took a pause and sighed deeply.


“This was… Mr. Vermillion’s own order.”




General Bottle and Gesus made their way out of the B-40 and onto Omega Tower, the blast doors lowered as they did but they didn’t seem to mind.


They were around the 130th floor, 150th being the roof. 


Many of the interior was semi destroyed, even the elevator was out of service.


Emergency red lights lit up the interior, giving everything an unsettling red glow.


“I thought you could drive wit”


“Listen Gesus, when you have hundreds of people trying to break into the cockpit it’s very hard to focus, got it?” (Cough) (Cough)


They both stood outside the crushed stairway, it was mangled and twisted like a knot.


They were stuck on the 130th floor.


As Bottle looked around Gesus had a brilliant idea, she walked over to the elevator and kicked the door.




The door dented as if something detonated right next to it.


Bottle himself wasn’t all too surprised by it, having long accepted that Gesus was some type of SUPER-human.


As the metal door to the elevators were bent open, they could see inside of it.


Several long yellow and red cords dangled like snakes down into the seemingly pitch black abyss.


As they both looked down, Bottle tugged his collar right before nugging Gesus into the shaft,  “You first.”


“Ah! ACK!”


She barely managed to grab onto the cord, rocking back and forth, as her heart pounded like a drum.


Bottle pulled out a cigarette and lit it. 


“Not bad” (Huff~)


Bottle joins soon after, and they both start to climb.




On the 149th floor of Vermillion’s tower, was a bar. 


Or rather it was once an office, but the Executive who works for Vermillion had it changed. 


He was one of the handful that worked directly under Vermillion. 


He was charismatic and charming even though he’s a THING, more specifically he’s a Milk-Man.


His head was that of a glass bottle with milk inside it, while his suit and pants were white with spots of black.


Lactos was his name, and he enjoyed alcohol to a large degree. 


He is a connoisseur of fine spirits and wines, and always has a bottle or two on hand for special occasions. 


Often found at the local bar or lounge, he would chat with the bartenders and try new drinks.


However, just like all Food People, his sense of taste and hunger were gone.


He misses those days, the taste of fermented grapes and fruits, gushing down his throat. 


The savory taste of meat and the soothing taste of grape wine. 


This facade that he created was something that he always wanted actually back in his youth, he was starving and hungry back then, like some feral animal he would have to fight for food.


He hated those days, the hunger felt like a hole in his chest, while thirst gripped him by the throat.


But after becoming a Food Person everything felt empty, as if color had vanished from the world.


All he could taste or rather feel, was the viscosity of the wine he drank.


The Bar itself was in fact Lactos’s office, it was filled with beer, whiskey, and wine. 


He even went so far as to have a small garden in which he grew grapes.


On the tables you could see that he’s made quite the drink, with opened bottles and fruits, several cups have already been filled; while some laid empty


The door to the bar creaked open, as General J. Bottle and Gesus entered the room. 


A sweet scent of fruit would dance between their nostrils as they made their way into the bar.


They noticed the man who was hunched over on a sofa near them, it was Lactos


Lactos himself did not move, as General Bottle and Gesus came closer they could smell a putrid smell.


Gesus covering her nose whispered “I think he’s ded”


Indeed Lactos’s body was rotting on the sofa, it appears that he died from alcohol poisoning.


As they got closer they could notice the belly of Lactos has been eaten up by the bacteria of the alcohol that he drank. Indicating that he’s been dead for quite a while.


Bottle’s eye drew to the screen in which Lactos was watching before he died. It showed a video of Bottle and Gesus before he entered the room. 


“The security camera?” Bottle was caught off guard, he quickly pulled out his revolver.


Contrary to Bottle’s expectation, nothing major has happened. 


The only thing that did happen was the TV screen changed into a grizzled man. 


The man was bulky in his build, it was as if his muscles wanted to burst out.


What stuck out most was the head of a lion that sat on his shoulder, as well as his robs. 


He was seated in a castle of sorts, stone archways, tinted glass.


Vermillion took a moment to study Bottle through the camera, after scratching his chin he spoke in a friendly tone.


“Well, well, well, Bottle I assume?” 


“I believe this is my first time meeting you…” 


Bottle walked up to the display, his gun drawn, after arriving turned the monitor off.


Vermillion who was now looking at a black screen raised a smile which later turned into a laugh, “HAHA HAH HA AHAHA!”


“Oh, man… It's been a while since I laughed that much, this Bottle guy I gotta meet this guy in person some time.”


Gesus, who was curious about all these drinks, took a taste of the red wine, its bitter taste made her quickly spit it back out.


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“Yuck! Why is it so bwittler!?”


In that moment a voice could be heard from the door in which they came from.








Explosions rang from all directions, the ceiling was collapsing with armed MPD officers riding the falling debris.


The windows, which had blast doors were being raised, as smoke grenades were thrown in. 


Waiting outside was a squad of MPD officers, who were grappling outside, seizing the moment they jumped into the Bar.




Shots rang as Bottle was opening fire with his revolver, however the armor and cybernetic augmentations of the MPD officers allowed them to easily shrug off the attack.


Bottle with his spare hand reached for an unopened wine bottle and threw it at one of the MPD officers who came through the window. Due to the sudden impact the MPD officer lost balance he fell off the building. 


[Insert star wars clone screaming sound here] “MAN DOWN!” 


The MPD were armed with plasma weapons opened fired with their hot-shot plasma guns.


Hot plasma whistled as it cut through the smoke, leaving a gap in the air.


Unfortunately for the MPD, some of the plasma shots ignited the alcohol causing a fire to break out.




Plasma tipped blades were drawn, which gave off a blue glow after being activated. 


Hot enough to cut through steel they swung at General J. Bottle.


Each swing hissed as if a king cobra was going for a bite.


Gesus was still prone after being told to get down. She wasn’t noticed by the MPD and so she made her way to the door.


Using the furniture as an obstacle, General Bottle was able to fend off many of the attacks.


But the smoke was making it difficult to see more than several feet in front of him, the only way of seeing an attack coming was from the blue plasma on the blades that the MPDs carried.


The MPD officers quickly turned on their visors into heat vision, and prepared to attack once more. 


General Bottle without a moment of hesitation threw as many bottles of wine at the MPD as possible.


Each direct hit caused an inferno, which consumed them as their blades ignited the spilt wine.








Desperate screams echoed amongst each other as the MPD officers were consumed by fire.


Air was getting dangerously thin as fire and smoke left little to breathe.


Bottle tried to hold his breath and ran towards the door but he too was consumed by the scorching heat and lack of oxygen.


He fell on the floor, several feet away from the door.


Gesus, who was also covering her mouth using her sleeves, saw Bottle dropped to the floor in front of her, behind him several MPD officers were navigating the hell that was once a bar.


Gesus took a brief moment to look at the scene, it was a scene she saw too often during the war.


But this one felt different… Bottle laid there… in the mouth of death.


She shook her head at the thought, but she could feel her stomach twist. 


To her, he was irreplaceable.


Gesus stretched an arm in front of her, in that moment out of thin air a katana’s hilt materialized; it was the infinity sword.


When she grabbed it, the blade extended forward from the hilt, igniting the air.


The sound of roaring fire and hissing plagued the air.


As Gesus was preparing for a swing, she tightened her grip on the hilt, causing the infinity blade to accelerate, the fire soon turned blue.


She yelled, matching the intensity of the blue flame, “B-BURN! BURN TO ASSHHH!!!!” (VOSH!)


In one swing she slaughtered all the remaining MPDs.


It was like an unstoppable force of nature that crashed into them like a wave.




The MPD members who were waiting at the base of the tower saw floor 149 engulfed in flames.


And for a brief moment they saw the bright blue flame, but just as soon as it appeared it went away.


Captain Luck shouted at his communication bead, “Shit! Come in! Come In! What’s happening up there!” (SLAM!)


Luck hit the side of the command vehicle.


He leaned back in his chair and grabbed his face.


Luck could hear someone behind him who was sipping some kind of drink.


As he removed his hand he could see a chocolate head?


No, it was Captain Mocha Macko, the Captain of the 2nd Company


He was a Food Person, his head was that of a giant chocolate bar.


Captain Macko wore a big and almost goofy pair of rectangular glasses, blue pajamas with white clouds, and a pair of blue slippers.


 In his hand was a bright red cup, labeled “HOT!” in white; it was hot mocha.


“Marvelous! Don’t you think so, Captain Luck?” (Shuuu) (Gulp) Captain Macko took a loud sip of his drink.


Captain Macko found a spare seat next to him and sat there. He grabbed a data pad and started to browse it.


“You know I often read the reports that the other Captains submit.” (Shuuu) (Gulp)




“Don’t worry, I just get bored nothing really happens in Sector 2 and 3.”


“Heh, and I must say… your reports are the most humorous!”


“Captain Macko, what are you getting at?”


Captain Macko sets the data pad back where he found it, and takes another sip.


“...These, two… General J. Bottle and… Gesus…”


“I find them extremely interesting…”


“What do you mean?”


“Do you know Captain Luck? How World War 10 ended?”


“Heh, how could I forget… A nuclear bomb right?”


Macko smiled as he nodded his head, “Yup, Bottle did that… he wiped out his enemies at the cost of his own. Quite the… bold move… I may add.”


“And now… he has something far… far deadlier than a nuclear weapon.”


Luck’s eyes immediately sprang to life, “You mean…”


“Heh, yup, It’s that kid, or rather that sword, probably both…” (Shuuu) (Gulp)




Gesus was panting heavily as she struggled to drag Bottle's unconscious body up the stairwell of the skyscraper. 


Her arms were shaking with the effort, and her heart was pounding with fear and anxiety. 


Finally, she reached the rooftop and collapsed beside Bottle's motionless form. 


She checked his pulse and felt a wave of relief wash over her when she felt it beating weakly.


Gesus stood up and looked around her, all she saw was an empty roof with some helicopter pad in the center.


As she walked over to the side she came across an amazing sight, the entirety of Omega Sector that should’ve washed over her.


But rather, in that moment she felt alone.


A tear dripped down from her cheek. 


She knew that he was strong and he would survive but she couldn't help but to cry.


As snot, and salty tears ran down her face she heard a clicking noise.


When she turned, she could see Bottle leaning against the door which they just came from.


He lit up a cigarette and proceeded to smoke it.


(Huff~) (Cough) (Cough)


(Sigh~) “E-enjoying the view?”


Gesus ran to him and smothered her face into his chest.


Gesus felt a wave of relief wash over her, she couldn't help but to cry and smile at the same time.


Bottle was startled but came to accept it, with his free hand he patted Gesus on the head.


Gesus felt her heartbeat, not with fear, or anxiety, but with love for the first time in her life.

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