Aed (Tensura Fanfic)

Chapter 6: Arc 1, chapter 5

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After picking through the crater, looking for anything that survived and finding nothing, I decided to search around the newly made ruins for any other survivors.

Surprisingly, I did indeed find a survivor. The goblin was barely alive, having lost both his legs. The monster lay in a puddle of its own hot red blood.

With no hesitation, I unsheathed my sword and stabbed the goblin where I thought its heart would be. Then, I decided to head home.

My water skin was almost empty after all.

(??? POV)

Everything hurt…

Through my fuzzy mind, I managed to recount what had happened.

Chief had ordered 3 of our warriors to contact the kind humans who had helped us survive.

The forest cyclopes' group were preparing to invade the human's village and we goblins wanted to repay the humans for their kindness.

The other two had left before me. However, as I began walking in the direction that the humans have indicated… a loud boom… a massive flash of pain caused me to black out.

Slowly, I regain consciousness. There was something wrong with my legs. They hurt a lot… and the pain was getting worse the more I thought of them.

Just as I tried getting up from the soft ground, something cold entered my back and exited from my chest. Then it retracted and I collapsed on the ground as the pain erupted.

With great difficulty, I tilted my head to see my would-be murderer. Then I saw him, a human with short bright red hair, it bordered the colour pink. His dark brown eyes burned with an eternal fire as he looked down at me. His facial muscle was clenched making him have a furious and aggressive look.

Why? Why had the humans attacked us?

That was all I could think of as I watched the human walk away.

Shortly after he disappeared into the forest, I heard the crunching sounds of someone running toward him. Having already lost his vision, he could only hear what the person had to say.

" Senior! Talk to me, senior! What happened?! Where is everyone?!"

Ah, one of the other warriors. Mustering the last of my energy, I began to speak my last words.

" T-the humans… d-did this…"

As soon as I said so, my hearing left me and I quickly felt my remaining senses go.

3rd person POV

As she watched his dear friend slump over, the goblin warrior began trembling as tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. Almost desperately, she began searching their surroundings for survivors.

However, to her horror, there were tracks and footprints making circles around the ruins as well.

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In silence with tears running down her face, she followed those tracks and found that many of her friends had been torn apart by the initial explosion and the few survivors had been slain by who she presumed to be the human that had killed her fellow warrior.

She fell to her knees in shock when she found her mate's headless body and began crying silently.

Suddenly, a howl rang out. Immediately, her survival instincts kicked in and she left her mate's body and began running in the opposite direction of where the humans had said they lived.

Though she regretted leaving her friends' corpses for the wolves to eat, she still ran as quickly as she could. She quickly slowed her pace as she tired out. However, she did not stop moving until she found shelter.

As the sunset, she found an opening in the ground that leads into a cave. Slowly, she made her way into the underground. Once she was sure that she was relatively safe, she sat down heavily and sighed.

The moment she had time, she began thinking of all sorts of impossibilities. She had watched the red hair man stab her comrade but had been too weak... too cowardly to save him. However, now she wanted revenge.

A small and weak goblin-like herself was useless against the powerful humans. From what she had gathered from the footprints, the red-haired human had destroyed their village by himself. Yet, he was completely unharmed and still clean at that.

She needed more power than that human to be able to get her revenge. However, she was weak... for now... Until she was strong enough, she would use her wits. She had survived because she was a coward but if cowardice is what is required to survive until she is powerful, it is what she will do.

All of a sudden, cold winds blew from within the cave causing the goblin to shiver. Confused by such a phenomenon, the goblin slowly inched her way into the cave.

The walls of the cave slowly smoothened until it become obvious that the cave was not a naturally formed cave. However, the goblin still continued on. Other than the fact that it was steadily getting colder, it didn't feel dangerous to her.

As she walked closer to what seemed to be a dead end, she found that there was a rather large stone box sitting there. A light seemed to pour out from the seems of the lid.

As she stared a wide smile began to spread on her face as she realised what she was looking at. As a monster, she was rather sensitive to magicules and this box was just overflowing with magicules.

Without hesitation, she pushed the heavy lid off and the bright blue light filled the cave. She smiled with joy for the first time today as she stared at the powerful magic dagger before her.

Grabbing the dagger by its hilt she shivered as she pulled the weapon out of the box.

<<Unique skill [Cold Fury] has been acquired>>

She expressed shock as the Voice of the World rang out in her head for the first time ever. However, she quickly smiled again as she realised she was no longer cold.

Unfortunately, she could not celebrate anymore as someone spoke from behind her.

" Hey goblin, slowly turn around and keep your hands where I can see them."

Caught red-handed, the goblin turned slowly and found herself staring at an ogre. It was rather small for its species but she didn't dare underestimate it. Even an ogre child could kill a goblin after all. That was just how much difference in strength the two species of monsters had.

The goblin gritted its teeth in anger, furious at the world for being unfair. She had only dropped her guard for a short while yet she had already been ambushed.

" What do you want, ogre?!" She shouted. The air around her dropped in temperature rapidly as she raged internally in fury.

" My name is Asagao and I am a Kijin. I find that you are an interesting goblin. I would like to name you." The female Kijin said in a rather monotone voice.

" How about Yuki... should mean snow in the other language." As she said so, the goblin, Yuki, began to shine.

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