Aegis Online

Chapter 12: Chapter Twelve

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 (Chapter twelve now! This is getting awesome, so I’m gonna reward you all… by writing another chapter! To be fair, I was going to do that anyway, but this one might be getting spicy! XD let’s goooo! CONTENT WARNING: DEATH)

Asteria takes charge of our group, colour returning to her face, as she asks Harvenhaight to go and retrieve our tents, while she checks me over, using a basic healing-spell to patch up the wounds I’d earned during the fight, a slow and tender process where she gently lays her hand over the injury, her slim fingers making the lightest of contact with my body as she hums softly, her hair glowing with a mild light. I can feel the cuts and holes closing up, the red bar in the corner of my vision slowly filling up as I sit on a fallen tree-trunk, the exhaustion kicking in as my adrenaline-high fades, checking through my status menu and raising my weary eyebrows at the bevy of levels I’d gained from the brief, messy war I’d jumped into. Well, I may as well start using the points, right?

After checking that my menu is out of sight from my stream viewers, I start with the Attribute points, since I have 18 of them now. At least the battle gave me a hint about where my weaknesses lay. I definitely needed to put more points into my CON and STR. More HP and damage would be very helpful, while boosting my DEX would give me extra speed and stamina.



Bulwark Level 11


CON: 15 ->20


DEX: 14 ->21


STR: 15 -> 20


WIS: 14 -> 14


INT: 14 -> 14


LUCK: 19 ->20


I giggle excitedly, the sensation of my body strengthening and adapting better to the world around me. Turning my gaze to the Ability Points, I choke at the massive 49 pulsing beside the total. That… is a lot of points! I start eagerly scrolling through all the available options.

I could upgrade my Storm-charged passive, or buy a load of new skills, but I still don’t really have a confident handle on what I can do yet. Pausing, I hover my fingertip over my Skill-Forge ability. It has a small, flashing + sign next to it, and grin. For the cost of 35 points, I can upgrade it to work on other people, as long as they already have the base ability they want improved in their skill-list.

I snap it up, leaving my points at 14, before spotting a new ability, Thunder Cannon. It costs all of my remaining points, but the description sells me on it.

“Thunder Cannon- charging up an applicable weapon (spear, crossbow, or fist), this skill fires a concentrated stream of electrified energy in a straight line, piercing through any target in its path. This skill consumes MP, but, due to the previously-unlocked Storm-Charged passive, this skill can use any charge stored to fire instead. Legends say that those who wield this ability are blessed by Voltesse herself.”

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I purchase it and grin. Now I have a ranged ability! I can hit things that think they’re clever for staying out of spear-range! I watch as the crowmark rune on the back of my left hand expands, wings forming over the outline, a glowing spark appearing in the crow’s-head eyesocket.

Asteria smirks, noticing the little lightshow coming from the back of my hand, and purrs, “what did you get? New stuff? I bet you learned something cool, you’re grinning like you just figured out a way to break the game!” I smile and lean in so our streams won’t catch what I have to say, and, after filling her in via ear-whispering, I sit back and watch a wide smile cross her face. “Yep, that’s awesome; I can’t wait to see it in action! Now I should level myself up, too! Gimme a sec, Kettrin. Why don’t you check in on the chat, yeah?”

I nod and turn away, looking for Harvenhaight, before opening the chat-window. “Sorry about that, guys, but seriously, fighting in this game actually feels draining. I’m really stiff after that! Anyway, I’m gonna meet this Doc, and see what he’s got to say. Also, I don’t want anyone going after that girl, she might be a bitch, but it’s still not very cool to act the same way.”

I smile, before stretching my wings, flexing them slightly and furling them again. Jeffrey lands nearby, two neatly-folded bundles under his arms, one of which he tosses over to me. With a brief fumble, I manage to catch the tent and store it away in my inventory, Gimmel approaching as he finishes arranging something with a group of his friends.

“Are you three ready to get going? We’re in a cave not too far away, but… I had to make sure we could get the bodies of our mates back with us. They’re the only ones who can interact with their own corpses’ inventories when they respawn, so I figured we could bring ‘em back. The Doc’s been working on some mobility thing that he’s pretty invested in, but he hasn’t given the all-clear on it yet. At least this way, we can make sure they get all their stuff back.”

I nod as Asteria reclaims her own tent, joining us after her level-up spree. “Yeah, let’s go. Want us to help transport your fallen?” Harvenhaight’s smile widens, and he leans in to me. “I like her. You made a good friend, Kettrin,” he murmurs, and I bite my lip, smiling. “Well, I hope we’re friends. She just kinda… adopted me.” I admit, giggling, as she turns and quirks an eyebrow.

“Why do I get the feeling that you two are the reason my chat’s just gone hypernova with comments like “mommy Astie”, and “adopt me too!”? Are you trying to give my viewers a mommy-dom kink?!” she laughs, and my heartbeat trembles slightly. God I love her laugh… I wanna listen to it all day.

Gimmel tugs off his helmet and runs a hand over his bald head, before sighing. “Aye, I was going to ask if you wouldn’t mind. We lost so many, we can’t transport them back without making two trips, and if we get into another scrap, it’s liable to be a TPK.”

Harvenhaight nods. “I can see how that would pose a serious problem. Allow me to help, too.”  He starts to create a large, floating black platform. “Load them onto this; I can maintain it quite easily.”

With a deep nod of gratitude, Gimmel roars over his shoulder, “problem solved, lads! Bring ‘em over!” a line of people forms, each one carrying a corpse, laying each one gently on the platform. Some are actually crying, cradling their burdens one last time before consigning them to the hovering dais. One body, however, won’t fit. Impulsively, I reach out and take it from the current bearer. “Let me, please…”

Looking down, I gasp. In my arms… is a child. She’s… small, looking about 14 years old. Her eyes are closed, and her face is pale. Two crudely-made arrows protrude from her chest, and I bite back a curse. Dammit… this game just got serious. Looking to Gimmel, I ask, “She’s an Argonaut, right?” The dwarf nods, and I breathe a sigh of relief.  “Oh thank the gods…” I murmur, and he grins. “You were worried, huh? No worries, she’s definitely one of us. A pretty tough one, too, what with her being an Executioner.” He gestures to the girl’s waist, where a matched pair of large daggers is sheathed. 

As we set off, Harvenhaight and I march in the centre of the group, Gimmel leading, and Asteria in the rearguard, in case of any further attacks. I sigh, looking down at the body of the small girl in my arms. Maybe if I was faster, or stronger… maybe she wouldn’t have died. Jeffrey’s elbow nudges my shoulder, and I start, looking up at him.

He smiles warmly, and nudges me again. “Nope, I know that look. It’s not your fault, and besides, it’s a game. Death is a part of it!” I smile, and raise my eyebrow. “Is this some kind of “people die if they are killed” faux-pretentious psychology thing?” I chuckle, and he smirks.

Gimmel calls back, “we’re here, get the fallen through first!” while the majority of our escort surrounds us and shields the cave entrance, the rest begin scooping up their comrades and carrying them in. Once the platform is empty, Harvenhaight snaps his fingers, causing it to disintegrate into mist. I follow one of the corpse-bearers, still carrying my limp little burden, into a small side-cave, laying her gently down amidst the other bodies. Emerging from the small, makeshift crypt, I stare around the main cavern, with various little tunnels and side-grottoes, most occupied by Gimmel, his men, and those of his party that had stayed back while their comrades had been out in the field.

Luminescent crystals cracking through the stone ceiling and walls emit a gentle glow, soft blue light keeping the cave-system from getting dark, even as night sets in. From somewhere deeper in the cave, a haunting melody strikes up, soft and melancholy, low trilling and soughing notes vibrating quietly through the still air. The murmur of conversation goes silent as the music rises, an aching feeling of loss and misery mounting as the poignant notes plateau, fading into the stillness.

Choking back a lump in my throat, I turn to my streaming orb, and paste a smile onto my face. “Well, today’s stream ends on kinda a downer note, but tomorrow’s should be hopefully a bit more cheerful. I’m gonna go get some sleep, and… thanks to everyone for watching!” I end the stream, and let out a sigh. Across the cave, I see Asteria’s streaming orb wink out of existence, just like mine had a few seconds ago.

She hurries over as I dash a hand across my eyes, feeling my fingers come away damp. “Aw, crap…” I mumble, before her arms encircle me, pulling me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you, Kettrin… today’s been a rough one, huh? Your first stream, and then… all that carnage…” Her hands gently run up and down my back, between my wings, and I sniffle, and then start to quietly sob into her chest.

Harvenhaight’s attention is drawn, and he murmurs something to one of the team we’d run into in the clearing, and then nods. Gently, he guides Asteria somewhere, and I can overhear him whisper, “This is your space for tonight, girls, make sure she gets some rest, please…”

However, sleep is slow to come, and it’s past midnight before my eyes close for good that night. Instead of a quiet, inky void, or a dreamless plain of nothingness, I’m transported to the peak of a mountain, its head just below the dark thunderheads.

Thunder rumbles all around me as I stand at the peak of this ancient, immobile crag, jagged bolts of pale blue lightning spearing down from the clouds, a silhouette rising from the depth below. A huge, horned figure, evidently female, but alien. Slanted blue orbs with no pupils or irises, a pale surface, black, animalistic horns with lightning sparking between them. She leans in, and I can hear a strange, buzzingly-female voice in my head.

‘At last… how long I have been waiting for a worthy champion… I know who you are, and I have chosen you…  I cannot tell you everything, but you must be ready. You will know when you are called. Do not fear. You have proven yourself with your actions today, and I cannot wait to meet you, face-to-face… now, we have only a few minutes before I must flee. Our enemies are growing more numerous by the day, and they are hounding me even as I speak. You must grow strong enough to shoulder this burden. I am sorry for this, my child, but- no! You must leave, NOW!’

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