
Chapter 11: Chapter 11

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  • Part 11 (Realization)
    • 3rd Person POV



Cecilia abruptly stopped the spell from continuing on upon hearing Francis’ voice. Even though the sound is faint, it managed to snapped through whatever thing that takes hold of her.


Immediately after, She falls unto the soft ground below right beside Astra’s bed while clutching to the bedsheets as she put a hand over her mouth.


Her throat is incredibly parched almost to the point of hurting as she gently stroke her neck, brought out her canteen and began gulping down hefty amount of water from her canteen.

“What happened?”

Francis' spoke with an undertone of worry seeing his wife coughing multiple times as he approaches her and gently stroke her back.

Her complexion becomes better and better as she takes huge amount of breath & water including the reassurance from her husband

“Its... -Its strange *Cough *Cough”

She replied to Francis' question and continue on after coughing several times before standing up, supported by Francis she regain her stamina and begun to speak.

“*Cough* Astra's body contain not a single ounce of mana in him... It’s to the point of me thinking that I’m seeing an inanimate mundane object instead of a living being. Yet, clearly the person in front of me is ‘alive'. I don’t get it on how he can use magic with this condition as what I’ve seen.”

To use magic, one would need to be able to contain mana inside them and use that to ‘force, coax, or manipulate’ the surrounding mana to bend to their will resulting in the magical phenomenon.

That’s the simplest explanation on how to use magic taught by Etude. As such, this situation at hand is completely different than the pair have encountered.

Francis' nod his head understanding Cecilia’s confusion.

Several theories began to formulate in their mind as they try to exclude any unlikely ones to make an educated guess. Their brilliant mind moves at an incredibly fast pace as they look at each other and began talking.

Speaking to one another in fervour and unconsciously switched to their native Westanian language with Etude's dialect. Ignoring what has just happened to her previously.

Meanwhile, the leader of the watcher is looking at the pair not understanding what they are talking about in foreign language.

Although they didn’t need to worry since they knew that when the duo is in this condition. Its preferable to just ignore them until they reached a conclusion.

In doing so, they opted to watch the patients or the culprits that causes this mess. Especially ‘Black' since they are more familiar with him rather than the peacefully sleeping stranger.

Thankfully, it appears Cecilia have moved ‘Black' to the bed beside Astra so it is easier to watch him.

His hair is still black as what they recognize but there’s an addition of ‘scales' on the surface of his skin & neck and it appears to still ‘growing' slowly and surely creeping to his upper body.

At first, the leader was worried seeing that happening to ‘Black'

But judging by the lack of reaction from the two utmost scholar of Vogun. It must been something that isn’t life threatening.

Soon after checking everything is alright and seeing the duo still ruminating. The chief watcher left the healer's tent to tend their own businesses.

The pair continue to talk with each other as if in a fervent debate until their eyes widened together simultaneously realizing something that they have overlooked.

“Mana Affinity!!”

“Mana Affinity!!”

Both Francis and Cecilia looked at each other after reaching that conclusion together. Francis wrinkly face mellowed down as he brought a rare smile towards Cecilia.

Whilst Cecilia emit a mischievous and triumphant smile seemingly proud of herself reaching to that.

Mana Affinity is a term that Etudians used to determine how efficient & effective an individual or an object capabilities to channel mana and weave the flow of mana into magic.

The higher the person affinity to mana the easier time they become a mage. Simultaneously the higher an object affinity to mana relates to how easily it can be crafted into a magical item.

Through observations of cases regarding people that have high mana affinity such as Elves or human born in rich mana environment. They usually do not have a lot of mana contained in them as their body is efficient enough to use it for magic weaving.

Although... It is regarded as a blessing in Etude, to be born with large amount of mana and high mana affinity. Enough to ensure an immediate entry to the Academy without passing through their rigorous tests.

The pair turn their head towards the peacefully sleeping figure and concluded that Astra have extremely high mana affinity allowing him to use magic even when he doesn’t have any mana in him. That also explains why he’s fallen unconscious, it is taxing for the body to maintain that.

“Hubby, what should we do? I know we should report this to Maleah... But... “

Cecilia chewed her bottom lips while thinking about what Maleah would do to these two. Although, judging Maleah's character she wouldn’t try to punish them since they haven’t done anything wrong rather Cecilia is worried if she’s going to ‘induce' them for free labour.

“Relax, honey I don’t think Maleah will do anything bad to them. We just need them to wake up.”

Francis quiet yet reassuring voice silences the growing thoughts in Cecilia as she smiles in relief while nodding to her husband.

They both went out from the tent towards the Council's tent where Maleah usually located.


Amidst the darkness of his consciousness as if he’s floating in deep waters. ‘Black' finally awoken as opening his eyes he’s greeted with green leather-like ceiling. The strong scent of herbs permeate through the air occasionally stinging his nose and waking him up fully as he abruptly stands up using his back.

His head feels heavy with the occasional throbs. Clutching his head, ‘Black' inadvertently commented while scrunching his face enduring the sharp headache.

“Ugh...It hurts... “


His eyes widened for quick second. Unable to believe what’s happening to him. For the first time, he felt... ‘something’.

Previously, all he felt was complete numbness and felt like he’s partially in control. As if he’s staring from far away looking at himself when he walks, eat, or anything else.

‘Black' looked at his hands and his body then gently rubbing his own skin and feel the rough sensation where the scars and burn marks are. Following along it until he reaches the nubs from his newfound growing scales. Somehow, rubbing that part of his body invoke other feelings.

You are reading story Aeterna at

It is a comfortable feeling akin to a nice warm house and being sheltered from the elements outside. At this moment, he felt... Safe but only for mere seconds before hearing several steady breaths right beside his bed.

Whipping his head to the source of that sound. He sees a lying figure that he vaguely recognised.

A young man, probably in his twenties sleeping peacefully without any disturbance.

He has an incredibly long black hair that’s been curled neatly into several loops to his side and wearing what looks like a pure white silken robe.


Like wildfires, memories jutting out from his head as he recognizes this figure.

Its the culprit that ‘awaken' him from that perpetual numbness.

He couldn’t believe it! That a young man like that is able to create that sound as he remember the words the young lad uttered.

Although he couldn’t understand the words, he had heard. It was something incredibly unnerving almost like it is coming from the back of his head.

There’s also a particular familiarity to the dialect when the young lad spoke it, recognized by ‘Black' but he couldn’t put his finger on it.


‘Black' closes his eyes as he take a large amount of breath and exhale it to calm his racing mind down.

His body felt incredibly sluggish that time but now it is sprung with energy he never thought he had. As if he was born anew from that husk

Clenching his fist multiple times, he feels strength coursing through his body and finally stands up from the bed and began thinking the next step he’s going to do.

He started to backtrack and dig into his memory. Although most of it consists of blurry pictures and muffled sounds. He continues digging deeper until he reaches a certain part. Regarding a house and a smell of smoke


Almost immediately, his headache reoccurs as he clutches his head until the aching fades away. Opening his eyes again, He remembered that he had ran away...

(“I ran away... But why do i run away? And from what? ”)

That’s what he has concluded from the feeling he had, he wouldn’t dare to continue digging. He knew that he ran away from something before fallen unconscious and become what he was.

He turned his head towards the lying figure and looked at the young man once again.

A single thought passes through his mind.

(“Maybe he holds the answer”)

He moved closer to the bedside and now able to see the lying figure in closer look.

But then right at that moment just when he’s close enough to see his face, Astra finally opens his eyes.

As if waking up from a nice afternoon nap. His eyelids open slowly and himself is a bit dazed.

Black stopped in his tracks with his heart beat leaped in surprise.

He sees something uncanny, the young man’s sclera are pitch black with several white glimmering dots adorned it without any indication of irises or pupils. Just by glancing at it makes him unnerved.


He immediately stepped back with a slight gasp of air. Surprised by the strange characteristics of that man eyes.

Astra who’s still a bit dazed since he’s half asleep snapped out from his stupor upon seeing the man in front of him. In a hurry, he closes his eyes and abruptly stands up from the bed as he spoke.

“D-Did you see it!!??”

He clutches the hood of the robe and pulled it downward even more, wanting to avoid his eyes being seen.

(What should I do? Is he going to report it to the doctor? Am I going to be experimented?)

But before ‘Black’ could reply, The tent flaps opened revealing 3 figures that he’s somewhat recognize upon turning his head to the source of the sound.

A middle aged human woman wearing green robes with splotches and middle aged human man wearing embroidered blue robes.

In between them stand a towering tall giant almost double their height. Tanned skin and blonde hair tied in a wild pony tail carrying a large warhammer at her back.

She’s wearing sandy coloured leather armour. Digging to his memory, he remembered that this is Maleah the Vogun's leader.

Maleah immediately stares into Black's appearance and noticed how his eyes are shining so lively instead of the usual thing she received from Francis’ reports.

(“Huh... Interesting. It’s indeed true.”)

She muses while Black stands there motionless unable to move due to the immense pressure that Maleah is exuding as she sees the scales on the neck of Black.

(A Dragonfolk eh? Gran-Gran told me they have immense strength & endurance)

On her mind, she already thinking of how he can be put to good use and what kind of reward will be given if he does the job. But before she can voice it, Maleah notices someone...

Although almost covered by Black’s frame, Astra was noticed by Maleah. The white robe he’s wearing does gives more noticeable approach.

(“Is that the lad, they talked about? He doesn’t look that strong...hmm...)

Maleah slightly lean her head to the side to get the full picture of that young lad.

(He does bear resemblance to Eastanian refugees. But I’m sure he isn’t one of them)

Maleah spoke with a gruff voice towards Astra as she moves forward.

“You lad, how did you get here?”

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