Aether: Brigade

Chapter 4: Invasion, Part 2

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As he breaks through the trees, Taylian immediately realizes that something is wrong. The gravitational pressure he had felt as he moved towards the center square had suddenly reached its peak as he cleared the forest area. Not only that….but a powerful aura like he had never felt before emanates from a distance to the left of where he stood. His whole body shakes and his knees instinctively locked into place. Regardless of the fear he felt, his brain was able to relay three vital pieces of information simultaneously: 

Firstly, the huge crowd of civilians that should have been in the underground bunkers by now, were spread flat on the ground, seemingly unable to move. 

Secondly, creatures so powerful and gruesome, that they could only be acknowledged as the attackers, stood just a few stones throw away from where he stood, looking at him in confusion.

Lastly, of all the humans in the clearing……he was the only one standing up. The young boy he carries in his arms had already cried himself into deep sleep on their way here; and due to Taylian’s supposed resistance to the pressure, he was also perfectly fine. 

This circumstance was not lost on Jidiku. He slowly rises from the ground with the smile of a cheshire cat. He recalls what his ruler had instructed him.



Jidiku kneels before his ruler, who rests in his sovereign seat. The ruler’s build is massive…even by Minotaur standards.

Ruler: “The time is ripe. The one who carries the almighty aura has revealed themselves. We must take advantage of this given opportunity. Carry with you those whom you feel will be best to carry out the task. The job must be swift and clean.

Jidiku: “My lord, how will we be able to differentiate the carrier from the rest of them? Surely the reason we couldn’t sense it before is that it either laid dormant, or it has to be used to be felt. If the carrier does not use it, we can’t find them.”

Ruler: “That is without doubt……which is why you must take IT with you….this is what he was created for. Use him to sift the wheat from the fodder….the weak from the strong….you must use….The KRAKEN

Jidiku’s eyes formerly glistened in excitement for what is to come from this escapade. But now his eyes seem cold and empty, unsure of how to handle such a heavy task. 

The ruler senses his apprehension.

You know why I….no…why WE cannot reveal ourselves yet do you not?

Jidiku nods.

“Yes my lord.”

Regardless of that, one of us will help you with the wall guards. Making your entry past the mountain much smoother. The KRAKEN will help you whittle down those who are strong from those who are weak……the rest is up to your judgment. Do not fail me…

Jidiku bows: “My lord.”



Jidiku lifts himself up and turns his attention to Taylian. 

Jidiku: [“The kraken is a far distance from where we are, meaning its full force is not being employed. We strategically did it this way to pull the humans under submission, but not to kill them. Although being able to resist the pressure of the Kraken does not prove that one carries the almighty aura, it certainly shows formidable onyx energy. Something not all humans possess. Yet…under the weight of the Kraken’s force….this boy is the only one that remains standing...”]

Jidiku is beside himself, and begins to laugh under his breath. He moves towards the boy who appears to be frozen in fear. 

Jidiku: [“Considering his build… I sincerely doubt he is the carrier. And yet, I cannot dismiss such an impressive feat from the likes of him.”]

As Jidiku walks past the other minotaurs and draws closer to Taylian, he suddenly catches movement from his peripheral, as five individuals enter the clearing from behind the minotaurs. 

Jidiku: “I see you,”

The five individuals halt in their assault as the rest of the minotaurs quickly turn around, ready to retaliate. 

Princess Zara: [“Damn.”]

“I see…so you all hid behind the debris lying around, waiting for the right moment to strike. For strong individuals like yourselves…that’s a bit cowardly of you, don’t you think?”

Zara grits her teeth in frustration. 

“You speak of us as cowards, and yet you waltz in here after the damage is already done!”

“No no no, little girl. That’s what we call ‘planning ahead’.”

Jidiku then turns back to Taylian, and realizes something strange. The young boy he had initially suspected… is now also pinned to the floor like the rest of the other humans. 

Jidiku: [“Huh? What the…”]

Jidiku looks beside Taylian and sees the child he was carrying also pinned down to the ground. He scoffs as he realizes he must have had it wrong.

Taylian: [“Damn it! That was close!]

Princess Zara steps up towards Jidiku, backed by her royal guard. 

“You will leave this place immediately! Haven’t you done enough damage! What is it that you wish to achieve?!””

Jidiku pauses. He then points his finger to the sky while looking directly at Zara.

“You look at the night sky… and see it coated in blood… and ask such a stupid question?”

“What does that have to do with it?!!!”

“You sure talk a lot, little girl. As I have already told these people who are kind enough to listen, I am searching for the one who possesses the Almighty Aura. Now…who might that be?” 

“I don't know what, or whom you speak of! The Militia in Floritian have already been alerted and are on their way. The Blade Faery is also on her way! I doubt you wish to face them in a fight, so leave!”

“The Militia? The band of rag tag human soldiers that the rest of you humans continue to depend on? Oh, I’m not worried about them…but the Blade Faery, huh...”

Jidiku looks to the ground, and pauses to think.

“...I don’t think I’d make it out alive…”

“Exactly! Now leave at once!”

A minotaur steps forward and taps Jidiku on the shoulder.


Jidiku turns to see the minotaur point his axe towards the little girl before them.

“Allow me the opportunity to silence this pipsqueak.”

Zara clenches her teeth in anger. Ronin and Maggie position themselves in front of her. 

Jidiku smiles.

“Donda….have you forgotten why we are here?”

Jidiku lowers Donda’s ax to the ground, and walks towards Zara and her guard.

“You want us to leave? No problem. Contrary to my countenance, I’m actually a very agreeable person.”

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He stops just short of Zara and glares down to the young princess. His menacing aura, like a haze of black and purple smoke, begins to emanate from his body. It was not lost on Zara’s group of five that he was preparing to fight. It was also not lost on the group that his aura encompassed all of theirs put together. 

“Just give us the one with the Almighty Aura… and we’ll be on our way…”

Ronin steps up in front of Jidiku, trying to put a bit of distance between Princess Zara and Jidiku. 

“I’m sure you are an agreeable person, good sir. After all, it’s not fair to judge a book by its cover.”

Jidiku glances at Ronin, and sees his confident expression. 

“What do you need this almighty aura for? And why are you looking for it here in Texdan? Surely, someone of that stature would be in Floritian instead.”

Ronin turns back to Zara, admiring his princess’s fortitude. However, he knew the primals usually do not operate this way. Especially not the minotaurs…the most bloodthirsty of them all. The fact that they even hinted towards a negotiation without killing them right on the spot meant they really are after whatever it was they are currently searching for. They attack using such a small group, rather than a massive army. This small group also managed to enter the ground past Mount Gamajora, which is not a feat that normal Minotaurs are capable of… meaning this group must be acting on their own accord… and have narrowed down what they seek to be here in Texdan. 

Princess Zara picks up on Ronin’s line of thinking through his questions. She begins to wonder if they were after her specifically - a descendant of the crown. It wouldn’t be the first time the primals had targeted the crown family of Adamatrium. Had she endangered the people of Texdan by sneaking out of Floritian and coming here to visit her uncle’s family? If that were true… how would the primals have known that she would be in Texdan at this exact time? Everytime she has come to Texdan, she has always been accompanied by four of her closest guards….

Suddenly, Princess Zara’s skin turns cold. As quickly as the thought had come, it had left her feeling breathless and unstable. She couldn’t lift her face to stare at her guards. Could one of them have betrayed her? What reason would they need?

Jidiku glances at the rest of the guard, as they slowly surround Zara in a protective formation. 

Jidiku: [“It’s not because she is young that they protect her…..I mean, she’s strong enough to stand in this pressure by herself….so it’s more like…..they shield because she is someone…important…”]

Jidiku snaps his finger, causing vibrations to emit towards the ground towards his group of Minotaurs. The vibrations arranged to decipher a clear message that the Minotaurs all heard loud and clear…


The other minotaurs immediately burst forward and attack accordingly, as Jidiku steps back. Zara and her guards, who had exhausted a lot of their aura saving people earlier on, were a bit slower to react to the assailants. Donda strikes first, swinging his ax towards Zara - but is blocked by two spears from Butch that intercept his ax. Princess Zara stands there…still unfazed.

“Don’t worry about me…You all know I can protect myself…”

Dentri runs to intercept the third minotaur that moves to strike Princess Zara.

Dentri: “It is not that we do not believe in your strength my princess..”

*sounds of metal striking*

Butch: “It’s because we swore an oath. The lives of crown members must be placed before our own!”

Maggie: “How can we stand ideally by? And betray our duty?!”

Princess Zara’s expression changes, as is touched by their words. Her earlier hypothesis of betrayal started to make her feel guilty. However, even with how valiant they stood, she knew they were all shaken and scared for their lives. What stood before them… seemed insurmountable.

Butch steps up as the forefront of the defense, using his strength augmentation to counter the strength of the third minotaur that had tried to strike Princess Zara. The strength of the minotaur was on a much different level to that of his human mutation. He was easily overpowered as the minotaur barely budged before pushing Butch, which sends him flying through the air. Princess Zara gasps, but notices Butch was able to land on his feet before falling. 

Dentri tries to use his burp projection to push back three minotaurs that progressed towards Zara. However, they all stood in place, covering their faces with their arms as the waves blasted right towards them. Dentri was left stunned. It had taken him a huge amount of aura to do what he had just done. Yet, the Minotaurs didn’t move backwards at all…they only continued their advance.

Dentri was now left on the defensive, and was forced to dodge incoming attacks from the three minotaurs. One carried a mace, while the other two depended on the brute strength of their fists. He managed to dodge all their attacks while ensuring Princess Zara remained behind him. He felt like he was starting to get his rhythm.

[“Hah! They may be strong, but we humans are a lot faster than Mino-”]

Suddenly, a punch swings right towards the right side of his thorax. The minotaur that had sent Butch flying was trying to strike Zara, but Dentri now was in the way. 

The Minotaur shatters all the ribs on Dentri’s right side with that one punch. The way Dentri curled from the force of the impact also fractured his vertebrae, which housed his spinal cord. As Dentri collapsed to the ground, he knew something was wrong…..he couldn’t move. 

The Minotaur that had broken his spine grabs Dentri’s head and legs… and rips Dentri apart. The Minotaur then roars out something akin to a battle cry. The people scream as they watch him split Dentri into two. The atmosphere was muddled with screams of terror. Princess Zara screams out in agony. The rest of her guards felt terror, but knew they had to focus. One moment of hesitation… and they would all face the same fate as Dentri. 

Maggie takes a step back from helping Ronin fend off Donda and rushes to Princess Zara’s side, effectively taking Dentri’s place. Ronin employs his onyx ability to repel Donda’s metal ax. He was able to hold Donda at bay using his magnetic force power, but was in severe pain from overworking his onyx after the large building rescue earlier. He attempts to conserve his energy, but cannot seem to find time to do so as Donda remains relentless.

Butch now rejoins the fight and takes his place beside Maggie. Princess Zara watches in horror, as they were both left extremely bloody and bruised, and yet continued to stand after taking severe hits. They scream out to signal their resolve. 

Maggie tries her best to use her speed advantage to not only dodge the minotaurs’ brutish attacks, but to also land a few jabs to knock them backward. However, the guards had completely ignored Jidiku and placed all their focus on the other minotaurs. Jidiku took advantage of this, and uses his earth aura to shift the earth she ran on, forcing her to slip as she sped through the ground. As her balance is now compromised, she ends up tripping straight into a minotaur’s grip. As soon as the minotaur felt her throat in his clawed hands, he crushes it. In seconds, Maggie laid lifeless on the ground, with her head rolling far away from her body.

Princess Zara screams in agony, and begins to cry. These people were not just guards to her. She had known them all her life. Zara cries out in frustration at herself for even entertaining the idea that they would betray her or the Crown. She then looks up to see Jidiku cackling loudly, clearly amused by the way he killed Maggie.  

Zara’s eyes turn dark.

[“I refuse to just stand here…..and watch them all die.”]

She looks towards Dentri’s torn body, not far off from Maggie’s head, and clenches her hands to keep from crying. 

She begins to summon her aura. An aura unique to her bloodline. An aura meant for those who belonged to the crown. The only humans capable… of wielding earth aura. 

Princess Zara crouches down, and using the ground below her, propels herself forward towards Jidiku. She manages to land a hit on Jidiku with a golden punch to the face - using her Midas Touch. She twirls in the air, and lands a short distance in front of him. 

[“Going off that trick from earlier, he can clearly manipulate Terra energy as an Earth crafter… so I doubt he can fight against my gold form!”]


[“In seconds, there’s no doubt… he’ll turn to gold and die…”]

The people around, still pinned to the ground, begin to celebrate. They all know of the mighty aura that the Princess possesses, being an aura that only one member of the crown has ever possessed before. This aura would surely be the ticket to their survival.

Jidiku, even with his eyes closed and his face seemingly hurt, then grins… causing Zara to feel a quick shiver down her spine.

“Yes,” someone whispers. Taylian, shocked, turns to see the young boy beside him awake. He had witnessed the Princess’s punch and was happy that she managed to deliver such a crucial blow to their leader.

After witnessing her attack on Jidiku, the other minotaurs now swarm Princess Zara. Ronin and Butch, who were both at their breaking point, attempt to drag themselves towards Zara to protect her. Ronin collapses as he is struck from behind by Donda (the only minotaur who hadn’t moved towards Zara) while trying to drag himself to her.

Donda: “Never turn your back to your opponent”

Taylian, who laid on the floor with everyone else watching the spectacle, noticed that Jidiku looked much too calm and attentive to be caught off guard. 

[“There is obviously a reason he let her strike him. That guy is bad news. He doesn’t seem like someone that can be caught off guard. That much was evident in the failed ambush earlier. Damn it. How many of us will even make it out of here?”] Taylian gripped his hand to stop it from shaking.

Jidiku stands back up.

“Back off…she’s all mine…” he says, pointing to the other Minotaurs. 

Zara stands there, completely fixated on him. Her eyes were darkened with anger and fury as she recalled what they had all done to her guards, and to the people of Texdan that had died as casualties during this onslaught. However, after giving Jidiku a once over, her eyes widened and she gasped. She had looked again… and saw what she failed to notice before. 

When she lands her gold form attack on anything, one strike is usually enough to spread the gold molecules throughout the whole body of the object - whether living or nonliving. The individual/object solidifies and turns to gold. However, as she looks at Jidiku, she sees that the area she punched…was the only gold spot on his body. It didn’t spread like usual…in fact it was receding. Zara felt rocked to her core. She clenched her fist once more as she soon realized…she is completely outmatched. 

Princess Zara: [“It’s not that I believed we stood a chance against them… but at the very least…we hoped to keep them at bay until reinforcements arrived…my guards and I are the strongest here and still….it still… isn’t enough.”]

Jidiku suddenly raises his right foot, and stamps it into the ground as hard as he could. This causes a strong seismic wave that destroys a few of the buildings nearby that were tattered, but still hanging in there. As soon as he stamps his foot, that same massive roar from before then bellows again. This thing now seemed even more menacing and closer than it did before. 

This time, it seemed whatever had been screeching before…was heading straight for the center square.  

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