After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant

Chapter 102: CH 67

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Butler Qin was already waiting at the gate when Shi Yunnan walked out of the Imperial Capital International Airport with Little Goldfish in his arms.

Uncle Qin waved and shouted, “Mr. Shi, little young master.”

The sleepy Little Goldfish yawned and his eyes lit up instantly, “Grandpa Qin! I miss you so much~”

With his sweet and soft accent that was tainted with sleepiness, he became everyone’s little darling wherever he went.

Butler Qin quickly opened his arms and held the child he hadn’t seen for a long time.

Little Goldfish did not resist his hug in the slightest, and nuzzled up to him good-naturedly, “Grandpa Qin, I brought you a lot of delicious food. They are all in my schoolbag.”

“Thank you, little young master.”

The butler weighed Little Goldfish and confirmed that the other party had put on some more weight before he felt at ease.

“Mr. Shi, the patriarch scheduled your flight at two in the morning, so you must be tired from the long-distance flight, right? The family driver is waiting outside. Should we return early to rest?“

The incident was so sudden that Shi Yunnan decided to come back at short notice.

Luo Lingsheng’s wound had not completely healed after surgery. Furthermore, he was required to remain in the medical center for rehabilitation and other related events.

As for Little Goldfish,

Shi Yunnan was afraid that, without him, the uncle and nephew would only stare at each other all day with nothing to do, so after asking Little Goldfish for his opinion, they came back together.

Shi Yunnan looked at the time on the phone and said, “Uncle Qin, take Little Goldfish back first. I still have some personal matters to deal with.”

Butler Qin heard this and asked again, “Do you need me to send someone to help?”

Shi Yunnan was afraid that the butler would be worried, so he casually instructed, “It’s alright. I’ll just contact my brother directly about the trouble at the Wen family.”

Little Goldfish opened his small school bag and brought out two pieces of his favorite white chocolate for Shi Yunnan, “Little Uncle, come back early after your work! I want to sleep with you tonight.“

He finally got rid of his uncle, and he still had a lot of stories he wanted to hear.

Shi Yunnan took the child’s good intention and rubbed his head again, “Okay.”

After the butler left with Little Goldfish, Shi Yunnan thought about sending Luo Lingsheng a WeChat message to report his safety. It was two in the morning abroad, and he was afraid that the WeChat call would disturb his lover’s rest.

Unexpectedly, less than ten seconds after the text message was sent, Luo Lingsheng directly dialed back.

Shi Yunnan’s eyes were slightly startled, but his fingers pressed on two steps faster than his thoughts.

“Hey, why haven’t you slept yet?”

“I knew when your flight landed, so I purposefully waited.”

Luo Lingsheng’s voice was a little heavy, and after being rendered by electronic equipment, it invisibly tugged at the heartstrings.

Shi Yunnan’s mind moved slightly, “Yes, I just arrived.”

Luo Lingsheng was concerned, “Are you tired after taking such a long-distance flight? Did Jinyu bother you on the plane?“

“No, he’s very well-behaved. I’ve asked Uncle Qin to take him home first.” Shi Yunnan said while walking towards the exit, agreeing with Wen Yibei, “I’ll meet up with my brother.”

Luo Lingsheng, on the other end of the phone, paused for two seconds and then said, “You should take a rest. If there’s anything difficult to handle on the Wen family side, you can contact me anytime.”

“You take good care of your leg injury, don’t worry about me too much.”

Shi Yunnan was talking when he saw the familiar license plate number on the temporary parking lane. The window was rolled down, and Wen Yibei, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, waved to him.

“Yunnan, this way.”

Shi Yunnan raised his chin in response and continued to say to the person on the phone, “My brother is here to pick me up. It’s getting late on your side. Rest early.”


Luo Lingsheng only responded with one word, but it was so inexplicably heart-warming that it made people feel unwarrantedly moved.

Shi Yunnan stood in front of the car, clasping the phone a little harder, and whispered, “Honey, I seem to miss you a little.”

The sound of distinct laughter came from the other end of the phone, “Um, I miss you too.”

The corner of Shi Yunnan’s mouth curled up, “Good night, I’m getting in the car.”


Shi Yunnan hung up the call and got into the car.

Wen Yibei smiled, “Just reported to Luo Lingsheng that you’re safe?“

Shi Yunan fastened his seat belt, “Yeah.”

Wen Yibei didn’t ask any more questions and drove his car away from the transit bridge.

The wind blew in from the windows on both sides, making the noise unpleasant.

Shi Yunnan simply closed the car window to isolate the external noise, saying, “Brother, the explanation on the phone wasn’t clear. I remember that Auntie’s company has been running well, no? How come it was suddenly jointly sued by other shareholders?“

Wen Yibei adjusted the circulating temperature in the car and shook his head, “Wen Chenglang embezzled the official seal without telling Aunt, and signed a transnational musical instrument deal for the company.”

It wasn’t that big of a mistake. After all, as long as the company’s factories produced goods to consistent standards and delivered them on time, as well as the protection of Song Zhiqiu, the largest shareholder, the issue was naturally reduced to a minor one.

At best, he was helping the company grow its business privately.

The bad thing was that Wen Chenglang was greedy and used the official seal to make a dual contract1The illegal and unethical practice of providing two different sets of contracts for the same transaction—usually one at an inflated price so that 80 or 90 percent financing will, in actuality, pay 100 percent of the true purchase price. This practice constitutes fraud..

Not only did he deceive his counterpart, but he also concealed the company’s finances—

For the transnational transaction party, he required a 50% deposit for cooperation to be delivered first, and the other party complied.

But for his own company, he only gave 30% of the cooperation deposit, and deducted 20% of the deposit privately.

“Where did he get the courage? When the final payment is delivered, it will still be revealed.” Shi Yunnan sneered, laughing at how much of a brainless idiot Wen Chenglang was.

Wen Yibei guessed his own brother’s inner thoughts and continued, “He got some brain this time.”


“The price of high-quality ebony wood used for musical instruments’ material is obviously astronomical. He stated in the contract that the same high quality and quantity of Chinese fir wood would be used. Yet he secretly mixed in inferior-quality Chinese fir wood to cut corners.“

Shi Yunnan was amazed, “Replace the raw material to cut corners?”

Wen Yibei nodded, “Some time ago, the owner of that inferior-brand supplier got drunk and blurted out that China’s top musical instrument supplier was using their raw wood.”

The speaker was drunk, but the listener was sober.

This matter spread not only to the ears of other shareholders of the company, but also to the ears of the other company.

These two sides went back and forth, and the matter blew up.

Now the foreign merchant demanded the termination of the contract and requested a refund of 50% of the deposit. At the same time, they also asked for quantitative economic compensation according to the contract, otherwise they would directly sue.

“This batch of goods has been produced, but the foreign trade customers say they don’t want them when they are about to be delivered. It’s clear that the initial investment will be wasted. Those shareholders are all shrewd people. How can they be willing to face the loss of their own interests?”

They jointly investigated the matter and found that, in addition to this excessive dual contract, the company’s liquidity had been secretly moved in the past two months, which was also Wen Chenglang’s handiwork.

These two incidents were superimposed, and the mother and son, Song Zhiqiu and Wen Chenglang, were naturally pushed to the teeth of the storm.

Some furious shareholders wanted to call the police and file a case for investigation. Criminal detention and sentencing were indispensable once it was discovered that he secretly used the official seal and embezzled the company fund.

Shi Yunnan was speechless. “So Aunt wants to pay this huge amount of money to bail out Wen Chenglang?”

Wen Yibei nodded, “I’m not sure exactly how much it costs, but it’s estimated to be quite a sum. Auntie went to Uncle and Grandpa two days ago and asked them to come up with at least 20 million yuan22,967,032.75 US Dollars.”


Shi Yunnan gnashed his teeth.

Do they have no shame?

Wen Chenglang himself stirred up the trouble, but the two elders still needed to clean up after him.

Wen Yibei shared what he knew, “You also know about Grandpa’s health. Uncle didn’t want to trouble the old man. I’m not sure how Aunt got the idea, but she wanted to sell the Wen family’s villa.”

Shi Yunnan resisted the urge to swear, “Grandpa and uncle didn’t agree?”

“The day before yesterday, Grandpa was so angry that he almost went to the hospital, so I hurriedly called you, but fortunately, it’s not a big deal. Now he lives in my house.“

“Uncle is also against this. Right now, Wen Chenglang and the others don’t know my new home address.”

Wen Yanfeng and Wen Yibei have the same thoughts. Old Man Wen’s physical condition wasn’t as good as before. He can’t stand the torment of this mother and son.

“Auntie called me this morning…” Wen Yibei hesitated, fearing that his younger brother would be unhappy.

Shi Yunnan hummed.

Even if he didn’t finish the sentence, he could guess that Song Zhiqiu must have come to Wen Yibei to ask for money. In the process, she must have morally guilt-tripped him with “the kindness of the Wen family”.

“Brother, just ignore her.”

Shi Yunnan repeatedly warned him, but inwardly, he felt strange.

According to common sense, Song Zhiqiu had been at Huachang Musical Instruments for so many years, so she should have saved some private property in her hands. No matter how bad it was, shouldn’t she be able to cover this huge loss?

How could someone as strong as her ask for money from others?

“Look how tired you are. Why did you rush back?”

“I’m worried about Grandpa, and even more worried that you and Uncle are soft-hearted and can’t withstand the pretense of that mother and son.” The reason why Shi Yunnan rushed back was naturally because he planned to stand up for his own people in a tough situation.

Wen Yibei was helpless and said, “Okay, you sleep for a while. I’ll wake you up when we get home.”

Wen Yibei’s new home was a little far from Imperial Capital International Airport, and it took about 20 minutes’ drive to get off the expressway.

Shi Yunnan responded by simply putting the seat down to catch up on sleep.

At the same time, the Zijing villa area

A plain and cleanly dressed nanny walked along the path filled with greenery. She looked down at the fresh ingredients in her hands, thinking about the cooking procedures for tonight.

Before going out, Mr. Wen said that his younger brother was coming, so she had to make extra delicious food today.

The nanny thought of this and quickened her pace back to the villa. She grabbed her spare access card and opened the door. She stepped into the house for only two seconds when she was hit hard on the shoulder.

An unfamiliar and slightly chubby figure broke in unannounced.

The nanny’s alarm went off, and she shouted in a panic, “Who are you? Why are you breaking into the house?“

“I have already inquired. You are the nanny hired by Wen Yibei, and the villa you are now in must also be his.” The other party confirmed this information to himself.

He looked around twice and shouted without thinking, “Wen Yibei, come out! Where did you hide Grandpa! Grandpa, I’m Chenglang!”

The nanny hurriedly put the ingredients on the entrance cabinet and rushed up to block them, “You, you get out! Or I’ll call security!“

Wen Chenglang was annoyed. When he saw the nanny trying to stop him twice, he immediately pushed her back with both hands, “Get out of the way, you old woman. Are you courting death?”


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The nanny fell on the entrance cabinet, and a lot of the ingredients placed above also fell to the ground.

At the same time, a voice finally sounded above the stairs, “Chenglang, you’re causing a disturbance!”

Wen Chenglang saw Old Man Wen’s figure and ran up the stairs.

His chubby face was rid of decadence and impatience, showing excitement and anticipation instead, as if he had seen some kind of savior.

The nanny endured the pain and got up from the ground, holding her waist, “Sir, this is…”

“This is my little grandson. Ah Ling, I’m really sorry, are you all right?” Old Man Wen ignored Wen Chenglang; instead, he was first concerned about the nanny’s situation.

The expression of the neglected Wen Chenglang turned hostile, and the resentment in his heart overflowed again.

Nanny Ling looked at Wen Chenglang, the uninvited guest, and asked, “Old master, shall I call Mr. Wen?”

“No, Yibei is probably driving right now. They should be back soon.”

As Old Man Wen said, he glanced at Wen Chenglang, who was standing in front of him.

He knew that there was a “long-standing grudge” between the three brothers, and he didn’t want his grandsons to rush over when they learned the news, lest they be distracted on the road.

Wen Chenglang, who learned the news, noticed that the situation wasn’t good, and immediately regained his sense of existence, “Grandpa, I beg you, please help me, otherwise I will not be able to escape this time.”

Old Man Wen looked at the nanny who was picking up ingredients and moved his gaze to his grandson, “Chenglang ah, what do you want to say to Grandpa?”

“Grandpa, I…I…”

With sweat on his forehead, Wen Chenglang said nervously, “Grandpa, let me tell you the truth, my mom is losing all her money because of me…“

“The company’s affairs can barely be solved with the 20 million you gave, but there are other places that need money.”

Mr. Wen took a deep breath and said, “Where did you use it?”

If nothing else, Song Zhiqiu should have been able to save tens of millions over the years, so how could he say that she has no money?

“Over the years, I haven’t earned much but I’ve splurged a lot on food, drink, and entertainment. I have also lost a lot of money by following others’ advice to invest. The main thing is…“

Wen Chenglang knelt down on the ground. After days of suffering, he finally shed some crocodile tears, “Last time I had an argument with Shi Yunnan. After my hand was injured, my mother gave me her bank card.”

Song Zhiqiu was always fond of spoiling her son, so she gave him a large amount of money on the bank card to use for relaxation. In normal circumstances, no matter how much he splurges, it will only be several million.

Wen Chenglang said, “I drank too much that day and played in the casino for two hours.”

Song Zhiqiu was so angry that she almost vomited blood. For the first time in years, Wen Chenglang was beaten and scolded. He also knew that he had done something wrong, and of course he let his mother teach him a lesson.

But he heard afterwards from other gentry that Shi Yunnan had made money, so the more he thought about it, the more upset he became.

In terms of investment ability, he can’t compare to Shi Yunnan.

In terms of musical ability, he wasn’t as good as Wen Yibei.

It was at that time that Wen Chenglang was introduced to the foreign businessman in the contract through someone else.

“I, I just want to make money to fill up the previous gambling losses and give my mom a surprise.” Wen Chenglang made an excuse for himself.

But as the saying goes, one will forget the pain after recovery.

Instigated by his bad friends, Wen Chenglang took the profit he earned and went to the casino. The result was a total loss.

The gambling addict, Wen Chenglang, was gullible and turned to borrowing money from loan sharks. He was afraid that he couldn’t pay off the interest rollover, so he secretly embezzled the company’s liquidity, thinking that he would make up for it after winning.

It turns out everything was just his pipe dream, and this series of events were exposed.

Wen Chenglang tightly hugged Old Man Wen’s legs and refused to let go. He was clearly twenty-four or five years old, but he was crying like a three-year-old child, “Grandpa, I am your only grandson. Save me! “

“If I can’t pay back the money, I may go to jail.”

If Song Zhiqiu resold her share, she would lose control of Huachang. Now the shareholders were all staring at this piece of meat in her hands, and the latter was still stubborn.

“You’ve lived in that villa for your whole life. That’s why you don’t want to sell it, but I know our Wen family is rich! Grandpa, don’t you still have money? You should divide the property for me earlier, okay?“

“Otherwise, you ask Wen Yibei and Shi Yunnan to make up the money for me. Both of them have money!” Wen Chenglang had already lost his mind.

“Grandpa, as long as you speak up, they will both agree.”

Wen Chenglang had already inquired about his own situation. If he was imprisoned, he would have to stay for more than three years and less than ten years.

His life has just begun!

The best time must not be wasted in prison!

Old Man Wen felt a bout of dizziness when he heard this, “How come you have the nerve to bother your two cousins with the trouble you caused by yourself?”

He still has some savings on hand, but it was divided up last year.

He planned to leave a share to his grandsons, who lost their mother; a share to his second daughter, who was married to a man from the neighboring province; and a share plus the villa, which he planned to leave to Wen Yanfeng and his wife.

Of course, he hadn’t told everyone about it in detail.

His children and grandchildren have their own offspring.

Old Man Wen knew his physical condition, and he was really incapable of dealing with these bad things.

Even if he nodded and took care of it now, with his little grandson’s completely spoiled and bad nature, he was afraid that he would fail to reflect on his wrongdoing and continue to do bad things in the future.

Old Man Wen suppressed the disappointment in his heart and said, helplessly and forcefully, “Chenglang, grandpa can’t help you with this.”


Wen Chenglang originally thought that this was a winning conversation, but Old Man Wen unexpectedly refused without hesitation.

He raised his head and stared at the old man with so much anger that his eyes were about to pop out, “If you don’t leave the money to your own grandson, do you want to leave the money to Shi Yunnan and the others? What are they? Do they deserve it?“


Old Man Wen was provoked by him to the point that he couldn’t stand firmly. He shouted, “Wen Chenglang!”

Wen Chenglang got up from the ground, his cheeks were shaking with anger, “Grandpa, you wait! You’ll regret it!“

When Old Man Wen saw the hatred in his eyes, his heart shrank suddenly, and he quickly stepped forward and grabbed his little grandson’s wrist, “Chenglang, you…”

“You old fart! Leave me alone!” Wen Chenglang broke free from Old Man Wen’s grasp.

But what neither side expected was that the extent of the emotional struggle would be too great.

The old man standing on the edge of the stairs swayed and fell to the ground. He rolled several steps before he could barely stabilize himself and felt the pain kicking in.

Old Man Wen felt that his internal organs were being squeezed together, and the sudden intense pain almost took away his consciousness.

“Sir!” Nanny Ling rushed to the platform in the middle of the stairs to check the situation.

Wen Chenglang’s anger was frozen on his face as he looked at the scene that was particularly similar to the one in the past.

In just a few seconds, a large amount of warm sweat of guilty conscience rose on his forehead. He completely forgot his identity as a “grandson” and hurried to flee.

As soon as Wen Yibei and Shi Yunnan got out of the car, they saw Wen Chenglang’s hurried figure.

The two brothers looked at each other and realized something was wrong on the spot.

Wen Yibei took the lead in running back to the main house. Shi Yunan looked at the direction Wen Chenglang fled, picked up his mobile phone, and quickly explained a few words to the person on the other end of WeChat.


Wen Yibei looked at the helpless nanny as well as the old man, who had fainted on the floor, his complexion suddenly changed.

Shi Yunnan’s breathing hitched when he entered the house, then he hurriedly went forward.

“Brother, hurry up! The second hospital, I just saw it when we were passing by! It’s close!“


Wen Yanfeng, who learned the news, immediately rushed to the door of the emergency room, and after another ten minutes, the mother and daughter, Song Zhiqiu and Wen Wanyou, also hurried there.

When Wen Wanyou met Shi Yunnan’s gaze, her expression suddenly became unnatural.

Since she failed to seduce Luo Lingsheng at the Wen’s birthday banquet last time, she has not dared to meet Shi Yunnan again.

Song Zhiqiu didn’t pay attention to her daughter’s reaction. She just frowned and looked at Wen Yibei, “Why did something happen to the old man? Don’t you want him to live in your new home, Yibei? Did you hire a nanny to take care of him?“

Because of the money issue, Song Zhiqiu was a little dissatisfied with her father-in-law and her husband.

Wen Yibei’s eyes were red, but he didn’t speak.

Old Man Wen had an accident in his own home. Even if the whole thing had nothing to do with him, he would inevitably feel guilty.

Shi Yunnan involuntarily stood in front of his brother, blocking Song Zhiqiu’s inexplicable interrogative gaze.

“Auntie, if you have the nerve to question my brother, why don’t you ask your precious son what he did?”


Song Zhiqiu’s expression changed, “What do you mean?”

Wen Yanfeng coldly looked at his wife. His eyes no longer contained any superfluous feelings, “Wen Chenglang spent money to inquire about Yibei’s new home address. He broke into the house and had a dispute with Dad. Dad was pushed down by him.”


Song Zhiqiu subconsciously denied it. Years of favoritism towards her son had made her form an instinctive reaction regardless of right or wrong.

Before the lingering sound disappeared, the elevator door at the end of the corridor opened.

Two strong men captured Wen Chenglang and dragged him in.

Wen Chenglang, who lacked the strength to even truss a chicken, could only shout, “What are you doing! Let me go!“

Song Zhiqiu and Wen Wanyou looked at each other, both somewhat unresponsive. Only Shi Yunnan quickly walked up. His eyes were so dark that it made people shudder with fear.

The two bodyguards were Luo Lingsheng’s subordinates, and they were specially arranged to covertly protect Shi Yunnan.

Not long ago, Shi Yunnan saw Wen Chenglang fleeing in panic, and when he realized something was wrong, he immediately asked them to find him.

“Mr. Shi.”

Wen Chenglang then guessed that the two bodyguards had something to do with Shi Yunnan. He glanced at the door of the emergency room with a guilty conscience and swallowed his nervous saliva, “Shi Yunnan, you let them…”

Before he could finish the request, Shi Yunnan kicked Wen Chenglang’s abdomen with his feet.


Wen Chenglang’s face instantly twisted.

Song Zhiqiu heard the scream and immediately stepped forward, “Shi Yunnan, what are you doing?”

Shi Yunnan turned around, revealing a cold and horrifying gaze. His formidable aura actually made Song Zhiqiu stop.

“What am I doing? You, Song Zhiqiu, are incapable of educating your own child, so I’ll clean up this shameless dog for the Wen family for free!”

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