After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant

Chapter 11: CH 11

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Luo’s Manor was a little far from the FYUE Club in the city center. When Shi Yunnan arrived, his friend Fu Ziyu had already booked an independent booth on the second floor at a high price.

“You’re late for a treat?” Fu Ziyu rebuked while pushing the glass of tequila over, “You should be punished!”

“It’s not even seven o’clock, and this nightclub hasn’t even started yet, what’s the rush?” Shi Yunnan sat across from him and took the initiative to drink the penalty drink.

Fu Ziyu poured him another glass, and asked curiously, “Just now you entered the venue on the first floor, and dragged a waiter to mutter about what? So mysterious, I could see it from the second floor!”

Shi Yunnan chuckled softly, “It’s nothing, just let him bring up some good wine to entertain you, the rich young master who rarely returns home.”

“Don’t flatter me with nice words, but the fact that you choose to invite me here for a welcome dinner really jabs at my heart.”

Fu Ziyu raised his glass to show his satisfaction and looked around with unstoppable excitement.

The Fu family was in the automobile industry, and it was one of the best in the domestic field.

However, Fu Ziyu, this rich young master, did not have the slightest interest in the management of his own family industry, but instead loved to study Club culture.

Whether it was a veteran or a trendy nightclub brand, he had a very thorough understanding.

For him, dancing and drinking were secondary. His dream was to open a distinctive and formal first-class nightclub.

Fu Ziyu started the topic——

“Yunnan, do you know? FYUE Club invested 50 million yuan1 at the beginning. The owner, brother Feng, is a well-known hotel expert. When he first bought the foundation of this abandoned factory, he was criticized by a group of insiders… ”

“Now look at the result? This nightclub has become a top-tier club in the imperial capital in less than three months after its opening. Now it has been open for a few years, but the daily customer flow is still exploding.”

FYUE Club’s ground floor was a large area of dance floor and sitting booths. The second floor was for independent boxes for midnight drinking and dancing, and the third floor was the lounge bar, which was used to entertain VIPs guests during weekdays.

Each one of the three floors had been utilized to the utmost.

Fu Ziyu made an estimation for a moment, and gestured with his fingers, “The earning is at least this multiple of the original investment! Don’t you think this boss, brother Feng, is too good at making money?”

Shi Yunnan raised his eyebrows, and remained unmoved, “Brother Feng is just the boss on the surface, the real investment boss behind the scenes is someone else.”

Fu Ziyu took a sip of wine and asked curiously, “How do you know? Who is it?”

Shi Yunnan reported a name, “Xie Keyue.”


Fu Ziyu suddenly choked, and asked incredulously, “Xie Keyue? That Xie Keyue who is your half-brother?”

Shi Yunnan’s face darkened, “Correct, he is the child born from Shi Sheng’s affair.”

Fu Ziyu suppressed the desire to explode, and then resumed the topic after a while, “How can you be so sure that he’s the boss behind the scenes? Is the news reliable?”

Shi Yunnan’s eyes were deep and serene. He didn’t answer the question.

Is it reliable? Anyway, that’s what the plot of the original book in the dream depicted——

Xie Keyue started his own capital accumulation very early. As a book transmigrator, he knew in advance that the entertainment club opened by ‘brother Feng’ would explode the entire Imperial Capital and even the whole country.

Therefore Xie Keyue took the initiative to create chance encounters and befriended brother Feng. He waited until the other party temporarily lacked funds then took the opportunity to enter the street name stocks2.

On the surface, brother Feng was the only boss of this club; In fact, Xie Keyue hid behind the scenes and earned a lot of money.

“No, if he is really a behind-the-scenes investor in this nightclub, why didn’t he come out to help when Shi’s company encountered funding problems before?”

Fu Ziyu arrived at this conclusion.

After all, based on the three-year profit sharing of this nightclub, Xie Keyue was able to fill in the missing part of the Shi’s capital chain.

Shi Yunnan’s eyes glanced around, and he laughed, “At present, the position of Shi family successor is not his. It is understandable that he hides his financial strength and is unwilling to help.”

Most people in this world were egoists, there was no excuse for that.

In the description of the original book, Xie Keyue was a shrewd businessman.

He got acquainted with the powerful leaders in various industries in the book, and confirmed that the projects he invested were all profitable. If the matter didn’t affect him personally, he would stand aside and watch coldly. He never lost a penny for others.

Old man Shi wholeheartedly treated Xie Keyue as his heir, but before the official assets were obtained, the latter was bound to hide his strength and was unwilling to contribute.

“Yes, it’s right to think about yourself first…”

Fu Ziyu seemed to have thought of something, and gritted his teeth with a sneer, “But he himself hid and kept quiet, how could he scheme against you? I don’t believe that he didn’t have a hand in this when you were forced to marry the Luo family.”

Shi Yunnan took the initiative to pour him a glass of wine, “Don’t worry, did I say I would let their mother and son get away with this?”

Fu Ziyu drank the wine, and then asked, “You confess first, who are you married to? Why didn’t I know that you have the potential to fall in love at first sight and have a flash marriage?”

“Have you heard of Luo Lingsheng? Patriarch of the Luo family, Luo Yanchuan’s nominal little uncle.”


Fu Ziyu sprayed the liquor in his mouth.

He didn’t respond and was dumbfounded for a while before he hooked his friend’s shoulder and joked, “Okay ah, Shi Yunnan.”

“Luo Yanchuan ignored you, his marriage partner, but now he has to call you ‘little aunt’? One second, you’re the unloved young master, and the next second you turned into a madam of a wealthy chaebol3? You’ve made a good move.”

“Go away.” Shi Yunnan pushed him away in disgust and continued to tell the truth, “Luo Lingsheng and I are married under false a pretense, with our own purposes and needs. Some regulations have already been established.”


Fu Ziyu was speechless again, he couldn’t keep up with the plot twists of his friend’s story.

“Xie Keyue and Xie Wei, the mother and son, they will inevitably calculate against me in the future for the family fortune. I have stayed abroad for these years with no other contacts in China except my brother.”

Shi Yunnan was unable to tell the truth about the plot of the dream, so he had to find a proper reason, “…you can treat it as me hugging the thickest thigh in the imperial capital circle to give myself an extra layer of security for the future.”

“Luo Lingsheng is only a few years older than me. He has power, status, and good appearance. I won’t be able to find a second person who fits my appetite like this in the entire imperial capital. I won’t suffer a loss from a fake marriage with him.”

It was rare to hear his high-standard friend compliment a man, Fu Ziyu smiled, “Come on, it’s good if you know it in your heart.”

“My dad won’t let me fool around abroad anymore, he forces me to come back and make a career, so you can always find me if you need anything.”


The two clinked their glasses and drank merrily.

Soon, there was a loud song on the first floor, and the crowd began to burst into commotion.

Fu Ziyu was amazed when he watched the swarms of young men and women rushing into the dance floor and dancing.

“Fortunately, I came early and robbed a box. I just heard the receptionist say that the customer flow during the Qixi Festival4 has reached a new high today. Xie Keyue must really be the boss behind the scenes…”

Suddenly, a high-decibel noise came from the stairs to the side, drowning out Fu Ziyu’s voice.

Shi Yun looked at the source of the sound, but bumped into a figure that couldn’t be more familiar.

He delicately hooked his lips and gestured to his friend, “Speak of the devil, in white clothes.”

Fu Ziyu narrowed his eyes and looked over, “Xie Keyue?”

Four young people came up the stairs. From the clothes and accessories, they must be from rich families.

Shi Yunnan nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, there was a deeper reason why he specifically picked this Qixi Festival date and ran to this crowded nightclub——

According to the plot of the original book in the dream, Luo Yanchuan and Xie Keyue, who were the protagonists, met today in this nightclub and fell in love at first sight.

Not only that, ‘Shi Yunnan’ also planted a seed of misfortune in this store.

After escaping from marriage and leaving home, he met Xie Keyue in a nightclub. Under the latter and his friends’ provocation, he started a drinking and gambling game, and ended up losing a lot of money.

The most terrible thing was that someone drugged ‘Shi Yunnan’ wine!

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When he woke up the next day, he was played with by a group of ‘scamming’ hooligans, and had an indescribable video taken of him, laying a curse for his unfortunate life.

During a brief moment of eye contact, Xie Keyue also recognized Shi Yunnan.

“Keyue, why aren’t you coming?”

“I met an acquaintance, my stepfather’s precious son.” Xie Keyue hesitated for a moment, then smiled, “Yuan Rui, you should sit down first, I’ll go over and say hello to him.”

“Hey, wait!”

The young man named Yuan Rui grabbed his wrist, his round and bright eyes were immediately tainted with a trace of caution, “Your stepfather’s son? That Shi Yunnan who often secretly suppresses you?”

With that, he cast a strange look at Shi Yunnan who was in his seat, “What do you say hello to him? Go away and pretend you don’t know each other.”

“Don’t be like that.” Xie Keyue smiled gently, “Yunnan quarreled with the old man and left home some time ago. Since we met today, I’ll go over to persuade him.”

Yuan Rui gnashed his teeth secretly, fearing that his soft-hearted friend would be bullied, “Then let An Kai and others take their seats first, I’ll accompany you over.”

On the other side, Fu Ziyu, who was sitting in his seat, frequently received the ‘hostile’ line of sight from the other party, and asked silently—

“Yunnan, who is the boy next to Xie Keyue? The baby fat hasn’t been cleaned up yet, but his eyes look as if others owe him money.”

“Yuan Rui?”

According to the content of the original book, Shi Yunnan guessed that the other party should be the young master of Yuan’s jadeware, and one of the few friends that Xie Keyue was willing to make sincere friendships with.

As they spoke, the other two came up.

“Yunnan, I didn’t expect to meet you here.” When Xie Keyue opened his mouth, it was still in the tone of a good nature person, “You suddenly left with Patriarch Luo that day, Grandpa, mom and dad have been very worried about you at home.”

“I’m having a good time, so you don’t have to worry about me.” Shi Yunnan didn’t get up.

“You and Patriarch Luo…”

“Lingsheng and I fell in love at first sight, and our relationship is heating up at the speed of light. When the time comes for the wedding, I will definitely invite you.” Shi Yunnan lifted his eyes to interrupt, and flaunted ostentatiously.

“After all, if it weren’t for your family’s conspiracy, I wouldn’t have met such a good husband by mistake.”

At the end, he did not forget to raise his glass to gesture, “Thank you very much.”


The irony in his words was too obvious, and Xie Keyue was silent for a while.

Yuan Rui could see that his friend had been targeted by the connotation, so a violent temper emerged for inside.

“Second young master Shi, don’t be so enigmatic here. What’s the point of just showing off with your mouth? If you have the ability, let’s find out the truth on the wine table! Don’t cry for your mother when you lose.”

“Yuan Rui!” Xie Keyue anxiously stopped him, and explained to Shi Yunnan, “Yunnan, my friend has quite a temper, but he has no bad intentions.”

“You’ve been abroad for so many years, we both haven’t had a good chat, if you don’t mind, let’s share a table?”

The gentleness on Xie Keyue’s face remained unchanged. He seemed to be looking forward to the friendship between the two.

The dream scenario happened in front of his own eyes. Shi Yunnan’s eyes flashed with contempt and playfulness.

He was not a character that would evade his resigning fate. The more miserable the foreseeable encounter, the more he wanted to shatter the trajectory of this bullsh*t.

Shi Yunnan looked at Yuan Rui and picked up where he left off, “What do you want to play? Dice betting on numbers? The loser d bottles or spending money?”

When Fu Ziyu heard his friend’s consent, he hurriedly came closer to whisper, “Yunnan, are you sure you want to play with them?”

“Play ah, let’s have some fun.” Shi Yunnan replied.

“Okay, I’ll accompany you.”

Fu Ziyu quickly agreed, and squeezed out two sentences between his teeth, “I can’t stand seeing Xie Keyue hogging your young master position, and pretend he didn’t vie for it.”

Yuan Rui saw that they were ‘whispering’, and promptly made a sound to regain their sense of existence, “What are you mumbling about? Could it be that you can’t hold liquor? Are you afraid of losing control after drinking?”

YO, who was he looking down on?

Who hadn’t got some real skill after mixing around in the nightclub all these years?

Fu Ziyu suppressed the truth in his heart, “Sit down, let’s play here!”

The two sides reached an unprecedented consensus.

Xie Keyue saw this and spoke out, “Well, you guys sit down first. I’ll go to the bathroom, and I’ll be back soon.”

“Well, go ahead.”

Xie Keyue, who got the answer, quickly disappeared into the crowd. He quickly tore off his kind mask and walked into the backstage of the nightclub in a familiar manner.

A waiter recognized his identity and rushed up eagerly, “Brother Yue, what can I help you with?”

“In the K14 box on the second floor, send some good wine up.” Xie Keyue deliberately stressed on the words ‘good wine’ a little harder.

“Also, find a few people who can play to wait around here…” He lowered his voice and described Shi Yunnan’s outer clothes.

“It’s a good product, don’t waste the night.”

The waiter looked startled, and quickly responded, “U-understood.”

Nightclubs were a world controlled by rich people. It was inevitable that there would be some potential transactions and some dirty tricks to entrap people.

S*xual relationship occurred due to alcohol, and then some photos or videos would be left behind.

Scamming hooligans played with the rich and public figures. If the victims did not want their nude photos or s*xtape to leak, they could only choose to endure their anger, and swallow the broken teeth into their stomachs5.

The waiter squeezed the corner of his clothes, and was unable to suppress his curiosity for a moment, “Brother Yue, how did that man offend you? Even a good temper like yours can’t stand it?”

“Keep your mouth shut, don’t ask questions, and do as I say.” Xie Keyue’s eyes grew colder, then he put a candy in his palm, “After the thing is done, you will also benefit.”

“Know, I know!”

The waiter was startled by the look in his eyes and hurriedly ran to prepare.

Xie Keyue stayed where he was, his eyes covered with calculations.

Actually, Luo Lingsheng had always been the target person he wanted to approach, but Shi Yunnan beat him to it? The other party even deliberately showed off in front of him? This is absolutely unacceptable!

Xie Keyue sent someone to investigate secretly. Luo Lingsheng was not in the country at all during this period. How much emotional foundation could he and Shi Yunnan develop? The latter was completely slapping his own face in order to look imposing6!

After tonight, Shi Yunnan would not only be played by people in turn, but would also be photographed and threatened. Eventually, this glorious deed would spread throughout the imperial capital wealthy circle.

Luo Lingsheng was a dignified person, how could he possibly accept that such an unsightly Shi Yunnan would become his other half?

“Don’t blame me……”

Xie Keyue put on his goody two shoes mask again, only to murmur insidiously, “You must blame yourself for jumping in front of the muzzle. You’re so dead trying to block my way.”

The author has something to say:

#Little fox Nan: Not a bit of panic, I’m even quite looking forward to a face slap~

7,849,417 USD

Not sure if I translated this term correctly because I googled the definition and the term “street name stock” came up. The raw is 暗股[àn gǔ] which literally means secret stock. Definition: Stocks purchased under the name of others.

This term appears a lot in K drama lol. A large family-owned business conglomerate.

The Qixi Festival, also known as the Qiqiao Festival, is a Chinese festival celebrating the annual meeting of the cowherd and weaver girl in mythology. The festival is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh lunisolar month on the Chinese calendar.

A metaphor: Suffer loss but couldn’t speak out.

打肿脸充胖子[dǎ zhǒng liǎn chōng pàng zi]: try to satisfy one’s vanity when one cannot really afford to do so.

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