After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant

Chapter 129: CH 83

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TL: Hua

“Xie Keyue’s name is written on the signature that gives the release order number.”

When Shi Yunnan heard the answer given by Yu Shuo, a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes. He felt both expected and unexpected.

After all, with Xie Keyue’s paranoid personality, even if he made a notorious mess at the engagement party, he definitely wouldn’t stop there.

However, Shi Yunnan really didn’t expect Xie Keyue to be so daring and “capable.” He could still have a place in Shi’s company after being cast aside by Old Man Shi and Shi Sheng and even do such illegal things!

Shi Yunnan looked at Yu Shuo, “Is this confirmed?”

Yu Shuo glanced at the butler, who was delivering the tea, and calmly accepted the drink, “I never do anything without certainty. If I can’t defeat my eldest brother, Yu Ming, with a single blow, it will be bad for me in the future.”

Yu Shuo paused and placed the teacup on the table, “It’s just…”

Shi Yunnan guessed what he meant, but still asked casually, “Just what?”

“It’s just that when I bring down my eldest brother, this matter will inevitably expose Xie Keyue and will likewise implicate the Shi family along with him.”

The Shi family’s freight transportation is well known in China. Once it is involved in such an illegal incident, coupled with the deliberate suppression of public opinion, the consequences are self-evident.

“The reason I came here today is to make sure that Mr. Shi doesn’t care about the Shi family’s assets. Once this incident comes out, there’s probably nothing to gain.”

Instead, it’s better to take advantage of this half-month gap to collect some crumbs before clearing the relationship.

Shi Yunnan understood Yu Shuo’s “good advice” and smiled calmly, “I severed the relationship with the Shi family long ago. I didn’t care about their money in the past, and I still don’t care about it now or in the future.”

Yu Shuo asked again, “So you won’t protect Shi company and won’t want it either?”

Shi Yunnan looked calm and said, “No, I don’t want it.”

“If that’s the case, then I have nothing to worry about.” Yu Shuo chuckled lightly, as if he had solved a big problem.

Shi Yunnan found it interesting, “Mr. Yu came here to confirm this trivial matter?”

“Trivial matter? Mr. Shi, your opinion is the top priority for my future plans.”

Yu Shuo’s peach blossom eyes flashed with a shimmer, “To be honest, if I can successfully bring down Yu Ming this time, the first thing I will do is to open a new gateway in the Imperial Capital.”

And Yu Shuo’s first plan was to acquire Shi Company, which was “about to fall.”

Shi’s Logistics had a very complete system. As long as the operating rules are changed a little, it will still be able to develop into a big fat fish in the future.

“I’m afraid that Mr. Shi still has some feelings for Shi Company. When the time comes, Lingsheng will step in to save it for your sake. Then wouldn’t my gain outweigh the loss?”

Yu Shuo shook his head slightly, deliberately joking, “By then I have no choice but to fight head-to-head with your husband.”

Shi Yunnan smiled at the word “husband,” and said, “Mr. Yu has the ability. There’s no way you would encounter a dead end.”

“Then… replace wine with tea?” Yu Shuo raised the teacup again and held it firmly in front of him, “To celebrate our verbal agreement this time?”

Shi Yunnan readily agreed and raised his cup.

After solving the important matters, Yu Shuo was obviously a lot more relaxed than when he first entered the door, “Mr. Shi, I’m actually curious. When did you and Lingsheng get together? How did you get together? Did you know…”

Did you know he was interested in you a long time ago?

It’s a pity that before the words were finished, Little Goldfish, who had completed the arithmetic math problem, ran down the stairs.

“Little uncle! I’ve done my homework!”

After Little Goldfish finished shouting, he found another unfamiliar face sitting beside the sofa. The smile on his face was immediately withdrawn, and his eyes were detached and wary.

The child, whose appearance was similar to Luo Lingsheng, was measuring Yu Shuo with his small face.

Yu Shuo instantly recognized Little Goldfish’s identity and found it funny, “It is said that nephews are like uncles. This child can be passed off as Lingsheng’s son.”

Shi Yunnan waved at Little Goldfish and replied, “We originally raised him as our own son.”

“Little Goldfish, this is Uncle Yu Shuo.”

Little Goldfish raised his eyes and observed Yu Shuo for a long time before greeting him coolly, “Hello Uncle Yu.”

“Interesting, his personality is also like Lingsheng.” Yu Shuo raised his brows and couldn’t help expressing emotion in his heart.

Some people’s fates are predestined, and some others, just like this child, are born in Rome1[有的人一出生就在罗马, 有的人生来就是牛马] The full sentence of this phrase is [Some people were born in Rome, and some people were born as cattles and horses.] It means some are just born privileged. They got to the top without requiring any effort..

To him, the Luo Group and the family head position, which others envied and coveted, were nothing more than items that were readily available on the way to his growth.

“Okay, I’ll go first.” Yu Shuo withdrew his thoughts and took the initiative to say goodbye, “When Lingsheng comes back, we should have another meal together when we’re free.”

Shi Yunan nodded.

After Yu Shuo left, Little Goldfish returned to his soft attitude and pulled Shi Yunnan firmly, “Little Uncle, can I drink milk tea?”

He had to hurry and express his wish while his uncle wasn’t at home.

Shi Yunnan picked him up and said, “You want to go out to play, right? Why did you keep a straight face when you saw Yu Shuo just now?”

Little Goldfish shook his head and did not answer, but he was a little proud in his heart.

My uncle is not at home. What if this Uncle Yu, like the foreign uncle last time, takes a fancy to my little uncle?

Of course, he wanted to imitate his uncle to scare people away! Look, the plan was a big success!

Little Goldfish continued to act coquettishly, “Little Uncle, I want to drink sweet milk tea! Just half a cup, okay?”

Shi Yunnan tapped the tip of his nose and said, “You little clever ghost. You only make requests when your uncle is not at home. I’ll take you out to play around, and then buy milk tea for you.”

Little Goldfish gleefully sent rainbow farts, “Yeah! My little uncle is the best person in the world!”

Shi Yunnan teased him, “Your uncle will be sad if he hears this.”

Little Goldfish immediately lowered his volume and whispered in his ear, “Let’s say it secretly, don’t tell him.”

Shi Yunnan was happy and led him to the garage on the side of the house.

Luo Lingsheng was still overseas and hadn’t come back yet. Shi Yunnan’s daily life after getting off work was either staying at Luo’s house or returning to Wen Yibei’s new villa to have dinner with Old Man Wen, who had been discharged from the hospital.

Old Man Wen was discharged from the hospital last month. After such a heavy fall plus his cancer, his body and bones were not as good as before, but under the care of the two brothers, his spirit wasn’t bad.

“Grandpa, this tofu stew is very tasty. Should I serve you some?”

“No, I’m full. You two brothers should eat more and gain some weight.”

Old Man Wen looked at the two grandchildren sitting around him with indescribable satisfaction in his eyes.

He had lived his whole life and was content to have two grandsons wholeheartedly taking care of him in his old age.

Old Man Wen slowly mentioned, “By the way, where is Mr. Luo? You should also call him over when you have time.”

“Grandpa, you can just call him by his name. According to common sense, he is considered your junior.” Shi Yunnan corrected and took a sip of fish soup, “Lingsheng is abroad. I’ll bring him to see you some time later.”

Old Man Wen patted his little grandson’s wrist and said, “Okay, then grandpa is at ease.”

He paused and looked at Wen Yibei on the left, “Meanwhile, your brother, who’s in his late twenties, still doesn’t have a partner. When he comes back from teaching every day, he can only be with an old man like me.”

Wen Yibei, who was shot while lying down, stopped the chopsticks in his hand, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Shi Yunnan smiled, “Grandpa, the number of people who, like my brother, can circle the Imperial Capital several times. Don’t worry about it. Maybe one day, he will bring back a grandson-in-law.”


Wen Yibei helplessly glanced at his little brother, who was making fun of him.

“It’s nice to have someone, male or female.”

Old Man Wen wasn’t a stubborn person as long as his two grandsons lived happily. He thought about it and instructed them earnestly—

“I hope your other half treats you well, and you should also cherish the right person.”

Shi Yunnan hummed in response and directed the ‘contradiction’ at Wen Yibei, “Hear that? Brother~”

“Hurry up and eat; the food can’t even stop your mouth.”

While the three of them were joking, the room door opened and closed, and Wen Yanfeng, who had finished his shift, walked in.


Shi Yunnan and Wen Yibei shouted in unison.

Wen Yanfeng smiled when he saw his two nephews and said, “I’m here because I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

Wen Yanfeng took a deep breath and said, “Shi company had an accident. It was revealed this morning that they were involved in a major smuggling case. I heard that it was smuggled by using the convenient transportation route and disguised as an ordinary freight vehicle.”

“All relevant personnel of the company have been taken away for investigation, including Xie Keyue and Shi Sheng.”

When Shi Yunnan heard this already expected news, he silently took another sip of the fish soup.

Wen Yibei couldn’t react for a while, and put down his chopsticks, “Uncle, is this news reliable?”

Wen Yanfeng replied, “It’s on the news; can it still be fake?”

Hearing this, Old Man Wen, who had always been an amicable person, let out a rare sneer, “Good! Both good and evil will be rewarded in the end! This is what their Shi family deserves!”

“Let Shi Houde and Shi Sheng, the father and son, open their eyes wide! This is what happens when you blindly favor your illegitimate son!”

“Back then, they harmed my daughter and left you two good kids unloved. Now they have finally got their retribution! God has eyes!”

Seeing that Old Man Wen was a little excited, Shi Yunnan quickly patted him on the back and said, “Grandpa, don’t get too worked up; let the Shi family fend for themselves.”

Wen Yibei also said to comfort, “Grandpa, your body is important. It’s not worth it for those irrelevant people.”

Seeing the attitudes of the two grandsons, his anger slowly eased off, “Yes, you two are right. Let’s just live our own lives. It’s not worth it for those shameless three generations!”

Until the last moment of life, you can’t predict what you will experience.

No matter how authoritative and arrogant Old Man Shi was back then, wasn’t he just a “miserable” person now?

And the grievances that their Wen family had suffered for nearly twenty years were finally appeased today!

Another week passed in the blink of an eye.

Just as Shi Yunnan stopped the car, he received a WeChat call from Luo Lingsheng.

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The second the phone was connected, a mesmerizing voice echoed in his ears, “Hey, are you busy?”

Shi Yunnan unfastened his seat belt and teased, “I will always answer the call from Mr. Luo no matter how busy I am.”

Luo Lingsheng on the other end of the phone chuckled and took the initiative to report his itinerary, “I’m leaving for the airport now. Wait for me to come back tomorrow. I…I have something to tell you.”

Their first anniversary was the day after tomorrow.

However, aside from the unforgettable birthday party episode that year, tomorrow can be regarded as the anniversary of when Luo Lingsheng and Shi Yunnan met again.

Shi Yunnan thought that Luo Lingsheng was remembering “the first anniversary” day and complained with a smile, “You’re giving me a preview now? Then won’t there be no surprise at all tomorrow?”

“You want a surprise?”

The question was rhetorically asked by Luo Lingsheng, with a tone of voice that was so thick with love that it could not be melted.

Shi Yunnan only felt that the roots of his ears were dyed red. It is said that ‘a little separation is better than a new marriage.’ He didn’t know why he wanted to see Luo Lingsheng even more urgently than before.

“No surprises needed.”

Shi Yunan paused and deliberately provoked him across the phone, “I just want to close the door and do more adulterous things with Mr. Luo.”

The breath on the other end of the phone increased for a second. Shi Yunnan, who noticed this, couldn’t help laughing, “Okay, let’s talk when you’re back. I still have something to do here.”

“What’s wrong?”

Shi Yunnan glanced at the seven big characters not far away marked “Imperial Capital District 1 Detention Center” through the car window and honestly confessed, “I’ll go meet Xie Keyue one last time.”

The beginning stemmed from that bizarre but realistic dream.

At the end, Shi Yunnan hoped to cut off the “protagonist” face to face.

Ten minutes later.

Shi Yunnan sat comfortably on a chair in the prison visiting room, waiting for the figure to appear through a transparent glass.

Soon, the inner iron door was opened by the prison guards, and the handcuffed Xie Keyue appeared in Shi Yunnan’s field of vision.

It’s been less than two months since the last engagement banquet, but Xie Keyue was so thin that all he had left was skin and bone. The dark circles under his eyes and the unshaved stubble made him appear particularly fatigued.

Such a person was completely devoid of his “third young master” demeanor during those bygone years.

Shi Yunnan’s gaze lasted less than five seconds, and he said calmly, “I didn’t expect that you would actually agree to this meeting.”

Xie Keyue sat on the opposite side of Shi Yunnan, separated by a glass, under the command of the prison guards.

He was captured in Hai City and returned to the Imperial Capital Detention Center only two days ago with the cooperation of police from both places.

Xie Keyue’s eyes were dull as he showed an indifferent smile and said, “It’s only been two days since I was handed over to the Imperial Capital Detention Center, and you were able to find me. You’re more timely than my own mother.”

“Really?” Shi Yunnan said this casually, without the arrogance of a “winner”.

Xie Keyue felt humiliated for no reason when he saw his lackluster attitude. He put his hands on the table and was short of breath for two minutes.

“Shi Yunnan, are you really here to see me in my wretched state? What qualifications do you, a person who relies on Luo Lingsheng, have to humiliate me!”

“You said that I relied on Luo Lingsheng to get to where I am today, so what did you rely on to get to where you are today?”

Shi Yunnan saw through Xie Keyue’s unyielding determination in the depths of his pupils, and then smiled playfully, “Relying on your ridiculous knowledge of the world? Xie Keyue, is it really you?”


Xie Keyue’s pupils trembled suddenly.

“You think you know the trajectory of everything in this world, make one helpful connection after another, and then use them to complete your ‘investment’ business? And then rightfully feel that you can control everything?”

Shi Yunnan questioned him little by little.

Xie Keyue gradually oozed cold sweat. He approached the glass partition with his eyes wide open and asked, through gritted teeth, “How could you know! You couldn’t have known!”

He was the “book transmigrator” and replaced “Xie Keyue” when he was a child. Unfortunately, in the world of this book, he was a downright failure as cannon fodder.

Xie Keyue was not reconciled to his fate being decided like this.

Therefore, over the years, relying on his knowledge of the world in this book, he kept getting to know all kinds of people who were beneficial to him, trying to change his life step by step and develop his own business kingdom.

Because the initial investment success came too easily, Xie Keyue gradually forgot his original intention and took it for granted that everyone in the world was a tool that he could handle and use.

Shi Yunnan sneered and hit the nail on the head, “Xie Keyue, your mistake is the fact that you’re too proud of yourself. The world has never revolved around you.”

“Do you think you really have the ability to invest? Do you think you have the ability to manipulate people’s hearts?”

“But your follow-up investments are wrong in every step. Not only did the Shi family abandon you, but Yuan Rui and even Luo Yanchuan, who has always been in cahoots with you, also abandoned you.”


Xie Ke Yue was silent.

Shi Yunnan straightened up, approached the glass partition, and continued, “You are willing to curry favor with Old Man Shi because you coveted the Shi family’s property, but he was sincere and really took you as his heir from the beginning.”

“When the Shi family was about to go bankrupt, as long as you were willing to give the slightest bit of financial help, he probably wouldn’t be cold-hearted to you.”

In that case, perhaps the Shi family’s property and company would have been in Xie Keyue’s pocket.

“Yuan Rui is such a righteous and innocent person. Just because of the few words of comfort you falsified at the beginning, he firmly stood in your camp and even risked rebelling against Mr. Yuan just to pull you in as a shareholder.”

“But what did you do?”

“You never realized his situation and suffering. When he felt abandoned by his father and senior brother, you stabbed him hard in the back. It’s a pity…”

Xie Keyue squeezed a word through his teeth, “What?”

Shi Yunnan shook his head and sarcastically said, “Yuan Rui has real potential, but you chose that dog shit Gu Jue without batting an eyelid.”

What if you could ‘predict the future’?

Treat people without heart. Know people without heart.

Lost the support of family. Lost the support of friends.

Xie Keyue still worked with Luo Yanchuan and Gu Jue, knowing full well that Luo Yanchuan and Gu Jue weren’t good people. Didn’t he ask for this?

Xie Keyue stubbornly fought back, “The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit. Of course, whatever you say is justified.”

“Forget it, you still don’t understand that actual strength and sincerity toward others are the foundation of the world.”

Shi Yunnan tapped the table with his fingertips and shook his head, “However, I’m really curious. How dare you take such a big risk?”

Shi Yunnan originally thought that Xie Keyue would stop for a while after the engagement party incident.

After all, as the saying goes, while the green hills last, there’ll be wood to burn, but he didn’t expect the other party to be so anxious.

Why did he get involved in a smuggling case? That’s just asking for death…

The specific verdict on this smuggling case has not yet begun, but based on the quantity and amount of this smuggling, Xie Keyue, as an accomplice, will initially be sentenced to more than ten years in prison.

Xie Keyue’s chest heaved up and down, and his eyes were filled with strong hatred again, “What do you know? My life was ruined at that engagement banquet!”

“The spread of that video is so wide that even if I can return to everyone’s attention one day, I can’t avoid those contemptuous eyes and those ugly ridicules!”

Therefore, Xie Keyue thought of going abroad to develop.

He wanted to escape from this place with his countless dark history, escape into a new environment, and start anew.

After the scandal of the engagement banquet broke out, Xie Keyue fought with Luo Yanchuan with a broken glass bottle, but unfortunately, he was stabbed in the abdomen and was sent to the hospital.

During his hospitalization, Xie Wei cleanly transferred the balance of his card in secret. All he had left was the investment in Lingyu’s design but it was completely gone because of its bankruptcy.

Xie Keyue had been accustomed to smooth sailing in the past few years, and he had long been unable to endure the poor days without money.

“I immediately thought of going to Shi Sheng for a paternity test, but he dismissed me as a lunatic…”

Xie Keyue remembered that unbearable past, and his whole person was trapped in the quagmire of hatred, unable to break free, “I hate! I hate you all! I hate everyone in the Shi family!”

He was obviously the third young master of the Shi family, and he clearly had the blood of the Shi family in his body. For what reason did they turn against him?

So, when Yu Ming approached Xie Keyue for cooperation, he agreed without hesitation.

This was his only chance to stand up and make money. He couldn’t miss it!

Xie Keyue used the generous remuneration given by Yu Ming in advance to bribe the senior warehouse manager in Hai City whom he once knew, and then used his name as “the third young master of the Shi family” to deceive the group of employees who were clueless about the wealthy circle.

By disguising his identity and signing, as long as he took the risk for a month, Xie Keyue could get 3% of the smuggling commission.

When he went abroad and changed his nationality, he would have the capital to start a new life.

“Of course, it’s all my wishful thinking.”

“Anyway, I’m a notorious waste in China. Even if I failed, I managed to drag the Shi family down to vent my hatred!”

Xie Keyue issued a seething, almost maniacal laugh as he remembered the current ending.

“Didn’t Shi Sheng want to use Shi Company to win over his two precious sons again? Well, what I, Xie Keyue, can’t have, you two brothers will never get it either!”

“—don’t even think about it!”

Shi Yunnan heard his out-of-control shouting and his eyes showed contempt, “Xie Keyue, I have said more than once that the Shi family’s property you care about is just a pile of garbage in my eyes, and I don’t care.”

“No! You care! You must!”

Xie Ke stood up from the chair in a jerky manner, deeply immersed in his own perception, unable to pull away, “With so much money, why don’t you care! Then what do you care about? What do you care about!”

The guard at the door came in and forced him down, saying, “What’s wrong with you? Sit down!”

Shi Yunnan felt that it was no longer necessary to continue this conversation.

Xie Keyue, who was so paranoid that he was about to lose his mind, should stay in prison for the rest of his life, so as not to come out and harm other people.

Shi Yunnan nodded to the prison guard inside and took the initiative to end the conversation, “Excuse me.”

Today, Xie Keyue, the ‘world protagonist’, has been completely defeated. As for the ending of his dream? Long gone.

Just as Shi Yunnan turned around, Xie Keyue suddenly stopped him.

The other party seemed to be schizophrenic, but his tone suddenly returned from madness to frighteningly calm.

“Shi Yunnan! Since you guessed my origin, I might as well tell you one more thing!”

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