After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant

Chapter 41: CH 34

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Chapter 34: I look forward to every day with you.

Luo Lingsheng squinted his eyes, and the color of his pupils hidden under the lens flashed a pleasant shimmer.


This simple word was repeated on his lips in a particularly endless and affectionate manner.

Shi Yunnan’s ears blushed at the tone of his voice, when he was about to straighten up, Lu Lingsheng pulled him back down.

“Don’t rush, say the words clearly.”

Shi Yunnan was caught off guard and crashed into Luo Lingsheng’s arms, his left hand subconsciously stopped on the other party’s arm.

He barely managed to prop up his upper body and shouted anxiously, “Luo Lingsheng, be careful of your legs!”

“It’s okay.” Luo Lingsheng’s wrist strength was very strong.

He stabilized Shi Yunnan in his arms in an unobtrusive way. The unpleasantly sweet orange fragrance no longer lingered on his nose, but instead there was a light and clean cool soapy fragrance that made people constantly wanting to get closer.

An invisible ambiguity circulated between the two.

Luo Lingsheng stared at the vivid face in front of him attentively, watching Shi Yunnan’s expression change from ‘anger’ to ‘ashame’ bit by bit which was extraordinarily cute.

“Are you really jealous?”

“I’m not allowed to?” Shi Yunan asked back.

“When I was scuffling with others at the nightclub last time, Mr. Luo even ‘lectured’ me inside and out, but today it’s your turn to start acting recklessly?”

Shi Yunnan refocused his gaze on Luo Lingsheng, and stubbornly threw out a statement, “Wen Wanyou is at least my nominal cousin, if you really have a relationship with her, it would be very humiliating to me if the words were to spread out.”

Luo Lingsheng laughed.

His fingers on Shi Yunnan’s wrist rubbed back and forth, like a quiet comfort, “I see, being jealous is a joke, and being afraid of humiliation is the truth?”

Although this was a question, there was an obvious scoff hidden in it.

Shi Yunnan took a light breath, “Luo Lingsheng, you…”


The sudden address stunned Shi Yunnan for no reason. This was the first time Luo Lingsheng had called him this way, not by his first name, nor calling him second young master Shi.


The vinegar smell in Shi Yunnan’s heart suddenly disappeared.

“If you hadn’t come in just now, I would have ducked out of the way and wouldn’t have let her touch me at all.”

Luo Lingsheng paused, more obviously yielding than the previous sentence, “So, don’t be angry.”

The corner of Shi Yunnan’s mouth turned upward with a smile. He felt that he could always open up another side of Luo Lingsheng that was not known to others.

Probably the other side of the world that no one can think of.

Not the ruthless and unfeeling head of the Luo family, but the gentle and lively Luo Lingsheng.

Shi Yunnan suddenly felt that there was no need for him to pierce this layer of paper window in a hurry.

Shi Yunnan deliberately cleared his throat and demanded, “Then you have to abide by the agreement next time. Whether it’s a man or a woman, you must keep your distance.”

“Okay, I will do so.”

Shi Yunnan hummed twice, satisfied.

Luo Lingsheng looked at the smiling face of the person in front of him and thought, very easy to coax.

Shi Yunnan tentatively patted Luo Lingsheng’s side neck, “Let go, it’s not good to press on your legs for too long.”

Luo Lingsheng obediently let go of Shi Yunnan’s hand, after the other party got up, his eyes fell to his legs, and the originally smiling pupil once again tinged with a heavy meaning.

The next second, Qin Jian’s reminder sounded outside the door, “Patriarch, the banquet outside has started.”

Yuan Meng followed Luo Lingsheng’s orders before he came and stayed at the corner outside the banquet hall.

First, Luo Lingsheng didn’t want to appear too special in the banquet crowd; second, because it was the old man’s birthday, the hotel’s security measures were already well done.

Luo Lingsheng came here on a temporary basis, and should not attract any threatening characters, so there was no need for close protection.

Luo Lingsheng restrained his emotions, “Okay, we will go over immediately.”

He glanced at his own tie and helplessly inquired about another matter, “Second young master Shi, how do you want to compensate for my tie?”

Shi Yunnan looked down and saw the crumpled tie that he had ruined, and laughed out loud, completely unaware of his identity as the ‘culprit’.

He stared at the tie, subtly pondering—

He wondered if Wen Wanyou had touched this tie? It would be better to throw it away.

“Don’t wear it.”

Shi Yunnan nimbly and impolitely tore off Luo Lingsheng’s tie, and threw it into the trash can.

Luo Lingsheng looked at the tie in the trash can and felt a little pity.

It’s not that he couldn’t afford the price, but this tie was specially chosen to match the color of Shi Yunnan’s suit he saw this morning.

“I’ll buy you a new one someday.”

Shi Yunnan didn’t know Luo Lingsheng’s thoughts at all, so he made a verbal promised, and smoothly unfastened his top button, “However, I think Mr. Luo’s half-open and half-closed neckline is more sexy.”

Of course, it would be even sexier if he didn’t wear any one day.

Luo Lingsheng was already immune to Shi Yunnan’s occasional provocative remarks, he lifted his chin slightly and let him fiddle with it.

The two sorted out their state and went to the banquet hall together.

Old man Wen was the country’s top level master composer, coupled with Wen Yanfeng identity as the president of Music Association, most of the guests who came to the banquet this time were artists in the industry.

It was said to be the 80th birthday, but it was more like a unique music exchange meeting.

In this short time, someone had already volunteered to play a song on stage to celebrate the birthday.

Old man Wen was surrounded by a group of people congratulating him, and he seemed to be in good spirits.

Shi Yunnan and Luo Lingsheng were not in a hurry to approach, but just stood on the periphery and watched in silence for a while.

Luo Lingsheng observed for a moment and said, “Is that lady in the dark blue dress your aunt?”

Shi Yunnan replied in a low voice, “Yes, her name is Song Zhiqiu, and she is the chairman of Huachang Musical Instruments.”

Huachang Musical Instruments.

Sounds a little familiar.

As he was thinking, Shi Yunnan beside him explained, “Now it’s considered one of the top musical instrument manufacturers in the country, right?”

When the future Wen Chenglang and Xie Keyue got to know each other, the former could persuade his own mother to sell the series of musical instruments overseas in reverse through Xie Keyue’s handiwork.

They really made a lot of money.

“Huachang also has specialized musical instrument training institutions, which are nationwide chains.”

Qin Jian, who stayed quietly behind them, lamented, “I remember that Mrs. Song was once selected into the list of richest people in the country.”

Truly a great female entrepreneur.

Shi Yunnan did not refute, Song Zhiqiu’s ability in business had indeed made countless people feel inferior.

Luo Lingsheng remembered the siblings, Wen Chenglang and Wen Wanyou, and asked in a low voice, “How did Mr. Wen and Mrs. Song know each other?”

According to his superficial impression of Wen Yanfeng, the other party should be a well-organized and measured person, but his son and daughter were really indecent.

Shi Yunnan understood what he meant and shook his head slightly, “Grandpa and Mr. Song have been good friends for many years. Before this marriage began, they should have been set up by the elders.”

One was from a musical family, and the other made ‘musical instruments’ for a living. On the premise of having a common topic, Wen Yanfeng and Song Zhiqiu got married in less than half a year.

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In fact, the couple’s life was also quite satisfactory.

Shi Yunnan paused slightly and briefly summarized the main point, “But I heard that my aunt once lost a child.”

This child was Shi Yunnan’s ‘cousin’, but died in an unexpected accident at the age of three.

This incident gave Song Zhiqiu an unprecedented blow, and Wen Yanfeng, the father, also fell into self-blame day after day.

“I heard my uncle mention that Wen Chenglang came at that juncture.”

That’s why Song Zhiqiu loved Wen Chenglang so much, and the daughter who came later was also spoiled rotten, even to the point of ‘indifferent to right or wrong’.

Wen Yanfeng had the heart to discipline his children who were increasingly going astray, but he was often stopped by his wife. Every time Shi Yunnan stayed in Wen’s house, he could hear the husband and wife arguing over the education of their children.

Because it involved the privacy of relatives, Shi Yunnan didn’t reveal much, but Luo Lingsheng probably figured it out—

Now, old man Wen had retired, and Wen Yanfeng, as the president of the Music Association, earned less than Song Zhiqiu’s corporate income. It can be said that Song Zhiqiu accounted for the majority of the current family income.

Wen Chenglang and Wen Wanyou developed their present character due to their mother’s over-indulgence.

Of course, Song Zhiqiu’s favor was only to make up for the remorse of her eldest son’s early death, but unfortunately, Wen Chenglang and Wen Wanyou went astray and crooked on their own.

The two were talking quietly, and Wen Yanfeng, who was not far away, shouted, “Yunnan, come here, don’t stay so far away.”

Shi Yunnan met Wen Yanfeng’s friendly gaze, nodded slightly, and approached with Luo Lingsheng.

Old man Wen couldn’t stand for too long. He sat down and looked at his little grandson who was slowly approaching, with undisguised joy on his face, “Yunnan, come closer to grandpa.”

When he was pushed and injured, causing him to be hospitalized, old man Wen took a long time to recover before he got better. He knew of Shi Yunnan’s grievance as soon as he woke up, and immediately called the whole family to explain everything.

On one side was his grandson, on the other was also his grandson. For an old man like him, the palms and the back of his hand were all flesh1 Both sides are equally important and difficult to give up..

While disappointed with his deceptive grandson Wen Chenglang, he felt even more apologetic toward his grandson Shi Yunnan.

It was a pity that Shi Yunnan was no longer willing to stay in this house. Over the years, the Wen family had tried to contact him, but he had quietly rejected them.

This time Shi Yunnan was willing to come, and old man Wen was really happy.

“Your brother is getting ready backstage, he said he’s going to perform.”

“Okay, grandpa.”

Shi Yunnan responded, and at the same time did not forget to introduce Luo Lingsheng, “Grandpa, this is Luo Lingsheng.”

Old man Wen met Luo Lingsheng’s eyes, and his gaze briefly stayed on the latter’s legs for half a second.

In front of so many outsiders, he still maintained his seniority and nodded with a smile, “This is the first time Yunnan has brought a friend to see me, welcome.”

Luo Lingsheng was keenly aware of something, but he didn’t show it on his face, “Mr. Wen, you are in good health.”

“Thank you.”

Many guests knew of Luo Lingsheng’s identity in private, and silently watched the drama unfold.

Song Zhiqiu, who was standing on the right side, saw Shi Yunnan’s figure, and her eyes showed a slight repulse, but this repulsive emotion dissipated instantly when she met Luo Lingsheng’s gaze.

Song Zhiqiu put on a superficial smile and nodded slightly to Luo Lingsheng.

Although there was no industrial chain related to musical instruments under the Luo family, Song Zhiqiu had to back off just by virtue of the other party’s name in the Imperial Capital business circle.

Shi Yunnan was able to hug Luo Lingsheng’s thigh; in her opinion, it was a blind cat bumped into a dead mouse2Something good that happened by chance..

Song Zhiqiu didn’t say anything, she just retreated and called for the waiter, then she lowered her voice and said, “Hurry up and get the young master and young lady back!”

On such an important occasion, where did the brother and sister go?

Wen Yibei was about to perform on stage, and Shi Yunnan was accompanying the old man offstage. In the eyes of outsiders, wasn’t the scene occupied by the two brothers?

Old man Wen was clutching the family’s past savings in his hand, she couldn’t let these two take the largest share!

The waiter heard this order and hurried to find the people.

Soon, Wen Yibei changed into a white tuxedo with gold and dark pattern and calmly stepped on the stage. With just a standard bow, he attracted praises from the audience.

“The eldest young master of the Wen family is truly extraordinary.”

“That’s for sure. At the age of sixteen, he was admitted to Curtis Institute of Music and became the orchestra’s chief cellist before graduating at the age of eighteen. It seems that he held a solo concert at the age of twenty-two, right? This achievement isn’t a joke.”

“If I have to say it, among the Wen family’s children, eldest young master Wen is the best.”

“Keep your voice down, second young master Shi is still nearby.”

Shi Yunnan didn’t speak, but he wasn’t offended either.

In his opinion, Wen Yibei’s excellence was indeed incomparable.

His eyes moved from the stage back to Luo Lingsheng’s face, and he bent down to ask, “Luo Lingsheng, do you like going to concerts? Compared to my sloppy violin playing last time, my brother’s cello is really awesome.”


“Of course, your ears and the guests present today will be blessed, free of charge.”

Luo Lingsheng’s expression changed a little when he saw Shi Yunnan’s smug expression.

The two brothers grew up in different environments when they were less than eight years old. Compared to the Wen family’s careful cultivation of Wen Yibei, Shi Yunnan’s situation in the Shi family was even more unbearable and unpleasant.

But Shi Yunnan never put this deficiency on Wen Yibei’s head, nor did he develop a twisted or gloomy temperament of “complaining about everything”.

In Luo Lingsheng’s opinion, Shi Yunnan was the one with the cleanest feelings and thoughts——

For those who deliberately provoked him, he took revenge on the spot, and for those who cared about him, he wasn’t stingy to express his ‘love’.

The bow was pulled.

The gentle and continuous melody came from the stage, and the smooth flow of notes caught everyone’s ears at once.

Wen Yibei’s strength was obvious to all, and the emotion injected into the performance couldn’t be ignored either. He used a cello to frame a wonderful world that enchanted all the guests with him.

Luo Lingsheng lowered his eyelids, admiring but not interested.

His mind was full of Shi Yunnan’s performance in the small restaurant that day.

Shi Yunnan didn’t notice Luo Lingsheng’s demeanor. At this moment, he was concentrating on his brother.

He watched Wen Yibei pull the bow skillfully and confidently, just as they had promised their mother since childhood——maintaining their sincere pursuit of instruments and melody from beginning to end.

A trace of envy and yearning overflowed from the bottom of Shi Yunnan’s eyes, but there was no jealousy.

The song was over.

Thunderous applause echoed on the scene.

Shi Yunnan applauded, and immediately focused his attention on Luo Lingsheng. He couldn’t help asking, “How was it, Luo Lingsheng? Was my brother’s performance excellent?”

Luo Lingsheng looked fixedly at him and randomly replied, “I prefer your violin playing.”

Among all the applause for Wen Yibei, only Luo Lingsheng’s words were given to Shi Yunnan without reservation.

Shi Yunnan’s eyes were sore for no reason. He took a deep breath and suppressed the turmoil in his heart, “Luo Lingsheng.”


Shi Yunnan moved close to Luo Lingsheng’s ear and responded, “Thank you.”

Luo Lingsheng smiled and further demanded, “I found Little Goldfish a good teacher. If you want, you can follow the lesson in the future.”

Shi Yunnan readily agreed, “Okay, in the future, the small and big person will specially run to the door of your study to make noise and irritate your ears.”

Luo Lingsheng imagined Shi Yunnan’s joke, and a hint of helplessness flashed across his eyes——

Although it was a bit outrageous, it did seem like something Shi Yunnan could do with his little nephew.

Luo Lingsheng rubbed his fingertips habitually. For some reason, he suddenly looked forward to such a scene.

In other words, he looked forward to every day with Shi Yunnan by his side.

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