After a Flash Marriage With the Disabled Tyrant

Chapter 8: CH 8

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In the mouths of ordinary outsiders, Luo Yanchuan was an ignorant and imcompetent wealthy young master. He was twenty-six or twenty-seven year old but hadn’t taken on any proper job. He only knew how to play around and indulge in carnal desire all day long.

But in the original book that Shi Yunnan dreamed of, Luo Yanchuan was an equally ruthless character who also wore a false mask.

In the scuffle over Luo’s family property, Luo Yanchuan’s parents were willing to be shrinking turtles. Although they did not end up as tragic as the Luo’s big house and third house, they could only be controlled by the family head, Luo Lingsheng.

The retreat of his parents led to the loss of a huge amount of family property. The young Luo Yanchuan was also forced to miss the opportunity to compete for the position of the family head.

Luo Yanchuan was indifferent on the surface, but in reality, he hated his parents’ weakness and incompetence.

On the one hand, he pretended to be self-defeating and disguised his intentions with alcohol. On the other hand, he secretly made progress in his career driven by wild ambition and unwillingness.

It was not until Luo Yanchuan, who was running away from marriage, met Xie Keyue.

From meeting, acquainting, to loving each other, Luo Yanchuan saw Xie Keyue’s outstanding investment ability, understood the arrogance deep in the other party’s soul, and knew that he needed to match his strength.

Later, Xie Keyue offered Luo Lingsheng an invitation to cooperate, but was severely rejected. Luo Yanchuan’s possessive desire for his lover caused him to renew his desire for power.

Thus, there was this scene at the end of the original book.

Luo Yanchuan and Xie Keyue teamed up to knock Luo Lingsheng down from his high position of power, and successfully took everything from the latter.

Long story short, it was a counterattack story in which a pair of wolf-hearted husbands succeeded in ascending to the top, and all other obstacles had to take a detour.

However, at this point in time, there was still some time before Luo Yanchuan and Xie Keyue’s first encounter.

Shi Yunnan retracted his gaze, not intending to pay attention.

Eating a good meal was more important.

He was accustomed to being reckless, as long as others did not provoke him, he would not take the initiative to make a move.

On the second floor, Luo Yanchuan’s eyes flashed with a subtle light. He turned around and walked back to the box, “Is it really him? I thought I was mistaken.”

“It’s him, who else could live like a pathetic nobody?” His friend followed him back to the box, his careless and casual tone completely lacking any respect.

The rich and powerful families had a close circle, and they had heard of some gossip.

Shi Yunnan was thrown abroad for years by Shi family elders. He was clearly the second young master of the family, but his life was not as good as his stepmother’s child. He was a transparent person who was completely unfavored.

The other two friends sitting in the box asked, “Who are you two muttering about? If you don’t want to continue eating, let’s change the venue and have fun?”

“Our brother Chuan’s marriage partner is here, sitting downstairs waiting for the rabbit1.”

The person holding Luo Yanchuan’s shoulder was Ke Wei’an, whose father was a famous real estate tycoon in the imperial capital.

The two sitting in the box were cousins, one was named Ning Yong and the other was Ning Yuan. Their family was in the food and beverage industry. For several generations, they had been muddling through officialdom, relying on unspeakable connections to make a fortune.

These three people were Luo Yanchuan’s fair-weather friends2. They didn’t do any proper work besides playing around everyday. “No way?” The two Ning brothers reacted with a look of surprise, “Second young master of the Shi family? Brother Chuan ran away from home to avoid this marriage, and he was still blocked here?”

Luo Yanchuan did not follow their words, “Perhaps it was a coincidence.”

Ke Wei’an joked, “Coincidence? It seems that fate has destined you two for each other.”

A trace of disgust flashed through Luo Yanchuan’s eyes, “How can I look at this kind of resigned person who was pulled out of his own family like a bloodsucking insect?”

The first time he learnt of this marriage, he left home and deliberately turned off his mobile phone, thinking about hiding for ten days or half a month to let this matter take its own course.

“Whether he was here by coincidence or deliberately blocked you, this person is downstairs anyway, or else…” Ke Wei’an looked around, his eyes gradually revealed evil interest, “Shall we tidy him up?”

Ningyong promptly agreed, “How?”

“We can do whatever. Let’s avenge brother Chuan, who was almost ‘married young’. This kind of little wretch who is treated poorly in his family won’t dare to make an uproar after being played with.”

The more Ke Wei’an said, the more enthusiastic he became. The bad roots in his bones emerged, but he did not forget to look at Luo Yanchuan for instructions, “However, he is still your marriage partner. It depends on whether you are willing or not?”

Luo Yanchuan picked up the wine glass and shook it, his eyes were indifferent, “He’s just a stranger, what does it have to do with me? It’s up to you guys.”

The restaurant on the first floor.

The main course was finally served. Shi Yunnan picked up the knife and fork, preparing to enjoy the late lunch.

Suddenly, there were a series of footsteps on the stairs. Someone was clamoring and approaching him. When he reached Shi Yunnan’s table, he ‘accidentally’ dropped and smashed the bottle in his hand.


The bottle slammed hard on the marble tabletop, shattering into broken pieces. The splashed wine and bottle debris flew around, completely ruining the western food that Shi Yunnan hadn’t touched.

Moreover, the wine splashed directly on Shi Yunnan’s clothes and face.

The waiter in the lobby saw this scene and was ready to help, but Ning Yuan coldly shouted out, “Did he ask you to come up and help? Go away.”


The waiter’s face stiffened, and he was dragged back by his companion before he could refute.

“These two are this restaurant’s young masters, if you mess with them now, it is you who will lose your job! Let’s not get involved until the manager comes!”

Ning Yong was very satisfied with the waiter’s knowledge and leisurely waiting for his friend to make a scene.

Ke Wei’an bent down, and openly bullied people, “Oh, isn’t this the most favored second young master of the Shi family? I’m sorry, I didn’t hold the bottle firmly.”

He stressed on the words ‘most favored’ very hard. The two Ning brothers beside him heard the irony and couldn’t help laughing.

Shi Yunnan gave a low hum, picking up a wet wipe and slowly wiping the liquor from his face.

He bowed his head and did not say a word, not even showing a superfluous expression, which made people think he was bullied.

Ke Wei’an saw that he didn’t respond, and continued to push his arrogance, “Second young master Shi, we met at old master Shi’s birthday party, but I remember that you were not treated well by your own family at that time.”

“I haven’t seen you in a few years, and I heard that you’ve been reduced to being a marriage tool by your family?”

Shi Yunnan looked up slowly and simply asked, “Aren’t you going to apologize properly?”

Previously, Ke Wei’an could only see his general appearance on the second floor. Now that he met the real person in close range, he was dazzled for a moment.

This second young master of the Shi family, how did he grow more and more flavorful?

On the side, Ning Yuan saw the bully became silent, and coughed to remind him.

“What do I apologize for?” Ke Wei’an quickly found his home court, and the insult escalated.

“Luo Yanchuan’s family doesn’t care about people like you. If you and the Shi family are really short of money, I can introduce you to a good job in the nightclub for free?”

“With your good-looking outer shell, if you go out to be a duck3…”

Shi Yunnan raised the corner of his mouth, lifting the red wine that had not been spoiled on the table and splashed it with force.


The liquid in the glass splashed all over Ke Wei’an’s face, interrupting his unspoken insult.


In the next second, Shi Yunnan smashed the empty wine glass at the feet of the two Ning brothers, and his strength was so great that there were fragments everywhere.


The sudden reversal stunned the three initiators.

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Shi Yunnan smiled at the situation in front of him, and casually threw out a sentence, “What a coincidence, I also accidentally had a shaky hand.”

In recent years, he has returned to China only a few times. Attending the old man’s birthday banquet was merely a formality, he did not remember any invited guests.

For example, he had no impression of Ke Wei’an who was standing at his table, and he did not need to rely on impressions to choose his attitude.

These people delivered their faces to him. If he wanted to beat people, did he still need to pick a date4?

Ke Wei’an had always been accustomed to being praised, how could he stand this kind of treatment? He casually wiped away the wine stains on his face and roared, “Shi Yunnan, are you looking for death!”

But the moment he finished saying this, he felt that the blood in his whole body had clotted.

No one knew when Shi Yunnan had picked up the dinner knife. In a blink of an eye, the sharp knife hit his chin, “…Speak clearly, who is courting death?”

The tone of the young man’s speech lightly fluttered upwards like a feather, even the smile on his lips did not diminish, but it only made people feel that he was unrestrained and fearful.

The two Ning brothers who had never been in contact with Shi Yunnan looked at each other, hesitating for a while and dared not come forward.

Who said this person was not favored at home and was suppressed everywhere so he had a weak personality? This situation right now was not the same as the rumor!

Ke Wei’an took a rough breath, his face turned from blue to red, “Who the f*ck are you trying to scare?”

Shi Yunnan’s knife swept down, “I’m trying to scare you.”

The chill on the knife came up, and Ke Wei’an paused for two seconds, unable to tell whether the stabbing pain at the moment was real or an illusion.

Finally, Luo Yanchuan, who was staying on the second floor to watch the show, walked down to dissuade him, “Second young master Shi, there is no need to make things worse, right?”

While he was speaking, Ke Wei’an took the opportunity to get out of the range controlled by the knife. He quickly touched his chin and neck, there wasn’t any bleeding or wounds.

Shi Yunnan casually threw the knife on the table. If such an idiot saw blood, it would only dirty his own hands, and the gain was not worth the loss.

Ke Wei’an raised his eyes and met Shi Yunnan’s playful look. Realizing that he had been fooled by the other party like a monkey, his face turned ghastly pale with anger in an instant.

Shi Yunnan looked at Luo Yanchuan, the mastermind hiding behind the scenes, then he sneered and mocked, “If you are full, and have nothing to do, don’t wander around in front of me to look for a sense of existence.”

After saying that, he was ready to turn around and walk away.

“Second young master Shi.” Luo Yanchuan shouted to him with an unhappy face, determined to draw a clear relationship, “Since we ran into each other today, I’ll take this opportunity to clarify about the marriage.”

“There’s no way I would agree to this marriage. If it’s not for the lack of capital turnover, would your Shi family think of coming to my door?”

“Some filthy thoughts don’t require me to say out loud right?”

“Not to mention the fact that I, Luo Yanchuan, haven’t had enough fun and don’t want to get married, even if I have the idea of getting engaged, I still won’t look at snobbish bloodsuckers like your family.”

Every word expressed his inner disgust and bone-deep arrogance to the fullest.

Shi Yunnan seemed to have heard some big joke, a sharp cold light emerging in his eyes, like a complete insight into the human heart hidden under the exterior.

“Luo Yanchuan, aren’t you tired of pretending?”

“What?” Luo Yanchuan flinched.

Shi Yunnan tilted his head close to Luo Yanchuan’s ear, using a volume that only the two of them could hear——

“You want to pretend to be a pig eating tiger. You think that the Shi family and I are ‘worthless wretches’, and can’t give you the career boost you secretly want.”

“When it comes to being snobbish, you and the Shi family are two birds of a feather.”

Shi Yunnan’s few words of analysis rendered Luo Yanchuan speechless. The latter briefly flashed a sharp look under his eyebrows, and then it quickly disappeared.

The silence lasted less than three seconds.

Ke Wei’an, who had just been defeated, couldn’t help but exclaim, “Damn it! Yanchuan, what are you talking to him for? I’m going to make him suffer today!”

Ke Wei’an directed a look at Ning Yuan and Ning Yong with his eyes, and the latter two quickly seized the opportunity to surround them.

Shi Yunnan instantly reacted, but before he could make a move, there was a rush of footsteps behind him——

Someone quickly rushed up at full speed. Ke Wei’an and the other three were directly beaten to the ground in a flash of lightning.

“Second young master Shi, are you okay?”

Shi Yunnan smiled lightly and turned his eyes sideways, “Yuan Mang, you came so fast, where is your boss?”

Yuan Meng was Luo Lingsheng’s bodyguard. He was a former veteran and was very good at martial arts.

“Second young master, you can rest assured, the Patriarch will come up soon.” Yuan Meng answered the question with a stern face while watching out for the people on the ground.

Ke Wei’an and the others were just unscrupulous ruffians. In Yuan Meng’s eyes, these small fists and legs had no chance to win.

The residue of their maliciously knocked over wine bottles still remained on the ground. At this moment, they either hurt their legs or cut their hands. They all fell to the ground and screamed miserably, reaping what they sowed.

Luo Yanchuan, the only one still standing, recognized Yuan Meng and his expression changed.

Ke Wei’an and others climbed up from the ground while panting heavily. Their resentment and anger became heavier than before, “Where did you come from? Don’t you know who we are? If you want to die… ”

The sound of the wheelchair sliding interrupted the threatening words.

The moment this visitor came in, Luo Yanchuan’s breathing unconsciously tightened, “Little Uncle?”

When Ke Wei’an and others heard this address, their anger faded away instantly, they stared at the person in the wheelchair in panic and disbelief——

Luo Yanchuan’s little uncle, the current head of the Luo family, Luo Lingsheng, was a big shot that even their father didn’t dare to offend easily.

Luo Lingsheng had no time to take care of these young masters. He caught a glimpse of the wine stains on Shi Yunnan’s clothes, and the eyes hidden under the lenses were as dark as a bottomless pit.

“Come here.”

These two simple words carried with them the aura of an innate commander.

Luo Yanchuan thought that Luo Lingsheng was calling for himself. He subconsciously moved half a step under the control of the other party’s imposing command.

Shi Yunnan stopped him coldly, and said, “Who told you to go over?”

“What?” Luo Yanchuan was startled.

Shi Yunnan ignored him, turned around and approached Luo Lingsheng on step ahead, changing his face faster than turning a book.

He suddenly switched to a wrongful look, “Have you seen it? They teamed up to bully me.”

Luo Lingsheng watched him putting on an act with a faint smile, “En?”


Luo Yanchuan and others saw this scene and felt very perplexed.

The moment he saw the man enter the door, Shi Yunnan had a bad idea of ​​schadenfreude. Seeing that the opportunity was here, he changed to being clingy and flirtatious.

“Husband, I haven’t seen you for only a few hours, but I miss you so much.

守株待兔 [shǒu zhū dài tù]: stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare. A metaphor refers to the fluke mentality of trying to get success without effort.

酒肉朋友 [jiǔ ròu péng you]: Literal translation is wine and meat friend. Friends who only eat, drink and have fun together, and cannot share adversity.

Slang for male prostitute.

 A very classic line from TV series “Scheme of the Palace”. It shows how domineering the speaker is.

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