After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time

Chapter 17: 17

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As soon as this familiar voice, which had even acknowledged its identity, came out, Xu Chenghao and Ruan Chenxuan’s faces changed colour. They turned their heads and looked at him simultaneously.


Under the light, the indifferent youth appeared behind them at some point, his gaze fixed on Xu Chenghao, and he questioned softly, “Kindness?”


Xu Chenghao felt uncomfortable when he saw him, and he hugged his little yellow duck flower pot defensively and justified, “Weren’t you the one who contacted Ruan Chenxuan and guarded her in the end?”


Jing Yicheng listened to his voice which was obviously not right, glanced at his Adam’s apple and asked rhetorically, “Didn’t you pick up An Ruoyu on the side of the road and take her to the hospital?”


Xu Chenghao: “Then aren’t you also very concerned about An Ruoyu; you even went to investigate the process and all?”


Jing Yicheng: “I went because you called me.”


Xu Chenghao: “I called both you and Ruan Chenxuan, and the fastest to come was you, doesn’t it mean you care about her the most?”


Jing Yicheng suddenly glanced at Ruan Chenxuan and said calmly, “That’s because I am free, and I have not been suppressed by my family or restrained by my fiancee.”


Ruan Chenxuan, who was next to him, was shot in the knee. His expression suddenly became ugly: “I am very grateful to you for caring about my girlfriend, but since Rouyu is already with me, you don’t need to argue with each other about who cares more about her! I will definitely thank you for taking care of Rouyu another day!”


The last sentence was almost uttered by Ruan Chenxuan through clenched teeth.


Xu Chenghao didn’t care: “Whatever.”


Jing Yicheng was indifferent as usual: “No need.”


This time, Ruan Chenxuan’s fists were clenched. If An Rouyu had not been holding his arm nervously, he might have raised it up and punched these two annoying people.


The atmosphere between the four was really unpleasant, and Xu Chenghao was worried that Jing Yicheng, that lunatic with an irregular mood pattern, would eat his chilli pepper in anger, so he left the sentence “you talk” and turned around and went first.


He didn’t care about the love-hate entanglement of the three people behind him but quickly sent a message to Li Nian to complain about his business ability and applied to recover the huge sum of 28 yuan and 88 cents he paid.


Li Nian: “…”


“I really don’t know what’s going on. The application is rejected. At least I really devoted manpower and time to investigate.”


Xu Chenghao: “You have a reason for making a false report!”


Li Nian: “It’s not that I didn’t have it. Obviously he wasn’t invited. I’m wronged!”


Xu Chenghao: “I believe you are a ghost. He’s standing in front of me right now, can you believe it? “


Li Nian: “… Then I’ll refund you six yuan and sixty-six cents.”


Xu Chenghao: “…”




After dragging Li Nian into the blacklist three or two times, Xu Chenghao couldn’t help but have a headache when he looked at the little yellow duck’s beak flowerpot in his hand. The more you want to avoid it, the more you can’t avoid it. The villain is a lunatic and cannot be speculated according to the logic of normal people.


Since the incident has already happened, he can’t do anything now; the only thing he can do is act on the spot and stay away from Jing Yicheng!


I hope Jing Yicheng’s attention is occupied by the male and female leads being together and don’t pay attention to my peppers again! Besides, even if there is a meaning behind the pepper,  it is definitely not as good as the person snatched away, right?


Thinking of this, Xu Chenghao felt a lot more relieved. After calculating the harvesting time, he set the alarm to remind him in advance and decided to pretend to answer the phone, go out at that time, and then come in after harvesting the peppers. Plan pass√


The music of the banquet was suddenly interrupted. Xu Chenghao looked up vigilantly and saw Old Man Jiang coming down from the upper floor smiling, greeting everyone while walking to the high platform.


In his speech, Master Jiang first thanked everyone for giving face to participate in his 60th birthday. He announced that the President of Jiang’s group would be replaced by his grandson Jiang Changming and introduced his young and promising grandson in public.


This intention is well known to everyone present, and it is nothing more than to take advantage of his birthday banquet to pave for the younger generation to make connections.


Xu Chenghao rubbed the little yellow duck beak flower pot in his hand, suddenly enlightened. No wonder Dad called him to come to the banquet, and no wonder a bunch of young gentries came to what was obviously Master Jiang’s 60th birthday party.


It is estimated that the elders in the circle are well aware of the purpose of such a banquet, so they let their young ones attend the banquet. This is a way for Old man Jiang to pave the way for his grandson, but it is also a way for the elders in the circle to build a bridge for their juniors, which is mutually beneficial.


When Master Jiang said these words, it was equivalent to clarifying the meaning. When Master Jiang announced the banquet’s start, the scene was suddenly three points more lively than before. Among them, the most popular, apart from the protagonist Jiang Changming, the rest are naturally Xu Chenghao, Jing Yicheng and Ruan Chenxuan.


Xu Chenghao was the first person in this group of young people to take over the inheritance rights of the family, and the Xu family’s century-old heritage did not lose to the Jiang family or the Ruan family;. However, due to previous events, Ruan Chenxuan had been out of position for a while. Strictly speaking, he was the second person in the circle to accept the family’s inheritance. He is excellent in both his skills and ability.


Not to mention Jing Yicheng, the mysterious new power elite who suddenly returned with money and power so much that even some of the old families had to give way, and no one dared to provoke such a lunatic boss.


The three stood in a group of brothers who had nothing but inheritance rights and stood out as conspicuous as a group of chickens. They were the nobles that everyone wanted to win over. At the beginning of the banquet, countless people walked around and flattered them.


Xu Chenghao handled the various people with ease and also chatted with Old man Jiang, relaying his father’s congratulations and congratulating him on his 60th birthday.


Old man Jiang was very happy. He praised Xu Chenghao a few times and then asked Jiang Changming to entertain him on his behalf.


“President Xu, long time no see.” Jiang Changming stretched out his hand and the two clink glasses.


Xu Chenghao smiled lightly: “Long time no see, I haven’t congratulated Young Master Jiang for officially becoming President Jiang, congratulations.”


Jiang Changming said humbly, I am ashamed to say that I am young and promising compared to President. Xu, but I am several years behind, so I really have nothing to be proud of.


“You are saying that I am old.” Xu Chenghao chuckled.


The two had been touting their business for a long time, and the crowd of ass-kissers gathered around them. Xu Chenghao heard all kinds of rainbow farts making him smile, but there was never any reaction.


The crowd watched, their hearts beating with fear and thinking that this legendary good-tempered man was very shrewd.


After three rounds of drinking, Xu Chenghao relied on the alarm he had set in advance and pretended to answer the phone–successfully exiting the banquet. He then found a bench in the back garden of the Jiang family to sit down on.


It was getting late, and the European-style street lamps were lit early in the back garden of Jiang’s house to illuminate the road. Xu Chenghao sat under the dim light, propped up his head and waited for the results of the pepper seedlings.

Because he was worried that there would be an unexpected situation, Xu Chenghao set the alarm clock ten minutes earlier. As a result, the pepper seedlings didn’t move at all, so he had to wait another ten minutes.


Xu Chenghao yawned boredly. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him in his sharp ears. He was so frightened that half of his yawns were withdrawn, and he turned his head to look vigilantly.


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Fortunately, the person who came is not the villain.


An Rouyu stood awkwardly in the distance, “Hao gege…”


Xu Chenghao raised his hand to stop her approaching footsteps: “Just stand there and don’t move, and speak directly.”


An Rouyu’s expression suddenly changed from embarrassment to guilt: “I’m sorry Hao gege, are you mad at me… what happened at the company’s door before was my fault. I misunderstood you, that’s why I said those heartless and hurtful words. “


“If I knew that Hao gege was still concerned about me and would protect me and save me, I would not have been impulsive… Hao gege, you don’t know how happy I was when I learned that it was you who paid the medical bills. Really, I did not think that you would still help me even though you said you were heartless.”


Because she was anxious, there was no need for Xu Chenghao to ask any more questions. An Rouyu took the initiative to say a lot of things to explain the reason. After hearing that, Xu Chenghao’s expression changed unpredictably, and he almost vomited blood.


He understood what the female lead meant!


In other words, sending the female lead to the hospital made her mistakenly think he was just cold-faced and warm-hearted. To put it mildly, his heart still misses her, so he appears to protect her when she is in danger. Now, the female lead’s heart which had been cold not long ago has been rekindled, and she felt guilty for misunderstanding him.


In this regard, Xu Chenghao could only lie down and secretly regretted it in his heart. If he had known, he would have ignored her!


An Rouyu didn’t feel Xu Chenghao’s complicated eyes at all; she was still chattering about her excitement and happiness in the distance and said happily, ‘I’m sorry, Hao gege, I will never misunderstand you again. I know you are knife-mouthed but  tofu hearted, and you still care for me.” 


“By the way, Hao gege, don’t worry about Chenxuan’s side. I will explain to him clearly. You have always treated me so well, even better than a real brother would. I won’t let him hurt you.”


“Hao gege, don’t be angry, Chenxuan is only afraid that you will stop us from being together, but now that it is explained clearly that you are my brother, he will not take action against you, don’t worry.”


After saying this, An Rouyu looked expectantly at the young man sitting on the bench but received no response. She could not help but shout in a strange voice: “Hao gege, why are you not talking? Hao gege, are you still listening?”


The young man on the bench raised his head slightly and said casually, “Eh? You haven’t left yet?”


The things An Rouyu intended to say were all stuck in her throat, and she nearly choked to death.


She looked at the youth with wide eyes in shame and embarrassment, and when she wanted to say that no one here needed to pretend, she saw that the youth had simply closed his eyes and deliberately ignored her!


This turned out to be unwilling to even look at her.


An Rouyu looked at the other party blankly. When that clear, straightforward indifference hit her face, even she couldn’t help but start to doubt whether the previous judgment was true…Obviously, when she had an accident, he rushed to save her. But why was he so indifferent when they met again?


The signature that paid the medical bills was indeed his, but it was also him who treated her indifferently. An Rouyu didn’t even know which one to believe was the real him and which one was his disguise.


She was shivering in the cold wind while wearing a dress, but the young man sitting on the bench didn’t lift his eyelids or react. An Rouyu was aggrieved and sad. In the end, she could only find a way out for herself and whispered, “Chenxuan should have finished talking with Old Jiang; I should also go back, Hao gege; I’ll go first.”


The youth on the bench was like a sculpture, neither moving nor responding.


An Rouyu bit her lip and left in a dejected manner.


As soon as the female lead left, the surroundings suddenly became clear. Xu Chenghao slowly turned on the screen of his mobile phone and glanced at it; there were still four minutes before the result.


Once in October, the temperature difference between day and night began to widen. It was sunny, warm and comfortable in the morning, and in the evening, the temperature dropped, and the cold wind whizzed. Not to mention the female lead wearing a dress, shivering, and even wearing a suit, Xu Chenghao began to feel a little cold.


He coughed a few times, a little worried that he had a bad cold and it would be more serious if he inhaled cold wind. Thinking about it, he thought; It’s still warm in the car. Why not go to the car to hide?


Thinking about it, Xu Chenghao picked up the little yellow duck and was about to leave when he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eyes. His whole person froze uselessly, and he abruptly looked back.


In the dimly lit corner, a dark figure had been standing there for some time, staring at him silently, like an evil spirit waiting for an opportunity to attack. Xu Chenghao’s back vertebrae quickly climbed up with a chill, and his scalp went numb.


He sucked in a breath of cold air and shouted: “Who’s there!”


The black shadow moved, stepping from the corner to the street lamp; the dim yellow light clearly illuminated his face and softened his outline a bit. He raised his eyes and said, “I, Jing Yicheng.”


The swear words that rushed to his mouth were forcibly endured by Xu Chenghao. He gritted his teeth and said, “You are crazy, what are you pretending to be behind! Is it interesting to scare people?”


Jing Yicheng: “I came before you.”


This means that he didn’t find out by himself, so he deserves to be frightened??


Xu Chenghao couldn’t help rolling his eyes, convinced by the villain’s logic and thinking.


Jing Yicheng sat gracefully on the bench and made an inviting gesture: “Can I chat with you for a while?”


Xu Chenghao looked down at the little yellow duck and refused indifferently: “I don’t think our relationship is good enough to sit together and admire the moon.”


“About the Xu Group.” Jing Yicheng raised his eyes and looked at him. He was obviously sitting and was a bit shorter than Xu Chenghao now, but he was domineering and gave people an oppressive threat for no reason.


Xu Chenghao frowned and looked at him: “What does President Jing mean? I began to think that you targeted me because of An Rouyu. Now that I have given up on An Ruoyu, Mr. Jing suddenly started to target my family. Isn’t it too much?”


“No, I just want to talk to you about what the Ruan Group will do for the Xu Group, and I’m willing to cooperate with you.” Jing Yicheng said: “The enemy of the enemy is the friend. At least we can sit down and discuss, right?”


The male protagonist attacked the Xu Group? Xu Chenghao was slightly startled, carefully discerning the villain’s expression, trying to find the flaw.


It stands to reason that the male protagonist stands in the middle. First, he must beware of the Xu Group and secondly, he must beware of the villain. How could he suddenly want to attack the Xu Group when facing the enemy?


More importantly, the male lead’s hatred for him should be much lower than that of the lunatic villain, right?


It seemed that Xu Chenghao’s doubts were seen; Jing Yicheng said slowly: “That’s because I also gave up on An Rouyu, and I have completely withdrawn the suppressing forces. If he is not my enemy, he will definitely not take the initiative to provoke me. But if he wants to take this opportunity to grow and expand the territory of the Ruan Group, it seems that only the Xu Group is worth swallowing.”


The first sentence completely attracted Xu Chenghao’s attention, and he said dumbly, “You also gave up on An Rouyu???”





The author has something to say:

Xu Chenghao: Wait, this is different from the script I took!!


T/N: I’m so anxious for Haohao. Can his pepper be saved?

I’m finally home, yay!! I want to set a schedule for my updates now :). You’ll receive updates every Monday, Friday and Sunday ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°). If I cannot update for some reason, I’ll let you know in the readers’ section on discord!




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