After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time

Chapter 31: 31

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Jing Yicheng’s eyes flashed with anger; he tapped his fingers on the table, saying one word, “Speak!”

Xu Chenghao coughed lightly, “What I’m willing to give is not the same as what was robbed from me.”

Jing Yicheng: “So you just want to cooperate with him, don’t you?”

Xu Chenghao gave him a slightly threatening look as if to remind him not to reveal their cooperation and said indifferently: “I only look at the benefits, not the people.”

Jing Yicheng: “Okay, I’ll work with you, you give me the pepper!”

Ruan Chenxuan, watching the battle on the side, instantly turned pale: “What does Mr. Jing mean by this? It’s too much to poach people in front of me!”

Jing Yicheng didn’t look at him at all, just stared at Xu Chenghao and said, “I can tell you responsibly that my strength is greater than Ruan’s group, and I’m the most suitable partner for you!”

Ruan Chenxuan frowned, “The contract will be here soon, I believe that a person like President Xu who cares about credibility shouldn’t backtrack on the spot and slap himself in the face!”

Jing Yicheng turned his head and gave him a cold look, “A person like you has the guts to say such things.”

Ruan Chenxuan sneered: “That makes two of us.”

The two people were facing each other, and the sparks generated when confronting each other were actually more intense than those generated during the previous negotiations between Xu Chenghao and Ruan Chenxuan. If it was said that they were hiding daggers in their smiles1笑里藏刀: lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom); friendly manners belying hypocritical intentions., then now these two people are almost close to the battle.

Jing Yicheng was very concerned about the pepper issue. He found himself in the same situation with Xu Chenghao because of the first pepper. Because of the three pepper charges, up till now, he could not be friends with him, standing on the dividing line between antagonism and being side by side. At any moment, he would fall to the side of danger.

What Ruan Chenxuan cared about was the contract issue. He was very clear about Jing Yicheng’s strengths. Naturally, he understood that if Jing Yicheng intervened and got involved, the situation would definitely not be one where he held the initiative. It might even change in a way that turned the sky upside down against the Ruan family, so he had to stop it, and protect the chili that represented sincerity!

—-The pepper that made both Xu Chenghao and Jing Yicheng nervous must be something good!

With that thought in mind, even if he was holding an ordinary pepper in his hand, Ruan Chenxuan would never give it to Jing Yicheng!

The two men’s eyes fought for a moment before suddenly turning their heads together to look at Xu Chenghao.

“You choose!”

“President Xu!”

Xu Chenghao looked at all of this blankly and confusedly, not knowing what they were thinking and how they ended up in this state.

Boy, do you really not want to know why the villain is here? At least show some doubt!

And the villain …… This contract is related to the Jiang family project, I’ve already told you that, and you know it’s a trap, but you’re still sticking to it! Are you stupid?!

No matter how much he ridiculed them in his heart, Xu Chenghao was still very happy to see this spectacle. He said solemnly: “Mr. Ruan, don’t be impatient. I will sign the contract. This has nothing to do with Mr. Jing. Mr. Jing should stop begging.”

Jing Yicheng slammed his fist on the table and snarled, “You really are…”

“That’s enough! “Xu Chenghao interrupted him with an apprehensive heart, worried that this madman would shout out anything when he got angry, and said in a cold voice, “President Jing should be clear about his status. Who allowed you in?!”

Jing Yicheng: “I can go there wherever I want!”

Xu Chenghao: “To make trouble without reason2无理取闹: to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative.!”

Jing Yicheng sneered: “I deem myself reasonable!”

Xu Chenghao was so angry that he was speechless. He couldn’t reason with the madman at all.

Next to him, Ruan Chenxuan hooked his lips. He was thrilled to see the two of them as enemies.

The three were at a deadlock when they were suddenly interrupted by a shriek: “Who the hell was so unethical to remove the door? What a lunatic!”

When Li Nian returned with the document in his arms, he caught sight of the crooked door from afar: “Mom, is that a kick? What the hell….”

The more he looked, the more amazed he was. Li Nian still wanted to say something, but when he turned around and looked in the office, three people were staring at him; he was suddenly dumbfounded: “……”

Very afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

Xu Chenghao coughed lightly and took the initiative to break the silence, “Bring the contract here first.”

Li Nian honestly delivered the contract and shrank behind Xu Chenghao, not daring to say a word.

The contract was in two parts. After Ruan Chenxuan made sure there were no problems, he signed them, keeping both separately. When the last step was completed, Ruan Chenxuan took the contract and the hot pepper, looked at Jing Yicheng rather smugly, got up, bid farewell, and left.

Xu Chenghao gestured for Li Nian to send him off while he sat in his seat and raised his chin to signal Jing Yicheng to sit down, ready to have a good chat with him.

Jing Yicheng sat across from him, infuriated by Ruan Chenxuan to the point of being black-faced.

Xu Chenghao rested his elbows on the armrest and propped up his chin to look at him. He said helplessly, “Do you still have the nerve to be angry? If it weren’t for the fact that Ruan Chenxuan didn’t suspect you, you might have gotten me into trouble.”

Jing Yicheng: “Why can’t I be angry? The reason we cooperated at the beginning was because he wanted to take on the Xu Group. But now you suddenly cooperate and still do so twice. Where does that put me?”

Xu Chenghao was even more helpless, “But you know very well that the Jiang family project is a front, and that my cooperation with him is all a ploy to suppress his crooked ideas about the Xu family.”

“I don’t believe it!” Jing Yicheng pointed at the little yellow duck on the table and said, “Do I need to tell you how much you care about the peppers? I’ve been hated by you because of the three peppers and what did you just do? You gave him the pepper, which signifies your sincerity! How did you treat me when I cooperated with you? You hit me and gave me two marks!”

Originally, Xu Chenghao was quite serious and wanted to talk to him, but at the end of the day, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter. It was okay if you did not compare; the contrast with Jing Yicheng is really quite miserable, hahaha.

Jing Yicheng’s face darkened even more, “And you’re smiling?”

Xu Chenghao: “Hahahahahahaha.”

Jing Yicheng: “…”

Jing Yicheng felt that his temper was really getting better and better; it was really strange that he didn’t want to draw his gun even after this.

Xu Chenghao laughed enough before continuing, “I would still argue that robbing and giving are not the same, didn’t you allow me to beat you up after robbing me? If you had three points of Ruan Chenxuan’s gentlemanliness you wouldn’t be so miserable!”

“In particular, do you know the most terrible thing about you? I won’t say anything about the first two peppers, but isn’t your third time very outrageous? Knowing that the pepper is very important to me, you still played mind games to test me. I can now chat with you calmly because I have a good temper, but you still have the nerve to compare yourself with others here. You think about where you are wrong for yourself!

The third pepper was the most difficult gulf to cross between the two and was also the one that Jing Yicheng was at a disadvantage every time it was mentioned, unable to refute it at all.

Jing Yicheng could only concede, “Fine, then I deserve it. It is my fault …… but you have to explain to me why you gave him the pepper.”

Xu Chenghao weighed his words: “How do I describe it to you …… it’ s just that this pepper seed was provided by a friend of mine, and in return I have to send him the harvested pepper fruits.”

Jing Yicheng subconsciously said, “A research experiment?”

“Yes.” Xu Chenghao continued smoothly, “So during the period of time he’ll be working toward retrieving the results, I would have to properly plant the peppers and complete the testing tasks he had given. However, there are times where he’d also take breaks, so during his time off the peppers would not be valuable, and I would be able to deal with them as I pleased, got it?”

Jing Yicheng nodded: “I understand, but I still don’t understand why you gave the hot peppers to Ruan Chenxuan, even if it’s not expensive, according to your relationship… even if you don’t hate him, its not to the extent of sending intimate gifts, right?”

Xu Chenghao slowly took a sip of tea: “Why are you so hung up on it.”

Jing Yicheng said subconsciously, “Because I don’t think he is upright.”

In the plot, they were arch nemeses, so it was common for them to look at each other with disgust. Xu Chenghao understood this in his heart. He placed the teacup down and explained: “I have a cold, so I can’t eat pepper, and you know what’s going on with your voice, so I gave it to him just because he happened to be here.”

Jing Yicheng’s Adam’s apple rolled subconsciously. Actually, til now, his throat was still a bit uncomfortable.

But he still didn’t want to give the pepper to Ruan Chenxuan!

So he insisted: “My voice is fine!”

Xu Chenghao was speechless: “Are you sure you didn’t take lozenges this morning?”

Jing Yicheng: “…”

Xu Chenghao looked at him and sighed helplessly, “…… okay, I will leave it for you if I have a surplus next time. Go down quickly and work.”

Jing Yicheng: “You bet3你说的: lit. you said it or you said so. I used ‘you bet’ because I feel it feels less awkward, hehe. !”

“I did.” Xu Chenghao waved his hand to indicate to him to hurry up and leave; he now had a headache when he saw the other party.

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Jing Yicheng, who had received an affirmative answer, was finally satisfied and got up to leave the office.

Xu Chenghao sighed, flipped through the documents to make sure they were all right, locked them in the drawer, and took the time to clear the documents piled up on the table.

Li Nian, who had disappeared for a while, reappeared with a few people behind him, yelling, “Good day, President Xu,” before starting to repair the door. The place became so noisy Xu Chenghao couldn’t work. All he could do was lean back and watch them do their thing.

There is strength in numbers. The few people used ten minutes to restore the crooked door frame to its original shape and then left quickly.

Xu Chenghao reminded Li Nian: “The cost of repairing the door is counted on Jing Yicheng’s head.”

Li Nian immediately took out his small notebook and jotted it down, “Okay.”

“By the way, President Xu, when I was sending Ruan Chenxuan away earlier, he made a comment that ‘it turns out that the company needs to clock in and out’ I guess he was starting to wonder why Jing Yicheng showed up.”

Xu Chenghao tapped his finger on the table, “As expected. He just didn’t react at first, if he calmed down and still couldn’t find out then he wasn’t Ruan Chenxuan.”

Li Nian: “So what are we going to do now ……?”

Xu Chenghao: “Just do as the contract says, as for the rest don’t bother …… the relationship between the two families is already bad, and this little friction will make no difference.”

Li Nian: “Okay.”

Just when the two of them had finished talking about this topic, Ruan Chenxuan, on the other side, was also asking about this matter: “How many floors did you stop at in their company?”

The assistant went with Li Nian to print the contract and had the time to scope their activities, so he carefully recalled before affirming, “Fifteenth floors.”

Ruan Chenxuan: “Did you notice anything wrong? Did you see how Jing Yicheng got upstairs?”

The assistant tried to recall: “There was nothing wrong, and I did not see Jing Yicheng …… they were pretty normal, and not busy at all.”

Ruan Chenxuan frowned and phoned the people who had been watching Xu Chenghao recently and still did not get any exciting news.

The cleaner it was, the more Ruan Chenxuan doubted. After considering it for a long time, he ended up sending a message to Uncle Zhang Yun, hoping to get help.

Zhang Yun quickly replied, “I can’t divulge his itinerary, but I can tell you that the young master of the Xu family is not a good person and has already found his next home.”

Ruan Chenxuan’s expression suddenly turned ashen; he squeezed the contract in his hand for a long time, then violently slammed it on the ground.

His words were premature; he didn’t just underestimate Xu Chenghao! He was simply blind and saw the wolf-dog as a rabbit!

Ruan Chenxuan tried hard to restrain his anger so that he wouldn’t drop his phone on the ground as well. After first sending a message to Uncle Zhang Yun to express his gratitude, he gritted his teeth and sent a message to Xu Chenghao: “President Xu is a great tactician!”

Xu Chenghao replied: “That makes two of us.”


In the end, the phone did not escape the fate of being dropped. Its screen shattered as it fell to the ground. Ruan Chenxuan clenched his fist to calm himself down as he leaned back on his seat to sort everything out.

The Jiang family and the Xu family’s cooperation; his finding the Jiang family to cooperate; Xu family and Jing Yicheng reaching an agreement to cooperate at the same time. The biggest possibility is that the project will be dragged out deliberately to help the Jiang family increase their prices. Then finally, the project will be announced so that the Ruan family and the Jiang family will lose money together.

But An Rouyu’s accident made him change his strategy and then choose to unite with the Xu family to maintain their position. Xu Chenghao also seemed to be joining forces with him to suppress the Jiang family, but in fact, it was an act that pitted the two families at the same time.

From the beginning to the end, the initiative had been in the hands of Xu Chenghao! Moreover, this man gave him back his scheme with another scheme!

He is really a good person4好样的: a good person, used to praise sb’s moral integrity or courage. I think Ruan Chenxuan was praising Xu Chenghao’s integrity sarcastically.!

Ruan Chenxuan’s back molars were sore from biting down.

His position in the Ruan Group itself is not as stable as Xu Chenghao’s; he does not have the support of his family, nor does he have full shares in his hands; not only that, he has previously offended the Zhou family because of the withdrawal of the marriage, internal and external problems was nothing more than that.

Everything else was Ruan Chenxuan’s own choice; he didn’t regret it, but An Rouyu sneaking off to tell Xu Chenghao about the project really made him angry and cold-hearted.

If not for this incident, how could he have sent himself to the door for Xu Chenghao to trick?! Who knows if Xu Chenghao laughed at him every time he signed a contract?!

Ruan Chenxuan was so angry that he couldn’t speak, so he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

The car was silent. The driver and the assistant gazed unblinkingly5目不斜视: not to glance sideways (idiom) / to gaze fixedly / to be fully concentrated / to preserve a correct attitude. at the passing scenery outside the car, not daring to breathe.

After a long while, Ruan Chenxuan spoke with his eyes closed, “Go to Jinyu.”

The driver immediately reduced the speed of the car, ready to turn. Ruan Chenxuan used to return to the Ruan family’s old house, and then after getting together with An Rouyu bought a villa outside on the side and has been living there. This is the first time he took the initiative to say that to go to another residence.

He didn’t want to see An Rouyu crying and whining now, nor did he want to go back to Ruan’s house to listen to his mother’s incessant nagging and complaints; he needed quiet now! Very much a requirement!

Back at Jinyu’s residence, a red thing fell out of his pocket when Ruan Chenxuan threw his jacket onto the sofa. Ruan Chenxuan’s footsteps that were heading upstairs paused; he stared at the red pepper for a long time before picking it up and stuffing it directly into his mouth.

This pepper was a lesson!

He won’t be able to remember today’s shame unless he tastes this lesson!

The choking spiciness crawled down his throat and directly into his stomach. Ruan Chenxuan frowned and coughed a few times. His mouth was a little numb from the spicy aftertaste of the pepper.

He took a deep breath, went to the kitchen refrigerator to find a can of beer, and took two sips. The cool and spicy taste suddenly became acidic, and he hated it.


A person who eats hot peppers on an empty stomach and drinks cold beer is miserable.

The next day.

“Are you saying that Ruan Chenxuan is sick?” Xu Chenghao looked up rather shocked and inquired, “Is this from being angry at me yesterday?”

Li Nian stifled a laugh while organizing the documents, “It’s possible …… Yesterday no one went against him except you who stimulated him.”

Xu Chenghao was not convinced, “Where did I irritate him, he sent me a message and I replied ‘that makes two of us.’ I didn’t even turn on the mocking mode, if this can get him that angry, then he needs to be careful in the future.”

Li Nian burst into laughter: “Hahaha, enough, that’s enough.”

Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes at him and put down the pen to think about yesterday. Was he really that excessive? No. …… He thinks he was pretty kind, he only resisted when someone hit the door, and he never caused trouble! En!

After cheekily complimenting himself in his heart, Xu Chenghao was satisfied and continued working, leaving the matter of Ruan Chenxuan’s illness behind him.

While Jing Yicheng, on the other side, raised his head to look at the little yellow duck – that pot of pepper seedlings had melted into a pile of mud after the peppers were removed yesterday. Today, this one was still fresh from a successful seedling, looking fresh and green.

Jing Yicheng squinted and thought for a while before sending a message to his assistant to figure out why someone was sick, releasing a task in a cheerful mood.

Then Ruan Chenxuan, who was recuperating from an upset stomach, received care from Jing Yicheng – a box of throat lozenges.

Ruan Chenxuan: “…”

Even more pissed off!

Jing Yicheng, you wait for me!





The author has something to say:

The author has something to say: Ruan Chen Xuan omitted five hundred swear words.



Long chapters are the bane of my existence!
Jing Yicheng is so childish; I can’t hahahaha!
Thanks for your wonderful comments!

1笑里藏刀: lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom); friendly manners belying hypocritical intentions.2无理取闹: to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative.3你说的: lit. you said it or you said so. I used ‘you bet’ because I feel it feels less awkward, hehe. 4好样的: a good person, used to praise sb’s moral integrity or courage. I think Ruan Chenxuan was praising Xu Chenghao’s integrity sarcastically.5目不斜视: not to glance sideways (idiom) / to gaze fixedly / to be fully concentrated / to preserve a correct attitude.

You can find story with these keywords: After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time, Read After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time, After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time novel, After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time book, After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time story, After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time full, After Becoming a Spare Tire, I Was Targeted by the Villain and the Male Lead at the Same Time Latest Chapter

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