After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 24: 24

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Chapter 24: Opening the store, Beef stew with tomato


When the group came to the store and saw the gorgeous interior decoration, Yu Nian was a little bit surprised. But Ye Lin’an understood the situation in an instant when he looked at this familiar place.


This place was what Fu Chen said when he asked him to help. He made it so Ye Jin didn’t doubt it when he bought it.


Ye Jin walked around the room and was surprised to find that except for the shop front, there was nothing missing, but there was no shortage of indoor utensils.


Even the tables, chairs, and benches for diners were neatly arranged in the lobby. The empty door before is not the same at all.


Ye Jin confusedly contacted the seller on Guang Nao and asked them if they forgot to remove the items in the store.


As a result, the other party only replied, no and hung up. No matter how Ye Jin sent a message, there was no response.


Ye Jin looked at the chat interface with no response, and sighed and said to the other two: “This store owner doesn’t know what’s going on, no matter how I send a message, they just ignore me, and only reply to send me no, and then there is no further text.


But this is different from what they said before. They said before that there was only one shop without furniture or something, but now they suddenly give me so many things. Won’t they suddenly come back to ask me for money or something in the future? I feel uneasy….”


Yu Nian, who was still looking around, was the first to response, “It shouldn’t be. These sets of tables and chairs are only worth a few dollars. Besides, there should be detailed regulations when signing the contract.”


Ye Lin’an beside him also nodded in agreement. If Fu Chen was going to make trouble for something like this, he wouldn’t bother to give you such a shop on a commercial street.


Of course, Ye Lin’an wouldn’t say these words. If Fu Chen knew that he leaked the secret, he would have a good time in the future.


And even if there is no Fu Chen, he will try to find a good shop for Ye Jin, and if it is a big deal, he will use the power of the family. He believes that everyone in the family will support Ye Jin’s every decision.


After the three of them cleaned up the shop and returned home, Ye Jin checked that it was already lunch time. So Ye Jin asked everyone to take a break from him to prepare for lunch, and started a live broadcast.


He has not broadcast live for two days. Now, fans will complain if they don’t live broadcast.


Ye Jin took the ingredients ordered by Xing Wang and went into the kitchen. Today, he planned to make a stewed beef brisket with tomato.


Since Ye Jin is too tired to clean the shop, he planned to make a big pot of tomato beef brisket and steamed rice.


After Ye Jin opened the live broadcast room, the audience who had been hanging in the live broadcast room immediately became excited and asked Ye Jin where he had gone these two days.


Ye Jin looked at the inquiries that swiped the screen and said apologetically, “Hello everyone, I’m Ye Jin. I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to live stream the past two days because I have to deal with some things.


Today, I will make a new dish for everyone to apologize. The dish I’m going to make today is beef stew with tomato. It’s a fragrant and sour soup with the firm and tender beef brisket, paired with the fragrant and soft rice. It is definitely a great treat for the taste buds.”


Ye Jin’s voice fell, and the audience in the live broadcast room also stopped. The discussion about Ye Jin’s two days without a live broadcast is full of expectations for this dish.


[When Jin Jin said that, I couldn’t wait. ]


[Jin Jin’s description really makes me a little curious about what it tastes like. ]


[When it comes to sour, I think of squirrel mandarin fish, but according to Jin Jin’s description, this dish should have a different taste from squirrel mandarin fish. 】


【I’m looking forward to it! I really want to eat this dish quickly, just relying on Jin Jin’s description, forgive my poor imagination. ]


[Looking forward to +1, want to eat want to eat. ]


[Looking forward to +2, wait for the food! ]


After Ye Jin finished speaking, seeing the sound of anticipation in the barrage, he took out the beef brisket soaked in the water and rinsed it, and continued:


“You need to put white vinegar in the water for soaking the beef brisket, so soaking for 30 minutes can make the blood in the meat that has not been cleaned in the water bubbles out.


Then rinse it with water and cut it into pieces, put it in a pot and blanch it with hot water, because the beef brisket is more difficult to make, it may take a little longer.”


Ye Jin explained while cutting the beef into pieces. He put the good beef brisket in a pot with water, then added lemon juice and boiled for three minutes, which can not only remove the fishy smell but also bloody water.


After taking out the blanched beef brisket, Ye Jin washed the blood and impurities on the meat with warm water, and put it on a plate for later use.


After everything was ready, Ye Jin took out a few tomatoes and said, “The brisket has been processed. Next, let’s process the tomatoes and various accessories.”


Then Ye Jin brought the bowl with a few tomatoes over to start peeling the tomatoes.


Ye Jin explained the process while peeling the tomato, and cut up all the prepared accessories such as onion, ginger and garlic.


He put them into the pot and stir-fried them together to get the aroma, then poured the beef brisket in and stir-fried to dry out the water vapor.


Ye Jin put the beef brisket and took a look at the barrage, and found that everyone was saying that the beef brisket was not chewy and had a raw meat taste.


Ye Jin explained amusingly: “This is just the first process, of course, it won’t be chewy or tasty. It will take 40 minutes to cook later, and the freshly cut tomatoes and other seasonings have not been put in, of course it will not taste good.”


【Ah, this… how long does it take to cook? I can’t wait to eat it woo woo woo]


[Harm! We were in a hurry, but we really wanted to eat it quickly. ]


[Jin Jin, Jin Jin, hurry up, hurry up! I really want to eat ah ah ah ah]


[Jin Jin, you are too slow. Don’t explain it anyway, we can’t learn it! ]


[Upstairs, if you can’t learn it doesn’t mean others can’t learn it. It’s a bit too much to say! ]


[Upstairs, I just learned a few dishes, you may not learn because you have no talent. ]


[The words upstairs don’t sound good. It’s not up to you for everyone to have talent or not.]


[Oh, everyone, don’t be arrogant, you will be able to eat delicious food after being patient for a while, and you can also learn craftsmanship, right?]


Just as he was waiting, the anxious audience in the live broadcast room started to quarrel.


Ye Jin looked at the quarrelling barrage, frowned with some headache and said, “Don’t argue. Please wait patiently. Only by simmering slowly can you make delicious food with a long aftertaste, and I guarantee that the dishes will not disappoint you.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to the audience in the live broadcast room, and continued to prepare for the next step.


He poured the oil into the pot again and added half of the tomatoes and a little sugar and started to stir fry, waiting for the tomato to become juice.


He then poured the fried beef brisket and accessories into the pot. After stirring evenly, he poured in the boiling water that had not covered the beef brisket, and boiled in an open pot for ten minutes to remove the fishy smell.


When the time was up, Ye Jin put the lid on the pot and started to simmer while explaining, “Okay. The next step is to simmer on low heat for 40 minutes in the sealed mode, and finally add salt and seasonings, and the pot is ready. Let’s steam some rice at this time.”


After Ye Jin steamed the rice, he thought that he couldn’t just wait for 40 minutes. It would be better to do something else.


Just as Ye Jin was thinking hard, everyone in the live broadcast room began to discuss.


【Ahhh, it’s too hard to wait for forty minute!】


【I’m so hungry when I smell the fragrance, 40 minutes is too hard to endure woo woo woo 】


【Jin Jin, Jin Jin, why don’t we come and chat in these 40 minutes! ]


[Did Jin Jin not think about doing something else in these 40 minutes? ]


[Speaking of which, I never dared to ask, Jin Jin, where is your apprentice? It’s not that he is too stupid to drive him away! 】


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【Yes, Jin Jin, where is your little apprentice?】


【I don’t even think of it, what about Jin Jin’s older apprentice? ]


Ye Jin thought about what to do, and suddenly remembered that he had picked hawthorn a few days ago.


He planned to wait for a while to chat with everyone while cleaning up the hawthorn, but when he looked up, he saw a barrage of everyone asking questions about his little apprentice.


Ye Jin was annoyed at himself and patted his head: “Look at my memory.”


After being annoyed, Ye Jin said to everyone in the live broadcast room: “Today I have good news to share with you, I plan to open a gourmet restaurant offline.


The store is located at the Imperial City Star. The storefront is already looking good and the little apprentice is going to help my store today, so I’m too tired to go into the kitchen.”


As soon as Ye Jin finished speaking, Yu Nian’s voice came from the living room: “Master, although I didn’t go into the kitchen, I also watched the live broadcast and followed the study.”


Ye Jin just pretended not to hear it, and continued to watch the barrage to communicate with everyone.


Everyone in the live broadcast room happily started to tell each other and exploded special effects in the live broadcast room.


[Woo woo woo woo hoo! I finally waited until Jin Jin opened the store! 】


【Ahhhh, congratulations to Jin Jin baby! Finally able to have my own shop. 】


【Sprinkle flowers! Sprinkle flowers! Congratulations to Jin Jin Baby on the upcoming store opening! ]


[Woo woo woo congratulations to my baby son for opening the store! 】


【Congratulations on opening the store! Looking forward to the store opening! When will Jin Jin open? ]


[Baby Jin Jin, can you tell me the store address! want to go! ]


[Woooooooo Jinjin is about to open a store, I haven’t seen Jinjin’s true face yet! 】


【Yes! Jin Jin is about to open a shop, so don’t let us see your true face! ]


[Want to see Jin Jin’s real face under the mask, curious! ]


Ye Jin looked at everyone’s congratulations from the opening of the store, and the curiosity about his true face.


He really didn’t expect the topic to jump to this place, but still brought the hawthorn and explained: “Just look at the face? Isn’t everyone coming to the live broadcast room just for the food?


As long as there is delicious food, the face is not important. Don’t pay too much attention to it. As for the address and opening time, it will be posted in the announcement when the store is arranged.”


Everyone in the live broadcast room heard Ye Jin’s words and actually understood that he didn’t like to show his face, and this was not the first time everyone brought up this topic.


When it came out, the response was completely as expected by everyone. As for the address and opening, everyone can only wait for the notification.


After this topic was ignored by everyone, someone noticed the red hawthorn in Ye Jin’s hand with white dots like a lantern, and couldn’t help but ask.


Ye Jin answered while paying attention to the time: “This is a new fruit discovered by the scientific research institute. It is called hawthorn in ancient earth. It belongs to the Rosaceae plant. The flesh is thin and slightly sour. It is a unique plant used as medicine in Ancient China.”


Everyone in the live broadcast room was amazed when they heard Ye Jin’s popular science.


[The shape of this hawthorn is too beautiful! When will Jin Jin make it delicious? ]


[It looks good, but it’s too sour. I tasted one, and my teeth hurt so much.]


[It’s really sour, how can I make it into delicious food? You can’t get in at all! ]


[My facial features are distorted by sourness. Just now when my mother came in and saw my expression, she thought my meridians were damaged due to my supernatural riot. ]


[This is too terrifying, but I still expect the anchor to turn the rotten into the magical. 】


【I am more curious, what is the medicinal value of this fruit called hawthorn? ]


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[Speaking of which, am I the only one who found out what Jin Jin said at the beginning? Jin Jin said that this was a newly discovered ingredient by the scientific research institute. How did Jin Jin get the ingredient? Even the Jin Jin was the first to get the soybean the last time. 】


【New upstairs, right? From the last time Soybean, it can be seen that the scientific research institute and Jin Jin have a cooperative relationship, right? And it was also on the hot search at that time, and the scientific research institute supported Jin Jin. ]


[+1 for the newcomer, sorry, sorry, I didn’t read Xingbo carefully before. ]


Ye Jin saw that someone asked about the medicinal value of hawthorn, and when it was made into a delicacy, so he tried his best to search for the effects he knew:


“Hawthorn is a good medicine for spleen and appetizers, digestion and stagnation, blood circulation and phlegm. It has the effect of lowering blood lipids and blood pressure.”


After a brief science lesson, Ye Jin looked at the time and said, “Wait until tomorrow to make the hawthorn dim sum, now let’s open the lid and see the tomato stewed beef brisket today.”


Ye Jin’s voice fell and the lid of the pot was lifted, and a sour and fragrant aroma rushed to the face instantly, causing the audience in the live broadcast room to drool in their mouths instantly.


【Ah ah ah, this tomato stewed beef brisket is so fragrant! A strong and sour taste instantly covered me! ]


[I also really like this taste, it is fragrant, rich, sour, refreshing and long-lasting! The taste is also firm and fresh, and there is a fresh tomato fragrance when you bite into it. ]


[Woo woo woo I like this brisket! It’s fragrant, soft and rotten, and the sour soup overflows in one bite. It’s really super appetizing and refreshing. Jin Jin quickly brings out the rice. I want to serve it with rice! ]


[Woo woo woo I can’t speak, I can only say that it is delicious, so delicious! 】


【It’s so hot, so hot! But it’s delicious! I don’t have enough words to praise Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo]


Ye Jin looked at the swiping barrage of praise, full of sense of accomplishment appeared in his heart, as he put out a portion of rice.


Yu Nian, Ye Lin’an, and Fu Chen, who had been in the living room, were attracted to the kitchen by the strong and sour smell.


However, considering that Ye Jin was still on the live broadcast, the two didn’t want to show their faces and just poked their heads at the door of the kitchen, while Fu Chen just kept watching.


Without this concern, he ran directly to Ye Jin’s side, looked up at him, stretched out his claws and slapped him.


Ye Jin felt the touch on his legs, and lowered his head only to find that Bai Bai ran to the kitchen again,


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai and said warmly: “Bai Bai, go to the restaurant and wait. You can eat after a while, I’ll give it later. You can have two pieces.”


Ye Jin turned back to the audience in the live broadcast room and said, “Have you eaten yet? Today’s live broadcast time stops here, because it’s very tiring to clean up the store today.


There are two more big friends waiting to be fed in the living room, so please forgive me, I will take you to see the shop and make hawthorn cakes tomorrow.”


The audience in the live broadcast room heard that Ye Jin was going to stop broadcasting. They have the strength to clean up the shop and open it as soon as possible, so they can only reluctantly bid farewell to it.


After confirming that Ye Jin was on the air, Yu Nian and Ye Lin’an rushed into the kitchen. The two of them stared at the beef brisket in the pot with gleaming eyes, and their stomachs began to grumble in protest.


After the three of them sat in the restaurant and started to eat, Ye Jin put a few pieces of stewed soft brisket for Bai Bai and put it on his plate before eating by himself.


And when Ye Jin and the others were eating, two entries about him also topped the star network hot search.

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