After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 27: 27

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Chapter 27: Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs


At three o’clock in the afternoon, Ye Jin woke up and blinked in confusion. He looked around the bedroom and saw Bai Bai lying at the end of the bed.


He wanted to crawl over to pick him up, but found that Bai Bai was still sleeping, so Ye Jin had no choice but to put him away and recalled the light brain out of the bedroom.


When he came to the living room, Ye Jin looked at the live broadcast room that was still open, and found that there were still a lot of people hanging in the live broadcast room, some people periodically posting bullet screens.


The fans were not allowed to see the sleeping face, and they have to face the wall against the window.


Ye Jin looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room with some doubts and said, “What’s so good about sleeping?”


[It’s beautiful, who doesn’t like to see the beauty of the prosperous age?]


【That’s right, I won’t get tired of looking at your face for a year. ]


[Of course it looks good. When you go to bed, put your sleeping face next to your pillow, it will help you have a good dream. 】


【Upstairs, what kind of dream is a good dream? It’s not what I think it is, is it? 】


【Jin Jin, I’m afraid you don’t know how handsome your face is. 】


【It is also a kind of enjoyment to watch beautiful teenagers sleep! 】


【Good-looking people also look good when they sleep. I still have the sleeping face photo last time. 】


【I have it too! It is strongly recommended that baby Jin Jin broadcast live while sleeping, and we will watch it even if it is a sleep broadcast! 】


【No! Jin Jin can do the sleep broadcast, as well as making us delicious food! ]


[That’s right, let’s do a good food live broadcast. You can come once or twice for sleep broadcasts or something. 】


A bunch of strange speeches floated by Ye Jin’s barrage, he was embarrassed. He really couldn’t imagine himself being a sleep broadcaster, and the scene of sleeping on a live broadcast.


Putting aside the wild thoughts in his mind, Ye Jin said helplessly: “Everyone is calling on me to do sleep broadcasting, so do you want to eat hawthorn cakes this afternoon?”


[Yes! Don’t do sleep and broadcast, eat delicious food! 】


【No no no! Let’s start cooking food, sleep broadcasting or something, it doesn’t exist. ]


[Baby Jin Jin, hurry up and make hawthorn cakes, I want to eat, I want to eat! ]


[I’ve been looking forward to it for two days, I must make hawthorn cakes today, nothing is as important as food! ]


Ye Jin looked at everyone’s expectations for hawthorn in the live broadcast room, walked into the kitchen and sorted out the hawthorn that had been cored and said:


“Hawthorn is also a medicinal and edible ingredient, and today I will use it to make a small snack and jam. What we are going to do now is peel off the fruit. Everyone, remember to remove the pit before using the hawthorn.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he put the pitted hawthorn into the juicer, and then put in some water to squeeze it into jam, then Ye Jin poured the jam into the juicer.


He stir-fried evenly in the pot over low heat and said: “Because hawthorn is relatively sour, you need to add an appropriate amount of white sugar to match it. Just add sugar according to personal taste.


After frying the jam with a small fire to thicken, you can spread it on a flat surface. Baked on oiled paper.” Ye Jin explained one step at a time.


After the jam was fried and hung on the shovel, Ye Jin turned off the fire and poured the hawthorn sauce on the oiled paper and spread it evenly into the oven. After finishing these, Ye Jin began to prepare the hawthorn sauce.


“The next thing to do is hawthorn sauce. The taste of hawthorn sauce is sweet and sour. It can be eaten directly or washed with water. It can also be used to make some sweet and sour dishes, such as sweet and sour pork ribs and sweet and sour fish. Something like that.” Ye Jin added rock sugar and water into the pot and said while cooking.


After the rock sugar was completely cooked and thick, Ye Jin poured all the remaining hawthorn into the pot and let it simmer over low heat.


After the hawthorn was completely cooked, Ye Jin used a spoon to mash the hawthorn little by little and stirred it slowly in the pot.


Ye Jin watched the hawthorn sauce that was slowly turning into a translucent water-red color, and said, “At this stage, you must always pay attention to the state of the hawthorn in the pot, and you must keep stirring so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pot.Otherwise it will taste bad.


Mine is mashed by hand, it will have a grainy texture, if you prefer a more delicate taste, you can put the hawthorn in a juicer and squeeze it into puree before pouring it into the pot.” Ye Jin instructed as he kept stirring.


As the hawthorn sauce gradually turned into a paste in the pot, when it turned dark red completely, Ye Jin stopped stirring, turned off the fire, and squeezed in the juice of the sour fruit. After stirring again, it was put into a bowl to cool down.


After Ye Jin finished pouring, he looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and said, “Make sure to stir when you squeeze in the sour juice at the end, otherwise the taste will be uneven. You can also choose to add or not to add it according to your own preferences.


The amount can be added in small amounts and multiple times. After the jam is made, it must be placed in a clean and sterilized container to cool, or it can wait for cooling in the pot, as long as the container for the final jam is clean and sterilized. Otherwise it will easily deteriorate.”


Ye Jin walked to the oven as he spoke, looked at the baked fruit tan skin and took it out, slowly peeled it off from the oiled paper. He divided it into several pieces and rolled them one by one and placed them on a plate.


When Ye Jin finished a plate of fruit danpi, and looked up at the live broadcast room, he found that the barrage message was being very strange.


Although they were still praising the delicious food and jam, the chat was buzzing with excitement more than before.


Ye Jin curiously observed the barrage for a while to no avail but asked, “Did something good happen? I feel like you are all excited.”


The audience in the live broadcast room heard Ye Jin at this moment. His suspicions were explained excitedly.


【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Jin Jin, I actually saw the account of the Imperial Prince in your live broadcast room! 】


【Imperial Crown Prince Li Zhaoxi! Handsome and personable, and he also holds the Fifth Corps in his hands, his military exploits are unmatched except by General Fu! 】


【I didn’t expect that I could stay in the same live broadcast room with His Royal Highness Zhaoxi! 】


【Jin Jin! Jin Jin! You are really great! It can actually attract the attention of His Royal Highness Zhaoxi! ]

[Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I was able to stay in the same place as my idol! If Admiral Fu also appeared, my life would be complete! ]


[Upstairs, forget General Fu. His aura is too cold and powerful. Although I admire him very much, but I really don’t dare to think that General Fu will watch the live broadcast. ]


[Our Jin Jin is also too good! He even attracted His Royal Highness Zhaoxi. 】


Ye Jin looked at the barrage, and understood what was going on. To be honest, he didn’t expect to attract the prince of the empire, and he didn’t know if he was just passing by curiously or was really caught by the food.


Ye Jin glanced at the list of online people with this thought in mind, but found that the account of the imperial prince was clearly hanging on the first one.


Ye Jin hesitated in his heart, whether to say hello or just treat it like nothing happened.


Normal netizens treat this Highness the same.


After all, to be honest, he doesn’t really want to get involved with these people in the center of power.


However, at Ye Jin’s stall, Li Zhaoxi, who had been silent for a while, actually sent a barrage to greet him.


[Hello Jinjin, I’m just watching the food live broadcast to relax, you don’t have to worry about me too much. It’s fine as usual. Here I and everyone are just spectators. 】


Ye Jin looked at this extremely humble barrage, and understood why everyone liked the Crown Prince so much, because he was really humble and polite, and he didn’t use his identity to dictate others, and he didn’t look down on others.


Ye Jin was really relieved siince the Highness himself said that he didn’t need to care, he would just treat him like an ordinary netizen.


Thinking of this, Ye Jin continued the live broadcast and found a place for the chilled hawthorn sauce.


The glass container was sterilized and packed. Along the way he made a glass of water with hawthorn sauce to drink.


Ye Jin put the prepared hawthorn drink and fruit tan skin together and said: “Okay, today’s afternoon snacks have been made, one is sweet and sour, the other is sweet, we will go to see after everyone eats it. For the progress of the shop decoration, I will go and call Bai Bai at this time.”


After saying that, Ye Jin left the light brain in the kitchen and turned around and went to the bedroom.


In the bedroom, Fu Chen was jumping out of bed in a hurry, pulling his light brain under the bed.


The moment Ye Jin opened the door and came in, Fu Chen immediately climbed out of the bed, pretending to just wake up and jump out of bed to go to the door.


Ye Jin gave Bai Bai a puzzled look, feeling that it just got up from the ground.


Ye Jin walked over and picked it up and muttered doubtfully, “Did you fall asleep, Bai Bai? Why do you look like you’re falling down whenever you get up?”


Ye Jin said and checked Bai Bai back and forth, just as he was about to squeeze its hind legs, Bai Bai Baso swooped out of his arms.


Ye Jin hurriedly chased him out to see the situation, and at the same time he realized that he never seemed to have noticed whether Bai Bai was male or female.


He hadn’t seen Bai Bai going into a rut or a heat for so long, so there would be no physical problems, right?


Ye Jin thought about these two questions while chasing out, and accidentally knocked on the door frame of the kitchen, making a muffled ‘dong’.


Ye Jin only felt that he had regained his senses. He squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, unable to recover. The pain in his forehead caused his eyes to burst into tears.


Fu Chen, who had run into the kitchen a long time ago, heard the voice and ran out anxiously.


Seeing Ye Jin squatting on the ground with his head covered, he ran to his feet and circled around him with some worry.


At the same time he carefully stretched out his paws and pressed it on the ground. He covered his forehead with the back of his hand.


When Ye Jin recovered, he saw Bai Bai who was squatting at his feet with one paw on his knee and one paw on his hand.


His heart was about to melt, and even the pain in his head felt lighter. He couldn’t help but pick the paw up and slapped it a few times.


The viewers who were eating food in the live broadcast room naturally heard the muffled sound just now and saw Ye Jin’s passing on the door. They couldn’t help laughing while feeling distressed.


[Baby Jin Jin is okay? Why did you suddenly hit the door? Do I need to use a therapy device? 】


【Baby Jin Jin was hit so hard that you can’t hear the sound clearly, but Jin Jin is so confused. He’s too cute, he just hit the door frame. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha]


【Upstairs, How can you laugh when Jin Jin is miserable? It ’s really pitiful and cute. hahahahahahahahaha. However, I still can’t help but want to laugh, and I bumped up with my eyes. He is too confused. hahahahaha hahahaha.]


[It really hurts to hit this… ]


[YingYingYing. I also want a pet like Bai Bai, it’s too warm! When I heard the sound, I ran out immediately and knew how to comfort people. ]


[I want both, Jinjin hugs Bai Bai during the day and hugs me at night! ]


[Wake up upstairs, be careful the network administrator might block your account! 】


When Ye Jin finished playing with the dog and walked into the kitchen, the audience in the live broadcast room clearly saw the big blue bag on Ye Jin’s forehead, and stopped laughing, and urged Ye Jin to check at the hospital or stop the live broadcast and stream tomorrow.


Looking at the concerned message in the live broadcast room, Ye Jin pursed her lips and smiled and said: “Thank you for your concern, in fact, there is no big problem.


I can just use the therapeutic apparatus to treat it, but it is really not convenient for live broadcast today. I will make it up tomorrow and come back. By the way, I will teach you how to make sweet and sour pork ribs with hawthorn sauce tomorrow.”


The audience in the live broadcast room saw that Ye Jin had a big blue bruise on his head, and were willing to let him live broadcast hard.


They asked him to go for treatment. It is best to check and check. In the end, Li Zhaoxi, who only said one sentence, also persuaded him to pay attention to his body and not take it seriously.


After Ye Jin apologized to everyone, he went to the living room after the live broadcast, used the therapeutic apparatus to relieve the swelling on his head.


He looked at Bai Bai who was nestled beside him.


Fu Chen looked at the eyes that were looking at him, inexplicably felt that the hair on his back was about to explode, and hurriedly jumped off the sofa to find a place to hide.


Unfortunately, as soon as he jumped down, he was picked up by Ye Jin.


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai who was about to run away, put it on his lap curiously and said, “By the way, I haven’t noticed since I picked you up. Are you male or female, and why haven’t I seen you pulling Bai Bai?

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I thought you ran out to solve it by yourself, but I haven’t seen you solve your physical problems while I’ve been holding you every day for the past two days? No? Could it be sick?”


Ye Jin was about to touch Bai Bai’s belly, and by the way he opened its hind legs to see its gender.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin and felt that the blue veins on his forehead were about to burst out.


Seeing that Ye Jin’s hand reached his stomach and was about to continue down, Fu Chen couldn’t bear it any longer and opened his mouth to bite Ye Jin’s wrist.


He took a bite, and slapped Ye Jin’s other hand away with his claws and jumped off the sofa. Of course, he didn’t exert any force but just bit it lightly to frighten Ye Jin to let go.


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai’s drool on his wrist and slapped his hand away. It was obvious that Bai Bai didn’t really want to hurt him, but was deliberately trying to scare him.


It seemed that he didn’t want him to see other genders. Are dogs shy too…?


Ye Jin sighed and went to the bathroom to wash his hands, but he was still worried about Bai Bai’s situation, and planned to take him to see a doctor.


He didn’t know if there was still a veterinary profession in the interstellar era.


Ye Jin came to the bedroom and looked at Bai Bai, who was lying on the bed with his butt facing him


He felt his heart softened and a little funny, went forward and picked it up and said: “Bai Bai, I won’t watch it in the future, don’t get angry. But I have to take you to see a doctor to check on your body, so there’s nothing wrong with it.”


Ye Jin held Bai Bai and planned to go out. He went to the store to have a look first, and asked his little apprentice to help him find a veterinarian.


After all, he was more familiar with the Imperial Capital Star than himself.


As for Fu Chen, when Ye Jin said he was going to take him to the veterinarian, he was completely shocked.


Thinking of him as a dignified general, not only would he be rudely checked for his gender, but he would also be like an ordinary pet.


Being taken as a dog to the veterinarian for examination like that is simply a humiliation that has never been experienced in his life.


Fu Chen glanced coldly at the person who was hugging him. If he wasn’t reluctant, he really wanted to bite him and teach him a lesson.


While Fu Chen was gnashing his teeth, Ye Jin had already carried it into the hover car and came to the store.


After seeing the renovation of the kitchen, Ye Jin nodded with satisfaction. At the same time, he also asked Yu Nian to help him find a veterinarian for Bai Bai.


Yu Nian also knew that Ye Jin was asking for Bai Bai and immediately nodded and said, “Master, don’t worry, Imperial Star is my hometown, I will definitely help you find the best veterinarian to examine Bai Bai.”


Ye Jin nodded reassuringly after hearing this and said: “That’s ok. Brother Lin’an and I are watching in the store. You hurry up and go to the veterinarian, otherwise I’m really worried.”


Right after he agreed, You Nian immediately went out to help Ye Jin find the veterinarian.


While Ye Lin’an looked at Fu Chen in Ye Jin’s arms with sympathy, he couldn’t help but gloat over the misfortune. He didn’t expect Admiral Fu to be so weak in front of Xiao Jin.


Fu Chen glanced at Ye Lin’an coldly, he couldn’t help sneering in his heart. He dared to see him as a joke. Wait until he got better to see how he dealt with this guy!


After Yu Nian came back, a serious-looking young man followed behind him. At the moment he entered the door, he glanced at Bai Bai and immediately moved away.


After Yu Nian introduced his identity, he immediately confirmed, “It’s for this, Is this little animal checked right?”


Ye Jin didn’t pay attention to the pause in the doctor’s words, but nodded, said the specific situation again, and said worriedly: “Doctor, what’s going on?”


The man took out the inspection equipment and scanned Bai Bai up and down, and comforted: “It’s not a problem. It’s normal, but he’s been growing recently and needs a lot of nutrients and energy. You can usually feed it to eat human food. After all, wolves and dogs are still different.”


Ye Jin was completely stunned, what did he hear, his pet Bai Bai turned out to be a wolf? Or a growing wolf? Isn’t Bai Bai a dog?


Ye Jin glanced at Bai Bai blankly, then looked at the doctor who examined him, and asked in uncertainty, “You said Bai Bai is a wolf cub? Isn’t he a dog?”


He glanced at Fu Chen, and there was a faint sweat on his forehead, “Mr. Ye, it is indeed a wolf cub, not a dog.”


Who would dare to treat the next family member of the Fu family as a dog?


Only Mr. Ye in front of him would.


Ye Jin recovered from his astonishment, but still prevailed over Bai Bai’s worries and reconfirmed: “That is to say, Bai Bai is a wolf and can eat human food, and there is no problem with the body, right?”


The man nodded and said, “Yes, but it’s better to try to feed some foods with high nutritional content. After all, it has entered the growth period and needs a lot of energy.”


After sending the man away, Ye Jin looked at the man lying on the stool. He still couldn’t believe the veterinarian’s words.


Bai Bai’s body shape and personality don’t look like a wolf, aren’t wolves very vicious?


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But Bai Bai looks small, obedient, obedient, and comforting, without the characteristics of a wolf at all.


Ye Jin walked over to Bai Bai and hugged it suspiciously: “It’s really not like it, I can’t see it at all, I think it’s more like a dog. Is Bai Bai a male wolf or a female wolf, you won’t let me see I forgot to ask just now.”


Ye Jin patted his head angrily. Ye Lin’an and Yu Nian stood aside, watching Ye Jin holding Bai Bai and muttering.


Although Yu Nian was a little surprised that such a soft Bai Bai turned out to be a wolf, thinking about how well-behaved Bai Bai was, he didn’t find it too difficult to accept.


Seeing Ye Jin muttering at this moment, he thought he didn’t like wolves, and quickly said: “Master, although Bai Bai is a wolf, he is very good and a director. When he grows up, Bai Bai will be able to protect you. Don’t you want it?”


He said and glanced at Bai Bai secretly.


When Ye Jin heard Yu Nian’s words, he understood what he was thinking, and immediately said incredulously: “What are you thinking, even if he is a wolf, I will still want him. He has been with me longer than any of you. He’s as important as family.”


Ye Lin’an’s eyes felt distressed for a moment when he heard Ye Jin’s words, but he quickly covered it up and put on a teasing look: “I can’t imagine Xiao Jin’s luck is so good. One of the pets that you picked up turned out to be a wolf.


You must know that wolves are rare in interstellar space, let alone this kind of white fur with no variegation at all, which is even more precious.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Lin’an who was smiling and made another note to beat him up in the future in his heart.


At the same time, he also thought of the veterinarian who examined him just now. It seemed that grandpa already knew the news about him, otherwise it would be impossible not to detect the abnormal energy in his body.


While Ye Jin is talking about Bai Bai, the star net has long been blown up by the news that the emperor of the empire went to Ye Jin’s live broadcast room to watch the live broadcast, and the hot search is high in the first place.


【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! His Royal Highness Zhaoxi actually went to watch the live broadcast of Jin Jin baby, the two chefs are ecstatic and dreamy linkage! 】


【His Royal Highness Zhaoxi is so gentle! He even advised Jin Jin to pay attention to his body! 】


【What kind of fairy scene is this, I can’t be happier. ]


[Rational discussion, how did His Royal Highness Zhaoxi know about Jin Jin and come to the live broadcast room? ]


[It goes without saying that Jin Jin’s cooking skills are definitely out of the loop! ]


[Blind question by a passerby. Was the video recorded by fans on Star Net? 】


【His Royal Highness is so busy, how could he have time to browse the star network? It seems like someone inadvertently entered with his account. 】


【Anyway, His Royal Highness Zhaoxi probably like Jin Jin’s food, otherwise it would be impossible to stay. ]


[Don’t put gold on your face upstairs, how could our Highness like an Internet celebrity anchor? It is only a polite stop to say hello. ]


[That is, our Highness has a good temperament, and only said a few words out of politeness. He is so kind to everyone, so don’t take yourself too seriously. ]


[How could our Highness like an internet celebrity who likes to hype, and we don’t see if he deserves it or not. 】


【What the hell is upstairs? Can you review the questions well? We said that we like the food made by Jin Jin. But we didn’t say that His Royal Highness would like Jin Jin, so don’t donate your eyes to those in need. ]


Originally, the hot search post was full of excitement and joy, but the brain-damaged fans of His Royal Highness Zhaoxi who came to hear the news made a mess.


And the two parties began to fight in the post, which caused the post to remain on the hot search all night. The heat didn’t go down until almost noon the next day.


Since the title of the post carried the name of the emperor of the empire, this hot search post also attracted the attention of the high-level officials of the empire, as well as the enemy spies hidden in the empire.


In a dark bedroom, a tall man with mediocre features was talking to a holographic screen with a very serious look.


The screen of the holographic screen showed a middle-aged man in a suit with a solemn expression. The man has an angular face, a head of green seaweed-like hair draped over his shoulders, giving a pompous feeling.


However, on the top of the man’s head, there are two pale green tentacles with index fingers, which are swaying from left to right, looking very scary.


The man on the screen frowned tightly, and it took a long time before he said: “According to you, the prince of the empire is very concerned about this anchor who can make rare delicacies?


Then do you think it is possible for us to do this? Invading the empire for the entry point? Or arresting this little anchor?”


Hearing this, the unremarkable-looking man couldn’t help wiping the sweat from his forehead, and said after a long while, “Your Majesty, I’m afraid this can’t be done. According to the information found, this little anchor named Ye Jin has contacts with the Imperial Research Institute.


And at the same time there are two people around, one is the young grandson of the Yu family, and another is a man with a scar on his face who looks very intimidating. It’s not easy, we can’t find his information at all.”


The man pondered for a while and said, “Then you continue to monitor the movements of the empire, and send me a copy of the details of this little anchor named Ye Jin.”


The screen went out when he said it was completely dead.


In another corner of the empire, the same thing is happening, except that the reporting personnel has become the Federation.


Because of an unintentional move by the emperor of the empire, everyone in the empire was paying attention to the royal power and got the report at the same time.


On the other hand, Ye Jin’s side was still calmly preparing for the opening of the store.


The next day, Ye Jin looked at the brand-new furnishings in the store. After ordering some ingredients on Star Net, he put the name of the store on it so that it could open directly tomorrow.


At noon, Ye Jin came home with Yu Nian and Ye Lin’an behind him with Bai Bai, Ye Jin began to prepare the sweet and sour pork ribs that he said yesterday.


Ye Jin opened the live broadcast room and was shocked by the number of people online.


Although there were many people hanging in the live broadcast room in the past, there were no 200 million people online like today.


Usually, there are only so many people appearing after the live broadcast starts for a while.


Ye Jin asked the audience who were enthusiastically posting the bullet screen with some doubts and said, “What happened today? There were already so many people hanging in the live broadcast room before I started the broadcast.”


Someone immediately answered Ye Jin in the bullet screen.


[So many people came across it from the hot search, because yesterday Zhaoxi came down to your live broadcast room on the hot search! ]


[Because of His Royal Highness Zhaoxi’s unintentional actions, our treasure Jinjin can no longer hide. woohoooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooo]


[This time Jin Jin is completely on fire, and I don’t know if I can still grab the food in the future. 】


Ye Jin looked at the barrage, who answered one sentence at a time. He quickly figured out the reason, and just hurriedly said: “Okay, I know the reason, it doesn’t affect us.


Anyway, I will teach you how to make sweet and sour ribs. Because some spices are not available, so we can only make some changes.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he took out the pork ribs to be used today and said: “This kind of ribs is the ribs of pigs. When making sweet and sour ribs or braised ribs, you can choose the ribs of pigs, cattle, sheep and other animals or any vertebrae.


These parts contain a lot of nutrients, which can provide the body with the nutrients it needs, which is similar to nutritional supplements. But it is more delicious than nutrient supplements. Then we will start processing the ribs.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he rinsed the ribs, then chopped all of them into pieces of the same size.


He grabbed a large pot, poured it into a pot of cold water and blanched them. He then turned off the heat and removed it after a minute.


After that, he put the blanched pork ribs into the pot, added cold water, added the onion ginger and sour juice, and brought to a boil over high heat.


After the water boils, he turns to low heat and let it cook for half an hour.


After completing the above steps, Ye Jin looked up at the barrage, and found that there were more people online in the live broadcast room, and the effort went directly to 400 million in this moment.


At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also very discordant.


[This anchor is the one that His Royal Highness Zhaoxi has watched? Seeing this operation is not very good. He can’t cook meat in white water. 】


【What else did you say about the food anchor, look what this is doing? Even using bones to make food. 】


【What a face, at this level, you can still say that the food you make is delicious. Who can eat the smell of meat? I don’t know why His Royal Highness Zhaoxi came to watch this kind of live broadcast. ]


[Boiled meat in boiled water and added some seasoning, isn’t this the same as what we usually eat? Where is the delicious food? Don’t fry any more Chinese food, okay? 】


【Upstairs is too much, right? People are sneering and sneering here before they are ready. Isn’t this a trick? It’s really pitiful that His Royal Highness Zhaoxi has you brainless fans. ]


[Our Jin Jin didn’t say it’s done, you guys are so happy right now, you can go out if you don’t like watching it, it really affects the look and feel. 】


【His Royal Highness Zhaoxi, how can there be such a brainless fan like you. Jumping up and down in other people’s live broadcast room is really uncomfortable to watch. 】


【If we don’t come, how can he have such a large amount of traffic as a small internet celebrity? See how many people are online? 】


[How come you have such a big face, our Jin Jin live broadcast room has fewer people online one day, and you still need your brains to contribute. Get out quickly, no troublemakers are welcome here. ]


[Networking management, networking management, hurry up, get to work! 】


Ye Jin glanced at it and knew that someone was making trouble. Seeing that the moderator had started kicking people, he didn’t say anything, and only comforted: “Everyone, don’t be angry, it’s not worth it for this kind of thing, we meet big and small.


I’ve been hacked a lot of times, so I can’t be so angry every time, too much anger is bad for your health, just ignore them.”


After Ye Jin saw that it was almost time, he went to fish out the cooked ribs.


Because the number of people in the live broadcast room is increasing, Ye Jin has given the moderating rights of the live broadcast room to a few viewers who come every day and contribute a lot, so he doesn’t care when he sees the moderator kicking people.


But the brainless fans who were kicked out of the live broadcast room were angry but began to smear everywhere on the Internet.


Ye Jin said while scooping out the pork ribs: “The second time the pork ribs are cooked, take them out and put them aside for later use. Don’t pour out the broth and it will still be useful later.


Next is to fry the sugar, and fry the sugar until it turns brown. Put the ribs in and continue to fry until the ribs are completely discoloured, then add two tablespoons of hawthorn sauce and continue to fry.”


Ye Jin added the hawthorn sauce to the pot while frying, and after stirring evenly, Ye Jin added the third second-boiled broth and said:


“This broth is used here, pour it into the pot to cover the ribs completely, add salt, cover the pot and start to burn, wait until the water in the pot is almost boiled.


When only half of it is left, add a spoonful of hawthorn sauce, turn to low heat and start to simmer until the remaining water in the pot is completely dry!”


Ye Jin put the lid on the pot and waited for the water in the pot to boil. After steaming the rice, Ye Jin cut a handful of chopped green onion and put it in a bowl for later use:


“This chopped green onion is just a decoration and you can leave it alone. The hawthorn sauce for sweet and sour pork ribs can also be made with white vinegar, mature vinegar and sour fruit instead.”


The audience in the live broadcast room was amazed by Ye Jin’s words and asked what mature vinegar was?


“Mature vinegar, like white vinegar, is a kind of liquid condiment brewed from grain. It can be made from wheat, rice, glutinous rice and other grains.


It has a clear and slightly sour taste of grain, and its color is dark brown. It can be used to make various delicacies. It can be used for cold dishes and hot dishes.” Ye Jin said while putting hawthorn sauce into the pot.


[Apart from the color, is there any other difference between this aged vinegar and white vinegar? 】


【Am I the only one curious about how dark brown vinegar is made? Even if there is white vinegar instead, I am very good at the difference between mature vinegar and white vinegar. ]


[Every time you watch Jin Jin Baby’s live broadcast, you can learn new knowledge. ]


[I want to watch Jin Jin make aged vinegar, but I have never known what vinegar is made of, but today I finally found out. I am curious about how rice and wheat are sour. 】


Ye Jin looked at the large group of curious babies on the barrage, pursed his lips and said: “This is too complicated, although I know the process, but I can’t take care of it on my own, it’s more complicated than the few condiments I put out.


I will tell the scientific research institute the recipe and let them study how to make it. They definitely have a way better than me.”


After speaking, Ye Jin looked at the red and lustrous sweet and sour pork ribs that had already been cooked in the pot, and hurriedly found a large pot and poured them out.


After thinking about it, Ye Jin used a small plate to serve a portion to the audience in the live broadcast room, sprinkled chopped green onion on the cooking table, and said,


“Okay, today’s sweet and sour pork ribs are ready, everyone can start!”


After speaking, Ye Jin turned around and mixed three cups of drinks with peach jam and hawthorn jam. He put them on the cooking table as a post-meal digestion tea.


As for the audience in the live broadcast room, as early as when Ye Jin turned off the fire, they couldn’t wait to start scooping food out of the pot. Everyone was already in a hurry.


[Wuwuwuwu Suddenly found that I especially like sweet and sour dishes. It is really moderate in sweetness and sourness, and there is a strong aroma of meat and hawthorn fruit. It is really layered! 】


【Really delicious! I feel hungrier after eating, and the more I eat, the more empty my stomach gets.


[Fortunately, I served it with rice. This dish tastes really good, very appetizing. 】


[This meat is also very chewy, and the soup can be sucked out of the bones sandwiched in it. ]


[The child will also be able to steam a piece of rice, and I will be content with Jin Jin’s craftsmanship. ]


[I want to know more now. When Jin Jin’s shop opens tomorrow, I will mobilize my whole family to grab a seat and eat Jin Jin’s dishes once! ]


[Woooooooo, I’m stupid and can’t boast, I’d better bury my head and eat it! ]


Ye Jin was also very happy when he saw the delicious food on the screen. Seeing someone mentioning the store opening, he said,


“Tomorrow the store can officially open! I’ll show you the opening ceremony tomorrow, but it may be very busy. I can’t take care of you guys.”


【Ah, ah, ah, I look forward to it! Can it really open tomorrow? Jin Jin, can you tell us the address, please, I want to grab a seat! ]


[Grab a seat +1, give you a deep-water torpedo, report the address quickly! 】


【Submersible bomb for the address! 】


【Deep-water torpedo for you! Food is coming to my arms! Ask for an address! ]


Ye Jin watched the barrage for a while, and the special effects started in the live broadcast room.


Seeing the more and more intensive special effects in the live broadcast room, Ye Jin hurriedly reported the address and said, “Okay, everyone, please don’t swipe.


I wanted to say that it will be posted in the announcement of the live broadcast room later, but why are you more anxious than me?”


The barrage immediately swiped up for the food, it’s worth it!


Ye Jin had no choice but to say: “Okay, let’s go here for today’s live broadcast. See you tomorrow morning, and I’ll take you to the opening ceremony.”


After Ye Jin closed the live broadcast room, Yu Nian, who was sitting in the living room watching the live broadcast, quickly ran over and said : “Master, Master, can I help in the back kitchen when the store opens tomorrow? I want to practice my crafts more.”


Ye Jin looked at Yu Nian with a foolish face and said, “Where would you go if you are not helping the back kitchen? When will you be able to help me if you don’t practice this skill?


You will probably only be able to stay in the kitchen in the future, and it is impossible to let you hang around anymore.”


Yu Nian raised the corner of his mouth happily upon hearing this, and immediately happily helped to serve the meal.


Ye Lin’an also went into the kitchen and brought a pot of sweet and sour pork ribs to the restaurant.


Taking advantage of the time when the two of them were serving dishes, Ye Jin used a small plate to cook a small plate of sweet and sour pork ribs and rice for Bai Bai, and put it in front of Bai Bai after mixing it.


At this moment, Ye Jin’s light brain prompted a communication request. Ye Jin opened the communication page of the optical brain in confusion, and found that it was Director Mu of the scientific research institute.


He heard Mu Zhihe say: “Xiao-Jin, do you really know how to make aged vinegar? We have only made white vinegar for so many years, but what should we use food for? There is no clue how to brew aged vinegar.


You also know that the empire’s efforts to restore ancient earth culture in recent years have been unsuccessful, and many things have been lost due to a disaster on the earth. If you know anything, you can say it, I can do my best to help you if you have any requirements.”


Ye Jin looked at Mu Zhihe’s sadness and helplessness when he talked about the loss of Chinese history and culture, and also thought of the current situation where inheritance is cut off.


He has devoted all his efforts to developing technology, but has no energy to develop cultural heritage, and many things have lost their original color.


Now that the war has basically subsided, the empire is also in the development stage, and they’re trying to retrieve the lost cultural heritage.


Ye Jin feels that since he has come here, it must have his meaning, and he also wants to do his best to restore this legacy.


Thinking of this, Ye Jin said with a firm expression, “I don’t have any requirements. I’ll go to your place in the afternoon. I’ll give you the recipe and I want to discuss something with you.”


Mu Zhihe watched Ye Jin suddenly With a firm look, he probably understood in his heart that what Ye Jin wanted to discuss should not be a trivial matter, so he suppressed the eagerness in his heart and nodded in agreement.




Flo's notes:

[caption id="attachment_79463" align="alignnone" width="275"]Hawthorn[/caption] [caption id="attachment_79464" align="alignnone" width="300"]Chinese Hawthorn cakes[/caption] [caption id="attachment_79465" align="alignnone" width="300"]Hawthorn jam[/caption] [caption id="attachment_79467" align="alignnone" width="225"]Hawthorn spare ribs[/caption]

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