After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 29: 29

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Chapter 29: King Crab and Lobster


After arranging the three supposed volunteers, Ye Jin started a busy day again today.


But because of the online reservation function, it looked much more orderly today than yesterday, and Ye Jin and Yu Nian only had to work in the kitchen which is easier than it was yesterday.


However, even if there is Yu Nian to help Ye Jin, he is still the most tired one, because there is no other chef in the restaurant besides him. 


All the customers who made reservations to eat at the restaurant ordered all the dishes on the menu like yesterday.


During the period, there were also people who came to apprentice, but none of them met Ye Jin’s foundation. Many people came to apprentice one after another, but until noon, they didn’t meet anyone who had a foundation. 


In the end, Ye Jin directly asked Yu Nian to become in charge of evaluating them. As long as the production steps could be completed smoothly, no matter whether it was delicious or not, it would be considered qualified. 


In the end, Ye Jin did not finish the dishes of the guests who ordered in the morning.


Chang Lin, Xie Cong, and Qiao Siyang have been busy all day, and they have seen how prosperous this restaurant is, and they admire Ye Jin who has been cooking in the kitchen. 


The dishes made with one heart and two uses are so fragrant that even trained soldiers like them would be tempted to taste the dishes every time they smell it, let alone ordinary people. 


The three of them gave up the idea of ​​leaving.


At one or two o’clock in the afternoon, when the restaurant was not so busy, Ye Jin came out to replace Ye Lin’an to eat.


Along the way he arranged for the three of Chang Lin to take turns to eat, while Ye Jin was lying at the counter watching Bai Bai eat, and walked from the door of the store. 


A few nervous and serious men came in, and when they saw Ye Jin standing behind the counter, their eyes lit up and they came over immediately.


Ye Jin looked at the five people who came over and didn’t know what they were going to do, so he just looked at them slowly and didn’t say anything. 


Even Fu Chen, who was bowing his head to eat, raised his eyes slightly. Seeing that the five people were not malicious, he stopped paying attention to them.


At this time, a handsome-looking man among the five people who came to the front said, “Mr. Ye, we are here to apprentice. We can meet the conditions you mentioned and have a foundation.” 


When he was talking, Ye Jin also looked at the five people. He just nodded when he heard that they had basic knowledge. People without basic knowledge would not dare to come. Ye Jin looked at the five people who were dressed neatly and neatly, nodded to his clothes in his heart, and asked the five people’s names.


After the five people introduced themselves, he said: “Since you said that you have a foundation and since the shop is not busy, you can go to the kitchen with me to make a dish for each person. It cannot be a staple food such as pasta. It must be a dish. I will observe but not help. You have to cook the whole process yourself.”


Although the five of them were a little nervous when they heard the words, they nodded earnestly.


Seeing that the five agreed, Ye Jin called Yu Nian to help him look ahead, and he took the five to the kitchen.


The kitchen area of ​​the restaurant is very wide and there are many stoves built. Ye Jin asked five people to each have one stove and said: “You can use anything in the kitchen, but you can’t use the ingredients that have already been cut, the dishes you want to make. You can also choose whatever you want.” 


After saying that, Ye Jin sat at the door and stopped talking.


The five of them looked at the complete ingredients and seasonings in the kitchen, and after discussing for a while, they began to choose the ingredients they wanted to use. 


The handsome man who was the first to speak to Ye Jin was called Yan Li. He chose a fish. Looking at the various ingredients he prepared, Ye Jin probably guessed what he was going to do.


As for the other four, the tallest and thinner man was called Su Qingyan. He chose a piece of pork ribs, while the tall and strong smiling man called Qin Fan also chose pork ribs, and it seemed that he wanted to cook the same dish as Su Qingyan.


The other two were Ouyang Fei and Sun Minhao. Ouyang Fei chose a piece of tofu and pork, and what surprised Ye Jin the most was Sun Minhao. 


Although he also chose fish, the way he handled it was that he planned to make squirrel mandarin fish.


Ye Jin focused on Sun Minhao, and found that although his flower-cutting knife was very slow, the cutting edge was very even. It could be seen that he had practiced this dish, but he was not very proficient. 


Ye Jin observed one by one. Although there are some mistakes, overall it is quite good, self-study can catch up with the progress of Yu Nian’s process, it can be seen that he is still very talented.


When the five were busy, Ye Jin sent the names and photos of the five to Mu Zhihe, and asked him to help check the identities of the five. If there was no problem, he planned to accept them all.


In fact, it may be more efficient to ask His Royal Highness Zhaoxi for help in this kind of investigation, but Ye Jin doesn’t want to be too involved with an imperial prince.


Even if they are cooperating now, Ye Jin knows very well that he and the other party know how big the identity gap is.


Not long after the message was sent, Ye Jin’s side also started to get busy, because the guests who were scheduled to come for dinner came.


After Ye Jin finished cooking all the customers’ dishes today, it was already eight o’clock in the evening, and the five people who came to apprentices also finished cooking their own dishes. 


Seeing that Ye Jin and Yu Nian were too busy, they stayed. Ye Jin looked at the few people who helped clean up the kitchen and said, “It’s been hard for you today. If it wasn’t for your help, it wouldn’t be so easy today.”


The dishes in the heat preservation hood were brought out, and then he looked at Ye Jin with bright eyes.


Ye Jin smiled and clapped his hands, looked at the steaming dishes and said, “I’ve been busy today and forgot about it, okay, then I’ll try your craftsmanship.” Ye Jin walked to five plates in front of the dishes.


Ye Jin took a sip of the braised fish nuggets that he was looking at. Although it was not that tasty, the overall feeling was good. 


Ye Jin looked at Yan Li and said, “You made this braised fish nuggets, right? It’s pretty good for self-taught people. The fish is handled very carefully.”


Being praised, Yan Li looked at Ye Jin with excited eyes, and his cheeks were a little red.


Afterwards, Ye Jin went to the sweet and sour pork ribs made by Su Qingyan and Qin Fan. 


Although the color was nice, one had a fishy smell and the other was too sour. Ye Jin didn’t say anything. These can be practiced gradually later.


In the end, Ye Jin went to Ouyang Fei’s Mapo tofu and Sun Minhao’s squirrel mandarin fish. The two people made delicious food, but the mapo tofu had a bit of a strong bean smell, while the squirrel mandarin fish was over-fried, blackened.


After Ye Jin finished tasting them one by one, Mu Zhihe also sent the information of the five people. There was no problem with the identities of the five people. Ye Jin took a look and felt relieved.


“You are qualified, the five of you will come to the store to study with Yu Nian from tomorrow. Of course, my store may be busy, but I will still do my best to teach you.” Ye Jin looked at Wu Nian with a serious look.


The five Yan Li heard that Ye Jin announced that they were qualified and could even follow to study tomorrow. 


They immediately cheered excitedly, and the loud voices spread to the hall, making the diners think something bad happened.


Ye Jin has already received a satisfactory apprentice, so of course the announcement in the live broadcast room does not need to be hung up, and immediately changed the announcement to the word “Apprentice”.


After sending away all the customers in the store, Ye Jin and the others cleaned up the store and regarded the dishes made by five people as dinner tonight. 


Of course, these five dishes were not enough for twelve people to eat. The cook made a few dishes and soup, which was enough.


After eating, Ye Jin looked at the three of Chang Lin and asked, “Have you three considered it? If you still don’t like this job, I can tell your Highness and let him arrange other jobs for you. He won’t let him blame you.” 


The three of them looked at each other after hearing the words, and Chang Lin said, “Mr. Ye, we’re not leaving, we decided to stay and help you. In fact, the atmosphere here is quite harmonious, so we want to stay.”


Ye Jin looked at her firm expression with a nervous look, he couldn’t help laughing, he waved her hand and said, “Don’t be so nervous and serious, I’m just asking for your wishes. 


Since you are all willing to stay, Then stay! Your Highness asked me to arrange accommodation for you, you can live in the backyard of the store, and the three of you can live in the backyard.” 


Ye Jin said to see the expressions of the three.


The three of them nodded without any objections, as long as there was a place to live, they didn’t choose.


Seeing that the three of them agreed, Ye Jin asked curiously, “Aren’t you guys from the Imperial Capital Star? Don’t you live here?”


The three nodded, their expressions a little gloomy. Chang Lin straightened his expression and said: “The three of us are all from the Celestial Star. Back then, we were the only Imperial Capital Star citizens who came to the Imperial Academy, and later joined His Royal Highness’s Fifth Legion.”


Ye Jin nodded suddenly, seeing the expressions of the three of them and didn’t ask any further questions. 


He could probably guess that something bad must have happened, so they didn’t want to mention it.


After dealing with the accommodation of the three of Chang Lin, Ye Jin looked at the five new apprentices who were recruited today and said, “Do you five have a place to live?”


Among the five, Ouyang Fei, Sun Minhao and Yan Li said that their home was in the Imperial Capital Star. They can go home and stay at night, but Qin Fan and Su Qingyan shook their heads. 


Like the three soldiers, they were not from the Imperial Capital Star. They all came from other places to the Imperial Capital Star to find Ye Jin to apprentice, because as soon as they got off the spaceship, they ran into an electricity outbreak, so they didn’t have time to find a place to stay.


Ye Jin rubbed his brows with a headache, thinking about how to arrange the remaining two people, and finally looked at Yu Nian and Ye Lin’an who were sitting on the side and didn’t speak.


Ye Lin’an looked at Ye Jin who was having a headache, rubbing his short, fine hair and said, “You just didn’t think about it before. You should have thought of this possibility when you were considering accepting an apprentice…. Okay, Come with me, the two of you, and live with me.”


Ye Jin stroked his messed up hair, looking at Ye Lin’an with a hearty smile. He always felt a little familiar feeling in his heart, but because of his happiness, Ye Jin didn’t care too much. 


He only thought it was because they had been together for a long time, and he immediately forgot about it, and exclaimed happily: “Brother Lin’an still has foresight, what would I do if I didn’t have your help.”


Ye Lin’an patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, “What are you thinking? We will always be friends, and there is a restaurant where we invested together. Where can I go without you?”


Fu Chen, who was sitting on the chair next to him , watching the interaction between Ye Jin and Ye Lin’an. 


He was very unhappy with the sour water in his heart, and immediately grabbed the chair and jumped on Ye Jin’s lap. His hair was messed up, and by the way, he also drilled into the collar of Ye Jin’s coat.


Ye Jin was stunned by this series of actions by Bai Bai. He sat on the stool with the head of the chicken coop that had been ripped up. 


He felt that Bai Bai climbed into the collar and rested on his chest and didn’t move. Only then did Ye Jin come back to his desperate thoughts and pulled Bai Bai out of the collar.


“Bai Bai, are you going to rebel? Don’t think I’m reluctant to hit you.” Ye Jin said angrily while pulling the wolf cub out of his collar.


But no matter how he shovelled Bai Bai, it wouldn’t come out. Ye Jin didn’t dare to work too hard for fear of hurting it. 


In the end, it was Ye Jin who compromised first, no longer thinking about shoveling Baibai out, but to take care of his messy chicken coop.


Fu Chen, on the other hand, put his ear against Ye Jin’s chest. Hearing the heartbeat coming from his ear, the uncomfortable feeling in his heart disappeared without a trace, which made Fu Chen deeply aware of his possessive love for Ye Jin. 


He doesn’t like that Ye Jin treats others better than him. He wants Ye Jin to care about him, because he cares about him so much.


Ye Jin felt that Bai Bai in the collar was quiet, and dragged it a little worriedly. After feeling its movement, he continued to comb his hair with confidence.


The group of people sitting next to them watched Ye Jin and Bai Bai’s childish interaction. “It’s probably because Bai Bai watched me rub your hair and pat you on the shoulder and became jealous.”


Ye Jin glanced helplessly at Ye Lin’an, who joked, and said while combing his hair: “How is it possible, Bai Bai is not a human being? Stop joking, take Chang Lin and the three to the backyard, we should go back.”


By the time Ye Lin’an came out, Ye Jin had already stood up with Bai Bai in his collar and was about to go out. Before leaving, Ye Jin gave Chang Lin a key to the store.


When Ye Jin returned home and there were only him and Bai Bai at home, Ye Jin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, the house was too quiet.


Fu Chen noticed that Ye Jin’s mood suddenly became low, he got out of his collar and arched Ye Jin’s chin with his head, staring at Ye Jin with clear eyes.


Ye Jin felt Bai Bai’s comfort, and suddenly he didn’t feel lonely anymore. He carried Bai Bai back to the bedroom and planned to take a bath and sleep, but Ye Jin’s live broadcast room was lively.


In the live broadcast room where the live replay is being played, since Ye Jin changed the announcement to “accepted apprentices”, the audience hanging in the live broadcast room found out, and the barrage was also swiped all over the screen, and it was no different from the live broadcast and even topped the hot search.


    【Ah ah ah! That’s abominable! They’re so fast. They already collected Jin Jin’s apprentice while I was still on the spaceship! ]


    [I was eating at the store today, and I was fortunate enough to meet Jin Jin’s new apprentices, five! And they all look handsome. 】


    【I am also! I am also! There are also three handsome men helping to serve the dishes in the store, which is simply the best way of spending money! 】


    【Are you really talking about restaurants? It feels more like a gathering place for beautiful men.]


    [ Woohoooooooooooooooooooooooo that you are really handsome men, and there are delicious dishes. Although the price is a bit high, it is absolutely worth it! ]


    [I want to go there again, but I can’t get a table now.]




    [There are a lot of new dishes in the restaurant, all of which Jin Jin never cooked during the live broadcast. It’s really delicious, if you hadn’t considered it It’s too hard for Jinjin to be alone, I can’t wait to keep adding vegetables! ]


    [Me too, I just hope that Jin Jin’s apprentices will work hard and learn early so that Jin Jin can relax a little. 】


The hot posts are full of praises. Although they are praised from different angles, they are generally praised. Even Ye Jin’s acceptance of an apprentice is a happy attitude.


It’s just that the wind direction in the post suddenly changed, and a group of accounts with yin and yang words poured in.


    [Yo, it’s this anchor, and it’s only two days since the store opened and started advertising again. You can be found everywhere in the hot search every day, and the advertising fee will cost a lot of money, right? Don’t you really feel bad about sucking the blood of your fans? ]


    [This anchor is really amazing. He can open a store in the imperial capital within half a year of live broadcast. He started accepting apprentices after only two days of opening the store. 


We don’t know whether the dishes he cooks are delicious or not. Maybe this is someone’s marketing plan? How can I just say that I want to accept apprentices today, and I will accept several immediately tomorrow. 】


    【If you want me to tell you, this apprentice might have been accepted long ago, but we don’t know what it was used for. 】


    【It’s this anchor again, how can you get him every day? Can we not let these anchors who only know vulgar marketing on the hot search, why don’t we change the major events in other countries? ]


Ye Jin’s fans who read the above general remarks, and real foodies who really liked Ye Jin’s food, began to argue with these sunspots, and some real passers-by saw that the remarks of sunspots were skewed. There are also people who can’t stand the black people.




Tang Li was the one who was led astray. He didn’t believe in the so-called Chinese food made by Ye Jin at first. In his opinion, those were all dark dishes, and the reason why he could eat delicious food was that he firmly believed that black technology was used.


So this time he saw that Ye Jin not only opened a store, but also hired several apprentices to apprentice. 


In order to expose Ye Jin’s true face, Tang Li also reserved a seat in Ye Jin’s store and decided to go to his store to find out, and also planned to open a live broadcast that day to expose him in front of many netizens.


On the other hand, Ye Jin didn’t pay attention to the situation on the Internet. He was taking Bai Bai in the bathroom at this time.


In the hazy water vapor, Ye Jin was sitting in the bathtub, taking a bath. The bright white skin showed a hazy beauty against the light and water vapor, and there was a small basin floating in front of him.


Bai Bai was sitting with wet fur all over his body in a basin.


Ye Jin said while giving Bai Bai a bath: “If you struggle again next time, I won’t give you a bath, then you will become a dirty little wolf cub.


If you become dirty, you will not be allowed to come into my room and sleep with me in the future, don’t you know?” Ye Jin pointed out and nodded at Bai Bai’s head.


On the other hand, Fu Chen felt that his whole body was about to burn up. If he was a humanoid, he would probably be able to fry eggs with his face and ears now.


He really didn’t expect that Ye Jin would suddenly want to give him a bath. When Ye Jin carried him into the bathroom, he didn’t think about it at all, because he couldn’t stand being too dirty before and wanted to brush his teeth. 


Although Ye Jin was surprised, he didn’t care and took him to the bathroom to brush his teeth.


He thought it was the same this time, but as soon as he entered the bathroom, Ye Jin put him in a basin full of hot water, and then Ye Jin lay down in the bathtub and took him along with the small basin. 


Ye Jin’s smooth skin was right in front of him, and Fu Chen really felt that he might be burned to death by his own body temperature.


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After finally taking a shower, Fu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt strange in his heart, and was a little embarrassed to look at Ye Jin.


After Ye Jin dried Bai Bai’s hair, he returned to the bedroom with the now fragrant Bai Bai. 


Since Bai Bai settled down in his room a few days ago, he has never slept on the sofa in the living room. Ye Jin is also slowly getting used to Bai Bai lying down with him every day.


After Ye Jin put Bai Bai on the bed, his light brain rang. It was a message from Mu Zhihe, to the effect that with the formula he gave, the institute has already produced three seasonings: vinegar, soy sauce and oil consumption. .


Ye Jin glanced at the information in surprise and made sure that he was not mistaken. It was indeed vinegar, soy sauce and oil consumption, but according to the recipe he gave, it should take a long time to make. It takes days to bake and low temperature concentrate.


Thinking of this, Ye Jin dialed a communication request to Mu Zhihe, and after a while, the light screen was connected, showing Mu Zhihe’s excited face.


When he saw Ye Jin, he said happily: “Xiao Jin, we succeeded. I succeeded in making the vinegar and the kind of soy sauce and oil consumption you mentioned.”


Ye Jin looked at the elated Mu Zhihe and said congratulations, and asked curiously, “Mr. Mu, how did you do it for three days? What about vinegar, soy sauce and oil-consuming ones? 


According to the formula I gave, the grains need to be fermented for 5-7 days, roasted for a long time and concentrated at low temperature before they can be made?”


When Mu Zhihe heard Ye Jin’s doubts, he smiled and said: “Xiao Jin, don’t forget where we are, with the kind of equipment the research institute needs, and combined with the existing technology, we set up an environment for rapid fermentation of food, creating extreme heat and low temperature. The temperature difference can still make aged vinegar quickly.”


Ye Jin didn’t understand these things either, so he nodded with a vague understanding, and then said, “Then Mr. Mu, can you send me a few bottles of soy sauce, aged vinegar and oil? I can just use it here.”


Mu Zhihe gave Ye Jin a funny look and said, “You are still so polite, I will still give it to you if you don’t say anything. After all, this is the recipe you gave, and there is really no one but you for these condiments. Only you know how to use it.”


Ye Jin thanked and hung up the communication, thinking about the lobster and crab that will be delivered together tomorrow, and the three kinds of condiments that Mr. Mu will send him tomorrow. 


Since it can be made to consume oil, then oysters should also be good. He will buy some oysters and make them again. Thinking of this, Ye Jin happily rolled on the bed twice before falling asleep.


The next day, Ye Jin arrived at the store earlier than anyone else. When Chang Lin saw him, he said that His Highness had sent two large boxes of things. 


Ye Jin knew that the crabs and lobsters he was waiting for had arrived, so Ye Jin hurried to let Chang Lin take him to see the box.


When Ye Jin followed Chang Lin to the backyard, he found that the box was not too small. The two large boxes filled the backyard. 


If he wanted to see the contents of the box, he could only walk from the corners of the box. He could only stand aside and let Chang Lin call someone to open the two boxes.


After the box was opened, Ye Jin looked at the oversized lobster and oversized king crab in the box, and the smile on his face stiffened for a moment. 


The lobster and crab were also too big, and the two smaller pools were even bigger in the box. He can only fit one, which is bigger than his whole body, but it’s more enjoyable to eat a lot of meat like this.


Thinking of this, Ye Jin asked Chang Lin and the three to close the box, and closed the shop early today to make steamed crabs and spicy lobster for dinner. He really missed the sweet taste of these seafood.


After Ye Lin’an, Yu Nian and the others came to the store, they began to prepare the ingredients for today. 


Ye Jin looked at everyone happily and said, “I don’t need to prepare so many ingredients today. I plan to close the door early today.”


Yu Nian and the other five apprentices looked at Ye Jin in surprise, and finally Yu Nian asked, “Master, why did you close the door early today? Is there something wrong?”


Ye Jin waved his hand in a good mood and said, “Yes, there is a good thing tonight. I got a new ingredient that can make super delicious food. I’ll make it for you in the evening.”


Ye Lin’an who came to deliver the menu at this time Asked: “Is it something in those two big boxes in the backyard? What exactly is inside?”


 Ye Jin smiled and nodded and said to Ye Lin’an, “Yes, there are new ingredients in it. Today you tell them that we will close early today. If you can, it would be better if you can come early. If you can’t, we will compensate them next time, and by the way, as compensation, all dishes tomorrow are half price!”


Hearing his remarks made everyone even more curious about how good the ingredients were to make Ye Jin so excited, and even willing to use half price tomorrow as compensation for closing the store early today, but no one objected to Ye Jin’s decision to close the store ahead of schedule.


In the evening, after the last wave of customers had left, Ye Jin was about to close the store when he saw Mu Zhihe coming over with something in his hand.


Mu Zhihe walked to the front of the store, saw Ye Jin standing at the door and said with a smile: “Xiao Jin, I heard that you closed the store early today to study new ingredients, so I just came to join in the fun today when I was free. Do you mind?”


Ye Jin hurriedly welcomed someone into the store and said with a smile, “Mr. Mu, what you said, this is what your store doesn’t mind. I’ve been here in the imperial capital for so long, and I still depend on you to take care of me.”


As the two were talking, Ye Jin led Mu Zhihe to a table and sat down. After sitting down, Mu Zhihe looked at the store carefully and nodded, “Your restaurant looks pretty good, although the decoration is luxurious and rich. It’s a unique style, but it’s quite chic with some small ornaments. 


Come on, go ahead. These are the three condiments made according to your recipe, you can take it to the kitchen and leave me alone.”


After Ye Jin called Ye Lin’an to accompany him, he hurried to the kitchen. To be honest, he really couldn’t get along with the leader. 


Even if Mu Zhihe took good care of him and didn’t have any airs, he just felt uncomfortable.


Ye Jin ran to the kitchen with vinegar, soy sauce and raw oysters, and saw Yu Nian and the others were cleaning up the kitchen. Ye Jin put the things in his hands on the cooking table and started to clean up together. After cleaning up, Ye Jin went to the kitchen. backyard.


Ye Jin looked at the oversized crabs and lobsters in the box, thinking that he hadn’t broadcast live for two days, so he opened the live broadcast room to share the delicious food with everyone.


As soon as Ye Jin’s live broadcast room opened, the audience hanging in the live broadcast room frantically brushed the barrage.


    【Jin Jin good evening! You are finally willing to broadcast live, I haven’t seen you for two days! 】


    【Jin Jin good evening! I heard that you closed the store early today to research new ingredients, right? 】


    【I grabbed a seat at the scene today! I heard the announcement from the front desk with my own ears, and said that the dishes in the store are half price tomorrow, and I was curious about what ingredients would allow Jin Jin to close the store ahead of schedule. ]


    [Curiosity +1, the live broadcast is now live, are you planning to show it to us? Can we eat it? 】


    【Jin Jin, Jin Jin, where are your handsome apprentices? What’s the new ingredient for today? 】


    【This is the anchor who opened the store, right? Now that I can’t do it anymore, I’m running back to live broadcast? ]


    [The anchor has no customers in the store now, so it closed early? Is it too hard to eat? 】


    【A liar like you still accepts apprentices, I’m afraid you’re not going to teach a group of liars, right? 】


    【Pooh! You keyboard warriors, brainless squirting, smear us Jin Jin everywhere, and you even touched the live broadcast room today, bad luck! ]


    [Keyboard man upstairs, I’m afraid it’s not because of jealousy of our Jin Jin’s achievements that they are black? Maybe you can’t afford a brick in the imperial capital all your life, so you start to pull people across the yin and yang! 】


    【Moderator, moderator, kick them all, it’s bad luck to see them! 】


Ye Jin looked at the sunspots’ strange speech on the barrage, and didn’t take it to heart. Since his live broadcast until now, people have been bashing him.


Ye Jin saw that the housekeeper had kicked someone, and immediately said: “Okay, don’t worry about these sunspots. I will show you two new ingredients today, and the dishes are absolutely delicious enough to make you swallow your tongues.”


Ye Jin asked Chang Lin and the three to open the box, and Ye Jin aimed his brain-light screen at the crabs and lobsters in the box to shoot.


The audience in the live broadcast room was startled by the sudden appearance of a huge and ugly creature, and even the barrage stopped for a few seconds. 


After a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room swiped wildly.


    【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! What is this! Too TM scary, this is a big bug! 】


    【Looks so disgusting! There are hairs and pimples on the back, and so many legs, how can you eat this kind of thing! 】


    【And this head still has tentacles! This long rolled up one has tentacles! Is it a zerg? Zerg also have tentacles, is this the full form of Zerg? 】


    【I was really frightened, it is absolutely impossible to eat such two ugly things, Jin Jin, have you been deceived! 】


    【What is this? Jin Jin is so terrifying and disgusting, it must not be eaten, and his shell is so hard and big, you will be in danger if you go crazy! 】


Ye Jin looked at the barrage of inquiries and dissuasion, with a smile of successful mischief on his face, recalled his light brain and said with a wicked smile on his face: 


“Don’t worry, everyone. Although these two look evil and scary, they are really edible, and they are not insects. In ancient earth, they are called king crabs and lobsters, which belong to edible seafood. They live in the sea and are delicious no matter how they are made.”


Ye Jin explained that some people still didn’t believe it after reading the bullet screen, so he went to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife and said, 


“If you don’t believe it, you can wait for me to make it and taste it, and then you will know. In fact, these two It wasn’t this big when the ancient Earth was planted, maybe it was mutated in interstellar space.”


Ye Jin closed the lid of the big lobster while talking, and asked Chang Lin and the three to bring the big crab up.


After the three of them worked together to restrain the big crab and put it on the lid of the box, Ye Jin raised his knife and chopped off the legs of the big crab one by one.


But because Ye Jin couldn’t cut it halfway with little strength, the kitchen knife was still stuck at the joint of the crab’s leg. The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned by Ye Jin’s actions, and the barrage was even more turbulent after a while.


    [Ah, ah, just cut it down? Will they feel pain? ]


    [My point of attention is that the difference in size between Jinjin and this crab makes Jinjin look like a child hahahaha ]


   [I’m just curious how small this crab and lobster were in ancient Earth, and now they can evolve so much big. 】


    【The ancestors really dare to eat anything, this thing looks disgusting no matter how big or small. 】


    【Is it too cruel to cut it down directly? So it won’t hurt? ]


    [Good Virgin upstairs, the meat and plants sold in the mall, why don’t you say whether they will hurt? If you kill them, they will hurt too, so don’t eat them in the future. 】


    【I don’t know if you feel pain. After all, it’s a newly discovered species. I just want to know how to eat it. It’s all shells. Do you want to eat the shells? 】


    [Upstairs, there must be meat in the shell, who can eat the shell. ]


    [I admire my ancestors a lot, they really put anything in their mouth. It seems that they have discovered a lot of good things. 】


Flo: Why do I low-key feel proud when I haven’t accomplished anything yet? ヘ⁠(⁠。⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠ヘ


Ye Jin rested for a while and continued to chop according to the previous knife marks. After chopping the crab legs, Ye Jin was really tired and didn’t want to move. 


Seeing that the crab couldn’t run away, he asked Chang Lin and the others to chop, and Ye Jin stood by to guide them.


While chopping the crabs, Ye Linan, who was staying in the living room and talking to Mu Zhihe, also came over.


He was stunned when he saw the situation in the backyard, and then looked at Ye Jin’s sweaty appearance. No one needed to explain to him to understand what happened.


Ye Lin’an returned to the hall and told Mu Zhihe about Ye Jin’s situation. Mu Zhihe waved his hand and said, “Let’s go, let’s go and see this new ingredient like a bug.” 


Ye Lin’an accidentally caught a glimpse of Ye Jin’s figure on the holographic screen, and understood that Director Mu was probably watching the live broadcast just now, so he wanted to find an excuse to watch it up close.


On the other side, Fu Chen was sitting on the chair next to him. Of course, he saw Ye Jin’s live broadcast. 


To be honest, if he didn’t know that the two species were the ingredients that Ye Jin and Li Zhaoxi traded, even he would doubt Ye Jin. 


Have you been deceived, or are you really going to eat zergs?


Seeing that everyone went to the backyard at this moment, he also sauntered behind him.


After the three of Chang Lin cut the crabs open bit by bit according to Ye Jin’s request, Ye Jin filled the crab meat in a large pot, and then went to deal with the big lobster in another box.


When Mu Zhihe and Ye Lin’an went to the backyard, Ye Jin was instructing Chang Lin, Xie Cong and Qiao Siyang to handle the lobster. 


As the lobster was really big, Ye Jin asked the three of them to remove the lobster from the middle. It is regarded as the main part of the three, and one person handles part of it.


When Ye Jin taught them to give the big lobster tail masturbation, the expressions on everyone’s faces except Ye Jin were a little weird, and there was a feeling of indescribable words, and the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately stunned.


Flo: Guys…I swear it said the exact words in the raw. Why did the author choose masturbation to lobster??? ┬⁠─⁠─⁠┬⁠◡⁠ノ⁠(⁠°⁠ ⁠-⁠°⁠ノ⁠)


    【Fck. Are they doing what I’m thinking? 】


     [Shouldn’t it be the stab to chrysanthemum that should be complained most? It’s so weird, I don’t really want to eat this ingredient. 】


    【Good man, how can I get rid of this memory in the future. ]


    [I think it’s quite normal. After all, the things that need to be imported must be cleaned up. ]


    [Then you can directly take out the part where the dirty things are stored. This is a bit too disgusting, and it is too painful for this creature. 】


    【Upstairs, do you know if it hurts? It’s the same sentence, and if you feel cruel, you can just ignore it and not eat it. ]


There was a heated discussion in the live broadcast room about Ye Jin’s method of handling ingredients, and some people regarded lobsters and crabs as Zerg, while some virgins thought Ye Jin was too cruel.


So they quarreled and sent Ye Jin to a hot search, and even the title of the hot search is a bit bizarre.


The title #Ye Jin’s ingredient is zerg# all the way to the hot search, which made the people of the empire curiously follow the guide to Ye Jin’s live broadcast room.


The top executives of the empire were also attracted by the headlines and pictures, and even the federation netizens who overcame the wall went to Ye Jin’s live broadcast room to watch, while the Zerg spy Grete looked at the picture and cursed angrily. 


Netizens spread rumors, but it’s not their Zerg at all.


Although the Zerg are completely worms when they are young, they can walk upright when they are adults. 


Although the lower Zerg cannot hide the characteristics of the Zerg, they will have mouthparts and tail tentacles, but other aspects are the same as people, while the higher ones are the same.


The tentacles on the forehead cannot be hidden, and it is a complete humanoid.


And if the Zerg want to have no tentacles at all, they can only cut off the tentacles every six months, which affects lifespan badly.


Therefore, no Zerg would be willing to cut off their tentacles, because it would not only be painful but also bring danger to life and even life.


Gretel was able to lurk in the empire for a long time without being discovered because he was born without tentacles. He was different from other Zerg and was rejected and discarded. 


Later, His Majesty the Zerg Emperor picked him up, so when His Majesty proposed to go to the Empire as a spy, he agreed without hesitation.


Now Gretel looks at this hot search with anger in his heart, putting their Zerg and this lowly creature together is simply an insult to their Zerg, and the person who caused this topic is unforgivable!


Gretel looked at the hot search title on the light brain screen, and a fire burst out in his eyes. 


The last time he found someone to sabotage Ye Jin’s business, he failed, so what if there is a problem with your food this time?


“Ye Jin, I’ll see if you can solve it this time!”


The author has something to say:

I really wanted to eat when I wrote about king crab and lobster!



Flo's notes:

King crabLobster~~

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