After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 31: 31

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Chapter 31: Garlic oysters, seafood in sauce

Ever since Fu Chen was told by Ye Jin that he had gained weight, every time Ye Jin wanted to hug him after dinner, he would hide from him and walk around the house by himself, making Ye Jin a little confused.


After Ye Jin finished the seafood dinner on the live broadcast, countless people in the interstellar were following Ye Jin, waiting for his live broadcast again. 


Some people really like food, while some people who perceive the mystery of Ye Jin’s dishes do not. The minds are different, but the end result is the same, regardless.


However, Ye Jin has not had time to live broadcast in recent days, due to the crab and lobster being served, more and more people have ordered these two ingredients to make dishes, and Ye Jin and his apprentices are too busy to have any free time.


Ye Jin had just finished cooking a steamed lobster and had a rest. He was a little worried about the abnormal vain, so he went to the backyard to have a look.


Walking around the backyard, he wondered if the next broadcast should be in the backyard after eating during this time. Wandering around, he walked over with a wry smile, picked Bai Bai up and sat on the chair himself.


Fu Chen raised his head and glanced at Ye Jin, just as he was about to jump off the ground and go for a walk but he was restrained by Ye Jin.


Ye Jin helplessly raised Bai Bai in front of him and said, “Okay little guy, I shouldn’t say that you have gained weight, you’re not fat at all. It’s very comfortable to hold like this, and aren’t you growing up now? When you grow up, you will become a slender, strong and powerful wolf king.”     


Fu Chen listened to Ye Jin speechlessly. At his words, he looked at his helpless and serious expression again.


Afraid of hurting Ye Jin, Fu Chen struggled a little and gave up, and let Ye Jin hug him and sit on the chair to comfort him softly.     


Ye Jin saw Bai Bai’s ignorance and knew that he was still unhappy, Ye Jin poked Bai Bai’s stomach amusingly and said, “You’re fine like this. Don’t you think it feels fleshy to the touch? I’m happy, I’ll make you something delicious tonight.” 


After speaking, Ye Jin rubbed her white belly and went to the kitchen to continue teaching a few apprentices.


Ye Jin’s restaurant has been full of people since it opened, and many people come to stroll around the restaurant even if they don’t get a seat. 


Every time Ye Jin sees so many people passing by the door, his heart is full of pity. In such a big place, it’s a pity that we can only watch these lost customers. 


If we can rent the store next door and expand the store, we can receive more customers.


Ye Jin was instructing the apprentices to cook, while thinking about the storefront problem in his heart. There was nothing he could do for a while, so he could only put it aside and concentrate on guiding a few apprentices.


After all the diners in the restaurant had left, Ye Jin saw that he had nothing to do, so he planned to make something delicious to coax Baibai to start a live broadcast by the way.


Ye Jin took out the oysters he ordered before, put it in the clear water, and opened the live broadcast room. 


Once the live broadcast room opened, the netizens who had been waiting for Ye Jin’s live broadcast all greeted Ye Jin one after another.


    【Jin Jin! You are finally on the air! ]


      [Woooooooo, I miss you so much, Jinjin! Long time no see Jin Jin baby! 】


    【Jin Jin baby good evening! I haven’t seen you live for a long time. Wooooooooo. ]


      [Baby Jin Jin, you haven’t been broadcasting live very often since the store opened. woo woo woo. ]


    [Baby Jin Jin has been making new dishes every time he broadcasts live since he opened the store. Are you going to share any new dishes with today’s broadcast? ]


    [Curious, curious, what delicious dishes are you going to share today? ]


    [Anchor anchor, I watched your live replay, it was really delicious! Are you planning to open a branch? ]


    [Anchor anchor, when will you come to the Federation to open a store? I also really want to eat the food you make. ]


    [If you want to eat delicious food +1, the anchor will come to the Federation to open a store! 】


    【Please open a branch! I also want to eat delicious food! ]


    [The Empire is so lucky to have such delicacies, and I, the Great Federation, also want to have woo woo woo. ]


    [Ah, all the people from the Federation are here, I’m Jinjin! The number of people online today is also ridiculous. 】


Ye Jin looked at the overwhelming barrage in the barrage, and looked up at the 1.4 billion people online. 


He was shocked. He thought that the number of people in the live broadcast room would drop after a few days, but he didn’t expect that there would be many people after a few days. 


Ye Jin calmed down his surprise, and after introducing himself to everyone, he said: “Today I found a good thing, raw oysters. This ingredient was found in the Interstellar Mall, and like crabs and lobsters, it also belongs to the seafood category. 


Today I will teach everyone to make oysters with minced garlic with sauce, which are the must-haves for summer snacks in ancient China. They are spicy and fragrant, and they taste great when paired with refreshing drinks.”     


After speaking, Ye Jin soaked in the oysters in the water and added a little oil and salt: “These kinds of long-shaped shells soaked in water are oysters.


Add a little oil, salt and vinegar to the water, soak it for a while to spit sand. Then add vinegar to remove the dirt on the surface and inside of the shell softens, making it easier to clean.” Ye Jin turned over the soaked oysters as he spoke.   


    [I found a question, why are all seafood in shell? Lobster and crab have shells, and now this oyster has shells too. 】    


   【It seems that this is indeed the case, is there any special reason? ]     


  [I’m looking forward to this oyster, I don’t know which one is better than crab and lobster. 】    


   【Want to know today’s oyster feast to participate in the lucky draw? I’ve been thinking about it before I even started doing it. ]     


    [+1, me too, I was already thinking about it before I started doing it hahahaha. ]   


     [I have confidence in Jin Jin, I have already begun to look forward to it! ]     


    [I’ve seen this oyster, but I don’t know how to eat it, and it’s much bigger than Jin Jin’s. 】    


【I also have them here. Some are bigger than a human hand, and some are only the size of a pinky finger. We all use them as decorations. I didn’t expect the meat inside to be edible. ]     


Of course Ye Jin also saw the question from the netizen. To be honest, he couldn’t answer it himself. 


He was just a cook and not a biologist.


“I’m a cook, I don’t study biology, so I don’t know why they all have shells, but it’s been like this since ancient earth. It’s nothing to interfere with.” 


Ye Jin couldn’t help showing a smile after saying that, and continued to prepare the sauce for making delicious food.


    [Is this sauce for raw oysters or small seafood with sauce? ]


    [This sauce looks so pretty, and the red and bright ones look very appetizing. ]


    [When I heard Jin Jin say that she is a foodie, I suddenly felt that this word is very vivid, and it can also be used to describe me hahahaha. ]


    [Foods +1, I am also a member of the army of foodies! ]


    [Looking at so many different dishes made by Jin Jin, we can be sure that our ancestors were really big foodies, otherwise they would not have invented so many condiments and countless delicacies. ]


    [After eating the dishes made by Jin Jin, anyone will become a foodie. I am looking forward to Jin Jin’s live broadcast every day. When Jin Jin is not live broadcast, I rely on the live broadcast to survive. He’s so humble wow wow. 】


    【There’s nothing wrong with what you said, it’s just delicious, no matter what it looks like. 】


Ye Jin saw that everyone was discussing the sauce he prepared, and said in a good mood: “This sauce is for making small seafood with a sauce. The taste may be a little spicy.”

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Ye Jin said while cutting the good diced chili peppers and mixing the red chili oil, the soy sauce oil consumption and edible salt in another small pot. After the sauce is made, Ye Jin prepares the sauce for the garlic oysters.


“The next thing to prepare is the sauce for oysters with minced garlic. This sauce is the easiest. All you need is green onion, garlic, chili and crushed chili sauce.”


Ye Jin said, chopped the garlic and scallion white and chopped the chili. 


He cut them into small pieces, then put the minced garlic in a pan with oil and stir-fried until lightly yellow, then added the millet pepper and scallion and stir-fried until fragrant. 


After frying, add soy sauce, chili sauce and salt and stir-fry evenly and serve. in a small bowl.


After frying the ingredients, Ye Jin looked at the live broadcast room and said: “Okay, the sauce we need for cooking today is ready, then let’s clean the oysters. Let’s ake small seafood with crabs and lobsters later. You can also wait and make a lobster with minced garlic.”


After speaking, Ye Jin poured out the dirty water from soaking the oysters and began to brush the shell surface of the oysters with a small brush. 


It will be softened, and the dirt on the shell surface can be brushed off more easily with a small brush after softening. Remember, after soaking, you must also brush and rinse it.” 


After Ye Jin cleaned all the oysters, he slowly used a knife. He pryed open the oyster shell and cleaned the meat inside. After cleaning all the oysters, Ye Jin handled a little more lobster and crab.   


After processing the ingredients, Ye Jin put the sour juice in the oysters and put them in the oven, and then explained: “The sour juice is added to remove the fishy smell from the oysters. 


After roasting them in the oven for a few minutes, put them in the freshly fried oysters. After roasting the oysters for a while, they can be eaten.”     


After Ye Jin put the oysters in the oven according to the steps, Ye Linan and his five apprentices all came over curiously to see that Ye Jin put the oysters in the oven and prepared the ingredients for something else. 


Yu Nian and Yan Li, several apprentices looked at him eagerly, and finally Yu Nian said: “Master, what ingredients do you want, can we help you prepare it? As long as it is ready, let us taste it.” 


Ye Jin looked at the people who appeared suddenly, and looked at Yu Nian and the others with stunned expression, and pointed at the washed crabs and lobsters: 


“Okay, then you help me get the oysters, crabs and lobster meat. Cook with clear water. When the oysters are cooked, add the sour juice. 


After cooking, pour it into the brown sauce. Then pour the red sauce and the sauce together and stir evenly. Put it in the refrigerator. Just marinate and refrigerate for a while.”     


Yu Nian and the others hurriedly nodded after hearing this, and began to process the ingredients according to Ye Jin’s words, while Ye Jin brought out the grilled oysters and put them on a plate, and put a few in a small plate, not eating anything.     


As for the audience in the live broadcast room, watching Ye Jin’s interaction with a few apprentices, their stomachs hurt from laughing.   


    [Hahahahahaha, the expressions of these apprentices made me laugh to death, with a pitiful look. ]


    [With a tough and determined face, but showing a pitiful look, this contrast is so cute and funny. Hahahaha. 】


    【Apart from Su Qingyan, who is more handsome. The other apprentices look more like tough guys with tough silhouettes. There is a strong contrast in making such a pitiful expression. ]


    [These apprentices are really cute to me, they start to pretend to be pitiful for the sake of eating one bite hahahahaha. 】


    [Don’t talk about them, if you pretend to be pitiful, you can have delicious food, and I’m willing to woo woo woo. ]


    [+1, I want to eat it too, it smells so good! The taste of this grilled oyster has a strong garlic fragrance and the fragrance of oysters. It tastes tender, spicy, delicious and refreshing in the mouth. It is really appetizing! ]


    [Woo woo woo really tastes so fragrant! I didn’t like the taste of garlic before, but now I really feel the deliciousness of garlic, it would be great if I could really eat it in my mouth. ]


    [I like this garlic oysters, it’s really appetizing! It tastes great in the mouth. 】


    【I am so envious of Bai Bai! Jin Jin cooked and sent it first to Bai Bai. 】


    【Jin Jin, is this oyster and seafood with sauce drawn today? There is a big pot full of oysters, the child wants to eat a woo woo woo. ]


Ye Jin came back after delivering oysters to Bai Bai, looked at the barrage a few times, saw the screen full of hahaha and woo woo, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room:


“Today’s menu is oysters and hawthorn juice. We can’t give you a lottery for seafood, because we only have these two dishes for dinner for more than a dozen people. Tomorrow we will put these two dishes on the restaurant’s menu.”


Ye Jin smiled and lowered his head and served it with hawthorn sauce. He made a few drinks with sparkling water, and finally added a few ice cubes to the drink. The bright red color with ice cubes really makes people like it, and it looks very appetizing.


After Ye Jin’s drink was ready, Yu Nian and the others had already prepared the seafood in the sauce. Seeing Ye Jin’s drink, they couldn’t help but want to try it.


“Drink it. This drink is very easy to make. Just mix hawthorn jam and ice cubes with sparkling water, and add some honey if you want to make it sweeter.”


After the seafood in the sauce was marinated and left one for everyone in the live broadcast room, Ye Jin brought the two dishes to the table and invited everyone to eat.


When everyone in the live broadcast room saw the seafood, they immediately began to fight for it.

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    [Woo woo woo this is delicious, spicy, delicious, fragrant and refreshing! It’s really refreshing to drink another ice drink! ]


    [It’s really delicious, this spicy and refreshing dish, coupled with the sweet and sour ice drink is really a must-have in summer! ]


    [Woo woo woo realized the happiness of our ancestors! It’s really refreshing in the mouth, and the taste is very layered. The spicy ingredients and the fresh and refreshing taste of the meat itself are really enjoyable when paired with sweet and sour drinks! ]


    [Woo woo woo I really don’t believe that Jin Jin is only eighteen years old, how could he have learned so much food at such a young age. 】


    【Fuck me! Not to mention that I forgot that Jin Jin was only eighteen years old! ]


    [+1 I also forgot, I just think about food, Jin Jin is so good when she is still a minor, and then think about herself really trash woo woo woo. 】


    【In that case, Jin Jin should go to school since he is a minor, right? 】


    【Yes! I forgot, isn’t Jin Jin going to school? ]


    [Baby Jin Jin, you are still underage, do you want to go to school when the store is on the right track? 】


Ye Jin looked at the barrage of people trying to persuade him to go to school, and said with some distress: “I’m so old that I don’t need to go to school, and I need to develop a shop now, not to mention that I don’t go to school until I’m eighteen. It’s a bit shameful…”


    [What’s shameful about this? Jin Jin, don’t be shy, eighteen is still a minor. ]


    [That’s right, Jin Jin, you are still a child. What’s the shame of going to school? ]


    [Baby Jin Jin, don’t think about it so much, minor age in Interstellar is 25 years old, and you still have seven years to study. Besides, there are many adults in the empire who are still studying. ]


    [Come on baby Jin Jin! It’s not ashamed to go to school at the age of eighteen! 】


Ye Jin watched everyone persuade him to go to school. He didn’t know how to refuse and just pretended he didn’t see it, but the other people started to think about Ye Jin. Ye Lin’an looked at Ye Jin’s reluctance and didn’t say anything for the time being…


Fu Chen, who was lying in his chair, of course also saw everyone’s barrage, and at the same time he remembered what he had neglected. 


Ye Jin was only eighteen years old and still a minor who moved from Fu’er Xing to Imperial City Star.


Thinking of this, Fu Chen felt a little distressed for Ye Jin, and at the same time he made up his mind that he must let Ye Jin live a pampered life in the future.



Flo's notes:

Garlic Oysters

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