After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 38: 38

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Chapter 38: Coming to the Shita Star


Ever since he knew that the dishes he made had special abilities, Ye Jin went to the store every day.


But in order to reduce trouble, Ye Jin rarely cooks by himself, but has been trying to teach a few apprentices so that they can learn all the dishes on the menu in the store to the point of perfection.


Afterwards, all the dishes ordered by the guests were made by the apprentices. Ye Jin just studied new dishes or occasionally broadcasted live.


Because of this, Ye Jin even forgot to return the light brain to Ye Lin’an. When he thought about it, everyone else had already arrived at Shita Star.


Fu Chen took all Ye Jin’s actions in his eyes, and watched him stop cooking in order to reduce trouble except for researching new dishes and occasional live broadcasts.


He should have been happy that Ye Jin was no longer working so hard, but seeing Ye Jin worrying every day and frowning in sleep, Fu Chen couldn’t help but feel distressed, which made him even more eager to recover. 


So after every meal, he no longer pestered Ye Jin, but did his best to absorb energy.


For a few days like this, Ye Jin’s abnormality naturally caught Ye Lin’an’s attention. 


After getting the details from Fu Chen, Ye Lin’an was worried for a moment, but he thought of the identity of the person beside him and his cooperation with Ye Jin. 


The identities and status of some of them, coupled with the school that Ye Jin is about to set up.


Although there are still some worries, he was not very anxious. After all, the few people who cooperate with Ye Jin in the whole empire are powerful and capable. 


Coupled with the thousands of years of Ye Family’s heritage, it is still possible to protect Ye Jin.     


Thinking of this, Ye Linan instead found an opportunity to persuade Ye Jin.


Ye Jin paused for a while and looked at Ye Lin’an in surprise and said, “Brother Lin’an, how do you know that I’m worried about this? Could it be that last night? Do you know the person from the Fourth Army? You always knew that the dishes I cook contain energy?”     


Ye Lin’an got stuck when he heard Ye Jin’s questions, and suddenly regretted that he had just gone to Fu Chen.     


Ye Jin didn’t know that Fu Chen was someone who could talk, so it was normal to suspect him now. 


But how does this make him explain why he knows that he is troubled by the speciality of the dishes?


Ye Lin’an was so anxious that his forehead was sweating, and finally he had no choice but to say: “I have a friend in the Fourth Army, he mentioned you when we were chatting today, saying that you were invited to go to Shita Star in a month to make dishes for the soldiers.


So I guess you may already know the secrets of the dishes and worry about this, as for the fact that I know that your dishes contain energy.”


Speaking of which, Ye Lin’an patted Ye Jin on the shoulder funny and continued: “Xiao Jin, I have never told you that I am also a power user. The first time I ate the dishes you made, I actually noticed the difference in the dishes. 


Of course, you and I being friends is not because of your dishes. The first time we met, I didn’t know that your dishes had special energy.” 


Ye Lin’an said to Ye Jin, and at the end, he quickly explained for fear that Ye Jin would misunderstand. for a while.     


Hearing Ye Lin’an’s words, Ye Jin looked at him suspiciously and surprised, the suspicion in his heart decreased a little. 


He didn’t know whether Ye Lin’an really had a friend who served in the Fourth Army, but he couldn’t force him to check Ye Lin’an’s social circle.     


Although Ye Linan was his first friend in the Interstellar world, he couldn’t force Ye Lin’an to have only him as a friend. If he had made other friends before that, Ye Jin couldn’t make him cut them off.     


Ye Jin nodded and put aside his doubts. Instead, he asked curiously, “So you are a power user? Can you show me your power? If it’s inconvenient, forget it.” 


With a serious look, he said to Ye Lin’an, “Actually, I know that you have no ill intention towards me. Otherwise, I would not have a platonic affection for you, let alone be friends with you.”     


When Ye Lin’an heard that Ye Jin had platonic affection for him, his eyes couldn’t help but become more indulgent and softer, and he didn’t answer Ye Jin’s question, instead showed his power.


The tornado looks small and cute with a strong wind.     


Ye Jin looked at the small tornado hanging in Ye Linan’s palm with bright eyes, and curiously wanted to reach out and feel it, but Ye Lin’an avoided it.


“Xiao Jin, you can’t touch this. Don’t look at how small it is, but the energy contained in it is still very dangerous for ordinary people without supernatural powers, and there is a hidden wind blade in it that will hurt.” Ye Lin’an said as he put the small tornado in the palm.


Ye Jin saw that Ye Lin’an had already put away the right palm of the tornado, and nodded regretfully.


After that, Ye Lin’an advised Ye Jin to relax and continue to make dishes without caring about other things, and finally analyzed: “Even if your dishes are good, it doesn’t matter if your particularity is discovered. Don’t you still have a relationship with the emperor of the empire? 


Besides, you will open a cooking school after that. Even for this, the empire will not let you have an accident, not to mention that you are going to Shita Star in a month. 


If your dishes can really cure those soldiers, the Imperial Army will even send someone to protect you.”


Ye Jin nodded thoughtfully after listening to Ye Lin’an’s analysis, “So you say that. If so, for the sake of safety, I should speed up and call my apprentice out. When I come back from Shita Star, I will discuss with Mr. Mu to see if we can start a theory class in advance.”


Ye Lin’an agreed upon hearing Ye Jin’s arrangement. 


He nodded and said: “This is not impossible. If Shita Star’s party is effective, the empire will definitely be more anxious than you to open a school, and your safety will be guaranteed by then. So you don’t have to worry about what you want to do now. It won’t show.”


Ye Jin listened to Ye Lin’an’s words, and the live broadcast was broadcast every day for the next half month, and a few new dishes were added to the store, but the encouragement for the apprentices did not decrease at all.


Until the day before the departure to Shita Star, Ye Jin looked at Yu Nian and Yan Li, who were already able to handle the tasks on their own, and nodded with satisfaction: 


“It seems that this month’s rigorous practice has been very effective, then follow up. I’ll leave everything in the store to you for next week. I’m going to Shita Star for a week. 


Everyone has worked hard, and it’s a training process for you. I’ll keep Ye Xu here. If you don’t understand, you can ask him, it’s totally fine to guide you all at his level for a week.”


Ye Xu asked with some worry when he heard that Ye Jin was going to Shita Xing and wanted to keep him as temporary head,


“Master, are you planning to? Are you going to Shita Xing by yourself? Will it be very unsafe, after all, it is so close to the front line.”


Ye Jin smiled and comforted: “Don’t worry, someone will pick me up when I arrive at Shita Star. You see, Brother Lin’an is not in such a hurry.” 


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After Ye Jin arranged things in the store, he hugged Bai Bai and boarded the spaceship to Shita Xing.


Originally, Ye Jin planned to leave Bai Bai to Ye Lin’an to help take care of him for a while, but Bai Bai, who had always been obedient and didn’t know what was going on, started clinging to people and tossing the furniture in Ye Lin’an’s house into tatters.


In the end, Ye Jin could only take it to Shita Star.


Not long after Ye Jin walked out of the spaceship port with Bai Bai in his arms, he saw Luo Chengjin walking towards him in a military uniform.


Luo Chengjin walked up to Ye Jin, took a peek at the wolf cub in his arms, and stretched out his hand to Ye Jin under Fu Chen’s slightly sharp gaze, “Hello Ye Jin, I’m Luo Chengjin. , I’m very glad that you can come to Shita Star as promised.”


Ye Jin looked at the man with a serious and straight face in front of him, was surprised and immediately recovered and shook hands with Luo Chengjin: “Don’t be so polite, we are now Where are you going? When will you start making dishes?”


Luo Chengjin looked at Ye Jin and started talking about work as soon as they met, and glanced at his general, whose eyes were getting sharper.


He could only laugh and say, “Don’t be in a hurry, don’t be in a hurry. You have been in the spaceship for two or three days to rest first, and then start talking about work after you have recovered your spirits, I have even arranged your residence.”


Luo Chengjin immediately glanced at the admiral quietly after speaking, Seeing that Fu Chen didn’t continue to stare at him this time, he was quietly relieved.


Ye Jin heard Luo Chengjin’s arrangement, thinking that it was indeed a little tiring to do the spaceship all the way, so she nodded and agreed to follow him to the arranged residence.


The residence that Luo Chengjin arranged for Ye Jin was in the military area of Shita Star, which belonged to the logistics area of ​​the front line. 


The family members of the soldiers who were stationed on the front line all year round lived here. In order to ensure Ye Jin’s safety, Luo Chengjin went to the front line and arranged him here.


After Ye Jin entered the room and tidied up and fell asleep, Fu Chen sneaked to the door to find his adjutant.


But just as he was about to jump out of bed, Ye Jin woke up in a daze, and Fu Chen took it lightly for fear of making noise. 


Ye Jin, as long as he moved around, would not sleep well, and Fu Chen had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​finding Luo Chengjin.


Fu Chen gently and secretly took out the light brain that was put away by Ye Jin before and was brought back by him. 


After sending a message to Adjutant Luo and asking him to send someone to protect Ye Jin, he told him to wait and wait for him to send a message.


The next day, Ye Jin woke up early in the morning, and his first reaction was to go to Bai Bai, and he was relieved to see Bai Bai lying on the pillow. 


He just remembered that he is now in the military area of ​​Shita Star, and the kitchen has not had time to prepare the ingredients.


In desperation, Ye Jin had no choice but to take Bai Bai and plan to go out to find something to eat.


Buy when he opened the door, he was shocked when he saw four tall and strong soldiers in neat uniforms standing at the door.


Ye Jin stood blankly at the door holding Bai Bai, and looked at each other with the four soldiers who were standing guard at the door. 


After a long while, Ye Jin returned to his senses and asked the soldier standing at the front: “Hello, what’s the matter with you guys?”


The tall man standing on the right and closest to the door immediately replied loudly when he heard Ye Jin’s question: “Hello, Mr. Ye Jin! We were sent by Adjutant Luo to protect you and help you along the way!”


He was startled by the sudden high-pitched reply, but he also understood their intention. 


He frowned in embarrassment, thinking about how to refuse. He didn’t want to be followed like this every day at all, and felt very uncomfortable.


When Ye Jin was thinking about how to politely reject them, Luo Chengjin came over with a box and greeted Ye Jin who was standing at the door with a wolf cub, “Mr. Ye Jin, you are up. 


I brought you two tubes of nutrient solution, you first make do with a pad, and the ingredients needed to make the dishes are ready. But considering that you just got off the spaceship yesterday and needed a rest, I didn’t bother.”


As he said, he held it in his hand. The box inside was opened, took out the nutrient solution inside and handed it to Ye Jin.


After Ye Jin took the nutrient solution and poured it into his mouth, he opened another tube to feed Bai Bai, and said to Luo Chengjin: 


“Adjutant Luo, you can call me Xiao Jin or Ye Jin, you don’t have to use it on me like this all the time. The honorific sounds very uncomfortable.”


After saying that, Ye Jin fed the opened nutrient solution to Bai Bai, but was dismissed by Bai Bai, and he had no intention of drinking it at all.


Ye Jin sighed helplessly, closed the nutrient solution and returned it to Luo Chengjin, and continued: “Since the ingredients are prepared, then you can take me there, Bai Bai doesn’t like drinking nutrient solution, I have to make it individually for him to eat. He is still growing and not eating is not good for his health. 


By the way, the four of them don’t need to protect me, it should be quite safe in the military area, and I feel embarrassed to be guarded all the time, I really am not very used to it.” 


Ye Jin glanced at the four soldiers standing at the door.


And Luo Chengjin watched Ye Jin patiently coaxing them to let someone kill the decisive Admiral Fu, and they had always killed the decisive and ruthless admiral, but they became angry with Ye Jin treating him like a real pet. 


This scene made Luo Cheng’s heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Can he see this kind of picture?


Luo Chengjin didn’t forget to pay attention to Ye Jin’s words when he was thinking wildly in his heart. 


Hearing Ye Jin’s request, he nodded immediately and said, “Okay, then I’ll call you Xiao Jin, these people are here to help, you don’t have to. 


Treat them as if they are here to protect you, just treat them as if they are here to help you. Don’t you also need help with the ingredients later?”


 Luo Chengjin said while leading Ye Jin to the refrigerator where the ingredients were stored.


Ye Jin hugged Bai Bai and looked at the four burly soldiers behind him, sighed uncomfortably.


He said to Luo Chengjin who was walking in front: “I don’t need four people here just to follow me. It’s also a waste of their time, or leave two, and the remaining two should go back to training and do what they need to do.”


Luo Chengjin turned his head and glanced at Ye Jin, who was uncomfortable, and Fu Chen. He finally agreed to Ye Jin’s proposal after seeing him nodding.


Ye Jin followed Luo Chengjin all the way to the freezer where a lot of ingredients were stored. 


Looking at the whole house full of various ingredients, he was a little dumbfounded. The ingredients piled up in the mountains were not intended for him to finish it alone.

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