After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 4: 4

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Chapter 4: Picked up a little cutie


Ye Jin stood behind the door and listened to the woman’s shrill scolding. From her  tone and the subtle excitement from the people watching her, he could faintly guess the outline of the matter.


It turned out that this woman was the neighbor of the original owner. She wanted to deceive Ye Jin to get the house and marry her son off.


After she failed to deceive Ye Jin, she made trouble for Ye Jin and bullied him in various ways.


When the original owner went to the garbage station to pick up garbage yesterday, he picked up a mecha energy component. The mecha energy component can be sold for a lot of money in this backward Fel star.


When the component was disassembled, the woman surnamed Zhang’s son saw it and snatched it from Ye Jin.


It wasn’t the first time that this kind of thing happened. Ye Jin never thought of conflicting with people.


But when the other party scolded Ye Jin’s parents, he couldn’t hold back anymore and threw the other person away from the garbage mountain.


As a result, he broke his leg. Now this woman is here to avenge her son.


After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Ye Jin didn’t take it any longer, opened the door and walked out, staring sharply at the mean-looking woman in front of him and said, “Have you scolded me enough?!”


Zhang Mingyun who had scolded vigorously glared at Ye Jin.


She was stunned by his sharp eyes, and when she heard Ye Jin’s words, she came back to his senses and cursed angrily, “What’s wrong with scolding you? I’m going to beat you! You little boy whom nobody wants. Bastard, you made my son so miserable, while you stay at home comfortably.


I won’t be called Zhang Mingyun if you don’t break your legs!” As she spoke, she was about to rush up to attack Ye Jin.


Ye Jin heard Zhang Mingyun’s scolding from a little bastard just now, and his anger was already huge in his heart. Now he heard that, the anger in his heart raised again.


He raised his hand to pick up the garbage collecting robot standing by the door. Ye Jin threw it in the direction and just hit Zhang Mingyun who was about to rush over.


Zhang Mingyun, who was hit, instantly clutched her head in pain and fell to the ground, shouting angrily at Ye Jin: “Ah! You little bastard that no one wants! How dare you hit me with that!”


Even those standing far away eating melons were a little surprised when they saw Ye Jin’s actions. I didn’t expect that the poor little boy who had swallowed her voice in the past would be so stubborn today.


Ye Jin looked at the woman who fell on the ground with cold eyes and said, “I hate it when people mention my parents and call me a little bastard. Considering the fact that you did both, hitting you is a light punishment.”


“You, you Ye Jin, wait for me!” Zhang Mingyun was about to start scolding when she heard Ye Jin’s words, but when she raised her head, she was frightened by Ye Jin’s icy eyes and quickly changed his mouth. .


Ye Jin looked at Zhang Mingyun who was running away and shouted at her back: “Mrs. Zhang, I’ll be waiting for you here!”


After everyone dispersed, Ye Jin calmly glanced at the lights that were thrown out and no longer turned on.


The calm expression on the robot’s face disappeared in an instant and was immediately replaced by distressed expression.


This garbage collecting robot is the only intelligent robot in the house. As soon as he sneaked to the door, he was so angry that used the robot to beat people.


Although it is the oldest version, it is still very rare to find something that’s not scrapped or repaired in Fir Star.


Ye Jin didn’t want to throw the robot away so he picked up the robot and he put it near the door.


Seeing that it was almost three o’clock in the afternoon, Ye Jin hesitated and decided to go out for a walk, otherwise he would go out without knowing the surrounding environment at all.


Ye Jin was walking on the street and looked at the buildings around him that were similar to the earth. The only difference was that the building materials here looked similar to alloys but not very similar.


The surrounding buildings are not very dense, there are few people on the street, and the traffic is not bad.


Ye Jin sat in the semi-automatic hover car, looked at the various buildings below, and came to a block site with a lot of people. Ye Jin got out of the hover car and wanted to visit the lively market in the interstellar era.


After getting out of the car, Ye Jin wandered around the market, but found that it was not as lively as he saw in the car. Looking at the deserted shops in the market, the only thing missing was a restaurant.


Ye Jin took a stroll around the surrounding environment, including the nearby markets. Seeing that the time was almost up, he planned to take a hover car to go home.


After getting out of the suspension car, he still had to walk for a while to get home. When passing by the garbage mountain where the original owner picked up garbage, Ye Jin vaguely heard a clattering sound and didn’t know what it was.


Ye Jin looked at the garbage mountain curiously and nervously, and cautiously approached the direction of the sound. After approaching, Ye Jin saw a garbage heap squirming.


Ye Jin found something nearby and carefully opened the wriggling garbage heap, revealing a small white thing.


Ye Jin looked at the cute dog who was covered in snow-white and had pointed ears. It looked like he was only two or three months old. He was lying on the rubbish heap and slowly wriggling.


Ye Lin asked distressingly: “Who left such a cute dog here? It’s too cruel!”


Ye Jin bought a bunch of pet supplies, and special milk powder for pets to feed the puppy.


Ye Jin looked at the puppy who didn’t drink at first, but now he was so hungry that he was lying on the side of the food bowl and licking his milk.


When it opened, Ye Jin reluctantly poked it with his finger and said, “Little guy, let’s live together from now on, I will take good care of you! Can I give you a name?”


Ye Jin looked at the little guy who was licking the milk with his tail between Ye Lin’s fingers. He then stretched out his hand and poked it tentatively, “Ignore me, just take it as you agreed.”


After a long time, he really didn’t know what name to choose, so he struggled for a long time but at the end, he chose the most vulgar name, “I figured it out, since you are all white and fur, why don’t you just call it Bai Bai? It’s easy to remember.”


He didn’t expect to see Bai Bai suddenly turned his head and glanced at him and made a very faint whimper.


Ye Jin thought it agreed and called it a few times happily, but it turned out that he disagreed with the name so much that he was slapped on the back of his hand with a paw of Bai Bai.


Fortunately, it only used a meat pad, not having its claws out. Otherwise Ye Jin definitely would have more holes in his hand.


Ye Jin teased the dog for a while to see that it had laid on the ground after drinking the milk. He was worried that the ground would be too cold to freeze, so she carried it into the prepared nest.


Ye Jin saw that the puppy fell asleep and stopped teasing it. Seeing that there were only 8,000 stars left after buying pet supplies, Ye Jin didn’t feel distressed.


He rather felt happy, having someone at home could accompany him in the future.


When Ye Jin was busy taking care of the dogs in the afternoon, he didn’t know that his live broadcast at noon was topped by his fans who wanted to eat delicious food.


#MagicChineseCuisine# has been on the hot search for the whole afternoon.


【Chinese food? What is that? The food invented by the Chinese people? ]


[Looking at the picture posted by the subject, the food should be made of natural ingredients, but as we all know, the various edible ingredients now researched by the Imperial Academy of Sciences are as good as the durian-flavored nutrient that is recognized as the most unpleasant to drink. . ]


[+1 I was fortunate enough to have eaten food made with natural ingredients once. To tell the truth, I can’t wait to find a mouth that I haven’t eaten before. ]

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[The identity upstairs is not simple, and not everyone can eat natural ingredients. ]


[Pay attention to the question, people say that fish congee and braised fish nuggets are made of fish. There are still a lot of meat ingredients in the Interstellar Mall. To be honest, I don’t believe that this fish can make anything delicious. ]


[Upstairs in the row, fish is such a fishy meat that people can vomit just by smelling it. It has been five or six years since it was found to be edible, and no one has made anything that can be eaten. ]


[Upstairs +1 Although the picture looks pretty, but I really don’t believe it can be eaten, unless someone who has eaten it can prove it. ]


[Upstairs, I can testify that it is really delicious. I was also there during the live broadcast. After eating it, I still can’t forget it, and even the best nutritional supplements seem bland. ]


[+1 I’m still revisiting the live broadcast on N, so I rely on it to eat. ]


[In the same replay, I don’t think my life is complete without eating delicious food.]


[I’m afraid it’s not the navy who invited me upstairs. How could it be so delicious with fish and meat. 】


[I’m afraid the anchor wants to be popular and crazy. Who doesn’t know that the fishy smell of fish is the most difficult to get rid of, and the dishes made can’t be eaten at all. Buying this kind of hot search is not afraid of being ridiculed by the crowd. ]


[I can testify that it is really delicious. If you don’t believe me, you can go to the host’s live broadcast room to watch the replay. I guarantee that you will be really fragrant. The host’s room number is 11032057]


[Upstairs, I guarantee that you won’t be able to come out if you go in! ]


[Upstairs +1, go in and you will find treasures! ]



Many netizens who didn’t believe it at first ran to Ye Jin’s live broadcast room to check the authenticity of the results.


But they never came back, which also caused more and more netizens to become curious, so more and more people ran to Ye Jin’s live broadcast room and fell in the same trick.


After a long time, when some netizens who were still insisting on waiting for feedback wanted to go to find out, those netizens who went to explore the road at the beginning came back.


But the style of talking suddenly changed, and became so strange. There were flatterers and people who praised rainbow farts jumping out like they don’t want money are crazier

than those who were in Amway before.


Some netizens who were still insisting that this was a hype finally didn’t hold on. After running to watch the replay, the style of painting also became strange, affecting the netizens who came in later to carry out the truth-slapping process over and over again.


Because of this, the hot search has been hanging in the first place for a whole afternoon, and it was only suppressed by the new hot search after 6:00 in the afternoon.


Ye Jin also increased from 500,000 fans to 1 million. Ye Jin was extremely confused at the beginning as he had turned off the notification sound, and had no idea what was going on.


On the other hand, Ye Jin was getting ready for dinner by steaming the rice and cooking the braised fish at noon for dinner.


He sat in the restaurant and was about to eat when he felt something on his leg slapped him. He quickly looked down and found Bai Bai, who was sleeping soundly in the nest.


When he came near his nes, Bai Bai was looking at him pitifully while picking up his trouser legs.


Ye Jin thought his pitiful eyes were so cute, but thinking that dogs can’t eat food that is too oily or salty, he didn’t feed it. Instead he soaked it in milk powder and added some dog food this time.


When Ye Jin came out after eating, he found that Bai Bai’s eyes were closed in the nest, and that he didn’t move at all.


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai, who was lying in the nest. He was a little worried whether he was uncomfortable and wanted to pick him up to take a look.


But Bai Bai faced him with his ass.


Ye Jin looked at his hand that was slapped away and the little white ass facing him. He didn’t understand what was going on.


He reached out and poked his little ass, only to see Bai Bai turned around and opened his mouth with a fierce expression and wanted to bite him.


Fortunately, Ye Jin hid quickly, otherwise he would be really bitten.


Ye Jin watched with lingering fears and poked Bai Bai’s butt again. He didn’t continue to bother him. Instead, he poured out the milk powder in the food bowl and made a new one. This time, nothing was added to it.


In the evening, Ye Jin came out of the shower and glanced at the food bowl that was placed there. It was already empty. It seemed that he didn’t like the dog food in the milk powder so he stopped eating it.


Ye Jin was relieved to know that he was not sick. By the way, I will make some dog rice for Bai Bai at noon tomorrow and see whether he can eat it or not.


And Bai Bai, who was lying in the nest after drinking the milk powder, was a little surprised to see Ye Jin’s bright face clearly illuminated in the light.


He didn’t expect that a person who looked unattractive during the day could just lift his hair and change so much.


Especially the pair of eyes, shimmering as if there are stars twinkling in them, are very attractive. When they smile, they seem to be affectionate.


Bai Bai is also Fu Chen. Thinking of the various actions of this man after he brought him home today, it is obvious that he likes small animals very much.


His cooking skills are more surprising to Fu Chen.


The dish was obviously made of fish and meat, and Fu Chen knew that the taste was definitely not bad just by smelling the aroma, especially since he couldn’t smell any fishy smell.


It was unbelievable for him who rarely has the desire to eat because of his overly keen sense of smell.



But when he thought about the experience of being forced to eat milk powder today, he gritted his teeth.


When he was injured, he returned to his ancestors’ form. He was stuck in the form of a cub and couldn’t turn back.


He was chased and fed milk powder after a long time. So Fu Chen compromised for the sake of his own body.


But it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t give him any food at night. He even puts dog food in the milk powder. It’s really deceiving (the wolf) too much.


Fu Chen couldn’t help losing his temper. Who knew that this person would actually start playing a hooligan.


Thinking of what happened at dinner today, Fu Chen’s face darkened. He thought that the dignified general had become a pet for others, but he could admit that eating these delicious foods may be able to cure his anorexia in the future.


What can he do if he doesn’t recognize him. The size he is now can be strangled to death with one hand, but Fu Chen has to admit that from the perspective of a pet, this boy is quite good to him.


Thinking of this, Fu Chen shook his head and quickly stopped his thoughts. He is the one who compares himself to a pet.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin who came over to say goodnight to him. He buried his head in his paws and closed his eyes as if he hadn’t seen anything.


He thought that no matter what happens tomorrow, it can’t be as embarrassing as today.

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