After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 43: 43

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Chapter 43: Network Public Opinion


While Ye Jin was busy making herbal meals, there was a lot of discussion on the Star Net because of Ye Jin’s whereabouts.


    [I miss Jin Jin so much. Where did he go? ]


    [Want to know when I can see Jin Jin live again, I miss Jin Jin so much! 】


    【Is Jin Jin’s store so busy? It’s been almost half a month without a live broadcast, not even an announcement. ]


    [Upstairs, the people who often go to the door of the store will tell you that Jin Jin has not been in the store recently, and the dishes in the store are all cooked by a few apprentices. 】


    【Ah? So Jin Jin hasn’t shown up for half a month. Where did Jin Jin go? 】


    【I really want to know where Jin Jin has gone, I haven’t seen it for a long time. 】


   【Jin Jin, come out! See how we miss you.】


Fans were talking about Ye Jin’s whereabouts, and soon a hot search titled #Ye Jin Where is he?# was topped by hundreds of millions of netizens.


However, no matter how fans and netizens discussed and digged, they couldn’t find Ye Jin’s whereabouts, until a netizen replied that they saw Ye Jin at the gate of the military area of ​​Shita Star, which attracted the attention of some netizens, and they were all over the place, leaving a message in the comments section.


    [When did the landlord meet Jin Jin in the military area of Shita Star? What is Jin Jin doing there? ]


    [Curiosity +1, why did Jin Jin go to Shita Star? It is the closest planet to the front line, and it was very dangerous. 】


    【Landlord don’t speak half of it! When did Jin Jin go to Shita Star? ]


    [I’m so worried about Jin Jin, Shita Star is the place where the logistics of the front line stay, so it won’t be in danger, right? 】


    【Am I the only one curious about how Ye Jin got into the military area? What is he doing there? 】


    【What do you mean by the words upstairs? Jin Jin must have been invited by someone, otherwise you think anyone can enter the subordinate area? 】


    [Hehe, a certain family has such a big face, what else can he do besides cooking? Did they invite him to cook? 】


   【Maybe it was Jin Jin who was really invited to cook? You are not from the military, how do you know there is no such possibility? 】


Because of Ye Jin’s trace, his fans and blacks started quarreling on the star net. Since Ye Jin’s seafood banquet, his fans have risen to 500 million. 


With the increase of Ye Jin’s fans, naturally, there are more and more sunspots that are not pleasing to the eye. 


Every time there is news about Ye Jin, the fastest runners are often not Ye Jin’s fans, but those sunspots who always want to step on.


And when the two parties were quarreling, those who really knew Ye Jin’s abilities and that he would really make a dish for them.


In short, none of the bigshots with all kinds of mentality opened their mouths. Instead, they were annoyed that they were too slow to be taken by Fu Chen.


However, just after the fans suppressed this group of sunspots, a strange remark suddenly appeared in the hot search post and attracted the attention of netizens.


    [Maybe Jin Jin was really invited to cook dishes for the soldiers on the front line. If you have been following Jin Jin for so long, didn’t you find that Jin Jin’s dishes have a strange energy? 】


Many netizens didn’t care when they first saw the landlord's message, but with the landlord’s narration, some netizens who had actually eaten Ye Jin’s dishes came forward to prove it, and described their own situation one by one. It caught the attention of many netizens.


    [I am a second-level water-type ability user who has just awakened the ability. In fact, I did not have any ability before, and after checking it, I just said that there is a high possibility of awakening the ability, but it is also possible that I will not awaken for a lifetime. 


    In order to fight, I secretly bought an awakening potion on the black market, but everyone knows that this potion has a great possibility of negative effects, and the landlord awakened the first-level water power after taking it, but he was also harmed by the side effects of this potion not shallow. 】


With the landlord’s narration, more and more people began to wonder what the situation was, and they asked questions below, asking the landlord to speak quickly.


    [The landlord quickly talks about what’s going on. Curious! ]


   [Curiosity +1, I just don’t know if the landlord is telling a story or it really happened.】


Soon the landlord who spoke before continued to speak the following words in the building.


    [I am the landlord, and what I said before is true. If I lie, my supernatural riot will have no cure. Okay, let’s move on. 


   Because of taking the potion, while I have supernatural powers, my body is also devastated by this potion. The situation is not much better than that of people who have supernatural riots. 


  The various vitality of the body are slowly disappearing and weakening, and finally even I couldn’t get out of bed until later because my family couldn’t bear me to suffer like this, and they let me die if they wanted to fulfill my wish.】


When talking about this, the landlord was obviously a little depressed, and it took a long time to post the following again.


    [And I also regretted my impulsiveness at the time. I also wanted to stop living like this and stop hurting my family. I also planned to accept the arrangement of my family. But the day before I was about to inject the medicine, my sister grabbed a piece of Ye Jin’s dish. His dish was mailed, and I remember it was a hot pot base. 


  In the end, because I felt that my time was short, my family cooked me a meal with the clear soup hot pot base made by Ye Jin. I think everyone can guess what happened after that. 


   When I took the first bite, I didn’t pay attention to the slight warm current when I was eating. I just thought it was caused by eating hot food, but when I finished eating a large portion and even drank the soup, I realized that something was wrong. 】


Reading this, many netizens have guessed the next development. Except for those diners who really ate Ye Jin’s food and some people who knew the truth, most netizens didn’t believe it and thought that the landlord was telling a story. They left messages downstairs mockingly.


    [The storytelling upstairs should also have a basis. Do you think you write novels with this kind of routine? Even writing novels is not popular anymore. ]


    [Looking at this, the landlord is hyping this anchor. Don’t you say that you will be cured immediately after eating his food, and the ability has been upgraded, right? Do you think this is believable? 】


After a while, the landlord sent another message and posted the inspection certificate.


    [After eating Ye Jin’s dishes, I didn’t feel well immediately, but the damaged functions in my body were slightly relieved, and even the pain in my body was not so severe. I thought it was an illusion at first, but the whole day, although my body didn’t get better, I was no longer tormented by pain. 


    After that, I told my family about it, and they started to work on grabbing it for me every time Ye Jin draws a lottery, or when new food is put on the shelves of the food mall. ]


    [Although I have only grabbed it three times so far, it has made me persevere. Until Ye Jin’s restaurant opened, our whole family was rushing for a seat every day, and every time we ordered a bunch of dishes to bring back.


   Now it’s been three months since then, and my body has recovered from the dilapidated state to the present, and even my abilities have been upgraded. The following is the inspection report. 【picture】】


After the owner told the whole story and attached the inspection certificate, some diners who often grabbed a seat in Ye Jin’s shop, the comments in the building proved that more and more people appeared on this floor.


The message proves that although it is not as twisty as the first one, all of them have posted their own physical examination certificates, which has also made more and more netizens pay attention to this building within a building.


More and more people noticed the messages on this floor, and strange messages began to spread among netizens of all walks of life.


Until some people who fished in troubled waters began to leave messages on the star network, asking Ye Jin to put the message. The recipes and secret recipes of the dishes were handed over. This scene was very similar to what happened to the Ye family back then.


Some imperial bosses who knew about the Ye family’s past didn’t take it to heart at first, but when things developed, it was too late for them to intervene and stop them.

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All the elders of the Ye family, after noticing the direction of the development of the matter, looked at each other and knew that the matter had developed to the worst point as expected.


When Ye Jin himself knew about this, it was already ten o’clock in the evening, and it was still a message from Ye Lin’an.


As soon as Ye Jin knew about the situation, he went to the star net to see the latest topic trends, until Ye Jin flipped through the topic buildings in the hot search posts one by one, and pondered for a while.


“This building within a building is obviously one where some people bring topics and deliberately lead fans in this direction. 


I think that even this behavior of slowly putting the topic on the hot search at the beginning is also paving the way for the next exposure of the particularity of my dishes. 


The end of guiding netizens is to let me hand over the recipes and secret recipes of the dishes. That is their ultimate goal.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he looked at some of the most popular accounts on the star net. His eyes narrowed, thinking who he had offended that is worth so much trouble to deal with.


After hearing Ye Jin’s analysis, Ye Lin’an’s expression changed as if he remembered something, and then his expression returned to normal and asked, “Then Xiao Jin, how are you going to solve this? After all, it can restore the vitality of the human body. 


No one will not be tempted to repair damaged dishes, and they are afraid that the Federation and the Zerg will also take advantage of the chaos.”


Ye Jin’s expression became not very good when he heard this, and he didn’t know who was behind this, which caused the attention and discussion of the people of the empire. 


Is it really just for the secret recipe of the dish? Could it be something else?


Thinking of this, Ye Jin looked at Ye Lin’an with a serious look and asked, “If the people of the empire have trouble with this incident, which side will be the most powerful? If the empire forces me to hand over the recipes and secret recipes and I am unwilling, What choice do you think I will make?”


Ye Lin’an and Fu Chen, who was listening to him, changed their expressions as soon as Ye Jin said this. 


If the empire really did something to persecute Ye Jin, it would be a normal person’s way of thinking. Ye Jin is likely to take refuge in the Federation. 


If Ye Jin is more ruthless and takes refuge in the Zerg, it is not impossible for the Zerg to use the special dishes in his hand to help him deal with the empire.


Thinking of this, Ye Lin’an and Fu Chen looked gloomy, and Ye Lin’an’s thought was deeper than Fu Chen’s, if Ye Jin chose to do this, then the entire Ye family would become very difficult in the empire, and even more difficult for the empire. 


The cooperation may also be interrupted because of this, so the Ye family is also likely to fall into the chaos of thousands of years ago again.


Thinking of this, Ye Lin’an hated the person who made the layout, but when he thought of the various partners that the Ye family had worked with in secret for thousands of years, he felt a little more at ease.


Then Ye Lin’an looked at Ye Jin and asked, “If you think about it like this, it’s possible that the Federation is behind the scenes, but it’s also possible that the Zerg did it to cause civil unrest in the Empire. 


There are both possibilities in this situation, and it’s hard to tell where it is. One party did it, after all, both parties have motives to do so, I have reason to believe that they have spies in the empire, and they can easily inquire about the situation of our restaurant.”


Ye Jin thought for a while and said: “No matter which party did it, their purpose is nothing more than to let me tell the recipes and secrets of the dishes. But to be honest, I don’t know what happened, and for the production of the dishes I haven’t concealed any method from the very beginning, it’s just a matter of whether you can learn it or not.”


Having said that, Ye Jin thought for a while and continued: “I will issue a statement on this matter, and I will make a culinary school. 


When the matter is also announced, I don’t believe that no one wants to come and learn, when so many people will make dishes.


I don’t believe that there are still people who are still jumping on the Internet regardless of their own interests, unless they want to cause public anger.”


Ye Lin’an watched Ye Jin handle this matter in an orderly manner, and his heart was full of relief.


Xiao Jin finally grew up to be able to be alone, so he did not object to Ye Jin’s arrangement.


Qn the other hand, Fu Chen glanced at Ye Lin’an and said nothing, nor did he refute Ye Jin’s arrangement. It’s unclear what will be done behind the scenes.


When the business was finished, Ye Jin suddenly looked down at Ye Lin’an without saying a word, and stared at Ye Lin’an.


Ye Lin’an heart skipped a beat, and couldn’t help but ask, “Xiao Jin, what’s wrong with you? Who bullied you? “As he said that, he gave Fu Chen a pointed look.


When Ye Jin heard Ye Lin’an’s question, she glared at Ye Linan and said, “Who can bully me? Isn’t it you? Oh yes, and him! You two have teamed up to deceive me!” He stretched out his hand and pointed at Fu Chen.


When Ye Lin’an heard Ye Jin’s words, his heart skipped a beat, but he still asked calmly, “How did we deceive you? I’ve been working honestly in the store recently.”


When Ye Jin heard Ye Lin’an’s refusal to admit it, he immediately became angry, and felt even more aggrieved, “You said you didn’t lie to me! Did you already know that Bai Bai is a human? You even know his true identity, right? But You just don’t tell me, and you cheat with him.”


Ye Jin felt even more aggrieved when he said that, although Ye Lin’an and Bai Bai had different statuses in Ye Jin’s heart, Ye Jin really regarded him as a friend, and he was also him. 


The only friend in the interstellar era, but they kept everything from him, and even deceived him about it, which made Ye Jin very sad.


Although he forgave Bai Bai because of his concerns when he was always asleep and waking up, he still felt a little uncomfortable, so seeing Ye Linan’s refusal to admit it, he felt even more aggrieved. In the face of Ye Lin’an’s closeness, Ye Jin couldn’t help but lose his temper.


Ye Lin’an couldn’t help feeling cordial when he saw Ye Jin’s temperament, and after listening to what he said, he couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Xiao Jin, I didn’t mean to hide it from you, I just felt this kind of thing is better for the person concerned to explain it to you. 


After all, what would you say if I intervene in the matter between the two of you.”


When Ye Jin heard this, a question mark appeared in his head, “What couple? Can you stop using words like this? Don’t change the topic, you have many opportunities to tell me the truth, but none of you are talking to me.” 


Ye Jin glanced at Ye Linan and Fu Chen accusingly.


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Fu Chen took a deep look at Ye Jin and did not open his mouth to refute Ye Jin’s explanation. 


At the same time, he also made up his mind to recover as soon as possible and encircle Ye Jin on his own territory, so that the couple could become a reality.


“Xiao Jin, in fact, you really can’t blame me for this matter, because of your majesty and General Fu, unless he says it himself, I wouldn’t dare to tell you at will.


Even if I say it, you may not believe it at that time, so it’s better to let Admiral Fu tell you the truth, after all, no one knows his own situation better than himself.” Ye Lin’an explained to Ye Jin with a bitter face.


Ye Jin looked at Ye Lin’an with a fierce face and deliberately made a pitiful look, and the grievances and anger that had already disappeared were suddenly dispelled and laughed directly.


Ye Lin’an put away the expression that was deliberately playing tricks and said, “Xiao Jin, are you not angry? I think we should just do business. If you don’t talk, those netizens will be turned upside down.”


Ye Jin smiled and nodded, feeling quite okay in his heart, and even seeing the remarks on Star Net denouncing that he should not hide his secrets and forcing him to hand over his recipes and secrets, he just found it funny, and he didn’t have the same anger at the beginning.


Ye Jin turned on his brain, registered an account on Star Announcements, and asked Fu Chen to help the contact to be authenticated, and then he posted about the fact that he was about to open a cooking school to teach everyone how to make Chinese dishes, and it was also live broadcast. 


A notice was hung on the announcement in between.


    【This is Ye Jin. Regarding the Internet asking me to hand over the secret recipes for special dishes, I can only say that I have them in my live broadcast room. I have never kept any secrets. As for whether you can learn it or not, it depends on your ability. In addition, there is another piece of good news, which was originally planned to be a secret, but some people spread the matter impatiently, so I will tell you in advance here. I and the research institute have decided to open a cooking school in the empire to teach everyone to learn Chinese dishes, and this matter has also been approved by His Majesty the empire. As for the specific matters, we will notify you when the school is completed. ]


After Ye Jin sent this notice, he closed the Star Announcements without taking a second look, and didn’t care what kind of shock this star announcement brought to netizens.

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