After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 45: 45

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Chapter 45: Encountered Star Thief and Conspiracy


Ye Jin was escorted  to the spaceship by Adjutant Luo holding Bai Bai. After the two said goodbye to each other, Ye Jin sat on the seat and looked at the vast universe outside the porthole. His mind could not help but drift to the medicinal food that had been boiled for the past few days.


After Ye Jin’s experiments in the past few days, he found that the so-called energy contained in food may be related to various elements and vitamins contained in food. 


It’s the same principle as Earth’s medicated diet, and this tests Ye Jin’s knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.


Ye Jin sat on the seat and thought about things with empty eyes, while Fu Chen, who was held by Ye Jin, kept staring at Ye Jin, thinking of the yam cakes Ye Jin made last night to make him eat yam.


He couldn’t help but feel a little sweet. Seeing Ye Jin in a daze, Fu Chen didn’t bother him, but silently lay beside him and accompanied him.


The spaceship was navigating rapidly in the vast universe, but because the speed was too fast, it didn’t feel like it was flying at all. 


When Ye Jin was in a daze, the spaceship had already flown to the vicinity of a meteorite belt, and was about to make a coordinate transition. It was blocked by the spaceship that suddenly appeared around.


Ye Jin was flashed back to God by the sudden stop of the spaceship, and he didn’t know what happened at all, but Fu Chen had noticed that unknown ships appeared around the spaceship. 


Seeing the spaceship with the flying eagle logos on the mini ships surrounding them, needless to say that Fu Chen already understands what happened.


They have encountered star thieves, and they are the most well-equipped and powerful flying eagle star thieves group in the universe.    


Fu Chen looked at the star pirates that surrounded their spaceships, his eyes were dark and dark, as if an infinite storm was brewing. 


Although the spaceship that Adjutant Luo arranged for them looked like an ordinary passenger spaceship, it was actually loaded with heavy weapons such as particle cannons. Adjutant Luo arranged soldiers on the spacecraft to covertly protect them.     


On the official waterway of the empire, there is actually a star thief group openly hijacking the spacecraft. This was absolutely impossible in the past.


The Eagle Star Thief Group is known as the strongest star thief group in the universe. Once again realizing the series of dangers brought by Ye Jin’s identity exposure, Fu Chen was afraid that it is more serious than they thought before.


Ye Jin recovered very quickly in his daze. Looking at the spaceships around the portholes and the two sides who began to negotiate, he also understood that he had encountered the interception of the star thief, and could not help but nervously hugged Bai Bai in his arms. 


He carefully paid attention to the two parties who were negotiating, both worried and afraid in his heart.


Fu Chen felt Ye Jin’s nervousness, stretched out his paws and patted his arm to comfort him, his eyes were also staring in the direction of the cockpit, where the star thieves forcibly connected to the contact signal, and the negotiations between the two sides were in progress. 


The sound from the cockpit spread to the cabins where the passengers were seated.     After a while, the two sides didn’t talk to each other. The bottom of the star thieves’ ships began to protrude all kinds of barrels and weapons. 


Ye Jin looked at a spaceship facing his porthole, and the barrels rushed straight towards him. 


At a glance, the dark cannon barrel looked like a huge mouth that chose people to eat, with a dark and compelling aura.     


“Since you don’t listen to the negotiation, don’t blame me for being ruthless, and start bombing!” At this moment, a sly male voice came from the cockpit, and the man’s voice fell to the surrounding people. The star pirate ship, showing its weapon, began to build up firepower.     


Fu Chen looked at the gun barrels that were about to complete the firepower accumulation outside, and said to Ye Jin in a solemn voice: “Xiao Jin, hurry to the back of the spaceship. There is still time, there is a rescue capsule where you can hide.”     


Glancing at the about-to-launch artillery fire, Ye Jin looked at the panicked passengers around him. He gritted his teeth and looked down at Fu Bai Bai, who was in his arms. He turned and ran to the back of the spaceship.     


Not long after Ye Jin turned around and ran out, the artillery fire from outside also hit the ship, causing the ship to shake violently. It also shook Ye Jin almost to the ground, and even Bai Bai, who was holding in his hand, almost fell under the chair.   


Ye Jin panicked and hugged Bai Bai tightly, looked around with a pale face, and saw that everyone was running around looking for a safe place to hide, some people were trembling in the gap under the seats.


Ye Jin was surrounded by four people, quietly protecting him, but Ye Jin, who was nervous and panicked, didn’t realize it at all.


After the hull stopped shaking, Ye Jin hurriedly got up again and ran to the back of the cabin. After running to the end of the cabin, Ye Jin’s forehead was sweating anxiously from the closed cabin door in front of him


He lowered his head and asked worriedly, “Bai Bai, this hatch is closed, what should I do if I can’t open it?” As he asked, Ye Jin stretched out his hand and pushed the door hard.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s anxious forehead sweating, and comforted: “Don’t worry, calm down Jin Jin, you can see if there are buttons on the surrounding walls, the storage place for this kind of life-saving capsule will be outside the door. There’s an emergency door opening button.”


Ye Jin took a deep breath when he heard Fu Chen’s words, and after calming down, nodded earnestly and started looking around the cabin door. 


When Ye Jin was looking for the door opening button, his spaceship was opened by the captain, and under the siege of the star thieves, rushed to the periphery of the encirclement.


When it was about to rush out of the encirclement, the spaceship was hit by one of the star thieves again. He couldn’t help but tremble again.


The moment Ye Jin found the cabin open button and opened the cabin door, the spaceship’s energy warehouse was destroyed by the star thieves, and the hull trembled fiercely.


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The open protective cover was also extinguished in an instant, and then the voice of the man just now sounded in the cabin.


“Your energy warehouse has been destroyed. I suggest that you don’t make senseless resistance, otherwise we can’t guarantee what will happen when we board the ship. After all, it’s not unusual for so many people to die in the universe, isn’t it? Captain Laura.”


Captain Laura was in charge of the spaceship. Hearing the threat of the pirates outside, she had cold sweat on her forehead but she still said firmly.


“Wouldn’t you kill me if I didn’t resist? Who doesn’t know the reputation of your Flying Eagle Star Pirates. If we don’t resist we will die. Maybe if we resist, we’ll have the chance to live!” 


The man heard Captain Laura’s words, and stared at Laura in the picture with gloomy eyes and said fiercely: “Good! good! Since I already gave you a way to live, and you won’t leave, I hope you can handle whatever happens next!”     


Captain Laura heard the man’s threat, and solemnly asked her deputy to arrange for the passengers to escape in the rescue capsule, while she herself has been there the whole time, controlling the spaceship and the star thieves.


Not long after Ye Jin entered the rescue capsule with Bai Bai, the passengers who were arranged by the captain’s deputy to sit in the rescue capsule also arrived.


Seeing that someone was already using the rescue capsule, the captain’s deputy was stunned for a moment, but she didn’t say anything and let the passengers hurry in.


But when she saw that Ye Jin was using the rescue capsule, her movements were not as fast as before.


Ye Jin watched the passengers anxiously wanting to rush into the rescue capsule, and many people had to do something to enter the rescue capsule. 


Ye Jin looked at the male passengers standing in front of her rescue capsule, thinking that they were coming to save lives. 


Ye Jin couldn’t bear to let them get hurt or endangered in the cabin, but after looking at his thin body and Bai Bai, who looked weaker in his arms, he finally closed the life-saving cabin.


What Ye Jin didn’t notice was that the moment he closed the hatch, the four men standing in front of the rescue capsule nodded to each other and rushed to the other rescue capsules. 


The moment Ye Jin was about to activate the rescue capsule, The captain’s deputy who led the passengers to the rescue capsule quietly walked to Ye Jin’s rescue capsule, quietly unplugged the nutrient supply of Ye Jin’s rescue capsule, and activated Ye Jin’s rescue capsule.


Ye Jin and Fu Chen, who were just lying in the rescue capsule, fell asleep the moment the rescue capsule was activated, completely unaware that the nutrient solution in the rescue capsule was not full.


The four Fu Chen soldiers who were sent to protect Ye Jin originally planned to find the rescue capsule, so as to set the same coordinates as Ye Jin’s rescue capsule.


But as soon as they got the rescue capsule, they found that Ye Jin’s rescue capsule had been activated. They quickly ran to the rescue capsule to check, and saw that the nutrient solution display tank was not full.


One of the men who looked like a team captain looked at the captain’s deputy who was standing in front of the rescue capsule with a smug expression, and punched the man with fierce eyes. 


Soon the two fought on the chaotic spaceship. After being subdued, the captain asked in a fierce voice: “Speak! Who made you do this! Believe it or not, I will kill you!”


The man looked at the angry and vicious squad leader, and even though he was pinned to the ground, he still looked contemptuous: “Now that the energy of the spaceship is about to run out, do you think you have a chance to get out alive? 


Originally, I wanted Ye Jin to die on the spaceship too. But since he has already entered the rescue capsule, then dying in the universe can be regarded as the company of the starry sky, and he does not have to suffer the pain of the explosion of the spaceship, which is great! You should thank me.”


“You! Damn it, I’m going to kill you!” The three teammates behind the squad leader also looked at the man who was kneeling on the ground with red eyes. 


One of them said that he was about to deal with the captain’s deputy but was stopped by the captain.


“Stop! We haven’t asked the murderer out of his mouth yet, he can’t die yet!”


The soldier who was about to take action stopped waving his hand when he heard the words, stared at his deputy angrily.


He asked the team leader again: “Captain, what do you think we should do? This guy is so hard-mouthed that we can’t ask anything, and what if the spaceship really blows up if we don’t leave! We still have to find Mr. Ye’s whereabouts, maybe it will be alright! “


The captain gritted his teeth, looked around at the passengers who had spread far apart after they started fighting.


After thinking about it, Mr.Ye would hurry them all to the rescue capsule, and squeezed the two of them into a capsule.


He said: “Let’s set a similar coordinate, and we can meet at that time. I will take this person first. I can’t let him die here, and I have to ask Mr. Ye’s whereabouts from his mouth.”


The three team members below looked at the injured deputy. Although they still wanted to eat him, they finally nodded in agreement.


At this moment, the shield that the spacecraft held up with the little energy left could not support being smashed by the star thieves. 


Under the bombardment of artillery fire, the spacecraft blew up into particles scattered in the vast universe on the spot.


The moment when the spacecraft exploded, the numerous rescue capsules scattered from the rear of the cabin fell rapidly like meteors, landing towards the established nearest coordinates.


But the rescue capsule carrying Ye Jin and Fu Chen was in the middle of the landing, because of the lack of energy and nutrient solution, it slowly deviated from the established track and drifted in an unknown direction.

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