After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 49: 48

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Chapter 48: Ye Jin’s Food Thinking


Ye Jin stared at the python’s forehead, with fear and worry in his eyes.


He saw a little white fur from the forehead to the neck of the python. Because Ye Jin was far away from the python, he couldn’t clearly see what was going on there, but it didn’t affect Ye Jin’s knowledge of Fu Bai Bai being there.


Ye Jin looked nervously in the direction of the python, his heart was in his throat, and he didn’t know how Bai Bai ran to the python. Seeing how the python kept turning around, it was obvious that there was no way to tell Bai Bai without being thrown off.


Ye Jin couldn’t help but worry, for fear that Fu Bai Bai would have an accident if he didn’t pay attention, or would be eaten by a giant python. After all, the difference in size between the two was too great.


Ye Jin looked nervously at the fight between the giant python and Fu Bai Bai at the entrance of the cave.


Ye Jin wanted to go there but knew he couldn’t help, so he hesitated for a while and moved a little closer to the entrance of the cave until was still close to the entrance of the cave. 


It was only after a distance of one or two meters that he could clearly see Fu Chen’s condition.


Fu Chen’s current state is very bad. It’s not that Fu Chen is lying on the back of the python, but that Fu Chen’s entire wolf cub is entangled by the tail of the python.


As the coiled body of the python is too long, from Ye Jin’s frontal angle, it looks like Fu Chen is grabbing onto the python’s back with all four limbs.     


At this moment, Ye Jin finally saw the situation in front of him, and immediately worried and anxiously reddened his eyes.


His voice couldn’t help but tremble: “Bai Bai, are you alright? Can you answer me? You must hold on. I’ll find a way to save you!”     


Ye Jin didn’t care about Fu Chen’s response, and rushed towards the hole where the giant python was.     


And Fu Chen, who had been fighting with the python with all his strength, he didn’t speak. Although he heard Ye Jin’s call, he couldn’t find the energy to respond. 


He couldn’t breathe well, and he didn’t even have the strength to speak, but out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Ye Jin rushing here, and the golden beast pupils instantly expanded and filled with fear and worry.


“Don’t come here! Xiao Jin, it’s too dangerous here. I’m dragging it, you think of a way to leave first, see if you can contact the people outside, and then come back and help me.” 


Fu Chen watched Ye Jin get closer to him. As he got closer, he had to devote his energy to reminding Ye Jin that it was the first time that he hated so much for his weak self after returning to his ancestors.


Ye Jin was only a few steps away from the entrance of the cave. He was still a little hesitant when he heard Fu Chen’s voice. 


He also knew that he couldn’t help much in the past, and might cause trouble, but let him leave Fu Chen and run away by himself. He couldn’t do it, he could only try to think in his mind if there was any way to deal with this giant python.


However, Ye Jin hadn’t thought of any practical and effective method for a while, and he couldn’t control his legs and ran to the entrance of the hole.


But Fu Chen stretched out his claws and slashed down on the python’s back, the moment Ye Jin rushed over, causing another deep wound on the python’s body. 


The python rolled on the ground because of the pain in his body. It also caused the python’s tail to loosen for a moment.


Fu Chen also took advantage of this moment to break free. At the same time, the giant python had no time to take care of Ye Jin, who had already reached the entrance of the cave, “Xiao Jin, hurry up and get out of the cave, it will be more dangerous to stay here now!”     


Of course Ye Jin also saw Fu Chen’s actions. Looking at Fu Chen who was in danger and still thinking about him at the moment, the feeling in his heart was moved and complicated. 


Ye Jin gritted his teeth, leaned against the mountain wall and quickly slipped out of the gap Fu Chen had left for him, but he turned to look at Fu Chen, his eyes were red, as if a flame was burning in it.     


When Fu Chen saw that Ye Jin had gone out safely, his heart that had been dangling was relieved, and he began to concentrate on dealing with the giant python.    


The moment he ran out of the cave and saw the lush green plants outside the cave, Ye Jin, who was still racking his brains thinking about how to help Fu Chen, only felt his eyes brighten.     


Ye Jin finally looked worriedly at the two fighting together, and said excitedly and eagerly: “Bai Bai, you try to hold on for a while, I have found a way to deal with this giant python, you must hold on when I come back. Stay and wait for me to come back!” 


Ye Jin turned around and ran into the bushes after shouting.


Fu Chen tried his best to stop the giant python from tightening its tail. Hearing Ye Jin’s words, although he was very worried about what would happen to Ye Jin in the middle of the night, he still firmly believed in his words when he thought of the promise he made to Ye Jin during the day. A cut was made in the back of the python.


The thing Ye Jin thought of that the python was afraid of was a plant called kudzu.


This plant is the most common weed in rural areas on earth, and its roots are also considered a kind of Chinese medicinal materials. 


This plant grows very fast and does not require a high growth environment, and kudzu can grow up to three or four. 


The leaves are also separated into petals, and the flowers that bloom are clusters of pink and purple. This plant is what pythons are most afraid of.


As Ye Jin recalled the appearance of kudzu, he used his light brain to light up and ran fast in the direction where he had seen kudzu before.


Completely ignoring whether there would be any danger on the road, his mind was full of thoughts about saving Fu Chen from the python’s mouth. 


He was afraid that the speed would be too slow to catch up when he came back.     


When Ye Jin hurried to find the kudzu, he didn’t care whether he would be injured or not. So he found the long kudzu vines, he started to pull the cane, and the feeling of being stabbed by the cane caused all small wounds. Ye Jin just frowned and didn’t care at all.     

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When Ye Jin finally ran back to the cave with a bunch of kudzu vines, Fu Chen and the giant python were still deadlocked at the entrance of the cave, but they had different scars on their bodies.     


Fu Chen suffered from internal bleeding caused by being squeezed by the giant python’s tail. The blood that spit out stained the white fur, and it was very miserable. 


The python’s back was already covered in blood by Fu Chen’s claws. You can’t see an uninjured spot at all.     


Seeing Fu Chen’s dying appearance, Ye Jin felt even more anxious and worried. He hugged the kudzu in his arms and rushed in front of the giant python. The kudzu in his arms was wrapped on and around the python.    


Just as Ye Jin threw the kudzu around the giant python, the giant python, which was still struggling with rage, froze on the ground due to the severe pain.


Even the tail that was entangled in Fu Chen was loosened like a stiff and thick hemp rope with no life.


If it weren’t for the python’s open eyes, it would not have been able to tell that this was the vicious and violent python just now.


Fu Chen took the opportunity to jump off the moment the python’s tail released him. 


He looked at Ye Jin, who was in a state of embarrassment. He was originally a little angry because of his dangerous behavior of running back suddenly, but his anger disappeared in an instant. There was only distress and helplessness for Ye Jin.


After Fu Chen jumped down, Ye Jin hurried forward and gently picked it up and asked anxiously, “Bai Bai, how are you? How are you? Why are you vomiting so much blood?” 


Ye Jin couldn’t help but cry a little bit in his voice.


Fu Chen sensed Ye Jin’s cautious movements and his slightly nasal voice, and he couldn’t bear to worry Ye Jin, so he comforted him.


“Don’t worry about Xiao Jin, I just suffered a little injury, so I will go back to sleep in the nutrition cabin. Just get a good night’s sleep. Now go and clean up that python, if it recovers in a while, we will be even more dangerous.” Fu Chen said and patted Ye Jin’s arm.


Ye Jin was reminded by Fu Chen and looked up in the direction of the giant python. Looking at the giant python that was still frozen on the ground, he hesitated, “Bai Bai, what should we do with it? There is nothing at hand.”


Fu Chen also followed Ye Jin’s line of sight to look at the giant python. Looking at the big lump spread out at the entrance of the cave, he also had some headaches, and at the same time, there were bursts of severe pain from the injured internal organs.    


The two looked at each other silently for a while, but finally Ye Jin decided: “Why don’t you turn it into ingredients? 


This wild python is not poisonous, but it is huge and strong, but the inside of it contains a lot of energy. The various nutritional elements in the body are still very high, and it can be said that the whole body is a treasure.”     


Fu Chen had closed his eyes and adjusted his breath in Ye Jin’s arms to adjust to the pain in his body.


But when he suddenly heard Ye Jin say to turn this ugly python into edible ingredients, he didn’t react a bit at once. When he completely digested the meaning of Ye Jin’s words, there was only helplessness left in his heart.     


“Xiao Jin, this reptile is an inedible mutant animal in the Empire. Studies have shown that this reptile contains highly poisonous poison. 


After a normal person is infected, if they do not receive treatment within half an hour, they will die immediately. I won’t come back.” 


Fu Chen explained helplessly as he looked at Ye Jin who was staring at the giant python with excitement and how he could handle the ingredients.


“No, giant pythons like this are big in size and strength, so they shouldn’t be poisonous? Is it because they have mutated into highly poisonous pythons because they have reached the interstellar age?” Ye Jin frowned and stared at the python in doubt, muttering under his breath.


When Fu Chen heard Ye Jin’s words, a moment of doubt flashed in his heart, but seeing Ye Jin’s reluctance to turn his head to look at the giant python, he knew that he wouldn’t give up if he didn’t give it a try.


So he said: ” Xiao Jin, don’t take chances.”


 Ye Jin’s eagerness to try was pierced by Fu Chen, and he was a little discouraged, but he still didn’t give up: “It can’t move at all now, I’ll take this kudzu to see if it has fangs.


If there are no fangs, it means that it is edible, all the venom of snakes is injected into the body of the prey from the fangs, let’s check if it’s okay.” Ye Jin couldn’t help but put on a coquettish tone when he spoke.


Fu Chen helplessly looked at Ye Jin’s eager face, sighed in his heart and couldn’t bear to refuse.


He was spoiled like this, and he wanted him to continue being like this, so he could only nod his head in agreement.


Ye Jin carefully put Fu Chen aside, holding kudzu and a wooden stick in his hand, and quickly moved towards the python’s head. 


When the python was still a step or two away, Ye Jin stopped and raised his hands. He took the stick in his hand and stretched it out into the python’s mouth.


Fu Chen walked over to Ye Jin, keeping his eyes fixed on him, for fear that the python would suddenly burst into flames and hurt Ye Jin. 


Until Ye Jin came back after examining the python’s teeth, Fu Chen was still in trouble. Looking at him for the first time, he felt that he had spoiled him too much and let him become so bold.


Ye Jin walked back to Fu Chen and gently picked him up and said, “Let me say, this giant python is not poisonous. I just took a look. Although this python has teeth growing inwards in its mouth, there are no poisonous fangs growing on both sides. It is edible.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he looked at Fu Chen who said nothing, and thought about it and discussed with Fu Chen: “How about this? After processing the ingredients, let’s find an experimental product to test whether it is poisonous, and if it is not poisonous, can we eat it by ourselves?”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin, who had never given up, and after thinking about it, he decided that he should let him see the real situation by himself, then he would give up on his own, and there was no objection to Ye Jin’s proposal.


Fu Chen had no idea what kind of turning point his non-objection would bring to him this time.

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