After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 52: 51

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Chapter 51: Chaos in the Imperial Capital


After the Didu Star accident was suppressed in the hot search incident, although there are still some people in the Empire who are conspiracy theories, they are only a small minority. 


Many people no longer continue to make trouble after the military and the imperial family take action.


However, after the hot search of the spacecraft explosion and Ye Jin’s disappearance, everyone was busy investigating the incident.


Suddenly a strange remark gradually appeared on the star network, pointing out that General Fu was not on the front line, but the fact that he had been missing for many days.


At first, netizens didn’t believe it, but as more and more places discussed this matter, netizens began to doubt in their hearts. 


Some netizens even went to the official Star Announcements of the Ministry of Military Affairs to leave a message, so that they could come out and prove it. a bit.


However, the Ministry of the Army did not come out to issue a statement, which made netizens have to doubt the authenticity of the rumors. 


After netizens, you and I covered the downstairs, the title of #General Fu is missing# also slowly climbed up. Hot searches are being noticed by more and more netizens.


    [By the way, the rumors these days are not true, right? Did General Fu really disappear half a year ago? ]


    [I want a clear answer, but I don’t know where this news came from. Anyway, it was already known when I noticed it, and now it’s on the hot search. ]


    [I feel that the recent empire is very unstable. The explosion of the spaceship two days ago and today’s disappearance of Admiral Fu, it’s too coincidental that it all broke out recently, right? ]  


   [I just want to know if the news of General Fu’s disappearance for half a year is true. If it is true, what about the front line that General Fu is guarding? Wouldn’t it be dangerous if the Zerg took advantage of it to enter us? ]     


    [Upstairs, even if the general disappears, our empire still has the remaining soldiers and four legions. No matter what, it will never reach the Imperial Capital Star. Do you see any bad news in the past six months? ? ]    


    [I’m still very worried. The disappearance of General Fu will cause the empire to lose a lot of combat power, and this news always seems to be intentional when it comes out now, just to cause panic among the people of the empire. The Admiral Fu is invincible. 】


In the heated discussions among netizens, more and more people saw the hot search that was slowly climbing up. 


Many people were worried about whether the front line would not be able to hold the news while questioning the authenticity of the news. At the same time, they can also rationally analyze the truth of the matter. 


As a result, the two sides are also quarreling with each other in the hot search, which makes the people of the empire panic.


As for the lieutenant of the Fourth Army and Li Zhaoxi, who were searching for Ye Jin’s trace, their faces turned dark after being informed of the incident on Xingwang by their subordinates.


Li Zhaoxi looked at the title that was searched on Star Net again, his eyes were dark and stormy as if there was an abyss in it.


After reading the article for a while, he said to the guard beside him: “Didn’t I say that people should pay attention to the trend of Star Net at any time? 


Why are these negative news still spreading everywhere, and even on hot searches? Are the people from the Internet Supervision Department dead?” 


The guard heard Li Zhaoxi’s gloomy voice and dark face, his forehead terrified. In a cold sweat, he hurriedly lowered his head and replied with a trembling voice.


“Your Highness, your subordinate has already sent someone to investigate after receiving the news, but the specific information will not be known until the investigation results come out.”     


Li Zhaoxi glanced at his relatives. He nodded and restrained the low pressure on his body: “Get up, I hope this matter can have a result as soon as possible. In addition, since those people are not willing to work hard in their positions, let them go back and eat themselves.


After the investigation is clear, we will proceed according to the rules, and the intercessor will be found guilty.”     


After hearing Li Zhaoxi’s arrangement, the guards nodded without daring to say a word, and then quickly began to investigate the members of the royal family who were negligent in their duties. 


Those who dare to neglect their duties and let the negative news that is not conducive to the empire directly rush to the hot search, those who are responsible for this will have to bear the corresponding consequences, even members of the royal family will not tolerate it.     


After the guards left, Li Zhaoxi glanced at the news on his light brain again, and his eyes became dark again. He thought of what his father told him when he came to search for clues, about the inheritance of the Fu family and the past of the Ye family. 


Certain things that only the emperors of the empire can know.    


Regarding the Fu family’s bloodline inheritance, although he did not fully know, the Fu family has been strong for so many years, and the royal families of all dynasties have never doubted them for thousands of years. In Li Zhaoxi’s view, this is something that is not possible.


What’s more, the Fu family is now huge enough to compete with the Empire’s long-established First Army. His father trusts them very much, which makes Li Zhaoxi, who didn’t know the truth before, very puzzled. 


After the bloodline inheritance and the oath, he finally understood why.


The Fu family’s bloodline inheritance carries the oath to the empire, which is also the oath made by the first ancestor of the Fu family with the bloodline of the greedy wolf.


As long as one person in the Fu family awakens the bloodline, the Fu family will never betray the empire.


If the inheritance of the Fu family hadn’t suprise him, then Ye Jin’s identity had certainly did.


He really did not expect Ye Jin to have such a prestigious and long-standing identity. The Ye family had a recipe for dishes that healed the human body thousands of years ago.


In fact, this rumor has been circulating in the upper echelons of the empire for so many years, and they have not witnessed it. 


People always thought it was just a legend, but they didn’t expect it to actually exist, and it was on the Imperial Capital Star.


When he heard the news at that time, Li Zhaoxi couldn’t believe it, but thinking about the unheard-of food Ye Jin made and his knowledgeable knowledge, only this identity could make sense.


Li Zhaoxi looked at the information on the star network on his bare brain, and said in a low voice with an inexplicable expression: “These two people are really interesting. I hope you don’t have any trouble, otherwise I will have a lot less fun.”


After reading the news on the star net, Li Zhaoxi knew that someone in the military was going to plan something, so he immediately sent a message to Mr. Fu who was in the Imperial Capital Star, and also accelerated the pace of looking for Ye Jin and Fu Chen.

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Ye Jin and Fu Chen, who were missed by many people, were walking in the dense jungle at this time.


Te Jin was thrown to the ground by the lush weeds under his feet again. This was the third time Ye Jin had fallen in the two hours after they walked out of the cave.


“Be careful, it’s better for me to carry you. It’s not easy to walk on this kind of mountain and forest. I can walk faster with you on my back. Maybe we can get out of this forest before it gets dark.” Fu Chen walked over. He turned around and crouched down in front of Ye Jin.


Ye Jin glanced angrily at the grass that caused him to fall. He then looked at Fu Chen who was squatting in front of him, thinking that it was getting late. 


If he wasted time, the loss would outweigh the gain, and there would be no opposing Fu Chen’s proposal. He just felt a little embarrassed that he was dragging his feet again.     


Ye Jin climbed up behind Fu Chen with a blushing face. As Fu Chen hugged Ye Jin’s legs and started to walk forward, Ye Jin fell asleep unconsciously.     


In fact, after the two of them had lunch and confirmed that Fu Chen was in good health, in order to get out of this jungle and to be able to communicate with the outside world, they both decided to walk around again to see if they could get out, or to take a closer look.


Are there any aboriginal people here, try to get in touch with people outside.     


It’s just that the two of them walked along the water source they found earlier for more than two hours, but they still didn’t get out of the forest. 


Instead, the bushes and weeds became denser as they walked, which also caused Ye Jin to trip over more than once.     


Fu Chen carried Ye Jin all the way and stopped until the sun was about to set, and Fu Chen saw a group of animals drinking water by the water source, but he still did not see any trace of anyone here.     


Ye Jin also woke up in a daze from Fu Chen’s back. As soon as he looked up, he saw five or six super-large animals drinking water by the stream. 


They were almost bigger than the small camels on the earth. Most of the feathers are reddish brown, the wings are dark brown, and there are five extra-long colorful tail feathers on the back. The head of the large animal is a beak-like beak and a big red cockscomb.    


Ye Jin’s expression became clear again immediately. After carefully scrutinizing this huge guy for a while, he said excitedly to Fu Chen, “Bai Bai, Bai Bai, let me down, our dinner is ready!”     


Listening to the energetic and excited voice of the man on his back, Fu Chen put Ye Jin down and glanced at the animals in front of him. 


He turned around and said with a soft voice and a smile, “So you’re awake? The first thing you do when you wake up is thinking of eating?”


Ye Jin heard Fu Chen’s teasing and his cheeks turned slightly red, and murmured, “I was just too tired. You told me that there were these guys who claimed to be tender and delicious, I didn’t say it subconsciously.”


After saying that, Ye Jin smiled embarrassedly at Fu Chen.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s cute appearance, he couldn’t help but want to tease him. He turned to look at the animals who were still drinking water calmly, not afraid of them and said, “The dinner you’re talking about isn’t the same as the ones in front of you?


It looks very similar to the chickens that the empire has discovered, but the color of the feathers is much brighter. But how are you going to catch them?”


Ye Jin turned his head subconsciously when he heard Fu Chen’s words. 


He said sincerely: “Wouldn’t that be you? Look, as an imperial general, you must have supernatural powers, right? It shouldn’t be difficult to deal with a chicken with such powerful superpowers? So, I’ll leave it to you next. Here!”


Ye Jin also looked at Fu Chen’s hands with bright eyes, curious about what Fu Chen’s ability was.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s bright eyes, his originally cold face softened, and he said with a smile that couldn’t help it: “Xiao Jin wants to see my ability? It’s not impossible, my body has just recovered. What should I do if my abilities are not flexible?”


Fu Chen’s eyes drifted to Ye Jin, wanting to see his reaction.


Sure enough, Ye Jin was a little hesitant when he heard that Fu Chen might not be very flexible just after recovering his powers. 


He glanced at the golden pheasant drinking water in front of him, and then looked at Fu Chen worriedly. 


The tangled expression on his face made Fu Chen feel in his heart. It’s funny and cute at the same time, and I can’t help but want to reach out and pinch his face.


How could Ye Jin know about Fu Chen’s thoughts? After some entanglement, he still reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​catching the golden pheasant, but looked at Fu Chen worriedly.


He said, “Forget it, it’s your body that matters. We still ate yesterday. The marinated snake meat is also helpful for your body.”


Ye Jin hesitated for a while, but couldn’t help but ask the doubts in his heart, “Is your body really okay now? If it can be used normally, will it affect the body?”


Fu Chen just wanted to tease Ye Jin, but when he heard Ye Jin’s worried question, he was a little reluctant to let him be so worried.


After Ye Jin’s question fell, he said, “No problem. I was teasing you just now. Don’t worry. Although it hasn’t returned to its peak state, it’s okay to catch a chicken. It’ll be fine after two days when the body gets used to the new state.”


“You, you are too much. You clearly know I’m worried about you, yet you still scare me like this!” Ye Jin glared at Fu Chen with his beautiful peach eyes.


“Okay, okay, I was wrong, don’t be angry, there will be no next time, okay, I promise! I’ll catch chickens for you now!” Fu Chen stared at Ye Jin’s bright peach eyes and hurriedly pledged.


When Ye Jin heard Fu Chen’s assurance, he glared at him angrily and said, “If there is another next time, I won’t care about you again. You know I’m very worried about your health, but you make fun of me!”


Fu Chen glanced at Ye Jin angrily grumbling. Although he thought it was cute, he also knew that he had used the wrong way this time, so after reassuring that there would be no next time. When Ye Jin gave him a good look, he hurried to catch pheasants.


After Fu Chen caught a huge golden pheasant, the two followed the trails left by the group of golden pheasants that scattered in a hurry. 


They found a comparative cave nearby and picked up some firewood to clean up. Only then did they start to clean up. 


Ye Jin intends to use this golden pheasant to make a disassembled version of the beggar chicken. After all, in this place where there is no village or store, he can only do whatever is convenient.

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