After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 54: 53

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Chapter 53: Ye Jin at a loss


In a fairly flat stone pot, there was a pot of clear soup floating in the neatly sliced ​​snake meat that Ye Jin asked Fu Chen to cut with energy.  


Ye Jin had put some salt and some newly found common wild vegetables in the soup and he cooked. The taste was only slightly salty with the bland taste of wild vegetables.


Ye Jin looked at the ordinary-colored and ordinary-flavored soup in the pot, and took a sip, getting an indescribable taste. Unexpectedly the taste was not bad.


Ye Jin gave the unburnt half of the roast chicken to Fu Chen and said, “Here, eat it. Although this soup doesn’t look good, it should taste good when paired with roast chicken. I don’t know when we will be able to get out of here.” 


“When I go back, I must make a big table of delicious food. Now I can only eat roasted things here every day. I can’t find any seasonings. If I can find some wild aniseed ingredients, I will be able to make more delicious food.”


As he said that, he was about to bite part of the burnt chicken in his hand, but was stopped by Fu Chen.


Ye Jin looked up at Fu Chen in a daze. Fu Chen took the roast chicken away from his hand and handed the other half that was not burnt to Ye Jin’s hand.


Ye Jin looked at the oily and golden roast chicken in his hand, and at the burnt roast chicken that Fu Chen was gnawing on. He felt a little strange in his heart, but he didn’t hate this feeling.


After the two finished eating the roast chicken with the snake soup, it was already dark outside. 


After discussing it, the two decided to rest tonight and continue to walk along the water source tomorrow to see if they can find a way out. 


Before going to sleep, Ye Jin turned on the light brain again and tried to send a message to Ye Lin’an who was in the imperial capital, but still got nothing.


Ye Jin and Fu Chen were eating delicious food in snake soup and grilled chicken, while the Fu family and Ye family of the imperial capital star were worried because of their disappearance.


There was no news from the people sent out to search, and although the Fourth Army Corps and Li Zhaoxi had followed the clues to investigate. They could not feel at ease every day without news.  


However, because of dealing with some moths in the military department and dealing with the First Legion, he has never been able to spare time.


On this day, Mr. Fu finally had a rest after arguing with some moths in the military department, and received a communication from Fu Chen’s adjutant Xiao Lang, saying that he had found the place where the general and Mr. Ye disappeared last.


But because the traces appeared last is a very dense meteorite turbulence in the place, so it is difficult for their spacecraft to approach, which has also caused their recent search work to have no progress.


After listening to Xiao Lang’s report, Mr. Fu’s originally frowned brows were now wrinkled into a deep scowl. 


After pondering for a while, Mr. Fu said in a deep voice: “Send the location coordinates, and I will immediately send the most top-ranking battleship pilots to drive the battleship over. No matter what, you must find him back!”


Xiao Lang on the other side of the light brain heard Mr. Fu’s still calm voice, and gave a military salute neatly, and the voice firmly assured: “Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!”


After hanging up the communication, Mr. Fu immediately ordered someone to drive the battleship to find someone at the coordinates sent by Xiao Lang. 


At the same time, the Ye family also asked Ye Lin’an to find someone at the location after receiving the news.  The high-level executives all received the news on the fourth day after Ye Jin and Fu Chen disappeared, but everyone had different thoughts. 


The Imperial City Star seemed to be filled with a strong smell of gunpowder at this moment.


In the early morning of the next day, Ye Jin and Fu Chen got up and put the needed things and marinated chicken into the space button. They then started to continue their journey along the water source.


Along the way, Ye Jin looked around while walking, there was nothing but dense grass and trees, but after staring at these plants for a long time, Ye Jin felt that his eyes were a little blurred, and he was not far in front of the water source.


In a tall and dense forest, he saw a relatively short tree with a weird shape, which looked very out of place next to a bunch of big trees.


Ye Jin closed his eyes and opened them again, and took a closer look to the front right, and found that the tree was still there. 


Ye Jin pulled Fu Chen who was walking beside him, he anxiously pointed in the direction of the tree and asked: “Bai Bai, Bai Bai, take a look in that direction. Is there a tree that looks very short, looks different from other trees?”


Fu Chen has always paid attention to Ye Jin, fearing that he would fall down again or be tired and embarrassed to say so, now hearing Ye Jin’s anxious question, he looked in the direction Ye Jin pointed.


There was indeed a very special tree in the direction pointed, so he nodded and said in affirmation: “There is indeed a relatively short tree. What’s the matter, Xiao Jin?”


Ye Jin heard Fu Chen’s affirmation and couldn’t wait to answer his words, so he took Fu Chen’s hand and hurried towards the tree.


After running in front of the tree, Ye Jin looked at the lotus petal-like plants growing on the soil, and then looked down at the thick layer of reddish-brown shriveled plants that had fallen on the ground.

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He felt so happy and ran away immediately to pick it up under the tree while explaining to Fu Chen: “Bai Bai, this is a kind of spice called star anise. It is also a relatively common ingredient in ancient earth. It can be used to make various foods, such as stewed meat and the lo-mei I mentioned before. If you use it as an ingredient, it will taste delicious.  It will be richer and tastier.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he wrapped up all the star anises he had picked and put them in the space button, and picked some seeds and put them away.


Then he stood up and said to Fu Chen with a happy face: “Bai Bai, let’s go,  I’ve already picked them up and collected some seeds, but it’s a pity that I can’t cut a branch back, otherwise it will be easier to grow.”


Fu Chen glanced at the branch, walked over without saying a word, reached out and broke a branch and handed it to Ye Jin, and left a mark on the tree with his ability.


Ye Jin looked at the branch of the star anise tree that was handed to him, then glanced at Fu Chen who was silent and calm, and burst out laughing.


After laughing enough, Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen and said, “It’s not that I can’t reach it, but I just feel that we don’t know how long we will stay here. We can’t store it for a long time even if we break off the branches now.,”


“It will be the same as when the branches are dead, the plant will not survive, and it will be useless.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin who was smiling so hard that his eyes narrowed. Although he knew what he said was reasonable, he rubbed his head in a good mood and said, “It’s okay, as long as you are happy. I made a mark on the tree, I can come back when we can get out of here.”


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen who was thinking of everything for him, felt the strength of his hand on her head, stared at Fu Chen’s resolute and handsome face in a daze, until he felt his hand being held by Fu Chen.


Ye Jin looked at his hand being held by Fu Chen, but he didn’t have the slightest intention of shaking it off or letting Fu Chen let go, instead he subconsciously held the hand tightly. 


The two walked hand in hand in the woods for a long time, until they came to an open flat land, the two naturally let go of each other’s hands, and looked around.


Ye Jin looked at the woods where they walked all the way, from the open place where they were. It was still impossible to see the end, but on the other side of the flat land where they were standing, there were still groves of trees that could not be seen.  


The open land where they were located seemed to be the junction of two forests.


Looking at another forest, Ye Jin found that the trees there were taller and darker than the forest they walked out of, making Ye Jin subconsciously feel uneasy and uncomfortable.


Ye Jin walked back to Fu Chen’s side, poked his arm and said worriedly: “Bai Bai, I always feel that the forest opposite is very dangerous, he gives me a very uncomfortable feeling, why don’t we go there and go to other places? Let’s take a look in that direction, shall we?”


Fu Chen felt Ye Jin’s movement on his arm, and only felt that the place he poked was a little itchy, itching all the way to his heart.


However, hearing Ye Jin’s worry, Fu Chen restrained his mind and said in relief: “Well, let’s go along with it first. In this open area, maybe the light brain can contact the outside world.”


Fu Chen had already noticed the forest in front of them before Ye Jin, and his senses were more acute than Ye Jin’s. 


Ye Jin just felt uneasy and uncomfortable, but Fu Chen could feel that there was a huge monster inside.  


Although it will not cause danger to him, it will be very troublesome if it is matched, and he is still carrying Ye Jin by his side, which makes Fu Chen even less willing to take unnecessary risks.


Not long after the two of them walked along the open area, it was already 10 noon. Ye Jin took out the marinated chicken and wrapped it in reed leaves according to what he said yesterday, and then spread a layer on the outside of the reed leaves.  


With thick yellow mud, two pits were dug on the ground, one to bury the chicken and the other to burn the fire.


In between the fires, Ye Jin asked Fu Chen to light the fire, and then he built a simple clay stove on the ground, and boiled a pot of wild vegetable soup in a stone pot.


An hour later, Ye Jin ate the roasted salty beggar chicken and drank wild vegetable soup, sighed contentedly and said bitterly: “It really feels like a picnic, if there is nothing in this place. I think it’s good to stay in this place all the time. 


If there’s a chance, I’ll make you the most authentic beggar’s chicken when I go back, it’s a hundred times more delicious than the current one!”


Ye Jin took a sip of the soup and his eyes sparkled, as if he was drinking something extremely delicious.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s bright eyes, and couldn’t help but feel a little distressed. Since his Xiao Jin had cried twice two days ago, he has never seen him sad again, and he looks very happy in everything he sees.  


However he knew that Ye Jin was still uneasy in his heart. He hadn’t frowned in his sleep for a long time, but in the past few days, he still couldn’t let go of his mind in his sleep.


Thinking of this, Fu Chen couldn’t help stretching out his hand to caress Ye Jin’s smiling eyebrows, and said in a very gentle tone: “If there is a chance in the future, I will take you to a more beautiful place than here, where you want to be. You can do anything without restless nights and worries.”


Fu Chen’s words flashed a hint of surprise and bewilderment, but seeing Fu Chen’s gentle eyebrows and eyes, he couldn’t help showing a hint of joy and joy in his heart.


Although it caused these complicated feelings and confused his thoughts.

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