After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 59: 58

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Chapter 58: Pork Ribs, Yam and Wolfberry Soup

Ye Jin looked at the malicious remarks that were quickly posted on the bullet screen, as well as the messages that forced him to hand over some recipes and formulas.


He narrowed his eyes sharply, and said to the live broadcast room: “I’m just teaching you how to make special recipes today. Secret recipe? I have never hidden them. 


As for those who just forced me to hand over any secret recipe, don’t say that I have never kept secrets. Even if I did, it would be something I researched myself. How do you deal with it when it has nothing to do with you? 


Instead of being envious of others here, it is better to fight for yourself, the keyboard will not bring you any success, and in the current era of all real-name systems, you will only become a loser in reality.”


After Ye Jin said this, he stopped talking to the black fans in the live broadcast room, soaked the peeled and cut yams in cold water, and chopped the pork ribs back from the store into pieces and washed them well.


Fans who had regained their sanity in the live broadcast room heard Ye Jin’s recent remarks, and posted comments such as 666 and Haogang’s support in the barrage.


After Ye Jin put the pork ribs in the pot and began to blanch them to remove the fishy smell, he cut the onion and ginger and said, “Because today’s dish is mainly for healing, and it was mainly made for the wounded at the time, so the taste will be really light.


But the therapeutic effect will come out after half a month of continuous consumption. In order to thank everyone for their support and trust in me, after this soup is ready, there will be a lottery draw, and the specific points will be determined according to how much it is boiled.”


While talking, Ye Jin took out the blanched pork ribs and washed them. He then put the pork ribs, yam, and sliced ​​ginger into a multi-functional stew pot, and added hot water that hadn’t been used to stew for two hours.


After Ye Jin finished all these steps, he picked up the remaining yam and made a stir-fried yam in a frying pan.


Ye Jin and Fu Chen both relied on barbecue meat to fill their stomachs in the forest of the primitive planet before, but barbecues are relatively oily, so the dish and soup Ye Jin made today not only has a stronger function of repairing damage, but also plans to use light soup and vegetarian food to clear the stomach.


While frying the yam, Ye Jin said: “This is stir-fried yam, because I have been living in a virgin forest before and ate barbecued meat, and after the warship returned to the voyage for a few days, I also relied on nutrient solution to maintain my body’s needs, so Today, I made two light dishes to clear the stomach.”


After finishing the sentence, Ye Jin turned over the yam, put the chopped chili into it and stir-fried evenly. After a while, a sweet smell came out of the pot, there was a faint spicy aroma in it.


Everyone watching the live broadcast stared at the dish Ye Jin was stir-frying with bright eyes.


Ye Jin put the fried yams on the cooking table, glanced at the live broadcast room and found that everyone was already tasting the dishes when he put them out of the pot, all praising the deliciousness.


So he didn’t say anything more, but turned around and soaked a glass of hawthorn water and put it aside.


The fans in the live broadcast room had different disputes about the fried yam.


    [What do you say about this fried yam? I can’t say it’s not delicious, but it doesn’t feel that amazing. It’s the feeling that it can be done with or without it. Did Jin Jin forget to add other seasonings? I think only salt is added. ]


    [+1, I don’t think it’s very tasty. Jin Jin’s dishes were filled with a lot of things before, but this time I only put salt. Haven’t I forgotten the steps since I haven’t done it for a long time? ]


    [I think it’s okay, yam has a sweet and crispy feeling, plus a little bit of spicy taste, it’s really refreshing. ]


    [I just don’t think it’s that exciting. The taste is not bad but it’s not delicious. I don’t like this dish very much. 】


    【Although it’s not the amazing type, I think the taste is still very good. It’s crispy, sweet and refreshing with a hint of salty and spicy taste, which is quite memorable. It’s not that bad. 】


    [I agree, although the taste is not as amazing as the thick and rich dishes, it is a refreshing dish. I think it is quite delicious. Don’t forget that this is a light taste. 】


    [That’s right, before Jin Jin said that this yam is a kind of Chinese medicinal material, and that it has a therapeutic effect, but it’s bland. Why are you still talking about that. ]


    [That’s right, I just don’t think it tastes good. It’s not as amazing as the previous dishes, so I can’t express my opinion? 】


Ye Jin took out a portion of stir-fried yam and took a look at the live broadcast room. Seeing everyone’s different attitudes towards the stir-fried yam, he did not refute.


He instead smiled and said: “Everyone, don’t argue, but be harmonious. Regarding the taste of fried yam, it is actually a simple and easy-to-cook home-cooked dish. Since everyone has different tastes, they will have different feelings. We must learn to seek common ground while reserving differences, and tolerate all differences.”


After Ye Jin persuaded him to pack the dishes in his hand and put them in a box, he turned to look at the pork rib soup stewed in the stew pot. 


Everyone in the live broadcast room also stopped the signs of quarreling because of Ye Jin’s persuasion. The barrage also subsided.




“…Admiral, the recent 4th Legion’s armies are all the above, and regarding the previous explosion of the spacecraft, we found out that someone deliberately delayed the rescue of the cruisers. When the search and rescue personnel encountered an attack by an unknown organization, all kinds of clues point to the First Legion.”


In Fu Chen’s office of the Military Department, Xiao Lang reported to Fu Chen about the various situations he had found recently with a serious expression.


But Xiao Long didn’t hear a response half a day after his report, Fu Chen still looked at his optical brain with a serious expression. This made Xiao Lang couldn’t help but feel a little doubt in his heart, and he called Fu Chen a few more times before he gave Xiao Lang some attention.


Fu Chen looked away from the optical brain and turned to Xiao Lang with a solemn expression: “Since we have found the clues, let’s continue to dig deeper to find the evidence. Since the First Legion has made a move, he will have to bear the consequences.” 


Speaking of which, Fu Chen Chen paused for a moment with a stern look and sharp eyes, waved his hand to stop what Xiao Lang was going to say, and said: “After collecting the evidence, hand it over to the military court and His Majesty. 


If the military court refuses to accept it or the result is not satisfactory, then we will make a decision on our own. It’s not too late to start, after all, we are good citizens who abide by the law, aren’t we?”

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Xiao Lang loosened his frown after hearing this, and nodded with a relaxed expression. Fu Chen’s behavior of staring at the optical brain from time to time aroused curiosity. 


He changed his serious expression just now and said with a playful smile: “Admiral, what good things do you see? Share it with your brothers.”


Fu Chen raised his head from the light brain, His eyes swept over Xiao Lang lightly: “Have you finished your work? Have you trained those recruits? Is there still time to waste here?”


Although Xiao Lang was scared by Fu Chen’s two questions, he still didn’t show any fear, instead he said with a smile, “Don’t worry, General. It’s not hard for me to rest for a while, and it’s not like you don’t know how difficult those recruits are.”


Fu Chen listened to Xiao Lang’s complaint while looking at the light brain on his wrist, it was the picture of Ye Jin’s live broadcast room. 


At this time, Ye Jin was serving rice and chatting with everyone. What happened in the live broadcast room just now was also seen by Fu Chen. 


Looking at the live broadcast room that had been properly handled by Ye Jin, Er’er couldn’t help feeling proud.


Xiao Lang complained a lot on the side, but he didn’t hear Fu Chen’s voice. When he turned his head and looked over, he found that Fu Chen was looking at the computer again at the moment, and he couldn’t help but ask curiously.


Fu Chen looked at his soon to be fiancé on the screen, and was so annoyed by Xiao Lang’s words in his ears that he couldn’t stand it.


So he could only say coldly: “You are limited to deal with those few things just now within a week, and if you can’t deal with them, you can go and let the recruits train together.”


Originally, Xiao Lang just wanted to see what Fu Chen was looking at, but unexpectedly, he got such an errand for himself. 


In order to prevent himself from being punished, he had no choice but to deal with it bitterly.


After Xiao Lang left, Fu Chen looked at his baby getting busy with the barrage. He couldn’t help showing a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes also smiled gently. He then tapped a few times on the light brain. 


After Ye Jin packed the things, he switched the light brain screen and sent a message to Fu Chen. After that, he went to see the pork rib soup that was cooking and added a little salt and chopped green onion.


When Ye Jin was putting seasoning and ingredients on the ribs, a large gift special effect suddenly exploded in the live broadcast room, making the live broadcast room even more lively.


After Ye Jin filled a bowl of pork rib soup and put it on the cooking table, he raised his head to discover the situation in the live broadcast room. 


When he saw someone gave a gift, he politely thanked her, and then said to everyone in the live broadcast room: “Okay, pork ribs yam soup is also ready, let’s draw a lottery. Draw ten copies!”


Ye Jin said and started to set up a lottery in the live broadcast room, and after finishing it, he watched a big pot of pork rib soup and began to pack out eleven copies.


Everyone in the live broadcast room was looking forward to this pot of soup from Ye Jin, and now it seems that it has been prepared and even packed, and they no longer pay attention to what gifts this new boss has bought. 


After tasting the delicious and sweet pork rib soup on the cooking table, they began to discuss and look forward to the lucky draw. 


However, this time there was no quarrel due to the polarization of tastes. Instead, they all focused on the powerful healing properties of this soup effect.


    【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! Although the taste of this soup is not so strong, its healing effect is a bit against the sky. You can feel a warm current passing through your body through the holographic image! ]


    [I want to blow up this soup! Regardless of the taste, it is the healing feeling that can be felt through the hologram, it is NO. 1]


     [Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I can actually feel the charm of a special dish once! This soup is too powerful! You can feel the warm feeling of energy flow only through the hologram! 】


    [This soup is not only delicious and healing, but also so powerful, I hope I can draw a lottery! ]


    [I love it, I love it! Jin Jin is really handsome and kind-hearted. Such a powerful soup is drawn as soon as the lottery is announced, it is made in front of more than one billion viewers in the live broadcast room. I don’t know if we can make it at home. ]


    [Hope I can be drawn! As long as I can draw one, I am willing to donate half of my property to the empire for charity! 】


    【Upstairs is so proud, I wait for the poor to donate as much as I can, I hope to win a lottery! 】


Amid the various prayers of the people in the live broadcast room, the result of the lottery has also come out. Some people are happy and others are sad.


Not long after, Ye Jin’s live broadcast made special dishes with powerful effects, which directly won the star network hot search, allowing Ye Jin to further civilize the entire interstellar world.


What happened afterwards also made the netizens of the empire clearly understand how lucky the empire is to have someone like Ye Jin.


As for now, after the lottery draw and the end of the live broadcast, Ye Jin sent the extra meal to Fu Chen at the address that Fu Chen replied to. 


When he received the message that Fu Chen had received, he knew that he was not busy so he immediately sent him a video request.



Flo's notes:

Pork ribs with yam

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