After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 61: 60

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Chapter 60: Meeting the parents (2)


After Fu Chen left, Mr. Fu nodded in deep relief, but after a while, his brows frowned as if he was thinking about something, and after a long while, his brows relaxed, and a smile of unknown meaning appeared on his face. Go out early in the morning and head towards the palace.


On Ye Jin’s side, after having breakfast the next day, he got up and went to the research institute.


Ye Jin came to the gate of the scientific research institute with the things he had sorted out yesterday, and saw Mu Zhihe and a few men with eyes standing at the gate, looking around. With a happy face, he walked towards Ye Jin.


Mu Zhihe looked at Ye Jin who had just got out of the car, and asked with a smile on his face: “Xiao Jin, you are finally here. Where are the things? Where are the things? Have you brought them?”


Ye Jin looked at Mu Zhihe, finding the situation a little amusing: “Director Mu, you are too anxious, and you are not going to invite me in?” 


Mu Zhihe patted his forehead when he heard Ye Jin’s words, and followed after the young people behind him walked away, they said to Ye Jin with a smile: “How can I? I just forgot about it when I was happy. Let’s go, go in quickly. 


Let me tell you that when I heard about your accident, I was very worried. I was relieved when I saw you came back safely yesterday. 


I didn’t expect that you not only came back, but also brought back newly discovered ingredients and new healing dishes. This is really a surprise. Ah, what a happy occasion for the empire.”


Ye Jin followed Mu Zhihe to his lounge while chatting with Mu Zhihe, and when the two sat on the chairs in the lounge and held teacups, Mu Zhihe finally got the long-awaitedyams and a small bag of goji berries, as well as the goji berries that Ye Jin put away before Fu Chen brought back.     


Mu Zhihe looked at the two things in front of him, stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, and carefully touched the withered branch, raised his head and said to Ye Jin with a sigh: “I didn’t expect that I can still be here now.” Seeing the normal crops of the real ancient earth, if these two ingredients can be grown in large quantities, then the soldiers of our empire will be saved.”


Ye Jin looked at the sighing Mu Zhihe, and felt a little uncomfortable. When he was in Shita Star, Ye Jin cooked dishes for the soldiers for half a month. 


In production, he didn’t really see those soldiers who were injured in the desperate battle on the front line, but Adjutant Luo always told him about everyone’s physical condition, and Ye Jin felt very uncomfortable every time he heard it.


Thinking about this, Ye Jin also asked the doubts in his heart: “Director Mu, according to the current technological level of the empire, the injuries in the soldiers’ bodies shouldn’t be impossible to heal? Why have they been unable to do so for so many years?”


Mu Zhihe was still happily observing the things Ye Jin sent, but now hearing Ye Jin’s doubts, he looked back at Ye Jin and sighed.


“Hey! It’s not the debt left by the ancestors, This matter is actually not a secret among the upper echelons of the empire, so it’s okay to tell you.”


Thinking of this, Mu Zhihe sorted out his thoughts with a serious expression, and then said: “This matter has to be discussed from when the empire was first established. At that time, because the empire was too weak shortly after its establishment, it had been bullied by the aborigines and Zerg in the interstellar.


The empire’s supernatural powers would cause heavy casualties every time they went to battle, but at that time the empire’s supernatural powers were limited. 


They couldn’t afford this kind of consumption as they have been in a state of being suppressed and beaten, but at the time of the most severe suppression, a person who can make special dishes appeared. 


Only then did this status quo be broken, and the supernatural beings of the empire were able to survive. There was a respite, of course. But only after the empire overcomes difficulties and develops smoothly, the rulers of the empire knew of ​​​​the Ye family.”     


“They insisted that not only one person in the Ye family can make healing dishes, but the whole family can do it. 


They think that the Ye family has a secret that this dish can not only heal the damage in the body but also prolong the life of a person. 


It is more powerful than anti-aging medicine, so they forced the Ye family to hand over the secret recipe.”


“And the Ye family didn’t hand over the so-called secret recipe, and the final result was that they were all wiped out. So since then, the empire has nothing for scientists to study, and they haven’t researched any medicine that can heal the damage in the human body for so many years. 


In fact, the scientific research institutes of the empire have never given up for so many years, but because there is no material, they have not researched anything useful.” 


Mu Zhihe also sighed helplessly and unwillingly when he said this, and his mood was visibly depressed.


After hearing what Mu Zhihe said, Ye Jin probably understood which Ye family he was talking about, and he didn’t know what to say about the events of that year. 


Curiously he couldn’t help asking: “Are you talking about the Ye family who has been making imperial meals since the ancient earth?”


Mu Zhihe originally planned to continue talking, but after hearing Ye Jin’s question, he looked a little surprised. 


He said to him: “You know the Ye family? The healing power of the first person who can make healing dishes back then was much stronger than yours now. You will basically be cured after eating two meals.” 


Mu Zhihe shook his head, it was obviously a pity.


Hearing Mu Zhihe’s words, Ye Jin felt curious about this family once, and couldn’t help asking: “Director Mu, do you know where this Ye family is now? When I heard people talking about it before, I really wanted to talk to them about cooking skills, but no one knows their specific news at all.”


Mu Zhihe looked at the eager Ye Jin, and couldn’t help showing a smile on his face, it was only in this kind of thing that he could see Ye Jin’s immature side.


“I’m not very clear about this. Since you know this, you should have heard about the Ye family. The rulers of the empire drove the Ye family to extinction for their own selfish desires. 


After so many years, it is difficult to trace the Ye family. We were discovered.” Mu Zhihe shook his head while speaking.


Ye Jin sighed regretfully when he heard Mu Zhihe’s words, and knew that it was impossible to see the Ye family members.


Because of this incident, Ye Jin’s interest was not so high. In the end, he only discussed the planting of yam and wolfberry with Mu Zhihe. 


Finally, Ye Jin talked to Mu Zhihe about the cutting of wolfberry branches. Mu Zhihe sent it to the gate of the scientific research institute.


The two talked all the way to the entrance of the scientific research institute. Ye Jin just planned to call a suspension car to go to his store to have a look. 

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As soon as he turned his head, he saw Fu Chen standing at the entrance of the scientific research institute.     


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen, who was standing in front of a levitation car on the side of the road opposite the scientific research institute. 


He was wearing a neat military uniform, with a tall and straight figure, a firm and handsome face, and was walking towards him step by step.     


Mu Zhihe was still talking to Ye Jin, but when he hadn’t heard Ye Jin speak for a long time, followed Ye Jin’s line of sight.


When he saw Fu Chen who was walking towards this side, he couldn’t help but was a little surprised and said: ” Hey, why did Admiral Fu come here?”     


Mu Zhihe looked curiously at Fu Chen who came up to him, and wanted to say hello to him at first.


But looking at Fu Chen’s deep eyes, he, again, followed his line of sight and found that he was looking at Ye Jin standing beside him.     


Fu Chen walked up to Ye Jin, nodded to Mu Zhihe who was standing beside him as a greeting, then turned his gaze to Ye Jin and said softly, “Xiao Jin, I’ll pick you up.”     


Ye Jin listened to Fu Chen’s deep and gentle voice. The soft expression made him smile at Fu Chen, and nodded with sparkling eyes.     


As for Mu Zhihe, who was standing aside, seeing their every move and the warm and sweet bubbles around them, thought that he might have eaten too much breakfast today and coughed lightly.     


Ye Jin, who was still talking to Fu Chen, only then remembered that there was Director Mu beside him when he heard the cough.     


Fu Chen also turned his head to look at Mu Zhihe, nodded to him and said, “Director Mu, long time no see.” 


Mu Zhihe probably knew the two holding hands and the atmosphere around him just now. 


Their relationship made him look critically at Fu Chen, but to be honest, Fu Chen is indeed a rare talent, and there is nothing to be picky about in terms of family background, so it is no problem to match Ye Jin.


Mu Zhihe and Ye Jin have known each other for so long and have always regarded Ye Jin as their junior. 


Seeing Fu Chen’s greeting and his attitude towards Ye Jin now, he also nodded in his heart and said, “It’s been a long time. Seeing that Admiral Fu has spare time to pick up people. Yes, people are still available.” 


Mu Zhihe looked at Ye Jin and nodded, and the last sentence was obviously addressed to Ye Jin.


Ye Jin smiled even more when he heard this, and nodded to Mu Zhihe to thank him for caring about him so much.


After following Fu Chen on his suspension car, Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen curiously and said, 


“Why did you suddenly come to pick me up today?” Ye Jin leaned into Fu Chen’s ear and whispered, “Could it be that you miss me because I didn’t see you last night?”


Fu Chen’s ears became red. After setting the suspension car to autopilot, he turned his head and looked at Ye Jin face to face.


The distance between the two was very close, and the tip of their noses was only a centimeter away from touching each other.


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen’s dark and deep eyes, as well as his own face reflected in the eyes, and instantly felt that he saw the whole world in these eyes, which made him fascinated for a moment.


Looking at Ye Jin’s appearance, Fu Chen couldn’t help but see a gentle smile in his eyes. 


He stretched out his right hand to wrap around Ye Jin’s waist, and gently stroked Ye Jin’s bright eyes with the other hand, and laughed softly. It was a laughter full of joy.


Ye Jin was brought back to his senses by Fu Chen’s laughter. Looking at Fu Chen who suddenly smiled happily, and feeling the slight itchiness of Fu Chen’s hand rubbing his cheek, he realized that he was actually being embraced by Fu Chen.


Thinking of the way he was ogling Fu Chen’s eyes just now, he also felt a little ashamed, but Ye Jin did not withdraw from Fu Chen’s embrace.


Even after recovering, Ye Jin reached out and covered Fu Chen’s eyes with his palms and said, “Your eyes are really beautiful. I see myself in them, and it seems to see the whole world.”


Fu Chen Hearing that the right hand that was holding Ye Jin’s waist lightly exerted some strength, and hugged Ye Jin to his lap, he said in a gentle voice, “It’s because you are in my eyes that there is a whole world inside. world.”


Ye Jin narrowed his eyes when he heard Fu Chen’s words. Although he was very happy in his heart, he still said: “I didn’t know you were still so good at talking, but I heard Adjutant Luo said that you used to be very indifferent and taciturn. 


A person who can’t say a single word more when he speaks, how can he know such a big gap with me?” 


As he spoke, Ye Jin’s hand covering Fu Chen’s eyes slowly slid across his face.


Fu Chen felt Ye Jin’s hand on his face, the gentle and soft feeling slowly spread from his cheeks to his heart and then passed through his limbs, making Fu Chen feel itchy and numb in his heart for a moment.


“I’m just an ordinary person, and I will change when I face the person I love. I am willing to change all my habits and temper for you, but only for you.” 


Not only Fu Chen’s eyes were gentle but also his voice was gentle, a little low and husky.


Ye Jin looked into Fu Chen’s eyes, and for a long time there was a bright smile on his face: “I believe you!” Ye Jin suddenly moved closer to Fu Chen’s face, and kissed him on the cheek.


Fu Chen’s originally deep eyes were as black as ink the moment Ye Jin’s lips touched his cheeks. 


Before Ye Jin could leave, Fu Chen suddenly turned his head and kissed his lips.

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