After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor

Chapter 15: CH 15

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However, Qin Qing also knew that it was “normal” to misunderstand.

After all, this face was considered quite outstanding.

The entertainment industry was also a place that no one expects to be clean in its huge dyeing jar.

In this circle, there was a saying that you only need to approach it to be dyed and taken in. There was no way to come out of mud unstained.

If you want to be clean, then why enter the entertainment industry?

Staying at home was cleaner than mixing anywhere.

In this kind of rigid thinking and pragmatic environment, the more young and handsome you are, the bigger the boss you’d follow and the more it seemed like there was something unknown happening behind the scenes.   

But If Qin Qing had not been reborn or had less experience, he would have naively cried out in his heart: I’m innocent, truly innocent.

But nowadays he was used to it.

This was the case in this circle. it wasn’t just artists but assistants who were viewed with tinted glasses.

His face in the last life brought him a lot of advantages, but it also brought a lot of misunderstandings and trouble.

And even though he later on became a top agent, there were many people who still felt that he had unclear relationships with the clients and bosses he cooperated with.

It seems that in this circle, beauty that wasn’t together with power and wealth or linked with business deals would be suspected.

Not to talk of others, but if it were in his previous life, he himself would have to think more about why he was picked to be Su Zhihe’s assistant.

But today’s Qin Qing would not think wildly.

If he really intended to do something to him. It wasn’t worth it to go through all the trouble of arranging for him to be an assistant. That’s too troublesome.

The simplest way was to just throw money at it and sweet-talk their way into bed. for those in power, as far as they were concerned, that was much easier than taking around a person as an assistant.

Not to mention after being exposed to SuZihe, Qin Qing intuitively doesn’t think Su Zhihe was the type of person who would do such a thing.

To use his words to  Cui Huohuo yesterday: the boss is very good.

Tong Lu, who was the first to sneer and disrupt the atmosphere, didn’t think so.

That person is good? good?

Su Zihe is good my ass!

Tong Lu: “What did I say? I didn’t say anything for Teacher Su to react this much right?”

The mood nose-dived.

The staff member who presided over the meeting quickly tried to smooth things over “We should get back to the meeting.”

The tiny fire that nearly exploded at the scene was thereby snuffed out.

Ye Chutian, who did not participate and watched the fire from afar shot a glance at them. The three amateur guests who witnessed this kind of battle scene for the first time couldn’t help but feel nervous in their hearts.

Liu Yuan also misunderstood and thought that he himself was the fuse and reason why the two big stars were in conflict.

In the corner, Cui Huohuo took his phone, typed a few lines on the screen, and quietly passed it to Qin Qing.

Cui Huohuo: What’s going on? Why are they fighting? And why don’t I get it?

Qin Qing took his phone and answered rhetorically: the relationship with Tong Lu was this bad?

Cui Huohuo typed back: I also heard from Brother Xiang.

He said that five or six years ago, there was a movie, and for the male lead, Tong Lu and Su Zhihe were in contact with the studio.

Tong Lu made contact with the studio in a step-by-step and steady manner and even tested costumes and shot for half a day. In the end, the role was Su ZhiHe’s.

Upon inquiring, it was said that Su ZhiHe brought capital into the film and won the role.

In his mind, Qin Qing calculated that Su Zhihe was now in his early thirties, five or six years ago, he was about twenty-five years old.

Tong Lu would be a little older, he’d be almost thirty years old.

Although both their images were not similar, but part of their temperaments slightly matched, so If the role doesn’t have any special screen characteristic, both of them were likely to be competitors.

But Su Zhihe, five or six years ago unexpectedly brought capital into the group?

Hadn’t he won several awards by then?

He’d already been a film emperor long ago, so would he still need to take a role like this?

Cui Huohuo: Brother Xiang said that it was originally a film cast by the boss and only when he didn’t find a suitable actor that the boss personally got on board. I don’t know who randomly spread the rumor that we brought capital.

So that’s how it was.

Cui Huohuo: afterward, he robbed an endorsement from the boss.

Cui Huohuo: Then the boss easily took five endorsements from him. Even the Jell-O wasn’t spared.

Qin Qing: “…” Jell-O…

Cui Huohuo: that company’s Jell-O was really very delicious.

Cui Huohuo became very enthusiastic when talking about eating and Qin Qing became infected by him.

Qin Qing: Which brand?

Cui Huohuo put down the phone, and began to rummage through the bag, he rummaged through and brought out a milky white jello and handed it to Qin Qing.

This is the one!

The new flavor of this one is the best to eat!

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Meanwhile, beside the conference table, Su Zhi He was bored to death. The meeting was not interesting and the lighter was also boring. He turned and looked to the side.

The two small assistants were together, heads lowered and eyes buried in the bag they rummaged through. Cui Huohuo rummaged through and brought out several Jell-Os and handed them to Qin Qing. Qin Qing picked two and used his hand to tear the sealing film on the jell-O. He couldn’t tear it open so lifted it to his teeth.

As he was about to bite it, he raised his eyes and saw Su Zhihe and paused for a moment.

Su Zhihe pursed his lips in amusement. He reached out to him. Qin Qing put down the one he almost bit and handed the other one to him.

Su Zhihe took it and turned back around in his seat and began to examine the jell-O.

Tong Lu, who was across the table, immediately recognized that this was the endorsement he had been robbed of that year. He then remembered the other four endorsements that were taken away from him that year and began to silently take deep breaths.

Meanwhile, Su Zhihe was relaxed. He leisurely peeled the sealing film off. the jelly was so tender and fresh when he put it into his mouth and bit down.

t/n: it was implied in the raw, that SZH was leisurely unsealing that Jello uncaring if Tong Lu recognized the JellO 

He (SZH) was also very calm and decisive when he backhandedly took his five endorsements in those days.

Tong Lu: “…” He’s got a headache now.

Why exactly was he being made to shoot a show with Su Zhihe!

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After the morning meeting, the whole group moved to the recording location deep in the mountain forest.

The equipment, supplies, security, and medical team had already gone over beforehand. The program team arranged several vehicles and a large bus to send the amateur guests and left-over staff to the location.

The three artists naturally had big RVs.

However, their RVs were each distinct. Ye Chutian’s RV was ordinary and normal, while Tong Lu’s RV was merely the top configuration of a famous brand.

But Su Zhihe’s was different. His vehicle had tens of millions of customizations; it was a Rolls-Royce in an RV.

Qin Qing secretly said that when he looked at it, he felt uneducated.

But even the best and most expensive RV could only be driven on road and parked on the roadside. It can’t go into the woods.

The nearest recording site required half an hour’s walk at least

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Not to mention RVs, off-road vehicles couldn’t get in.

All the equipment was carried one by one to go in.

This moment made the advantage of having many assistants obvious; more people could bring more things.

Cui Huohuo only just realized this and was secretly annoyed: “then what about us?”

The program team didn’t tell them that it was like this, and Brother Xiang also didn’t mention it. they were only two and couldn’t carry much things.

Qin Qing was also thinking about this issue and was quite baffled.

Forget it if Cui Huohuo doesn’t understand Su Zhihe’s high status but Xiang Xun, as his agent, did not arrange anything?

However, Qin Qing quickly found out that this was not the case as he thought.

And that perhaps his boss was incomprehensible within the normal scope of an artist.

Su Zhihe basically didn’t need an assistant to “serve” him. On his own, he walked into the mountain forest and carried a bag by himself. When he got to the location, he changed into the camouflage trousers and vest required by the program team and sprayed on an anti-mosquito spray. He no longer required an assistant for that.

There was nothing to do (for SZH). He either stood or leaned against a tree and was able to swipe through his phone and rest. He doesn’t need to look for an assistant to drink water, he could directly call out and someone in the program team would hand one over to him…Otherwise

There was nothing else.

Su Zhihe simply didn’t require anything else.

He didn’t need a rest chair, or a small electric fan, or paper towels, it wasn’t like that person, Ye Chutian who had his assistant drive away mosquitoes every few minutes.

(He was) Simply natural and ecofriendly.

Independent and self-reliant.

Qin Qing: “…”

Qin Qing distantly watched the other guests and the program team who were communicating with Boss Su. He asked Cui Huohuo who was beside him, “has our boss always been like this?”

Cui Huohuo nodded and said, “A self-reliant artist.”

Qin Qing: “Then what does he want an assistant to do?”

Cui Huohuo: “You can’t really do everything by yourself.”

For instance, someone still needs to bring a change of clothes in a bag.

Cui Huohuo said this as he groped around and took out two folding stools from inside his bag, and sat outside the site with Qin Qing on a flat area with little weeds.

Not far away, the assistants of the other two artists were arranging stools with fans. Some people were spraying mosquito repellent around the chairs and each person looked very busy.

Qin Qing’s eyes swept over before retracting his gaze. He turned his eyes around and asked Cui Huohuo, “is it okay like this?”

t/n: QQ is referring to having nothing to do

Cui Huohuo: “There’s nothing else.” He looked at the time and dutifully said, “if nothing unexpected happens from this point on, we should be able to sit here until work is done”


Since it was okay, Qin Qing could only sit and look around.

The site was actually huge and as if afraid that someone would run around far away and not be able to locate it again, the program team had earlier deliberately used green plastic coverings to draw a big circle to limit the area.

And although it was a strategy-type outdoor reality show, the program team wasn’t able to just arrange a camera PD to follow the artist running around everywhere, however, the whole recording team would certainly follow the whole process to the end.

t/n: PD – Program Director

In addition to this, the security team, the local people who were familiar with the terrain, and the medical team arranged by the program group, along with the artist’s own entourage would also follow.

For example, on Su Zhihe’s side, there were several security guards arranged by Xiang Xun.

At the moment, thick clouds covered the sun so there was a large overhead shade, and the temperature was still acceptable.

Qin Qing raised his head to look at the sky. He remembered clearly that in the last life, when he searched for “Survival in the Wild” to watch, in the first few episodes of the first season, the video comments were all scolding the show’s team.

They said that they had no heart. That the weather was so hot and the environment was so harsh for them to continue to record without considering the health and safety of the guests.

Qin Qing took his mobile phone and opened the weather forecast: Heavy sun, heavy sun, heavy sun.

For the next few days, it would be sunny and the forecasted temperature was 31/32 degrees.

Qin Qing secretly said that if it had been 31/32 degrees when they were recording, the program team would not have been scolded.

Sure enough, just after recording the opening of one guest’s appearance on “Survival in the Wild” the thick white clouds overhead suddenly dispersed and the sunlight fell straight down.

The sunlight was searing where the tree shades didn’t cover and the temperature suddenly rose.

Under the shade of the trees, the cicadas hissed out crazily, a large number of mosquitoes gathered and lingered, and the ground and tree roots were boiling with humidity, and it was hot and damp.

Some of the staff were standing where a large number of mosquitoes came out from. The people there scattered to other places but there was no place to run.

They could only retreat while waving their hands in front of them to drive them away.

If you stood under the sun, there were no mosquitoes, but you’d be exposed to the sun, which was unusually hot.

The six guests were sweating all over. After they recorded the opening scene of the reunion, they immediately paused filming and walked off-camera.

Coincidentally, Cui HuoHuo had to urgently pee and wasn’t there. Qin Qing was waiting alone outside the site with an umbrella and water.

Just as he was about to go over to him to use the umbrella to block the sun, Su Zhihe waved his hand from afar, signaling that it wasn’t necessary

Qin Qing remained where he was.

He could clearly see that Su Zhihe was even more bothered by the heat. Others wore Tees; he wore a tank top. other guests were barely half wet on their necklines;  Su Zhihe’s back was already damp.

As a result, when the director shouted cut, Su Zhihe’s complexion was slightly taut and he frowned showing a little impatience.

If one was an inexperienced assistant, their heart would have been thumping, they would have secretly said to themselves to be careful from this point and don’t irritate the boss and make trouble for themselves.

But Qin Qing was different. He was experienced and not worried. His heart wasn’t thumping and he was able to calmly appreciate the boss’s appearance while waiting–

Su Zhihe was in camouflage trousers and a tank top that exposed a tight and smooth front, his shoulders, shoulder blades, and arms.

He had long legs and a narrow waist but wasn’t too skinny, and also, there wasn’t the so-called youthful look that was so popular in the entertainment industry nowadays. It was the physique of a mature man; firm and competent.

with a powerful aura and stable gait, the look in his eyes was deep and sharp, and even against the camouflage and mountain forest background, his feral and cold nature stood out a bit.

Qin Qing looked at it and was entranced by such a Su Zihe who matched his tastes.

By the time he came back to his senses, he held some sunscreen in his hand and facing Boss Su was already lifting it to smear him.

When he raised his eyes, Su Zhihe was already looking back. His pupils were pure black and his eyes were deep.

Then he looked again. The hand that was stained with sunscreen was only 0.0001cm away from Su Zhi He’s cheek. And on his forehead, there was some sunscreen smeared that wasn’t evenly distributed from when he’d lost concentration.

Qin Qing: “…”

So now, the question arose

Why don’t you use a spray to reapply sunscreen, why use smearing?

t/n: aka why use your hands O_O

Answer: Because there was no sunscreen spray in Assistant Cui’s bag.

Why do you need an assistant to apply sunscreen?

Answer: During work, the artist can justifiably demand for their entire body; from the sweat on their hair to even their hair strands to be “taken care of’

To be blunt, this is what assistants do. They simply receive money to do work.

A moment ago, why were you entranced (zoned out)?

Answer: In the end, he is also a face dog*.

t/n: 颜狗: a person who has no resistance to a beautiful or high-quality face. They treat beautiful people exceptionally well.

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