After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor

Chapter 18: CH 18

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When they resumed the recording after the break, it was obvious everyone that Su Zhihe’s entire strategy process had accelerated.

Because of his acceleration, the other guests could only keep up. They had to run as well as pass-through obstacles. The amateur group, which was separated for now, was fine but the artist group of Ye Chutian and Tong Lu were almost played to death by Su Zhihe.

Tong Lu couldn’t bear it and called for a stop midway through the recording. He was sweating all over and panting heavily. He removed the grass that was on his collar and leaned against a tree to glare at Su Zhihe.


Wasn’t it just an assistant who didn’t know any better and provoked that little boy?

Was all this necessary?

This boss doesn’t want to carry the assistant’s blame okay!

t/n: TL doesn’t want to carry the assistant’s pot/be the scapegoat

Ye Chutian was also tired and half dead and dizzy from the heat.

He thought that as the youngest of the three artists, just over 20 years, his physical strength should be a little better than the others.

Who could have thought that Su Zhihe would become tough like this?

If it weren’t for so many people at the scene, he would have knelt down with his hands together and begged Boss Su to let him go.

He wasn’t yet a big star and hasn’t even won an award yet, couldn’t he spare him a little life?!

He’s wrong. He’s really wrong. He shouldn’t have been stupid enough to bring those foolish assistants with him.

It was also at this moment that Ye Chutian and Tong Lu realized at the same time that Su Zhihe had always been leading this outdoor recording.

Whether he wanted it slow or fast he was able to immediately achieve his desired tempo and if he wants to speed up, everyone had to accompany him to desperately run around.

At this time, Liu Yuan, one of the amateur people came over with three bottles of ice water.

From the onset, Ye Chutian didn’t remember the boy’s name. He only remembered his tag on the PPT and said: ” ‘high face value’ is coming.”

As soon as Tong Lu heard those three words, he thought of the little boy who followed Su Zhihe, and when he thought of that little boy, he immediately recalled Su Zhihe’s mocking phrase not long ago “Your assistant is really high class”.

“…” Tong Lu turned around and left.

Ye Chutian: “Eh? Teacher Tong?”

Su Zhihe also left.

Ye Chutian: “Su…?”

They all left?

Ye Chutian hesitated for a moment then also raised his feet to walk away from under the tree.

Liu Yuan saw that all three artist-teachers had left. Bewildered, he held the water and didn’t know what to do. He took a few steps to catch up with Ye Chutian, who was the nearest but Ye Chutian politely shook his hand at him.

Since they didn’t want it. He also forgot about it.

Not far away, the program team anxiously waved their hands at Liu Yuan: keep going, You should keep going, Take the initiative! why aren’t you taking the initiative, don’t tell me you’re waiting for the artist-teachers to take the initiative first?!

Liu Yuan: I went okay! They all left! What else can I do?

The program team covered their faces and stomped their feet.

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Under the shade of the tree where Cui Huohuo was, there was ice, towels, water, and two small stools, the only thing missing was one person.

Without that person, It was like there was something missing. The hint of coolness was gone and even the ice cubes pressed on the shoulders to cool down couldn’t chase away the burning dryness.

Cui Huohuo shook the bottle in his hand, wanting to reapply sunscreen for Su Zhihe but Su Zhihe reached out and took it: “I’ll do it myself.”

Cui Huohuo: “Oh.”

Seeing that Su Zhihe had to wash his hands before applying the sunscreen. He suggested: “Why don’t you let me do it?”. That would be much easier. If Qin Qing can do it, he certainly could as well.

Su Zhihe didn’t let him.

Cui Huohuo: “?”

Huh? You don’t need him to help?

Unlike Cui Huohuo who was a silly-minded fool, the two artist families that were silently observing beside them could see everything clearly.

Of course he doesn’t need you!

Other people’s young boy had already returned to the RV, so what’s the point of another assistant applying it?

Do you really think that it was just smearing on sunscreen?

That was called enjoying happiness!

Ye Chutian was in front of six small fans that were raised up to blow him. He watched from close by while it was blowing him.

Tong Lu while sipping water, squinted at them.

It made the program team puzzled. What exactly were they looking at? Couldn’t they set up a little interaction with the CP king?

You guys don’t care about Liu Yuan. What are we going to do about this CP king?!

This is not how the script goes!

As a result, until the end of the recording that day, Liu Yuan did not exchange words with either Ye Chutian, Tong Lu, or Su Zhihe. The program team originally wanted to shoot some natural interactions, but in the end, not a single content was shot.

They could only find another way. So near the end of the day’s shooting, arrangements were once again made.

On the way back, let the three amateur guests separately follow the RVs of the three artist-teachers to go.

For this reason, they specially discussed which artist family they should place the chosen CP, Liu Yuan with.

The final result of the discussion: the first day was Su Zhihe.

If the content of this part with the RV was recorded well, they could later on, arrange to enter Ye Chutian and Tong Lu’s RV.

As a result, after the recording, when the program team called the three artist-teachers over to say hello, Su Zhihe directly refused.

Program team: “?”

Su Zhihe: “Inconvenient.”

Program team: “It’s inconvenient to enter the RV?”

Su Zhihe: “I have a child studying in my vehicle. To have people go in to record might affect his studying.”

Program team: “…so just that bit of time on the return trip won’t work?” does it really matter if you stop studying for a couple of hours? And it didn’t even matter if it was just leisure reading okay.

Su Zhihe was neither fast nor slow: “The program can record other content, but children deserve to study and memorize their book a little without interruption.”

In short, it won’t work.

Program team: “…”

Tong Lu listening beside him, wondered: Is that little boy studying?

No, exactly how old was he? How could he follow the group and still want to read a book and study?

Su Zhihe couldn’t be completely crazy to find a college student right?

The program team was still trying to win him over: “Actually, it won’t affect him. Liu Yuan was a top student and had good grades. He used to tutor in the past.”

They also asked, “What major is he studying?”

They all thought It was a college student.

Su Zhihe: “No need, It’s senior high school content. I can also tutor it.”


Ye Chutian, who was drinking water at that moment, sprayed out a mouthful.

What, high school!?

High school!!!!?

Tong Lu gaped in shock.

Fuck, even high school students aren’t spared?


Su Zhihe, you are not human!

Now, nobody could even care about shooting Liu Yuan or not, and the RV recording was also rejected at the same time. Returning to the mountain road where the RVs were located, Tong Lu and Ye Chutian continuously glanced at Su Zhihe.

Then they saw that before Su Zhihe reached the RV, the door opened. The young boy said to be Qin Qing came down holding an umbrella to welcome him. He walked towards Su Zhihe’s side and held the umbrella over the top of his head. The two of them walked together towards the RV and talked about something while walking.

When they got to the door, Qin Qing put away the umbrella and stood aside wanting to let Su Zhihe get on first but Su Zhihe did not move. He raised his hand and touched the boy’s shoulder, letting him get on first, then himself.

You could say it was very doting.

Tong Lu: “…”

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Ye Chutian: “…”

Liu Yuan, who was standing in front of the coach bus and looking in the direction of the RV: “…” Why was it different from what the program team set up? He didn’t even have the opportunity to get close!

On RVs return trip, Qin Qing, who had been quietly reading for a few hours, knew nothing of what happened.

He simply received the news of when work was wrapping up and in advance, prepared the things that Su Zhihe would use when he returned and when he saw Su Zhihe coming back, he welcomed him with an umbrella.

Su Zhihe recorded for a whole day. And after basking in the sun all day, the exposed skin was slightly red. The evaporating sweat and outdoor movements did not make him overly tired, instead, the stretching of muscles and the extreme movements thoroughly revealed a hint of wild strength and even his pace resembled a lithe leopard.

But, when Qin Qing came over with an umbrella, he calmed his aura and asked: “Have you finished reading today’s book?”

Qin Qing held and tilted the edge of the umbrella over to shield him from the afterglow of the sun: “Hmm. Thank you, Brother He.”

Su Zhihe pursed his smile: “Why do you always say thank you?”

Qin Qing turned his head sideways and blinked.

Shouldn’t he say that?

It was only natural to say thank you.

Su Zhihe: “The next time you call Brother He, you are not allowed to say thank you before and after. Okay?”

Qin Qing: “…Okay.”

The two of them walked towards the RV, Su Zhihe raised his hand and let Qin Qing get on first, then he himself followed.

Qin Qing put away the umbrella and got in. He turned his head: “Brother He, do you want to take a shower first?”

“Hmm,” Su Zhihe, “help me with some ice.”

Once back in the car, the large recording contingent drove back down the mountain road, one vehicle after another.

Cui Huohuo was so exhausted that he when sat on the chair, he dozed off. Su Zhihe took a shower in the RV and reclined on the bed in the RV to catch up on some sleep.

Qin Qing sat at the table and because of the excellent conditions, he could not only read and memorize books but also brush up on some questions.

The car was moving slowly at the moment and inside the car was quiet. Qin Qing was quietly working on the questions.

After a while, he looked sideways at the dozing Cui Huohuo, and then across from Cui Huohuo, at the half-hidden door inside. Su Zhihe ……

Towards the people who are kind to him, he would naturally want to repay them.

t/n: our title ^_^

Later that night, Qin Qing went to Cui Huohuo’s room to have him go and communicate with the program team to ask what kind of cooling measures will be in place tomorrow.

Cui Huohuo: “Do I need to ask this? Today was so hot and sunny. The program team will definitely make preparations.”

Qin Qing: “Not necessarily.”

With his understanding of the program team, especially powerful platforms and TV stations, any precautions, preparations, or measures were all arranged after the recording. So if there was any then there was, but if not, the artists had to record as usual. The contract had already been signed, so who would dare to break the contract?

Therefore you must ask in advance. They may not necessarily have some when you ask, but at least you can figure out the bottom line of the program team.

Cui Huohuo took his phone to ask.

Only after asking did he find out that the program team had no other method to cool down the temperature and you could only look for the nearby cold storage to drag large ice, and then build a few shade pergolas in a flat area.

Qin Qing again taught Cui Huohuo again: “explain to them that Teacher Su’s side needs at least one shed and needs enough ice cubes.”

Cui Huohuo was at a loss: “The program team will arrange it, right.”

Qin Qing: “How they arrange it is up to them but you need to ask for as many details as possible, the more detailed it is, the closer their arrangements tomorrow may be to your requirements.”

For example, ice cubes. If you ask for ten, they may not be able to give you all of them but it’s enough to provide seven or eight.

But if you don’t ask for it, and aren’t detailed, tomorrow, when you go over there, they will merely give three or four which was far from enough, but what can you do?

Once again, he went to communicate and discovered that the ice would be divided here and there, so how many could your artist actually be given in the end?

Even if they promised to divide a few more, when would they be able to drag it over? At noon or when the recording was almost over?

Cui Huohuo suddenly realized: “Oh, oh! so that’s how it this!”

“Qin Qing, you understand better!”

with all the years of accumulated experience, it was only natural for Qin Qing to understand.

And these experiences were also supplemented a bit by the development of the whole entertainment industry.

For example, there were no reality-variety shows in the beginning, and only after there were more of them could someone realize what pitfalls a variety show had.

“Survival in the Wild ” was the first outdoor reality show in the natural environment. At this time, not to talk of the artists but even the program team was still figuring out the details, and experience would be accumulated in the process of recording. So the behind-the-scenes preparations that were inadequate or not enough were normal.

Like today, they only realized that the mountains could be hot to such an extent and not to mention the large ice blocks that were not prepared to cool down but even the shed was not built.

Cui Huohuo: “Is there anything else?”

Qin Qing: “The security guards are too idle. Call them to come over tomorrow to help.”

The next day, in the morning meeting before leaving for the recording, everyone was there but Qin Qing.

Tong Lu sat down and glanced behind Su Zhihe but only saw Cui Huohuo. Ye Chutian also took note of this as soon as he entered the door.

Su Zhihe was amused: “Why are you all looking at me?”

Ye Chutian coughed. Tong Lu said: “Your small assistant is not going today? He’s staying at the hotel to study?”

Su Zhihe softly said: “Whether he goes or not and whether he studies or not, Teacher Tong is surprisingly concerned about it.

Tong Lu also coughed: “I’m just casually asking.”

Ye Chutian immediately said: “So he’s really not going today?”

Su Zhihe’s eyes swept over: “Teacher Ye also cares about this?”

Ye Chutian cleared his throat: “I’m also casually asking.”

Su Zhihe lazily leaned on the back of the chair and waited for the meeting.

Cui Huohuo emerged from behind Su Zhihe’s body and answered Ye Chutian and Tong Lu: “Qin Qing already went to the recording site early this morning.”

Ye Chutian: “Why?”

Cui Huohuo: “to build a pergola.”

Together with the security arranged by Xiang Xun. They set out ahead of time to hang plastic insulation curtains on the pergola that was built overnight by the program team and to separate out a closed space from the shed that originally only had one roof.

And when the ice cubes arranged by the logistics department of the program team arrived, they would immediately go and ask for them.

With sufficient ice cubes in the shed, they built a pole on the ceiling for an electric fan, then connected it to a portable smallscale generator.

With ice cubes to cool down the temperature, an electric fan blowing air, recliners placed properly, and a small low table to place things, then also crushed ice to use with cola and chilled fruit, it created a small world to rest, even in the most primitive environment.

By contrast, beside them, was an empty shed with grass on the rooftop, a few large ice blocks placed randomly under the shed, on the ground was a puddle of water and there were a few drowned mosquitoes floating in the water.


Everyone: “…”

This life difference is too big okay!

Su Zhihe did not hide his smile. He said to Tong Lu and Ye Chutian: “Come to my door when you have time.”

Looking up, the curtain of the door that separated their world from the blazing hot mountain forest was lifted from inside, revealing a tall, thin figure, with an outstandingly handsome face. With a fresh and clean voice, like that ice water tricking by.

Qin Qing: “Brother He.”

Su Zhihe looked over with a smile in his eyes and raised his steps: “coming.”

At this precise moment, the whole world was envious of Boss Su.

This kind of assistant! This kind of assistant! Why does only Su Zhihe have one?

Aren’t they good enough? Don’t they deserve it?

For the program team’s highlights, the camera lens was already encircling the pergolas one at a time, to shoot them inside and out.

Liu Yuan and the director stood on the periphery.

Liu Yuan: “Director, no one really pays attention to me. Is my persona still standing?”

The director sighed and patted Liu Yuan’s shoulder: “It’s okay, Xiao Liu. Nobody’s persona will affect the recording.”

CP was merely one of their points. If the hype doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work.

Liu Yuan looked in the direction of the pergola: “you want to shoot that assistant right?”

The director sighed again, he actually wanted to.

But Su Zhihe won’t allow it.

He also said: “My family’s child wants to study. Don’t take his footage and affect his study.”

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