After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor

Chapter 27: CH 23

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Thanks to Kou Jiang, after he (SZH) discovered that there were people on this earth who might have such extraordinary intuition and observations, Qin Qing’s original focus on studying and reviewing was slightly diverted to Su Zhihe.

——Su Zhihe, 30 years old, a big shot in the circle, possessed top resources like “Ferry on the River” and could casually get a copy of an S-grade variety proposal directly from an inner executive of Star Screen Video. His strength was mighty, and his background unfathomable.

This kind of person does not reveal anything in his everyday activities.

There was no special treatment during the variety show recording nor was he so lofty that ordinary people cannot approach him.

He didn’t like bringing around a lot of people, nor did he like being surrounded by assistants. He was a person that could stay well at a recording site alone.

Also in order to join a film crew, he will control his diet; if he wants to see friends, he’d go directly and if he didn’t have a car, he’d wear a hat and mask and take a taxi directly.

An incredibly grounded man.

And his house in Shang Linglong was located on the top floor, with an exclusive elevator entrance for the apartment*1t/n: literal: single ladder (elevator) for a single household. This is an ultra-luxury feature. those penthouses that the elevators open up into the apartment, it’s exclusive to the apartment owner. So what is the ladder ratio? It is the ratio of the number of elevators in a building to the number of households per floor. One floor, one apartment, one elevator =  one ladder, one family (household). Two apartments on the first floor and one elevator is called = one ladder and two families. Four apartments on the first floor and one elevator is called = one ladder and four households, and so on, a two-story super luxury home. The sofa alone took up a hundred or so square feet, with an entire wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, and looking at the scenery outside from the inside (the apartment), it was like a mural hanging on the wall.

The first time Qin Qing came over was the night of the hot pot meal the other day, Su Zhihe claimed that it was too boring to take the elevator alone, and asked him to accompany him up.

The second time he came was the following day when Su Zhihe said that it was boring to stay alone and asked him to come over and study.

Qin Qing has spent three to four days studying there, and during this time, Su Zhihe has been at home. Cui Huohuo did not come over, and Xiang Xun also did not appear, it was only him and Su Zhihe in this big house.

When he wanted to read a book, he’d sit downstairs in front of the big window.

During the daytime, the electric sunshade curtain blocked the sunlight and Su Zhihe doesn’t disturb him. Just lays on the sofa next to him, reading a book. Occasionally, he would get up to make tea.

At noon, Su Zhihe will go to the kitchen and Qin Qing will follow him, and the two of them will make a reduced-fat vegetable salad together.

Later in the afternoon, Qin Qing is still studying and Su Zhihe will take a nap on the sofa for a while, then wake up and go to the gym upstairs. After an hour, he’ll come downstairs and asks Qin Qing whether or not he wants to drink afternoon tea.

For dinner, they will have noodles and fry a bit of steak. After eating, Qin Qing will work on a question paper and Su Zhihe will help him check his speed and in passing watch a movie using a theatre curtain.

Then at nine o’clock in the evening, Qin Qing will return home.

When leaving, Su Zhihe will give him a bag. Inside the bag had two boxes of fruits in it.

This kind of thing happened so naturally in the past few days as if when Qin Qing should go over to study, Su Zhihe ought to accompany him the whole day.

Qin Qing, himself also found it incredible.

It was reasonable to say that that was Su Zhihe’s home, since Cui Huohuo was not there and there was no work to do so he shouldn’t go there. He should refuse even if he was called.

But when Su Zhihe called him, he went, and if he asked him to stay, he stayed.

The unfamiliar mansion did not make him uncomfortable, nor did being alone with Su Zhihe make him wary.

And it was like when he was around Su Zhihe, having a meal at noon and leisurely drinking a glass of milk tea when he had nothing to do was so natural, it happened without any sense of deliberateness that could make him uncomfortable.

When Qin Qing looked back later, only then did he realize that Su Zhihe was actually a person with a sense of propriety and distance.

Ever since they met, regardless of what he (SZH) said or did, he (QQ) has not felt any offense from this great film emperor.

Even when Su Zhihe was deliberately observing him, he never hide it but confidently and frankly admitted it.

Qin Qing felt all of this.

Because he perceived everything, he understood in his heart and didn’t have any hard feelings about it.

And in the end, Su Zhihe still gave people a good feeling.

And Qin Qing would occasionally think that if it weren’t for the huge disparity in age and status, he would really like to be friends with Su Zhihe.

But Qin Qing understood very well in his heart that he and Su Zhihe were destined to be people from two worlds. The fact that they were able to crossroads was already very good and being friends was a very naive fantasy.

Qin Qing does not want to have unrealistic delusions. He just wants to firmly take each step for the rest of his life.

On this day, Qin Qing went to Su Zhihe’s place to study as usual.

Barely after entering the door, Su Zhihe changed his clothes to go out and told him: “You can read by yourself today. I’m going to ‘drink tea’ with that intern.”

Kou Jiang?

Qin Qing: “Oh, okay.”

Su Zhihe: “What do you want to eat? I’ll bring it back later.”

Qin Qing: “Just coffee.”

Su Zhihe: “There’s some fast food in the fridge. You can warm it up to eat for lunch. If you don’t want to eat that just order some takeout.”

Qin Qing: “You’ll be gone for a long time?”

Su Zhihe was changing his shoes at the entrance when he heard what he said and turned his head: “Not used to being by yourself?”

Qin Qing blinked.

Su Zhihe pulled open the door: “It shouldn’t take long, I’ll be back in the afternoon.”

Indeed it shouldn’t take a long time. After all, Su Zhihe was to Kou Jiang like a wolf to a rabbit.

You don’t even need to intimidate if you want to pry open the mouth of this intern.

Inside Xiang Xun’s usually unoccupied villa, Kou Jiang sat in a well-behaved manner. He held a glass of water with his head down and eyes downcast. The hidden thoughts in his throat were rolling around.

Su Zhihe leaned back on the sofa, casually flipping through the variety show proposal in his hand: “Go on, explain.”

Kou Jiang put down the glass of water and played dumb: “Explain what?”

Xiang Xun was slowly walking back and forth beside the sofa to aid digestion; he’d eaten too much at breakfast.

Su Zhihe: “Explain your box office of 1.5 billion in a year or so, and the detailed hot search content of the variety show.”

Kou Jiang remained silent.

Su Zhihe’s tone was leisurely: “Oh, by the way, let me remind you of something.”

t/n: That “remind” is like ‘refresh your memory about something, ‘alert’, ‘warn’.

Kou Jiang waited for this reminder.

Su Zhihe: “I value life and hate people who waste my time the most. If you talk nonsense and beat about the bush, let alone Star Screen, you won’t be able to stay on any platform in future.”

Kou Jiang: “…” Fu*k! This big shot is truly the fu**king exterminator ah!

But what did this exterminator want to hear. Kou Jiang was suddenly invited over, and couldn’t figure it out for a while.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was Shang Mohuai who revealed something.

While secretly speculating, he suddenly heard the conversation between Su Zhihe and Xiang Xun.

Xiang Xun: “You don’t really believe that there is someone who can predict the future, right?”

Su Zhihe: “Foresight? He’s not some kind of magic scammer*2t/n:神棍: religious swindler. Someone who deceives people using religion. They like to pretend to be deep and mysterious. or second-generation immortal.” Then he looked at Kou Jiang and said: “What exactly it Is, it’s better to let the person himself to say it”

Kou Jiang’s heart skipped a beat. He subconsciously said: “I was actually impressed by the book “Ferry on the River” and thought the content quality was very high, so I talked to Shang Mohuai to let him act in this film. I……”

Su Zhihe calmly said: “Really?”

Kou Jiang weakly said: “Yes.”

What sort of answer is Yes? Can an intern be able to see the script of “Ferry on the River”?

He was obviously talking nonsense.

Su Zhihe tilted his head, gesturing at Xiang Xun.

Xiang Xun then came over and took the proposal in Su Zhihe’s hand, and asked: “is it necessary to do this?”

Su Zhihe looked at the time: “I’ll give you 3 minutes.”

Kou Jiang was wondering about what 3 minutes meant when he saw Xiang Xun roll up the proposal and directly slap his head twice: “Stinky boy! We give you a place to sit and serve you a cup of tea, so you really think you are here to drink tea?”

While slapping his head, he said: “you’re even calling him Shang Mohuai?! You should call him teacher Shang!”

Xiang Xun: “The person who incited Teacher Shang to come and ask for the film was you right? You dare ah! The film crew we are going to enter, you said to ask for it! Are you that capable?”

Xiang Xun: “Then there’s also Duan Pu’s matter. Say, if I sent you to Duan Pu right now, won’t he peel your skin off!?”

Kou Jiang covered his head to evade the blows.

Xiang Xun viciously said: “What are you hiding! Answer when you are asked a question! Didn’t you just hear? Value life and value time! That’s what I value!” 

Kou Jiang covered his head: “What do you want me to say?”

Xiang Xun immediately said: “Say when you came from! One year, two years, or ten years in future!”

Kou Jiang: “…” Fuck! Are there really people who believe in rebirth?

Kou Jiang was actually afraid of Su Zhihe. This big shot was a mysterious entity in his last life. He never had any contact with him either and didn’t know how to get along with him.

Now that he was in this situation, he can only acknowledge his bad luck.

But Kou Jiang was not really stupid, it was only when he met Su Zhihe that he seemed a little stupid.

In fact, Kou Jiang was a person who liked to leave a way out for himself everywhere.

His arrangement would not only be the proposal in the hands of Shang Mohuai and Chief Shen.

He made other plans.

Not only did he make others but he also liked to drag people into the water.

“I’ll talk! I’ll talk!!”

After expressing that he would talk, he however said instead: “Whatever I did, it didn’t interfere with Boss Su and was at the least not directly related to Boss Su. But there’s a person who’s not the same!”

This was his “I’ll talk”? Was it that he’s unable to speak properly or just can’t speak human words?

Xiang Xun once again rolled up the proposal in preparation to thrash this little brat on the buttocks.

Kou Jiang was so scared that he raised his arm to block it and also shouted: “Qin Qing!”

Xiang Xun’s movement paused. Su Zhihe’s expression was deep: “Who did you say?”

“Qin Qing, I said Qin Qing.” Kou Jiang said quickly: “I knew the 1.5 billion box office and knew that Duan Pu would be popular in “Survival in the Wild” and that this variety show would be a big hit in the future. And I also knew Qin Qing!”

Su Zhihe’s voice was bland: “What’s the matter with him?”

Kou Jiang: “At this time, he originally was supposed to be serving dishes in a hotel, but now he has become the assistant of Boss Su!”

Su Zhihe pondered: “Originally, was supposed to…?”

Su Zhihe chuckled: “Then tell me, where were you originally supposed to be?”

Kou Jiang told the truth: “TV station, I was supposed to graduate and go to the TV station first.”

Su Zhihe followed up with: “And because there was an opportunity to start over you changed the trajectory of your life?”

Xiang Xun listened with a frown. Kou Jiang: “Yes.”

And then he hurriedly expressed his loyalty and said: “But I only changed my own life. I want to make some achievements in this big platform and don’t want to get in anyone’s way! The reason why I told Shang Mohuai to fight for the variety show and film was also because he does have the ability and to let his late popularity become premature success. I have no intention of getting involved in anything associated with Boss Su’s side.”

He raised his hand and swore: “Truly. I calculated everybody, but did not calculate to towards teacher Su’s side.”

Xiang Xun asked: “A moment ago, what did you mean when you mentioned Qin Qing?”

Kou Jiang looked resolute: “He’s the same as me! Whatever my situation is, is exactly what his situation is too!”

Xiang Xun was stunned, he raised his eyes to look at Su Zhihe, then asked Kou Jiang: “Why are you so sure?”

This person (KJ) really wasn’t suffering from delusional madness right?

However, he heard Kou Jiang say with conviction: “I wasn’t sure before, but I have a way to verify it.”


How would you verify?

Kou Jiang calmly said: “A woman. there is a woman.”

That woman was a friend that Qin Qing had cared about a lot in the previous life.

Kou Jiang wasn’t sure of the specifics and at that time, he’d only inquired about some details. It was said that because of the entertainment circles’ unwritten rules problem, the woman after acting in a few films, was unable to bear it and almost committed suicide. After she was saved, Qin Qing arranged for her to withdraw from the industry and go far away.

This kind of woman was a friend whom he cared about, If Qin Qing knew that she had entered the entertainment industry earlier than in the previous life. That she stepped into a place that can destroy her much earlier……

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Kou Jiang: “On my way here, I sent a message to Qin Qing and told him.”

Kou Jiang: “If he is,” reborn” he definitely wouldn’t leave it alone.”


Shang Linglong.

Qin Qing sat at the table and looked at an unfamiliar message on his phone.

“Ru Han has entered the industry. Kou Jiang.”

(t/n: Flashback)

—— “Qin Qing, I really regret it ah. If I hadn’t entered this industry back then and was still studying in school, isn’t it possible that what happened later on wouldn’t have happened?”

—— “You should let me go! Let me die!”

——”Qin Qing, I’m leaving. I’m not coming back. The thing I regret most in this life is having a dream of being a star. I regret it to death!”

(end flashback)

Qin Qing looked at the message from the unfamiliar number and the hand holding the pen clenched tightly.

A few moments later, he dialed a number and lifted up the phone to his ear.


The villa.

Kou Jiang’s face was composed and determined: “He will not ignore Ru Han, Ru Han was his only friend.”

Kou Jiang: “I sent him a message and as long as he sees it, he will reply and ask me about Ru…..”

A phone on the side table suddenly rang out.

The three men present in the room looked down at the same time.

Kou Jiang was originally about to smile, but his expression suddenly froze. Xiang Xun face showed doubt as he watched Su Zhihe pick up the phone.

The person who called was none other than Qin Qing.

Qin Qing: “Brother He.”

Su Zhihe: “What’s wrong?”

Qin Qing’s tone was tinged with suspicion: “Kou Jiang, that intern you were talking about sent me a message.”

Su Zhihe raised his eyes to look at Kou Jiang who was across the side table: “Hmm, what did he send?”

Qin Qing: “He sent 5 words: Ru Han (has) entered the circle.”

After hanging up the phone, Su Zhihe threw the phone back on the side table and looked at Kou Jiang: “Reply to you?”

Kou Jiang was surprised. Qin Qing didn’t reply to him and even called Su Zhihe directly. Could it be that he doesn’t care about Ru Han now?

Did he guess wrong? Qin Qing wasn’t reborn?


Kou Jiang thought to himself: Qin Qing certainly was, he definitely was.

But if he was reborn, then that he would be able to hide it so flawlessly around Su Zhihe…

Kou Jiang’s heart reeled, but he felt that this was also natural: That’s because he was Qin Qing. It was indeed Qin Qing and this could be achieved with Qin Qing’s calculations and schemes.

Qin Qing was not as arrogant and unbridled as he was

He was reborn but still defeated; Kou Jiang almost laughed out in anger.

His expression twisted a few times when he suddenly heard Su Zhihe ask: “How many years did you rewind back to?”

Kou Jiang was stunned.

Su Zhihe didn’t repeat it again but looked at him.

Kou Jiang hesitantly: “15 years.”

Su Zhihe: “It seems that in 15 years, you and Qin Qing not only know each other, but the relationship is not good.”

Kou Jiang was silent for a moment: “15 years from now, I had left the platform and was doing film and television productions. Qin Qing partnered with others and opened a cultural company.”

Su Zhihe leaned against the sofa and listened quietly, looking very patient.

Kou Jiang looked at Su Zhihe: “At that time Boss Su has already retired from films.”

Su Zhihe’s hand on the arm of the sofa twitched: “Hmm.” Reasonable. It was indeed very unlikely for him to continuously remain in the entertainment industry. It was normal to retire.

But at the same time, Su Zhihe also understood another layer of meaning from this short statement: “That is to say, originally, I did not cross paths at all with you guys.”

Kou Jiang: “Yes.”

That is why he could only suspect that the current Qin Qing was reborn.

Su Zhihe mused: “Then that means ……”

Kou Jiang thought he was going to say something, but instead heard Su Zhihe sigh: “So you actually don’t know what my situation was in the previous life.”

Kou Jiang paused for a bit: “Yes…not very clear.” He was a film emperor who was steeped in rumors.

Xiang Xun then followed to ask: “Then what about me?”

Kou Jiang looked at him: “Still leading artists.”

Xiang Xun raised his eyebrows. So it’s like this ah.

Kou Jiang saw that these two asked about the future and also seemed to be convinced, he thought about it and slowly said: “Boss Su, In fact, if you do not retire so early. Make a few more high-quality films and get a few more awards ……”

But he saw Xiang Xun and Su Zhihe ignored him and started bickering.

Xiang Xun lightly scoffed: “You may still be single in fifteen years.”

Su Zhihe: “How much better can you be?”

Xiang Xun immediately turned his head to look at Kou Jiang: “Tell Boss Su, I later married, didn’t I?”

How would he know this? They didn’t cross paths

Kou Jiang: “Uh ……”

Xiang Xun: “You just say you know.”

Kou Jiang: “em……”

Xiang Xun was surprised: “No way. You were already a producer. What situation in the industry did you not know?”

Kou Jiang laughed dryly: “Boss Su had stopped filming and wasn’t seen again. Agent Xiang, you are usually busy and we had only met a few times.”

Xiang Xun lightly scoffed and shook his head: ” It turns out that you do not know anything.” So what use are you?

Kou Jiang: “…” So was being reborn a crime? And then have to be subjected to such contempt?

Su Zhihe: “I’ll ask you something you should know.”

Kou Jiang placed his hands on his knees, like an elementary school student waiting for his teacher to assign homework.

Su Zhihe: “You should know about Qin Qing’s situation, right?”

Kou Jiang asked: “What kind of situation?”

Su Zhihe didn’t think twice: “marriage?”

Kou Jiang was stunned by the question and shook his head: “There was none.”

Su Zhihe picked up the tea and drank it, moistening his throat with a leisurely attitude: “15 years later, Qin Qing should be more than 30, right. He was older than 30 but still didn’t get married?”

Kou Jiang shook his head again: “He was a workaholic. He started out as an agent, then later opened a company”

Xiang Xun who was beside the sofa also sat down and let out a sound when he heard those words: “An Agent ah.”

Then asked: “How was he as an agent?”

Kou Jiang did not want to praise Qin Qing, so he just said the facts: “Very impressive, there was no artist he could not make popular.”

Xiang Xun eyes widened, then nodded: “Not bad.”

Su Zhihe asked again: “There was no marriage and no partner?”

Kou Jiang thought about it: “I didn’t hear of any.”

Su Zhihe hummed and laughed vaguely.

Kou Jiang was completely baffled by the laugh.

They called him over and after a long interrogation only asked these type of insignificant questions?

Can’t you ask about some industry development, future hotspots, or industry trends!? Or about policy changes or even the future situation of competitors would be ok ah!

But you asked about marriage and a partner and Qin Qing?

You asked these questions? ? ? ? ? ?

Su Zhihe: “Oh, right.”

Kou Jiang had an expectant expression on. Ask me about work. Ask about work. Ask about work.

Su Zhihe: “Qin Qing doesn’t reject gays, right?”

Kou Jiang: “…”

Get in line! Get in line! And wait very long!

You’ll wait till they’ve fed pigeons in England for half a month!

Are you done?

Isn’t it enough?

Can’t you ask something else?

It was a rare chance to be reborn so can’t you let the person who was reborn to experience pride and a sense of value in knowing the future?

Can’t you?

Clearly, you can’t——

Su Zhihe gestured to Xiang Xun to get a pen and paper.

Kou Jiang was puzzled about what he wanted to do.

Su Zhihe: “Come here, and write down all the parts you know about Qin Qing.”

Kou Jiang: “???”

Why is it Qin Qing again?

Su Zhihe was unruffled: “There is no hurry, write slowly.”

Kou Jiang: “…”

Su Zhihe picked up his phone and sent a voice message: “Qin Qing, what flavor of coffee do you want.”

The message was sent to Qin Qing and it was also Qin Qing he was asking but Kou Jiang was looking down at the paper in his hand and didn’t take notice of it. He thought he was the one being asked.

Kou Jiang: “Two shots of espresso with sugar and no milk.”

On the phone, Qin Qing’s reply to Su Zhihe’s message was: two shots of espresso, with sugar, no milk.

Exactly the same answer.

Qin Qing …… Su Zhihe pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

t/n: ho ho ho. And so it begins

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