After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor

Chapter 6: CH 6

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6.1: Repay

Their dormitory wasn’t far from the company. It was in a newly built apartment building.

That night, Qin Qing sent them down to their apartment and left. Before leaving, he told him, “If you go out, remember not to go too far. Some of you are underage and shouldn’t drink alcohol.”

After saying that, he turned around, raised his hand, and left.

Guan Yiyun glanced at Qin Qing’s back while the other three boys muttered as they walked in:

“Is his direction Tongshen New Village?”

“I think so. He lives in a basement. It’s impossible to live in Shang Linglong”

“Ah, it’s too miserable. I’m afraid I’ll be like him in future.”

“Did you see the shoes he was wearing?”

“Yes, the local type.”

“Alas….Brother Yi? ”

Guan Yiyun listened to them talk about the new assistant and frowned

Someone asked, “What’s the matter? ”

Guan Yiyun: “It’s nothing. ”

After getting on the elevator, Guan Yiyun said, “How many kettles do we have in the dormitory?”

“Several, I think.”

Meanwhile, Qin Qing had already walked to Tongshen New Village.

This is an old neighborhood. The houses are low and dilapidated, but it’s crowded and busy especially the many small shops facing the street.

Qin Qing had printed his resume here before. Now he was walking by and happened to buy some fruit. After buying the fruit, he went to collect some snacks and carried them back.

Walking is lazy and comfortable. It’s even better when the cool wind blows at night.

Qin Qing felt that this was already very good. The rhythm of this life is appropriate. He worked during the day, rested at night, ate whatever he wanted, didn’t have to work overtime to socialize, and has nothing to worry about.

Even in this city where he had stayed for many years in his previous life, he had the leisure to stroll and observe.

At this time, City B is still under construction, and there are still many old local buildings.

A large area of urban villages, across the road, are newly built overheads and shopping malls.

There are many shops and people.

Qin Qing worked hard in his previous life. From a waiter serving plates to a partner in a cultural company. He only cared about what this city could bring him, and never paid attention to anything else.

Now walking around slowly, He found that B City is actually very beautiful, and there is a unique sparkle that belongs to this city.

Very down-to-earth and reassuring.

Qin Qing walked briskly, and after leaving the old village, he passed through an underground passage to Linglong Square, which was separated by an archway.

There is a large shopping mall on the square. People were going in and out of it the mall and it was as lively as the old new village just now.

Qin Qing walked through the square with his own food. He glanced around and saw a huge advertisement for a luxury brand on the wall outside the mall.

In the advertisement, was their spokesperson for this season.

Looking at the spokesperson, Qin Qing paused and stopped. He was not only surprised but also felt a bit strange.

The spokesperson turned out to be Su Zhihe!?

Su Zhihe hasn’t stopped yet!?

Right, it’s only year xx20 now.

Su Zhihe, this year hadn’t retired yet.

Qin Qing stood in front of it and looked at the man in the advertisement. A subtle feeling slowly rose in his heart.

In his last life, when he first came to B City,  he worked in a hotel and was focused on making money. He didn’t know any stars yet.  

When he entered the entertainment industry and started from the bottom again, he only heard of many big shots but never had the chance to see them.

After becoming an agent, he was able to see the world. He had seen all the top actors and actresses, but never saw  Su Zhihe.

Later, Su Yingdi disappeared from the circle and did not show up on any occasion. Not to mention seeing him, there were only gossips related to this person in the whole entertainment industry.

Now seeing Su Zhihe in the advertisement, Qin Qing felt very happy in his heart. When he thought that this actor was still there at this time, it once again confirmed that this was the point in time when everything had just started.

He smiled at the man in the advertisement, turned around, and left.

The next day, when Qin Qing got to work. As soon as he arrived at the training room, he was stuffed with a hot water kettle.

After the youngest of the four boys stuffed the kettle, he crossed his waist with one hand, scratched his head in the other, and looked at the corner with his glasses: “That, we have a lot in our dormitory, and we don’t need it. You can take it.”

Qin Qing looked at the kettle in his hand and raised his eyebrows.

The boy looked embarrassed and he was still scratching his head after speaking. When he stopped, he quickly said he was going to train and turned around to run away.

Qin Qing was a little surprised and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as he carried the hot water kettle.

Well, he’ll just put it in the office first.

At least this shows that what he said to them yesterday was useful.

The whole morning was peaceful.


The four boys were in stage class, and Qin Qing sat in the corner of the training room looking at their materials and training records.

At noon, the five people ate together.

The four boys are not familiar with Qin Qing, but there was a kettle that expressed concern, so the distance was not too far (t/n: closeness). Not to mention that they are the same age.

A boy asked, “Is the kettle easy to use?” ”

Qin Qing: “Yes, thank you. ”

Another boy: “It’s actually from Brother Yi. ”

Qin Chuan looked at Guan Yiyun. Guan Yiyun was sitting on the floor eating. He was startled when he heard the words and raised his leg to kick the boy: “If you don’t speak, you won’t die! ”

The boy muttered, “You don’t dare to admit it. ”

Guan Yiyun had a thorny expression: “Dare? ”

The boy changed his words, “Why don’t you admit it? ”

Guan Yiyun stared: “What do you mean admit it. didn’t I say it? ”

Boy: “Oh. ”

Qin Qing looked amused and said it again, specifically to Guan Yiyun: “Thank you.”

Guan Yiyun, as if afraid of people knowing that it came from him and or people thinking that it was out of concern, argued, “That was originally an extra, it’s the same as throwing it away.”

Qin Qing: “well, thank you. ”

Guan Yiyun said, “Thank you for what? It’s unnecessary to say that. ”

Qin Qing: “Well, thank you. ”

Guan Yiyun: “…”

Teenage boys are thin-skinned and temperamental. They love to flex their teeth and claws and are also a bit rebellious and always want to be contradictory. Qin Qing understands all that.

He could see that these boys were just a little bit thin-skinned, but they weren’t malicious to others.

It can also be seen that amongst them, Guan Yiyun is regarded as half the boss.

Not only because Guan Yiyun was a little older, but also because he knows a lot, had more ideas, and liked to take the lead and make decisions.

Of course, the temper was also not small.

Qin Qing was only on his second day of work but had to deal with another trouble caused by Guan Yiyun before.

It’s said that he fought with a colleague in the company and beat the other party to the point that they didn’t come to work for a few days.

In the past few days, the assistant had changed, and the management head of the company had also returned from a business trip. The Colleague who had been beaten and rested for a few days has also brought various medical bills to the company for accountability

Now that the boss was ready to deal with this matter, a colleague told Qin Qing to take Guan Yiyun upstairs.

Qin Qing thought for a while, and asked on the phone: “Why did they fight?”

Colleague: “Xiao Li, who was beaten up, gossiped about a star that Xiao Guan liked. It was a bit unpleasant. He happened to be heard by him at the elevator entrance, and so Xiao Guan took action. ”

Colleague: “It was nothing at first, just grabbing the collar and pushing a few times. His attitude was definitely not good and they didn’t really fight, but Xiao Li took it seriously. He kept saying that he was injured and went to the hospital for several days. After several days of treatment, he’s come back to bother Manager Yuan again, which is a bit troublesome.”

With that, Qin Qing said, “Okay, I see. ”

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Qin Qing went to the training room and called Guan Yiyun.

Guan Yiyun is very smart. With that milky grey hair, he guessed it at once: “That idiot has come to the company. ”

Qin Qing asked the other three boys to continue their training and took Guan Yiyun out. He didn’t say anything at first. When he got to the elevator entrance, he pressed the button and said, “I just entered the company. I’m just an assistant and can’t help you. ”

Guan Yiyun was taken aback and looked at Qin Qing: “I didn’t ask you to help me. ”

Qin Qing: “You kindly gave me a kettle, I have to give you something back. ”

Guan Yiyun was young at heart. When he heard those words, he stuck his hands into his ripped jeans, and looked indifferent: “What does that have to do with this? I said they were extra kettles” 

However, the intention was not just an idle thought.

Qin Qing could feel it. He is able to distinguish good from bad.

If someone treats him well, he has no reason to just accept it and not give something back.

After all, this life is not the previous life. In the previous life, there was only fighting and scheming in order to get ahead and climb up. But in this life, Qin Qing wants to slow down and be a little more steady. He wants to experience the wonders in the world, even if it was unfriendly.

So he ignored Guan Yiyun’s indifference and suggested: “You can listen to me, or you can ignore it. This is up to you. Anyway, as an assistant, I can’t stand up for you in front of the boss. ”

Guan Yiyun: “? ”

Qin Qing: “There is a way to help you scale through in front of the boss. ”

Guan Yiyun listened.

Qin Qing: “But you have to tell me first, which celebrity that colleague gossiped about, and what he said. ”

Guan Yiyun frowned.

Qin Qing didn’t ask again but glanced at the floor the elevator had reached.

After a while, Guan Yiyun gritted his teeth: “Su Zhihe, he mentioned Su Zhihe. ”

Qin Qing was taken aback.

He seemed to grind his teeth in hatred to even mention it and His voice was as quiet as a mosquito: “He said Su Zhihe was a plug-in. Human fart. A dead gay man. ” 

Qin Qing: “…”

Ten minutes later, in the manager’s office.

Manager Yuan sat behind his desk. On the guest sofa in front of the table, Guan Yiyun sat on one side and the beaten man sat on the other. Qin Qing and the man with glasses who had interviewed him stood next to him.

It was only now that Qin Qing learned that the man with glasses was the head of HR and the administrative director in the company. Because of the company’s limited business, the company only set up a few departments. The four trainees were not under the management of any department but are the direct responsibility of Manager Yuan.

This time Guan Yiyun hit a colleague in the company, and Manager Yuan could only personally handle it while accompanied by an administrative supervisor.

Qin Qing brought Guan Yiyun up and when he was about to leave, Manager Yuan saw that he was a newcomer and purposely asked a few things and did not allow him to leave after asking, so Qin Qing just stayed.

After a few minutes, the beaten colleague began to complain, saying that he went for an examination after being beaten. Although there was no problem with the bones, it was all internal injuries. It hurts here, it hurts there, and his heart was also traumatized.

The meaning of the words: Manager Yuan, you have to do something about this for me!

Manager Yuan had a terrible headache. He slapped his hand heavily on the table, and asked Guan Yiyun, “How do you think. You don’t train properly yet you still beat people?” 

The colleague who was beaten picked up a plastic zipper bag that contained the medical records and bills and patted it on the coffee table. He looked at Guan Yiyun: “What do you say now! ”

The administrative supervisor pushed up his glasses: “Xiao Li.” Xiao Li is the colleague who was beaten. “If you have something to say, let’s talk about it. Don’t be angry. You see, you just came out of the hospital. You have to take care of your health. Now is not the time to be angry. We are here to solve the problem.” ”

He looked at Guan Yiyun who had been silent all this time: “Xiao Guan is young and impulsive. ”

Xiao Li: “He can hit people on impulse? Can I beat him too if I am impulsive?”

Normally, Guan Yiyun would have already spoken out by now: Hit me? Come on, come on! See who hits who today! If you dare to do it, see if Lao Zi can’t beat you to death!

However, at this moment, Guan Yiyun remained motionless, his eyes were downcast, and he didn’t say a word.

When everyone saw that Guan Yiyun didn’t speak, they thought he was unwilling and embarrassed to speak so they became more vocal.

Xiao Li: “Can’t speak? You were very fierce when you hit me! ”

Administrative Director: “Xiao Guan? Don’t keep silent, say something. Or do you apologize first? ”

Manager Yuan: “Huh, you have no face now? Where did it go when you hit someone? Let you train well, don’t mess up things, look at you…”

Suddenly, Guan Yiyun raised his voice, bent over, and buried his head in his lap, while sobbing.

This cry shocked everyone present except Qin Qing.

After Guan Yiyun wailed a few times, he got up and stretched out his hand to Qin Qing beside the sofa.

The corner of Qin Qing’s mouth twitched as he took a step forward and hugged Guan Yiyun.

After hugging, Guan Yiyun with his clumsy and immature acting said to Qin Qing in a tearful voice: “Assistant Qin, I’m so sorry Ah, ohh ohhhh ”

Before going upstairs: Guan Yiyun: “Crying? Really? ”

Qi Qin nodded: “Don’t believe that a man can’t shed tears lightly. You are only nineteen. In the eyes of the adults, you are still a half-year-old child. It’s most useful for children to cry. When they cry, even a difficult matter will be settled. ”

However, Qin Qing didn’t expect that Guan Yiyun’s acting skills would be this exaggerated. But even so, this crying still has its use.

Now that Guan Yiyun buried his head down, no one could see his face, so they all turned to look at Qin Qing.


Qin Qing could only take over the acting. He patted Guan Yiyun on the shoulder and put on a soothing look, while saying, “It’s okay, it’s okay, Manager Yuan and the others are here, don’t be afraid. ”

Xiao Li: “Scared? Is he still afraid of hitting someone?

Qin Qing: “Just say what you have to say, and the leaders will deal with it fairly. ”

Manager Yun: Fair. of course fair.

Isn’t it you, a boy of more than 1.8 meters, who’s crying like this?

But crying is useful. Whoever cries is weak, and whoever is weak is justified. This world is unfair and unreasonable.

And in Guan Yiyun’s muffled description with a crying voice, the rotten words that Xiao Li spewed out were even more disgusting.

Who talked bad about Su Zhihe?

Manager Yuan’s headache got bigger as he heard this. He frowned at Xiao Li: “What’s wrong with you? Su Zhi He likes men and women, does it have anything to do with you?”

It is true that he was wrong to say things behind his back, but he was only talking about Su Zhi He, not Guan Yiyun, so why was he beaten?

Xiao Li argued, “If Su Zhihe hits me now, I’ll accept it, but why do others beat me?” You can do it if it’s to stand up for your idol?

Guan Yiyun suddenly howled louder.

Everyone: “…”

Manager Yuan’s eardrum hurt: “Alright! Alright! Stop crying!”

Guan Yiyun kept going.

Manager Yuan immediately raised his hand and motioned to Qin Qing: “You take him downstairs. Downstairs! ”

Seeing that he was going to let Guan Yiyun go, Xiao Li opened his eyes wide: “Manager Yuan! ”

Manager Yuan frowned and tapped his finger on the table.

This was not a big deal at first. He has seen the surveillance. Guan Yiyun did move his hand, but he didn’t hit anyone at all. There was not even a scratch. So the report, internal injury, or trauma were all bullshit.

Now he has a headache because this one was crying, but the other one is fine. What is there to catch.

The company reimburses medical expenses and the like. If you don’t go to work for a few days, your salary will not be deducted, and if you add some nutrition expenses, it will be settled.

Manager Yuan persuaded Xiao Li: “Okay, what do want to argue about with a child. Don’t you see he’s crying? ”

In the corridor outside the office. As soon as he came out, Guan Yiyun immediately turned his head and looked back: “have we scaled through? ”

Qin Qing looked down at the small wet patch on the hem of his clothes: “Did you really cry? ”

Guan Yiyun: “Saliva. ”

Walking to the elevator entrance, Guan Yiyun touched his neck: “Thank you for today. ”

Qin Qing curled his lips: “You’re welcome. ”

That night, in the dormitory of the apartment building, one of the boys went to take a shower, one played games, and the other sat on the floor and read comics. Guan Yiyun laid on the bed and sent a message to his brother.

Guan Yiyun: I got a new assistant.

His brother: Hmm.

Guan Yiyun talked about how he got away with it under the advice of his new assistant during the day.

After saying that, he sent again: It’s just a pity.

Su Zhihe: What’s a pity?

Guan Yiyun: He is only eighteen, and he is one year younger than me. I gave him a kettle, and he gave me some advice. He’s very loyal. He’s just too poor and lives in a basement room. This broken company only pays him a salary of 1800. He can’t even afford to eat, so he can only eat cold water-soaked rice.

Guan Yiyun: Brother, if this broken company collapses one day, let him go to your place.

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