After Rebirth I Became a Rich Man's Wife

Chapter 10: 10

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Chapter 10

Ke Xinghao stared at Zhou Song, his fists clenched tightly. He and Zhou Song had never see eye to eye, but it was always the matter between the two of them, and said that the conflict should never be brought to the parents.

Of course he knows the Zhou family that Zhou Song said. Although their family is a nouveau riche, his dad is rich. It is just a detour to get into that circle. The Zhou family is not a behemoth, but Ke Xinghao family an upstart can’t afford to offend them.

He is an adult, so naturally he will no longer be as impulsive as before and will cause trouble to his dad, but it is impossible for him to bow his head to Zhou Song here today.

“Zhou Song, how old are you, when something happens, you will only tell your parents.” Ke Xinghao clasped his arms and deliberately sneered.

When Zhou Song heard this, he was really angry. The person next to him grabbed him and said, “Don’t be angry, Shao Zhou, don’t interact with these poor ghosts. He is jealous of your origin.”

“Ke Xinghao, if you are willing to kneel down and beg me today, I might consider letting you go, otherwise, as long as I am here, you and your poor ghost friends won’t have good time.” When Zhou Song heard the words of others he suddenly realized that Ke Xinghao had said this deliberately. He raised his chin and looked down at the others. “If the Zhou family wants to deal with you poor people it’s just a matter of one sentence.”

“Fuck!” Ke Xinghao let out a low voice, his hands squeezed into a fist, his veins bulging.

“Zhou Song, if you fucking find me not pleasing to your eyes, you come at me, don’t dragged my friends into this.”

His angry and forbearing look pleased Zhou Song, “Since they want to be friends with you, they deserve to be unlucky.”

The three girls were scared and their eyes reddened by Zhou Song’s words, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Ke Xinghao felt that he was driven into a dead end. If he was the only one today, he would not be afraid of Zhou Song at all. He would not have the surname Ke if Zhou Song’s head was blown, but he is not alone today. Chen Xu and the five of them are from ordinary backgrounds. , they can’t get in touch with people from Zhou Song’s family background at all.

Just when he gritted his teeth and was about to bow his head to Zhou Song, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

“As far as I know, the Zhou family only has two sons. Are you Zhou Hongshen or Zhou Hongkuo?”

When Zhou Song heard the sound, he saw a tall figure standing up, and the dim light hit his face, which was a bit dangerous.

Chen Xu walked to Ke Xinghao’s side and looked up at Zhou Song. His eyes were full of pressure, making Zhou Song’s heart petrified. Who is this person? How would he know about Zhou’s family?

Is it possible that there are people in that circle around Ke Xinghao?

How could it be possible, Ke Xinghao enrolled in an ordinary high school, and there were all poor people in it. It is estimated that Ke Xinghao is the richest in the school.

“Old Chen, don’t worry about it.” Ke Xinghao hurriedly stood in front of Chen Xu. Chen Xu’s family was already in difficulties. If he provokes Zhou Song again, he is afraid that he will kill people.

Zhou Song was a bit scared at first, but when he saw Ke Xinghao’s attitude, he immediately understood that the boy who stood up suddenly did not have any great family background.

Maybe he saw Zhou’s related news on the Internet.

Zhou Song thought this way, and was about to ask this brave boy to kneel down with Ke Xinghao to apologize, and heard the other person say: “If Zhou Hongkuo knew that you were bluffing and cheating outside under their name, guess what will happen?”

Chen Xu’s words made Zhou Song’s body tremble subconsciously. Their home is a side branch of Zhou’s family, because he is the same age as Zhou Hongkuo, and they are in the same class. His parents often let him go in order to curry favor with Zhou Hongkuo’s parents. Looking for Zhou Hongkuo to play, Zhou Hongkuo has a bad temper, but very easy to deceive. It is because he has a good relationship with Zhou Hongkuo that his parents were able to transfer from the branch to the headquarters not long ago.

If Zhou Hongkuo knew that he was making trouble under the name of the Zhou family, with Zhou Hongkuo’s violent temper he would definitely fight him, and his parents’ work might be affected.

Zhou Song swallowed hard and bluffed, “Hongkuo is my younger brother, so he will naturally stand on my side, not to mention that you, a poor man, are not qualified to see him.”

Chen Xu stared at him without speaking for a few seconds, his pupils were pitch black, and Zhou Song had a bad premonition for no reason.

“Oh, is that so?” Chen Xu said nonchalantly, taking out his cell phone to make a call.

Zhou Hongkuo wronged him, he was ashamed and he kept his contact information so that Chen Xu could find him if he had anything to ask of him. However, he was always very anxious because he didn’t find Chen Xu contacting him.

Suddenly received a call from Chen Xu, Zhou Hongkuo was overjoyed and answered the phone, “Hello, Chen Xu?”

“Yes, let me ask you something.” Chen Xu’s cold voice came from the other side of the phone. Zhou Hongkuo didn’t know what was going on. Hearing Chen Xu’s voice, he subconsciously sat upright and listened to Chen Xu’s words seriously.

“you ask.”

“Do you know Zhou Song?” Chen Xu ask this to Zhou Hongkuo, but he stared straight at Zhou Song, his staring makes Zhou Song drenched in cold sweat.

Who is this person? Why does he have Zhou Hongkuo’s number?

Zhou Song panicked to his death, and evaded the guess that Chen Xu was pretending and the person on the other end of the phone was not Zhou Hongkuo at all.

“Yes, there is a relative in our family. I was playing with him a few days ago.” Zhou Hongkuo was wondering how Chen Xu knew about Zhou Song, and deliberately called to ask him.

“It’s nothing, I just ran into someone who said he was Zhou’s family and wanted to clean up me. I thought you and your eldest brother are the only two children in your family. Why didn’t I know when there is one more child named Zhou Song.” Chen Xu’s voice was a bit of a smile, but her eyes were frosty.

Zhou Song’s heart freeze, and suddenly, it seemed that someone had grabbed his heart, clenched tightly, and the blood couldn’t circulate all over his body.

Chen Xu looked at Zhou Song with a smile, and handed him the phone. Zhou Song’s hands were trembling, and his palms were cold and sweaty. He licked his lips, and tremblingly took Chen Xu’s phone, and slowly put it in the side of his ears.

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“Zhou Song, you are really great, you can pretend in front of me.” Zhou Hongkuo’s voice was obviously suppressing anger. For Zhou Song, his voice was undoubtedly like hearing sentences to death.

“I, I, I…Hongkuo, I was wrong, don’t be angry, I’m just stupid for a while…” Zhou Song was so frightened that he was about to cry, and kept apologizing to Zhou Hongkuo.

His former arrogance is complete gone, he is like a dog now, and he can’t wait to crawl under his master’s feet, seeking forgiveness.

However, Zhou Hongkuo didn’t mean to forgive him, he would tell his parents about the incident truthfully.

It’s over.

Zhou Song only had this thought in his mind, and Zhou Hongkuo had already hung up the phone when his consciousness returned.

Chen Xu stretched out his hand and took his mobile phone from him. Zhou Song glanced at him in a daze, and suddenly dropped to his knees with a plop.

“It’s because I don’t know Mount Tai. Please help me to say something nice to Hongkuo. I’m sorry, it’s all my fault today. I won’t bother with Ke Xinghao again.”

Zhou Song climbed over to apologize to Ke Xinghao, and Ke Xinghao almost jumped up in fright.

Damn it? ! This is so damn magical, what happened just now?

Why did he feel that Old Chen hid his power and fame? Like a hermit masters?

Obviously, this situation is not suitable for playing anymore. Chen Xu called someone to check out, and Ke Xinghao and the others were still in shock, completely forgetting to pay the bill.

After Chen Xu paid the bill, Ke Xinghao accidentally caught a glimpse of Chen Xu’s balance.

Damn it? ! Blind his dog’s eyes! He couldn’t count how many zeros there were.

Going out of the bar, Ke Xinghao was still in a trance. He seemed to have discovered a big secret.

In the bar, the men who originally followed Zhou Song looked at each other. Zhou Song’s desolate look seemed to be as if he’s bankrupt. What they didn’t know was that Zhou Song’s family was indeed going bankrupt. His parents, including him, had no abilities relying on the Zhou family home. When he went back this time, he will not only be facing the problem of being expelled from the Zhou family, his parents would definitely kill him.

Why is he so cheap that he wants to provoke Ke Xinghao.

When Chen Xu returned to the room, he went to take a shower first.

The sound of splashing water in the bathroom pulled back the thoughts of Ke Xinghao and Wang Chengyi. The two looked at each other and then got together.

“Old Chen’s family seems to be quite rich.” Ke Xinghao said cautiously.

Wang Chengyi nodded in agreement, “It doesn’t seem to be just ordinary rich.”

That Zhou Song was so arrogant at first, all because of the Zhou family in his mouth, but Chen Xu had the home phone number of Zhou’s family he is at least in the same circle, the same class of people.

“Um…” The two fell into a weird silence at the same time, and then both blushed.

Ke Xinghao covered his embarrassed face and buried his head in the quilt, “Ahhhhh!!!”

“What’s all this!”

They have always mistakenly thought that Chen Xu’s family is poor, and they have been trying every means to help Chen Xu pay the bill, ask him to eat, give him clothes and things, and lie to him that they bought the wrong size and cannot be refunded, and bought too much.

Even the money they came out to play this time, the five of them planned to split Chen Xu’s share among them.

After a long time, Chen Xu is not only not struggling, but he’s actually rich!

Ke Xinghao’s mind once again remembered that he had misunderstood Chen Xu as a scumbag and tried to save him.

“Fuck! How the fuck could I fall so many times in the same place!”

Wang Chengyi also remembered the stupid things Ke Xinghao had done. He thought Chen Xu was a little white face with the power of a chicken, and was beaten to call him father. He thought Chen Xu was a self destructive and depraved academic scum, and as a result, he took the first place in the year. He thought that Chen Xu’s family was poor and worked while studying, but he might be richer than his dad!

When Chen Xu came out of the shower, he was held hostage by Ke Xinghao and Wang Chengyi.

“Speak up the truth!”

Chen Xu looked at the two people hanging around his neck, and he couldn’t help but let out a little bit of laughter in helplessness.

He raised his hands cooperatively, “I will speak, I will speak.”

Ke Xinghao gave Wang Chengyi a look. The two pushed Chen Xu onto the sofa, like two bodyguards, holding their arms in front of Chen Xu. They wanted to hear what Chen Xu could explain to them.


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