After Rebirth I Became a Rich Man's Wife

Chapter 18: 18

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Si Ye was about to go to work, and Ms. Tao couldn’t call Si Ye. She was fully aware that Si Ye, the kite that she was holding in her hand, had flown away.

Ms. Tao could only comfort Si Yichen and said that she would give him a celebration banquet and compensate him.

Si Yichen was finally able to gain a bit of face, and hurriedly sent a message to his friends and invited them to come.

When he go downstairs, he found that the villa they used for hosting the banquet was set up. He originally thought that Ms. Tao was not in a hurry, but now that the set up for the banquet is almost done, the haze in his heart is swept away. What about Chen Xu being the first in the college entrance examination? It’s not that nobody cares about him, let alone give him such a grand banquet.

When the time comes, he can only stare from the side, admiring with blood dripping from my eyes.

Just thinking about it, Si Yichen’s suffocation over the past few days has vanished in an instant.

“Uncle Zhong, will there be a banquet tonight?” Si Yichen specifically asked Uncle Zhong who was actively working.

Uncle Zhong stopped what he was doing and replied: “Yes, Young master Chen.”

Sure enough, it was a celebration banquet for him!

Si Yichen didn’t continue to ask questions, and left the place, lest he ruined the surprise.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and posted to his circle of friends, attached a somewhat messy photo of the scene, and with a text: Thank you father for taking care of me over the past 18 years, see you tonight.

He basically has the contact information of all the children of the same age in their circle. As soon as he posted a photo, someone replied to him saying that he was looking forward to the banquet. Congratulations and compliments. The screen is full of rainbow farts. He completely forgot that Chen Xu was the top student in the college entrance examination.

Zhou Hongkuo’s father looked at the invitation in his hand and took a sip of tea with some confusion, “Hongkuo, are you familiar with Chen Xu?”

Zhou Hongkuo has already applied to a foreign university. Although he is not studying in China, he still knows that Chen Xu is the number one in the college entrance examination in this province. He walked over and sat next to his father, “I don’t know much, but he is pretty good. What is it?”

His father handed him the invitation, “This is the invitation for the celebration banquet organized by the Si family, but it says Chen Xu, shouldn’t it be Si Yichen?”

Zhou Hongkuo opened the invitation in amazement. It was written on it that the Si family wanted to invite his father and his family to Chen Xu’s college entrance celebration banquet, not Si Yichen.

Is this banquet for celebrating Chen Xu being the top in the college entrance examination?

Zhou Hongkuo suddenly remembered that on the day he wrongly blamed Chen Xu, Si Ye’s support of Chen Xu might not only be because of Chen Xu’s excellence.

Si Yichen’s position is not guaranteed.

Zhou Hongkuo explained to his father Chen Xu’s status as the top in the college entrance examination, and also mentioned Si Ye’s defending of Chen Xu that day.

“It’s not for Chen Xu. Originally, Pan Qizhi did something wrong. Xia You has not only lost her eligibility to be funded, but the first-class university also rejected her because of her character problems. Maybe she could only go to a second-rate university in the end. Plant melons and get melons, sow beans and get beans.” When it comes to Xia You, Zhou Hongkuo feels very sorry for her. A girl who is both excellent in character and learning, why should she engage in those crooked ways? She can obviously rely on her own efforts to have a bright future.

Father Zhou didn’t think so. His expression sank and he felt that things shouldn’t be so simple. The heirs of the Si family are naturally excellent. Si Ye can’t have children of his own, so this position is where those with ability can live. Si Ye is now twenty-eight and he is no longer the child who is easy to be manipulated by his mother. As a family member of Tao, Si Ye will more or less not see eye to eye with Ms Tao. It is not impossible for Si Ye to have other plans.

“You and I will go to this banquet, and get closer to Chen Xu.” Zhou’s father exhorted.

Zhou Hongkuo doesn’t like his father’s approach, but he had to agree to it first.

Obviously, Father Zhou would not be the only person in City A who had this kind of thought. As night fell, people with deep thoughts entered Si’s house with an invitation letter.

Ke Xinghao and others got out of the luxury car and stood at the door of the villa that was out of public sight, cautious and shocked.

A few of them knew that Chen Xu’s family was rich, but they didn’t know that their family was so rich!

The scenes in the movie turned out to be true. They had to take a car from the gate to the main house. Along the way, they not only saw free-range backyard, but also saw a huge labyrinth of roses, and the car passed a large fountain.

In short, all kinds of scenery were overwhelming. When they got out of the car and stood in front of the villa, Ke Xinghao fully understand that their family could only be called the nouveau riche.

“Haozi, is your house this big too?” Wang Chengyi and Ke Xinghao were close together and asked in a low voice.

In his opinion, among them, Ke Xinghao is considered rich, he should have seen this kind of scene.

Ke Xinghao shook his head like a rattle, “No it’s not, don’t talk nonsense.”

As for the other classmates in their class, they are even more embarrassed. Is Chen Xu family so rich? They still laughed at him secretly for being poor?

In particular, there are a few boys who have always been uncomfortable with Chen Xu. They have always thought that Chen Xu is a poor ghost who pretends to have some force, and he can only rely on Ke Xinghao to help him, but he has to behave innocently, which makes people wants to throw up.

But these people who came to pick them up said that Chen Xu is the young master of their family. Today’s banquet is for celebrating Chen Xu’s entrance result. They hope that they will all be able to participate. All these people agree that today is probably the pinnacle of their lives. They will bathe in the glorious light of the person they hates the most.

The teachers and principals who got out of the car in the back were even more nervous. The students still didn’t quite understand what Si household meant, but the principal knew! He didn’t even dream that the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in their school, Chen Xu, who was regarded as a treasure by them, not only became the topper in college entrance examination and also graced their school, but he was actually a child of the Si family!

They were led by the servants to their designated place. As for Chen Xu, Chen Xu was trying on clothes in the shop at the moment.

“Uncle Si, are you going to any banquet today?” Chen Xu raised his slender chin, and Si Ye helped him to button the buttons.

“Yeah.” Si Ye nodded slightly and raised his hand to help him smooth the wrinkles on his shoulders.

The suit was a three-piece suit, a shirt, vest and jacket, and the vest completely outlined Chen Xu’s lean and flexible waist. Si Ye stared at Chen Xu’s waist for a while, his eyes subconsciously darkened.

This waist makes people want to touch, and even want to see how it will be when it shakes.(Gosh I butchered this)1

Chen Xu’s figure is well proportioned. Although he is only 1.78 meters, he is tall and with long and straight legs, revealing a small piece of white ankles, and he has brightly shined leather shoes on his feet.

The body of a young person is fresh and clean, like a fruit that is about to ripen. You must work hard to hold back the desire to pick it and take care of it to taste the sweetest taste.

Si Ye is now the one waiting to pick the fruit. He walked behind Chen Xu and looked at the boy in the mirror. He had an urge to rub him into his own bones and blood, but his kid raised his eyelashes. He showed a bright smile, innocent and trustworthy.

He smiled to himself, and all his bad thoughts would disappear in an instant.

Si Ye was so helpless against him.

After buying the clothes, Si Ye didn’t take Chen Xu to any other place. When he saw the car driving towards home, Chen Xu looked at Si Ye suspiciously, “Aren’t you going to the banquet?”

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“Well, I’ll tell you in a moment.” Si Ye stretched out his hand and rubbed Chen Xu’s ear. “Why don’t you wear the ear studs?”

“I’m afraid of losing it.” Chen Xu usually likes to run around, and he goes to different places, it’s easy to recognize that the earrings are very valuable even at a glance, and they are easy to spot.

“Go back and put it on in a while, and uncle will buy another for you if lose it.” This is not a problem in Si Ye’s view. An earrings which worth only 6 million can make the child so cautious. It seems that he will have to buy more expensive ones in the future for him to get used to it.

Fortunately, Chen Xu didn’t know what Si Ye was thinking, otherwise he would be very speechless how Si Ye came to this solution.

When Chen Xu went upstairs to get the earrings, he heard noise from the villa next to him. He remembered that the villa over there was used to entertain guests. Is the banquet mentioned by Uncle Si held at home?

He paused his steps, and suddenly remembered that it was around this time in his previous life that the Si family held a celebration banquet for Si Yichen. Although Si Ye was unable to attend because of a business trip abroad, Ms. Tao was there the banquet and Si Yichen can also be regarded as a hit.

At that banquet, Chen Xu was ridiculed by Si Yichen. Even Chen Xu’s parents and siblings chased after Si Yichen, flattering, and scold Chen Xu for being shameless and doing that kind of scandal, letting them lose face.

Because of this incident, the relationship between Chen Xu and his parents fell to a freezing point. Later, when they learned that he was in art school, the relationship between him and his parents was completely reduced to that of strangers. He met them once or twice a year and was still in the banquet for company held at home.

“What are you thinking about?” Si Ye saw that Chen Xu seemed to be stuck in place, and he took the initiative to ask.

“It’s nothing, I bring the earrings.” Chen Xu didn’t want to talk about these things with Si Ye. There was no need, he was probably born shallow kinship.1

Si Ye didn’t let him put on the ear studs, but reached out and hugged him into his arms, and gently touched the back of his head, “Child, you don’t have to courageously faced everything.”1

His embrace was very warm, nothing like the Si Ye known by the outside world, cold-faced Yama, cold-hearted and unfeeling.

Chen Xu smelled the faint scents of perfume on Si Ye’s body. He couldn’t hold back, and sinked into Si Ye’s arms, “Uncle Si, just look at me, don’t look at other people’s okay?”

Even knowing that Chen Xu didn’t meant it, Si Ye’s heart suddenly ignited a flame because of his words, and he wished to swallow Chen Xu into his abdomen, giving him pain, giving him happiness, and drowning him.

Si Ye leaned down and met Chen Xu’s clear eyes. The tip of his nose brushed the tip of Chen Xu’s nose. His eyes were fierce. His voice was low with an intoxicating laughter, “Greedy ghost.”

Chen Xu’s cheeks were hot, but his movements were very bold. He raised his hand to wrap Si Ye’s neck, rubbed his face on Si Ye’s face, and bluntly admitted, “Uncle Si, I’m a greedy ghost, I want you to just watch me alone, pampering only me, I want to be your most special person.”

Does his kid know how dangerous their situation is? Si Ye was full of love and longing, and his whole heart was burning. The wild beast he was locked in was constantly crashing into the cage, wanting to break out of the cage, and clamoring to eat the child who didn’t know the depth of the world.1

“Have you heard? Mr. Si took a boy to the auction two days ago and bought a pair of earrings for him for more than six million dollars.”

“Where did you hear it? Why didn’t I receive the news?”

“I also heard that Lao Cai, your news is behind, do you think that boy will be the star of today’s banquet?”

“Don’t say it, I really think it’s possible. Since Mr. Si can neglect Si Yichen to host a banquet for him, it is enough to prove how favored he is in the eye of Mr. Si, and I am afraid that he will pass Si Yichen.”

“I don’t think so. The news I got is that Mr. Si and the boy he took to the auction site looked very close, and then he took the boy to the stage show and went to the restaurant to have a meal in the evening. It’s definitely not today’s Young Master Chen. I think Mr. Si should have a little love.”

“It’s Mr. Liu, the information is with details. No wonder Mr. Si ignored the girls sent to him it turns out that Mr. Si likes boys.”

The companies executives at the banquet had different thoughts. They exchanged news and speculated about Si Ye’s thoughts.

“I’ll go, isn’t that the CEO of the Feiteng Group on TV?”

“And that. Isn’t that popular actress Wei Miaomiao, she actually hug a bald uncle with beer belly!”

“Mom, how rich is Chen Xu? Why are all the big guys from the circle at the banquet?!”

The students who had never seen this things were all stunned, including their teachers. As for the principal? The principal is worthy of being the principal, he quickly took advantage of this time and went forward to hand out his business cards, and get familiar in front of these big guys who he had never got a chance to meet.

“Qingqing, look at the cake that looks delicious, and the drink is so beautiful!” Ni Shanshan shook Guan Qingqing’s hand excitedly, and Guan Qingqing was stunned by her.

They learned that Chen Xu’s family is actually very rich not too long ago. Before that time, she asked Chen Xu if he would go to her sister to do part-time jobs. Chen Xu said he would go and he didn’t bail on her sister and keep working. Her sister took photos of the new product. Guan Qingqing thought that her relationship with Chen Xu had not changed. They were still friends, and she could still have a crush on Chen Xu as before.

Until now, the banquets with these gorgeous lights and the delicious foods are like slaps on her face, hot and painful.

The gap between her and Chen Xu is too big. If Chen Xu is really poor, it doesn’t matter. She will help Chen Xu, but Chen Xu’s family background is no longer at a level that she can reach. She is not as overjoyed as other classmates. She was splash with a basin of cold water on her face.

Ni Shanshan took Guan Qingqing and couldn’t stop eating. She was very excited to see everything. At first, the other classmates were a little cautious, but when they saw someone taking the lead in picking up the food, they couldn’t wait to start.

“Hey, who are these poor ghost.”

“What’s going on today? Why can all kinds of cats and dogs come in, and what do security guards do?”

“Young Master Chen, how do you know these buns?”

Si Yichen, who was surrounded by the crowd in the center, walked over with a wine glass in his hand. His look at Ke Xinghao and the others as if looking at garbage, and asked them with a displeased face, “How did you get in?”

Ke Xinghao and others were flushed with anger, Wang Chengyi stood up and explained: “We are Chen Xu’s classmates. We are invited to the banquet. We are not unidentified people.”

Hearing Wang Chengyi’s explanation, the people around Si Yichen suddenly laughed harder, and said contemptuously: “God, Yichen, they were actually invited by Chen Xu. Chen Xu is too courageous now, right? , He can actually invite people at your banquet.”

Ke Xinghao was about to explain that Chen Xu was not the one who invited them, but Chen Xu’s uncle invited them. Before he could speak, he saw Si Yichen making a call and said to the other end of the phone: “I have a problem here. Come and deal with it.”


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T/nI apologize for the long wait, I don’t want to give you unnecessary information you don’t want to know but I think I have to give explanation

My illness relapsed and mentally I’m not in a good place with my suicidal thoughts reoccurring, which greatly affected my productivity, I waste so many days opening wattpad and trying to work on the chapters.

I am exhausted from translating only 3000 wordsThe translation might be even more choppy with lot’s of grammatical error.

I’m asking for everyone’s understanding, I will try to get back on schedule as soon as possible.

Thank you everyone for reading this book and for your patience. I really appreciate it.

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