After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 13: CH 13

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Different from Gu Jiuci’s complex mood, Tang Ziyou felt hungry after reading the script until it was dark.

He put down the script he was holding and went into the kitchen to prepare himself a sandwich.

Tang Ziyou called to consult to Liu Xu while cutting the tomatoes. “If I find a loophole in the script, but this loophole is not in my scene, should I tell the screenwriter? Or close one eye?”

“Whose role is it?” Liu Xu asked directly.

“Teacher Shan’s.”

“Do you want to talk to the screenwriter?”

“Considering the work itself, I think it should be said.”

“Then you can communicate with Teacher Shan first.” Liu Xu said, “The screenwriter of this play is Teacher Cheng Feng (程枫). We haven’t worked with her. I have only heard from the circle that her personality is relatively cold and her temper is very straightforward. You haven’t seen her before and point out the bugs in her script as soon as you come up, which easy to leave a bad impression on.”

“On the contrary, Teacher Shan is more familiar with you and has always taken good care of you. If you tell him your opinions, he will not think that you are provoking, let alone you are going to act on your behalf. If he thinks you are right, he will reflect with the screenwriter naturally. If he feels it is unnecessary, then this is his role in itself, and you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Yes.” Tang Ziyou nodded, “Thank you, Sister Liu.”

“You’re welcome, but you read it very seriously. You can even spot other people’s bugs in the script.”

“It’s almost time to start shooting. Naturally, you have to be more serious.” Tang Ziyou smiled.

After he finished speaking, he fried an egg for himself, cut a few slices of ham, sprinkled some meat floss, and put it in the toasted slices of bread.

After he was full, Tang Ziyou returned to his bedroom and called Shan Qikun.

Shan Qikun answered quickly and asked him, “What’s wrong?”

“Teacher Shan, it’s like this. I was reading the script today and saw your plot. I think it seems a little problem. If you are willing and have time, I want to talk to you. If you don’t think it is necessary, then forget it. I just happened to see it and didn’t mean anything else.”

Shan Qikun listened to his carefully selected words and said kindly, “It’s okay. You can tell me, I have time.”

Tang Ziyou only breathed a sigh of relief and said to him, “It’s that you and the hostess travelled around the world and found that Zhang Manman (张曼曼) was sold by her stepmother.”

Shan Qikun nodded and turned over the script, “What’s wrong with this?”

“In the script, you speculate that Zhang Manman was sold because her stepmother had a new silver hairpin on her head. You think she bought the hairpin with the money she sold Zhang Manman, but this isn’t rigorous. This is only one of the possibilities. There is another that she has the hairpin herself, but she didn’t wear it before and now she wears it.”

“Or,” Tang Ziyou said, “This hairpin belongs to Zhang Manman. She stole Zhang Manman’s hairpin. It’s very possible, isn’t it?”

Shan Qikun didn’t think much about it when he read the script before, but now he seemed to be right when he said this.

“So you think you missed these two possibilities?”

“Yes, in fact, the conclusion is the same, because the previous details can prove that Zhang Manman should be sold to a toothed woman by her stepmother. It is just that this kind of analysis and reasoning should be more rigorous and this fits Fu Yongsi’s personality. And in this way, it’s not easy to be stigmatized by netizens.”

“It makes sense. I’ll mark this one out and talk to the screenwriter later. Thank you, Xiao You.”

“You’re welcome, Teacher Shan. Just don’t mind me disturbing you.”

“Of course not. And you don’t always call me Teacher Shan, just call me Brother Shan.”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “Okay.”

Shan Qikun hung up the phone, looked at the script in his hand, thought about what Tang Ziyou said just now, and smiled.

He is really a sincere child. He read the scenes that had nothing to do with him so seriously and reminding him so cautiously.

It’s really cute. No wonder Gu Jiuci was unwilling to dissolve the engagement now, but unfortunately, it seemed to be a little late.

Shan Qikun thought so and called the screenwriter over.

Cheng Feng was editing the late script. Seeing that it was her phone call, she put down her pen and picked it up. She wondered, “What’s the matter, Teacher Shan?”

“Well, Sister Cheng. Regarding Zhang Manman who was sold, isn’t it too arbitrary to think that her stepmother used the money to buy a new hairpin? Or maybe the hairpin itself is hers, but she just didn’t wear it before or…”

He relayed Tang Ziyou’s analysis to Cheng Feng in its entirety.

After hearing this, Cheng Feng nodded in surprise, “Either the film emperor is unusual or he’s so careful. When I wrote it, I didn’t think so much because I knew it in my heart. It’s hard for you to think about it. I’ll change that part again later, which will be better highlight of Fu Yongsi’s carefulness and intelligence. Thank you very much, Teacher Shan.”

Shan Qikun smiled, “I don’t dare to take this credit. To be honest, when I read this paragraph, I didn’t think about it. Today, Xiao You told me that he found that this part can be more rigorous.”

“Xiao You?”

“Yes, Tang Ziyou, the actor who plays Sheng Feiguang.”

“Did he find the problem?”

“Yes, but this is not his role after all, so he is embarrassed to tell you. It just happened that we two had a good relationship, so he told me.”

Cheng Feng heard this with a look of surprise on her face. She opened Weibo a few days ago and the hot search first hung was 【Tang Ziyou’s Termination】 and then 【Tang Ziyou Signed Nanxing】.

She opened Weibo twice, both times it was Tang Ziyou.

Cheng Feng didn’t like this kind of actor who lived in the hot search, especially when she looked at Tang Ziyou’s appearance and the standard flow face. He lost her favour in an instant.

Unexpectedly, even though the other party had a flow face, his attitude towards acting was quite correct. He could still find loopholes in the script and put forward his own opinions.

On the contrary, she was prejudiced and had a bad attitude.

“I see. After a few days, I will see this Tang Ziyou.”

“Then Sister Cheng, don’t scare him. He is too young to be frightened.”

“Oh, it seems that our Teacher Shan has a really good relationship with him, so you protect him so much.”

“He is my apprentice after all.” Shan Qikun cleverly applied the relationship in the script.

Cheng Feng laughed and after joking with him a few words, she hung up the phone.       She turned the script back to the section where Zhang Manman was sold. She wrote it and changed her writing, but she was thinking of Tang Ziyou in her heart.

He is really an unexpected actor. I hope his acting skills can also surprise me.

Otherwise, just a correct attitude was also unqualified.

Tang Ziyou received Shan Qikun’s WeChat message before going to bed, saying that he had communicated with the screenwriter. The screenwriter was very grateful to him.

Tang Ziyou smiled and replied: [You’re welcome.]

He went into the bathroom and took a shower happily, and then lay in the quilt.

That night, it started to rain outside the window. The rain was heavy and it stayed all night until the next morning.

Tang Ziyou looked at the gloomy weather outside the window. Fortunately, he didn’t have to go out today. Otherwise, the road would be very blocked in this kind of weather.

He got out of bed to wash and cooked snail noodles for lunch.

Just after the noodles were cooked, he heard a knock on the door.

Tang Ziyou walked to the door suspiciously, looked through the cat’s eyes. It turned out to be Gu Jiuci. (Cat eyes… like a hole on the door to see the outside)

He didn’t want to bother about Gu Jiuci, so he returned to the dining room, picked up his chopsticks, and started eating noodles.

Gu Jiuci knocked on the door for a long time, but couldn’t wait for him to open, so he could only keep sending him WeChat.

Tang Ziyou saw that the WeChat voice call rang, turned the phone over, put it on the table, and continued to eat noodles.

He didn’t eat a few bites, but the phone rang.

Tang Ziyou had to pick up his mobile phone to see who was calling, but this look surprised him a little, it was Gu Jiuxing.

Without hesitate, he just picked it up, “Hello, Brother.”

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“Xiao You, are you at home?”


“That’s good. I’ll send someone to pick you up in a while. Grandma is in the hospital. She wants to see you.”

Tang Ziyou was surprised, put down his chopsticks instantly, stood up, “I’ll go there now.”

“Don’t worry. It’s raining heavily outside and the car is not easy to pick. I’ll send someone to pick you up. You stay at home first.”

“No need.” Tang Ziyou refused.

He held the phone and said, “Gu Jiuci, still at my door.”

Gu Jiuxing really did not expect that his younger brother would run to see Tang Ziyou on a rainy day. What are you planning to do? Take the opportunity to stage a bitter trick?

Gu Jiuxing smiled, “Okay, then you take Xiao Jiu’s car and I will wait for you in the hospital.”


After Tang Ziyou finished speaking, he went upstairs and took a coat. He changed his shoes, opened the door, and went out.

Gu Jiuci was still actively ringing the doorbell. He was overjoyed when he suddenly came out. He secretly said that Tang Ziyou still couldn’t let him go. No, he came out again after ten minutes.


“Grandma is hospitalized.” Tang Ziyou was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he went straight to the point, “Go to the hospital.”

Gu Jiuci was surprised, “Grandma was hospitalized!? When did it happen? Why don’t I know?”

“Brother called me just now, saying that Grandma was hospitalized and wanted to see me. Let’s go.”

After Tang Ziyou finished speaking, he started to step down the stairs.

Gu Jiuci saw that it was raining heavily outside and quickly pulled him.

When Tang Ziyou was pulled by him, his centre of gravity was unstable and he fell directly into his arms.

Gu Jiuci was stunned and Tang Ziyou was also stunned.

The raindrops on the eaves dripped and quickly merged into the underground puddles.

Tang Ziyou reacted and pushed Gu Jiuci away.

The brief warmth was fleeting and the wind blew between the two of them, making Gu Jiuci a little cold.

“Don’t touch me.” Tang Ziyou whispered.

After he finished speaking, he planned to step down again.

Gu Jiuci helplessly grabbed him and picked up his umbrella before Tang Ziyou spoke again.

“Don’t you know it’s raining outside? You don’t bring an umbrella when you go out. Do you want to lie in the hospital bed with Grandma?”

As he said, he let go of his hand, held up the umbrella, and put it over Tang Ziyou’s head.

“Let’s go.” Gu Jiuci said.

However, when he got down the steps, he found that Tang Ziyou hadn’t moved. He was still standing under the eaves, where he had just been grabbed.

“Aren’t you in a hurry? Are you not in a hurry now?” Gu Jiuci said.

Tang Ziyou glanced at him, thinking about Grandma Gu, who was ill, and then reluctantly went down the steps.

He walked very fast and his black sneakers soon were stained with muddy water.

Gu Jiuci followed him and held him an umbrella. He deliberately persuading him, “Slow down. My brother didn’t notify me, it means it’s not a big problem. Don’t worry.”

“He knows you are.” Tang Ziyou said concisely.

Gu Jiuci: ……

“You trust him and tell him everything.”

“He is more trustworthy than you.” Tang Ziyou said mercilessly.

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci closed his mouth.

Tang Ziyou walked fast and deliberately kept a distance from him. Within two steps, rain fell on his shoulders.

Seeing this, Gu Jiuci quietly approached him for a few minutes, but when he was one point closer, Tang Ziyou avoided two points. After Gu Jiuci tried twice, he gave up and quietly tilted his umbrella towards him.

Tang Ziyou didn’t notice and didn’t speak until he walked in front of his car.

Gu Jiuci sent him to the door of the co-pilot and was about to help him open the door. Tang Ziyou stepped forward and walked directly out of his umbrella, opened the door of the back seat, and sat in.

He did not look at him the whole time, only leaving him with an empty umbrella.

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci had to go around to the other side, opened the door, and got into the car.

He glanced at Tang Ziyou. Tang Ziyou had already sat down. He just lowered his head. He would rather look at the phone instead of communicating with him.

Gu Jiuci couldn’t understand. Why could he hold it back?

He used to not like him (TZY) to wander around in front of his eyes the most. When he (GJC) went out, he asked him to come back early. When he came back, he asked him if he was working hard.

Sometimes he got off the plane at one o’clock in the morning and he still received a call from Tang Ziyou, asking him, “Have you eaten on the plane? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?”

It was fine now. Didn’t he feel uncomfortable without saying a word?

Gu Jiuci sighed silently in his heart and started the car.

The road was always blocked on rainy days. Gu Jiuci drove for an hour before finally reaching the hospital.

At the moment of knocking on the door, Gu Jiuci suddenly thought of something and held Tang Ziyou, “Even if you want to say anything, wait until Grandma is discharged from the hospital.”

Tang Ziyou didn’t expect that he would say this at this time. He was silent for a moment, nodded, and freed his hand from Gu Jiuci’s hand. He pushed open the ward door and walked in.

Grandma Gu was lying on the hospital bed. Gu Jiuxing sat on the chair beside the bed, helping her to cut the apple.

Seeing him and Gu Jiuci come in, Grandma Gu smiled and waved to them to come over.

Tang Ziyou said in concern, “What’s the matter with you, Grandma? Why are you hospitalized all of a sudden?”

“I’m getting older and my body is not as good as before. If this day changes, I will get sick easily.” Grandma Gu smiled, “It’s all right, Xiao You. Don’t worry.”

She patted her bedside and motioned Tang Ziyou to sit down.

Tang Ziyou sat down. Grandma Gu took his hand and said to him, “Why didn’t you come over to the old house this month? Xiao Jiu is busy at work. Aren’t you bored at home alone? Don’t you want to come to see me?”

Tang Ziyou’s heart softened. He blinked unconsciously and whispered, “Yes, I have been. But you have gone out.”

“Oh, that’s my old classmate…” She was talking, but suddenly lowered her head, staring at Tang Ziyou’s left hand suspiciously, “You didn’t wear a ring today?”

Gu Jiuci was startled and went to see Tang Ziyou subconsciously.

The author has something to say:

In the next chapter, Xiao Jiu will know that Xiao You really doesn’t like him. It may be a bit torturous, but you all seem to love it.

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