After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 15: CH 15

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Grandma Gu didn’t stay in the hospital for a long time. After staying for two days, she went home.

Tang Ziyou accompanied her back to Gu’s house, had dinner, and returned to his home in Gu Jiuci’s car.

“It’s cold. You can take this coat.” Gu Jiuci handed over his coat.

Tang Ziyou didn’t answer, said “thank you”, and got out of the car.

He returned home and changed his shoes. He thought for a while, opened WeChat, and sent a red envelope to Gu Jiuci.

Gu Jiuci heard the WeChat ring, took advantage of the red light and took a look at it. He was surprised to find that it was actually a message from Tang Ziyou.

Before he had time to surprise, he immediately saw two obvious words: [Fare].

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci didn’t open the red envelope and replied. [I’m your fiancé. It’s normal to pick you up and see you off.]

Tang Ziyou looked at this sentence and sneered. When he was with Gu Jiuci before, Gu Jiuci never put this sentence on his lips. Now he wanted to dissolve the marriage contract, Gu Jiuci opened his mouth and closed his mouth. It’s all these sentences.

I don’t know, I guess it’s how much he likes me. (Not sure)

He didn’t reply again. He took a bath and prepared to rest.

* * *

Within a few days, the crew of 《Spring Festival》 officially started. Tang Ziyou also packed up his luggage and checked into the hotel set by the crew with Liu Xu.

Along with them, there was also an assistant assigned to him by Liu Xu.

“Just call him Xiao Lu (小吕).” Liu Xu introduced.

“Okay.” Tang Ziyou answered.

On the day of the launch, the crew officially announced the makeup photos. Netizens screamed with excitement and said with emotion, “Brother killed me!”

“This appearance is too high!”

“This configuration, my God, is a hot show reservation!”

“Shan Qikun is too handsome, and Tang Ziyou, his costume is also amazing!”

“Yingyingying, I quietly stretched out my little feet climbing the wall, wanting to take Xiao Tang as a small wall.”

“Me too!”

“Me too!”

“The same is true for me!”

In an instant, a large-scale wall-climbing scene and a small-scale wall-climbing scene were staged on Shan Qikun’s and Tang Ziyou’s Weibo.

Xu Wangyang looked at the comments on Weibo and frowned silently. Of the three actors, his makeup Weibo turned out to be the one with the least comments and likes. This was too unreasonable.

Xu Wangyang couldn’t help but look at Tang Ziyou not far away. Shan Qikun was more popular than him. It was ridiculous that someone like Tang Ziyou, who he had never heard of, was also more popular than him.

He put the phone in his pocket and walked to the shade.

* * *

Tang Ziyou was quietly staring at a person not far away, excited but carefully restrained.

Liu Xu noticed his eyes and asked him, “Are you looking at Teacher Qu Wenyi (曲文怡)?”

Tang Ziyou smiled, “I have seen a lot of Teacher Qu’s works.”

Liu Xu was surprised, “You?”

No wonder she was surprised, Qu Wenyi is almost fifty years old. Her audience was entirely from Tang Ziyou’s parents, it was not him at all!

Tang Ziyou nodded, “My grandfather likes to watch her TV series. He said she is a bit like my mother.”

Liu Xu knew his family situation. She felt distressed instantly after hearing this.

“Your mother must be very beautiful,” she said.

Tang Ziyou nodded and said without modesty, “My mother looks better than Teacher Qu Wenyi. When you go to my house, I will show you her pictures.”

“Okay.” Liu Xu smiled.

Tang Ziyou looked at Qu Wenyi and wanted to walk over to say hello to her.

Since he was in this group and liked her drama very much, both public and private, he should talk to Qu Wenyi and express his love for her.

However, the second female, Xiang Rongrong (向蓉蓉), was talking to her, so he had to sit and watch. He wanted to wait for Xiang Rongrong to go and talk to Qu Wenyi.

He waited for a long time before Xiang Rongrong left. Tang Ziyou quickly stood up, walked to Qu Wenyi’s side, and said humbly, “Hello, Teacher Qu. I’m Tang Ziyou. I like your play very much.”

Qu Wenyi smiled casually when she heard the words and said coldly, “Thank you.”

Tang Ziyou looked at her perfunctory expression, feeling a little embarrassed, but it was not easy to show it. He continued to smile and said, “This time I can cooperate with Teacher Qu. I’m really surprised and very happy. Teacher Qu, could you sign for me?”

“I didn’t bring a pen, next time.” Qu Wenyi’s voice was gentle, but the words were not so pleasant.

Tang Ziyou was embarrassed twice in a row. Knowing that Qu Wenyi shouldn’t like him, so he nodded and said, “I understand. I have to do it next time then I won’t bother you.”

Qu Wenyi nodded. Tang Ziyou dropped his brows and left in confusion.

Liu Xu saw him come back within two minutes and asked, “Why so fast?”

“Teacher Qu doesn’t like me.” Tang Ziyou wondered, “Does she dislike young actors like us? Or I don’t look good to her?”

“Probably not.” Liu Xu guessed.

“I saw that Teacher Qu just had a good conversation with Xiang Rongrong. She is definitely not the kind of cold old opera bones. Xiang Rongrong and I are about the same age. Why is the treatment so bad?”

Tang Ziyou tilted his head and thought, “Is it because they are all women and have more common topics, and I am a man, so she doesn’t want to talk to me?”

Liu Xu: ……

“Wait, let me check. I vaguely remember that Xiang Rongrong seemed to have collaborated with Teacher Qu in a variety show before, or something. The two of them may have known each other before.”

Liu Xu took out his mobile phone to check and said in surprise. “It’s true. In the first half of the year, there was an indoor variety show. Teacher Qu was present as a guest. There was also Xiang Rongrong in that issue, so the two of them are old acquaintances.”

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Tang Ziyou frowned, “I also want to become an old acquaintance with Teacher Qu.”

“All right. After a few days of filming, if you have a rival scene and you are familiar with each other, Teacher Qu will not treat you like this anymore.”

“I hope so.” Tang Ziyou said.

However, after two days of shooting, Tang Ziyou was surprised to find that Qu Wenyi’s attitude towards other people was not warm, but it was kind. Only him, Qu Wenyi obviously didn’t want to say much.

Tang Ziyou was really confused by her attitude. He hadn’t offended Qu Wenyi, so why did she not like him?

After thinking about it, he decided to go to Qu Wenyi again.

Qu Wenyi saw him came up in front of her again, thinking that this person was really not compelling, couldn’t he tell that she didn’t like him? Also, he came up again.

She had been popular for half her life. She had gained popularity and awards. Therefore, even if she was old and taken up by new traffic flowers, she didn’t bother to disguise herself.

Tang Ziyou saw her looking down and asked, “Teacher Qu, can I interrupt you?”

“What are you doing?” Qu Wenyi said casually, without raising her head.

Tang Ziyou said warmly, “I want to ask, is there any misunderstanding between us? Have I done something that affects you before, but I don’t know it myself?”

“No.” Qu Wenyi turned a page, took the time to glance at him, “I have this character. I’m not enthusiastic and I don’t like talking to people.”

Tang Ziyou pursed his lips. After hesitating for a moment, he still said, “Perhaps you have heard a lot of people say this, but I still want to say it again. I really like your work and I’m really surprised to see you. If I can, I really want your signature. I didn’t lie to you.”

“Really?” Qu Wenyi said calmly, “Then which of my works do you like best?”

Tang Ziyou heard the words and quickly replied, “《Meihua Town》 (梅花小镇).”

Qu Wenyi paused when she turned the book. She looked up at Tang Ziyou with a little surprise, “《Meihua Town》, that was a drama from 20 years ago. How old were you when this drama was broadcast?”

Seeing that she was willing to talk to herself, Tang Ziyou instantly smiled. “I watched it with my grandpa. My grandpa liked your work very much, so he would watch it on TV every year. He also bought CDs. He bought your《Heavy Rain》, 《Flowers under the Mist》, 《Wild Kite》, 《The Evening Lady》, 《Autumn》, and 《Meihua Town》, this one is his favourite to watch and also my favourite.” (《暴雨来袭》、《雾面下的花》、《野风筝》、《晚娘》、《秋日》)

She was really curious about him when Qu Wenyi heard him report so many titles in one go, “You watched them all?”

Tang Ziyou nodded.

“Then you are going to talk about it, what do you like about He Yongmei (贺咏梅)?”

“I like her cleverness and persistence.” Tang Ziyou replied, “He Yongmei has three very important people in her life. The first is her lover when she was in school. She and her lover are in free love, but when she found that her lover’s parents despised her, and her lover only dared to make her compromise with her parents, she terminated the relationship. Because the relationship is a matter of two people, but marriage is a matter of the family.”

Qu Wenyi slowly closed the book.

“The second one is her fiancé.” Tang Ziyou continued, “He Yongmei did not reject him at the beginning. She went to see her fiancé, communicated with each other and understood each other. After getting along, she found that the two people were inappropriate. She ended this relationship politely without hurting anyone.”

Qu Wenyi nodded. Her eyes gradually softened.

“The third is her pen pal. They exchanged letters and talked very happily. During this period, she also experienced other people saying that she was older and persuading her to get married as soon as possible, even from a modern perspective. However, she didn’t settle down casually, but still took her feelings seriously. It wasn’t until an accidental encounter with her pen pal later that the two of them went through various incidents before they were truly together.”

“I think a girl like her is very cute. She respected others and herself. She knew what she wanted always moving in the direction she wanted to be, so I like this TV series very much.”

Qu Wenyi smiled, “I thought that children of your age would like the TV series I played in the past few years more. Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a special case.”

“Your dramas in the past two years are also very good-looking, but I like the role of He Yongmei more in comparison.”

Qu Wenyi nodded, chatted with him about other film and television roles, and slowly put the book aside.

“Aren’t you asking for my signature? Xiao Zhao, give me a pen.”

Tang Ziyou was very pleasantly surprised and then asked Xiao Lu to bring his bag over.

Since he knew that Qu Wenyi had participated in 《Spring Festival》, he brought the disc of 《Meihua Town》from home and wanted her to sign it.

Now that he had the opportunity, he immediately took out the disc, opened the box, turned out the inner page and laid it out in front of Qu Wenyi for her to sign, and said sincerely, “Thank you.”

Qu Wenyi saw the stills with a sense of time on the inner page, her heart was unavoidably moved.

“You’re welcome.” Qu Wenyi said with a smile, “It’s quite fun to chat with you. Speaking of which, He Yongmei is also a character I like very much. In order to play He Yongmei, I also pushed an invitation for another play, but it’s a pity. The ratings of this movie were not good, let alone awards. Not many people have watched it.”

“This may be the so-called legacy.” Tang Ziyou said, “And not all works of art can be appreciated by people.”

“You are quite good at talking.” Qu Wenyi said, signed, closed the disc case, and handed it to him, “Take it.”

“Thank you.”

“No need.”

“Then can I ask, Teacher Qu, why did you dislike me so much before?” Tang Ziyou whispered.

Qu Wenyi heard the words and fell silent for a moment.

Tang Ziyou looked at her quietly, then listened to her, “Be careful with Rongrong.”

Tang Ziyou was startled and reacted instantly.

Xiang Rongrong and Qu Wenyi were old acquaintances. If Xiang Rongrong told Qu Wenyi that he was not right, then Qu Wenyi would inevitably hate himself preconceived.

He nodded and said softly, “Thank you.”

Qu Wenyi waved her hand, “This has always been the case in this circle. It has been the way I have been pampered in the past few years. No one dared to play this kind of cautious in front of me. No, I was fooled by a little sparrow.”

She whispered, “Okay, Xiao Tang, as long as you remember. Your agent is here, she should be looking for you for something, go.”

Tang Ziyou turned around and found that Liu Xu was not far from him.

“Then I’ll go back first. I’ll see you next time.”

“Good.” Qu Wenyi nodded.

Tang Ziyou turned and walked towards Liu Xu.

Qu Wenyi watched him leave, a layer of coldness slowly appeared in her eyes. When Xiang Rongrong appeared in front of Qu Wenyi again and enthusiastically invited her to dinner, she heard Qu Wenyi ask her calmly, “Rongrong, you said you are my fan before then have you seen my previous films?”

The author has something to say:

Xiang Rongrong: Although I haven’t seen it, I have a general impression from Baidu Baike~

Qu Wenyi: Just dare to talk nonsense in front of this old lady and see if this old lady doesn’t swell your face!

I kind of want to change the name to “I’m Red After Abandoning the Scum Gong”, and it feels pretty cool, so don’t be surprised if you find out that I changed it~~

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