After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 2: CH 2

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The man in his forties was thin, with a small beard, and looked at the person in front of him contemptuously.

He was one of the biggest agents in Yaori right now. His Li Ke is the company’s current first brother.

“Brother Wang, are you serious?” someone asked cautiously.

Wang Jian raised the corners of his lips slightly, “You are not capable of taking him, for fear of offending Mr Chen, but I am not afraid. I am quite interested in Tang Ziyou.”

He said, passing in front of the people to his office.

The agent who was talking about it just now lost his voice. After a while, he was ashamed. He said in his heart: Tang Ziyou’s life is really good. After Liu Xu leaving, there is another Wang Jian. They’re all famous in the company and I don’t know what kind of trick he got!

Wang Jian did what he said, so he quickly contacted Liu Xu, saying that he could help.

Liu Xu was silent for a long time after receiving the call before relaying the news to Tang Ziyou.

“That’s good.” Tang Ziyou had a good mentality, “I will go to the company to find him tomorrow.”

“So eager?” Liu Xu was surprised.

“Yeah, I’m just idle and nothing to do. It’s better to shoot as soon as possible.”

“Isn’t Actor Gu at home?” Liu Xu asked curiously.

She was one of the few people who knew the relationship between Gu Jiuci and Tang Ziyou.

Tang Ziyou smiled, “Do you think he will be there?”

Liu Xu felt a little distressed for him for a moment, “He is the film emperor, it is normal to be busy. Xiao You, don’t be sad.”

“I’m not sad.” Tang Ziyou said calmly.

Maybe he once was sad, but after experiencing life and death, there was nothing to be sad about.

“I don’t like him anymore.”

Liu Xu: ! ! !

Liu Xu exclaimed in disbelief, “Are you joking, Xiao You?”

“It’s true.” Tang Ziyou said, “Since he is heartless, I will give up. There is no need to frame myself to death in one place.”

Liu Xu listened to his calm words and felt that he was indeed different from before.

“If you are serious, then Xiao You, Sister Liu will support you.”

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome.”

After chatting for a while, Tang Ziyou hung up and started cleaning.

It took him two hours to clean the house at last.

Tang Ziyou was too tired to move, so he ordered takeout with his mobile phone.

The takeout arrived quickly. Tang Ziyou answered the phone and went out to pick up the takeout.

The food delivery was a young girl. When she saw him, there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. After hesitated for a while, she still asked nervously, “Are you Tang Ziyou?”

Tang Ziyou paused when he was picking up the food.

Only then did he react. He came out directly after receiving the takeout call without wearing a mask.

Seeing his reaction, Xu Linlin immediately affirmed her thoughts and looked at him excitedly, “It’s really you. I’m your fan, Brother. What are you doing now? Are you not filming?”

Tang Ziyou smiled but did not answer.

Xu Linlin realized her overstepping, and hurriedly said, “I shouldn’t ask about this. Brother, this is your takeout. Can you sign for me?”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “Yes.”

Xu Linlin repeatedly thanked him. After receiving the autograph, she boldly asked him, “Brother, can I take a selfie with you?”

Her eyes were bright and full of expectation.

Tang Ziyou had gone deep into the fan group, so it was clear that for many fans, idols were like dreams hanging in the sky. They could be dusty, but there should be no dust on the idol.

If there was, they would try to dust him off.

He felt soft for a while, nodded and said, “Okay.”

Xu Linlin excitedly took out her phone, took a selfie with him, and thanked him again.

“No, but this is my friend’s house. I’m just staying here today, so don’t reveal this address. I don’t want to cause trouble to him, okay?”

“All right.” Xu Linlin nodded, “I will keep it secret. Thank you, Brother. I wish Brother better and better in the future.”

“Thank you.”

Tang Ziyou returned to the room, sat down at the dining table, and began to eat.

Xu Linlin was full of excitement while holding the signature.

After sending the last order, she finally couldn’t help but post on the forum.

《Meeting Tang Ziyou by chance, when it comes to autograph and take a photo, Tang Ziyou is still so handsome, beautiful and kind.》

Main building: Ah, ah, I’m so excited. I unexpectedly met Tang Ziyou today. He is still so handsome. He looks even more beautiful than on TV. He has a good temper. I asked him if he can sign and take photos. He agreed. Super nice!

[Image] [Image]

One picture is a selfie photo of the two and the other was Tang Ziyou’s signature.

Tang Ziyou’s fans and passers-by entered the post soon.

“Fuck, it’s really Tang Ziyou. I haven’t seen this name on the forum for a long time.”

“Tang Ziyou’s face is really tough to resist. It’s been almost three years and his face is still unique.”

“The new artists born in the past three years are not as good as him.”

“Alas, it’s a pity that he was a big hit when he debuted, but in the end, he was hidden by the company. Compared with him, Li Ke, who was praised by the company in the past few years, is simply a low match to him.”

“If Tang Ziyou hadn’t been hidden by the snow back then, now he’s on the line.”

“What are you dreaming upstairs? Is Tang Ziyou fan still awake for so many years? Do you still care about him?”

“I saw a few Li Ke fans took the opportunity to step on it, hehehehehehe.”

“Tang’s fans, wake up. Li Ke is now on the line, thank you. Where is Tang Ziyou? No such person is found! Don’t take the opportunity to touch porcelain tea coffee!”

“When Tang Ziyou was the most popular, there was no one in front of him. What were the fans blowing about?”

“I don’t know if Tang Ziyou blew it or not, but Li Ke’s fans in the building are very happy. It’s still a thread. It’s the thread in your dreams, right?”

“Can Li Ke say that he is the first line now? Hahahahahahahahahaha.”

Soon, the post became noisy.

Tang Ziyou retired for two and a half years, which enough for the entertainment industry to change its blood. (Change the flow in the industry)

Many of his fans who once belonged to him climbed the wall to others. Artists who were inferior to him in the company also caught up with him. Li Ke is one of them.

Li Ke and Tang Ziyou signed a contract almost at the same time. The difference was that Tang Ziyou exploded when he debuted, while Li Ke fought for several years to become hit.

The artists in the same company inevitably compared with each other. Li Ke’s appearance was not as good as Tang Ziyou, and his red speed was not as fast as Tang Ziyou. In addition, Tang Ziyou had retired from the circle, becoming the white moonlight in many people’s hearts, so many netizens said, “If not Tang Ziyou hadn’t hidden by the snow, which round would get Li Ke to take the lead.”

Therefore, Li Ke fans hated Tang Ziyou very much.

At this moment, seeing the more noisy and hotter posts, Li Ke fans ridiculed: “How long has Tang Ziyou not been mentioned? Suddenly posting at this time, doesn’t it be that Tang Ziyou is going to make a comeback, deliberately posting a post to test?”

“Save it, there is no place for him in this circle.”

“Hahaha, he’s worried, he’s worried. Li Ke fans said that they didn’t care, they still mind it. Why, I’m afraid that Tang Ziyou will come back, what will happen to your brother in the future?”

“If it’s really a test post from Tang Ziyou’s family, then I can tell you clearly that you don’t need to test and come back directly! As for his appearance, he can fight for 30 years, not to mention three years of silence!”

“Kneel down and ask for a comeback. After Tang Ziyou, I don’t see such amazing ancient costumes anymore. Please, come back and give it a way to live!”

“Yes, did the team see that? It’s best to announce the official comeback tomorrow, gkd!”

Looking at her post, Xu Linlin couldn’t laugh or cry: “It’s not a team, it’s really a fan. I also want my brother to come back, but my brother seems to have a good life. So, it’s not that important if he doesn’t come back.”

Everyone sighed after hearing the words, “I am looking forward to make it clear.”

The floor of the post was too high. The marketing account in the forum saw that Tang Ziyou was quite popular, so it immediately moved to Weibo and posted: Tang Ziyou is suspected to come back?

Shock, Tang Ziyou fans scattered on the Internet and left messages on Weibo, crying for their brother to love them again.

Other marketing accounts saw this also moved immediately. For a while, Tang Ziyou’s Weibo was full of the word “come back”.

After a while, #TangZiyou’scomeback# was on the hot search.

Immediately afterwards, someone moved to the forum.

Forum users: …is this the legendary change direction in the domestic market? I’m afraid. I’m afraid. (这就是传说中的出口转内销吗?)

Liu Xu was still a little confused when she saw this hot search. She was a little bit dumbfounded as she clicked in.

But when she finished reading the comments of netizens, she was only moved.

For so many years, Tang Ziyou had not forgotten not only by her but also by the netizens on the Internet.

The entertainment industry has memories. It would remember every amazing person and would welcome his return.

Liu Xu smiled, “Welcome back, Xiao You.”

* * *

Tang Ziyou slept all night and went to the company the next morning.

He didn’t come to the company for a long time, so the new front desk didn’t recognize him. He stopped him from entering, but Wang Jian went downstairs and picked him up.

“I have been away for too long.” Tang Ziyou sighed.

“It’s not too long.” Wang Jian said, “You are still young. You can set sail again at any time.”

Tang Ziyou looked at him and thought he seemed to be a good person. He whispered, “Thank you, Brother Wang.”

“You are welcome. You will be my artist in the future. Don’t worry. I will take care of Mr Chen.” With a smile, Wang Jian pressed the elevator and took him into his office.

Before Tang Ziyou came, he had already selected a suitable script for him.

“See for yourself, which one you like.”

Tang Ziyou sat down, looking through them one by one.

It seemed that Wang Jian’s resources were not very good. Although there were male protagonists, male partners, ancient costumes, and modern in the scripts, when he looked at them carefully, they were all online dramas. The production team was very general. Even Tang Ziyou had never heard of any names.

Tang Ziyou looked at them one by one, not very satisfied, “Anything else?”

“Don’t you like them all?”

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Tang Ziyou thought for a while, and replied, “It’s not that I don’t like it, but the cast of these dramas is not as good as my first drama.”

This was the truth, Wang Jian did not expect that he had been away from this circle for nearly three years, and he was still paying attention to this circle.

He was a little embarrassed. “If you want to make a play as soon as possible, then there are only these scripts. You should know that you have been away for nearly three years, not three months. What a good team requires is to be popular. You are no longer popular.”

Tang Ziyou lowered his eyes, thick eyelashes like a curtain, thinking seriously.

When Wang Jian saw him not speaking, he frowned and thought for a while. He seemed to think of something, “Actually, there is another book. Although it may be more troublesome, but if you want, I can put you in.”

Tang Ziyou looked up at him.

Wang Jian sat down opposite him and said seriously, “No matter the team, the start-up may be later than you think, but it is not too late. In this play, Li Ke is the protagonist. He has a certain right to speak. He wants you to go in, it’s not impossible. What do you think?”

Tang Ziyou heard this, but did not make a sound for a while.

He and Li Ke were from the same period. When he was popular, Li Ke still didn’t have this status. Now, he asked to match Li Ke. Tang Ziyou was not unwilling, but he couldn’t help sighing.

Wang Jian advised him, “This is your best choice right now. If you don’t want to, you can only play the online dramas that you think the cast is not good. Think about it for yourself and then reply to me.”

Tang Ziyou nodded, chatted with him for a while, then left.

As soon as he left, Wang Jian tore off his mask and called Li Ke proudly, “Okay, you can wait. In a few days, he will have to wash your feet.”

“Are you sure?”

“Nonsense, except for your dramas, all I gave him had a garbage team. As long as he has a brain, he should know that yours is his best choice.”

Li Ke chuckled, “Yes.”

“Furthermore, even if he chooses those junk dramas, then he is not at a loss. After so many years, it’s not easy for him to come back. As a result, the first shot of the comeback turned out to be a full 18-line of online drama. It’s like hitting the faces of those people who miss him on the Internet. It’s better to miss him if they want to see each other (估计恨不得相见不如怀念吧).”

“Hahahaha.” Li Ke laughed.

“All right.” Wang Jian reminded him, “Tang Ziyou has me here. You should prepare well for the audition of《Spring Festival》 (春意闹) for two days. There are many candidates for this audition. You must succeed.”

“I know.” Li Ke lazily said, “Don’t worry. I’ve inquired with the internal staff. At present, there is no special candidate in the directing team. My chance is still relatively large.”

“That’s good. Shan Qikun’s first TV play, that which is a movie king’s coming down to the world, will make a steady profit. If you get it, you’ll be a step closer to the front line.”

“Well, I am bound to win.”

Tang Ziyou left the company and called Liu Xu only when he got home.

He briefly summarized the scripts and asked, “Sister Liu, do you think I should pick it up? If so, which one? Relatively speaking, it seems that the drama starring Li Ke has a better team.”

Although his current agent had become Wang Jian, Wang Jian also told him that the script should be kept secret. It was good for the two of them to know and didn’t let others know.

But for Tang Ziyou, Liu Xu is his most trusted person in this circle, so she is not someone else. She was more like a guide in the entertainment circle.

After listening to it, Liu Xu laughed with anger.

“I said why he was so kind and suddenly said that he wanted to take you. After a long period of trouble, I was making this calculation. I really underestimated him before. I didn’t expect him to be a big man with a narrow mind.”

“Xiao You, listen to me, you can’t take any of these plays.”

“When you retired, although you were in the second line, it was a solid red pass. You are coming back at this time. Once you take these plays, it will give you the lower position. It will difficult to restore your previous position in the future and commercial value.”

Liu Xu seriously analyzed to him: “What you need now is not this kind of rubbish team, nor for Li Ke, who was inferior to you, but now you just barely catch up with your contemporaries. What you need is a powerful card. In this way, you can attract everyone’s attention again and continue the previous glory, do you understand?”

Tang Ziyou certainly understood, “But I don’t have the resources.”

Liu Xu heard the words and fell silent.

Resources, this is the most important thing. Everyone knows the truth, but without resources, everything is empty talk.

After a long time, Liu Xu gritted her teeth and opened her mouth again, “Actually, it is not completely absent. If you like, I can recommend you to audition for a crew.”

“The crew is good enough to start up recently which meets your requirements. Although you can only play the third male, but the male lead and second male in this play are big enough, and they are not the same period as you. You are not at a loss to match them. Even Li Ke is fighting for this role recently… And I guess you don’t want to.”

“Why?” Tang Ziyou wondered, “According to what you said, isn’t this my best choice now? Why am I unwilling?”

“Because the male lead of this play is Shan Qikun.” Liu Xu stated.

Tang Zi was taken aback for a moment, it turned out to be him.

Shan Qikun, Gu Jiuci’s rival.

Liu Xu was silent, she felt that way in her heart.

She heard Tang Ziyou said he wanted to film again last night and the first thing she thought of was this play.

But then, she thought of the relationship between Shan Qikun and Gu Jiuci, and guessed that Tang Ziyou would not agree.

As expected.

“I knew it, it’s okay…”

“I am willing.” Tang Ziyou interrupted her and said calmly, “I am willing to try this play. If the audition is successful, I am also willing to cooperate with Shan Qikun.”

Liu Xu was stunned, “Are you sure? Xiao You, this is Shan Qikun, you know?”

“I know.” Tang Ziyou smiled, “But Shan Qikun and I don’t actually have any grudges, do we?”

“I didn’t like him before, just because he was Gu Jiuci’s rival. But now, I don’t like Gu Jiuci anymore. How can I care about his rival.”

Liu Xu listened to his calm tone and said in her heart that it was different.

When he mentioned Gu Jiuci before, he was shy, joyful, and couldn’t hide his love for him.

But now, when he mentioned Gu Jiuci again, there was only peace and calmness remain.

Overnight, Gu Jiuci seemed to have changed from the person he cherished the most to a dispensable person. He really didn’t seem to love Gu Jiuci.

“Did something happen between you and Emperor Gu?” She asked.

Tang Ziyou shook his head, “No, I just looked away.”



“Then your sister will congratulate you in advance for escaping the sea of ​​love.” Liu Xu said with a smile.

Tang Ziyou also smiled, “Thank you.”

“Then I will help you to get in touch with them. It’s just Li Ke also competing for this drama. You are competing with him at this time. If Wang Jian knows, will he…”

“Let’s talk about it later.” Tang Ziyou was calm, “If he doesn’t really want to take me, then I don’t need him as an agent.”

Liu Xu sighed, “If you tell me two months earlier, I will take you to change jobs together. Now I have to leave, I can’t help you operate. The liquidated damages alone are enough to make people headache.”

“Sister Liu, it’s okay. It’s natural for the boat to reach the bridge (Idiom: Everything will turn out for the best). Now the most important thing is that I succeed in the audition in Shan Qikun’s new play.”

“Come on, you can definitely do it.” Liu Xu encouraged, “That’s why you don’t let Wang Jian know about this. It saves him from operating in the dark and doesn’t let you audition.”

“I know.”

* * *

Shan Qikun leaned back in his chair, screening the list of people who came to audition.

There were so many male artists who wanted to match him so that the director saw hadn’t made any announcements recently. A phone call called people over.

“Your male partner, give you the right to review. I’m good enough for you, too.”

Shan Qikun calmly said, “Isn’t it because you can’t see, so you grab a strong man?”

“That’s also for you.” The director said.

“Oh, thank you then.” He said so, but he didn’t lift his eyelids.

The director had a good relationship with him and didn’t care about it. He continued to look at the list in his hand.

He deleted one after another and suddenly his eyes lit up, “Ah-Kun, look at this. The image is too good. It’s not a loss to play your apprentice. Tang Ziyou, is this name a bit familiar?”

Shan Qikun heard the words “Tang Ziyou” and stopped looking at the list.

He leaned over and looked at the photos from the director. He was surprised and said, “Is it really him?”

“Do you know him?”

“Don’t you know?” Shan Qikun asked, “The hero of 《Snow is Not Too Late》 (雪未晚) three years ago.”

When he said that, the director remembered, “I just said that I seemed to have heard this name. This movie was very popular at the time, right?”

“It’s okay. He’s a big hit, but after he finished the play, he never acted again.”

“Why?” The director asked.

The family got sick + fell in love, Shan Qikun said in his mind, but he didn’t say it out loud. He just said, “When he comes to audition, you’ll know.”

“It seems that you are satisfied with him.”

Shan Qikun but laughed silently.

He was not satisfied or dissatisfied with Tang Ziyou. He was just curious. Tang Ziyou didn’t hate him so much. How could he come to audition for his play and match him?

Shan Qikun took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Gu Jiuci: [Is Tang Ziyou coming back?]

Shan Qikun: [Are you sure he hates me? He is going to audition for my new play.]

After Gu Jiuci was busy, he opened WeChat and saw a message from Shan Qikun.

He sneered coldly and replied: [It’s just a fake shot. How can he come back? He has no ambition at all.]

Gu Jiuci: [But it’s true that I hate you. It’s not that your fans want to tear me up every day. He likes me, so he naturally hates you.]

Shan Qikun: [What if he does come to audition?]

Gu Jiuci: [Impossible, he likes me so much. If he comes, I will have your surname (来的话我和你姓).]

Shan Qikun smiled then he was looking forward to Tang Ziyou’s arrival now.

“Contact Tang Ziyou and tell him that he can come to audition tomorrow and arrange the earliest events.” Shan Qikun said to the director’s assistant.

Upon hearing this, the director smiled and said, “You are really satisfied with him.”

“I am very happy with his arrival.” Shan Qikun meant something.

The author has something to say:

Gu Jiuci now: Fake, he won’t go.

Gu Jiuci tomorrow: Fuck, who slapped me in the face!

Xiao You: I did it.

Gu Jiuci: …that’s all right.

Shan Qikun: Good fight, play louder!

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