After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 41: CH 41

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Tang Ziyou read the script for a few days at home. It was time to start.

Gu Jiuci didn’t receive much drama after half a year, so he wanted to accompany him to the crew.

Tang Ziyou was a little resistant to this, “What are you going to do? Do you think we don’t have enough CP fans?”

Gu Jiuci honestly said, “That’s not enough. I hope everyone is our CP fans and think we are a perfect match.”

Tang Ziyou: …I’m afraid you’re going to kill Sister Red Wine!

“Don’t go.” He advised, “It’s fine for me to go with Liu Xu and Xiao Lu.”

“I’ll drop by. Can’t I go see Zhou Yi (周毅)? We’ve worked together before and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.”

Zhou Yi was the actor who played the policeman, which was another male protagonist of this movie.

Tang Ziyou didn’t believe it, “I haven’t seen you for so long. It’s not bad this time.”

“Okay, okay, okay. You go, I won’t follow you, all right.” Gu Jiuci said helplessly, “I’m not a shameful person.”

“You are a nice person!” Tang Ziyou said with emotion, “As long as you weren’t so popular, I wouldn’t be so frightened.”

“If I wasn’t so popular, would you still be my mother fan?” Gu Jiuci approached him and stared into his eyes, “Brother Yibei?”

Tang Ziyou: ? ? ?

Tang Ziyou was a little ashamed, how could this be picked up.

“How did you know?” He asked curiously.

“I saw the note in your drawer with the login account and password on it, so I tried it, but I didn’t read your private message, this is ** I know.”

Tang Ziyou: ……

“The account and password are also **!”

“I saw unexpected things and became curious. I just logged in once and after I found out it was a Weibo account, I logged out.”

He sighed, “You deleted your blog at that time. I didn’t see anything.”

Fortunately, he deleted his blog. Otherwise, it would be a large-scale public execution scene!

A matter of making the list or something, it was just a secret fight. It was a bit embarrassing to be hit in front of the main lord. Anyway, Tang Ziyou didn’t want Gu Jiuci to see it.

Fortunately, Gu Jiuci really didn’t see anything.

“You’re not allowed to enter in the future!”

“I’ve only been on that one time.” Gu Jiuci told the truth, “But don’t you consider turning to be a fan again? At least, change your name back, or change it to a new name, Jiu Love Xiao Tang.”

Tang Ziyou: ? ? ?

“What’s your relationship with Jiu Love Ruan Tang?”

“My trumpet.” Gu Jiuci said proudly, “I’m also a person who can talk to fans in the fan circle and a big boss with status.”

Tang Ziyou: ……

Tang Ziyou touched his forehead. That famous crooked butt cp fan, Sister Red Wine hung him on the wall every day and couldn’t wait to beat him to death and never carried water. He almost didn’t pick him, only Tang Ziyou had written on the face of Jiu Love Ruan Tang. It turned out to be Gu Jiuci! Their lord!

He didn’t know how Sister Red Wine would feel when they found out.

Tang Ziyou felt that they had better not know it.

“You can also act like you occasionally,” he kindly advised, “Either you spend some money on the sales volume for yourself, or don’t spend money on me. You spend money on me every day, not stingy, don’t do data, clamouring that JiuTang is true, you are going to piss off your fans, okay?” (一毛不拔, idiom meant stingy, here)

“What is the purpose of me paying myself money?” Gu Jiuci said eloquently, “Choose the broker to make the difference? It’s better for me to spend my money on you.”

“Then don’t be so active.”

“How about that, you were my big fan at the time, and now I have to be your big fan, so we are worthy. And I watch our CP super talk every day. I’m in a good mood, so I support their development.”

Tang Ziyou: …this is definitely the first person who’s paying attention to CP’s super talk!

What else could this say? Shut down the wheat, obviously not persuaded.

He packed his luggage. Before leaving, he specially came back together and spent a few days with Grandma Gu and Gu Jiuxing before leaving.

Grandma Gu watched him come back with Gu Jiuci. After thinking about it, she called Gu Jiuci into the room, “What are you and Xiao You now?”

She wanted to ask this question for half a year. At first, Gu Jiuci and Tang Ziyou were awkward. Tang Ziyou avoided him like a snake, so she persuaded Gu Jiuci and Tang Ziyou to break up the engagement.

However, after cancelling the engagement, the relationship between Gu Jiuci and Tang Ziyou was very subtle, especially in the past six months. The two seemed to be living together. Shouldn’t this be a reunite? (这不应该就是复合了吗?)

Grandma Gu wanted to ask Gu Jiuci and Tang Ziyou for a long time, but Gu Jiuxing persuaded her, “Don’t worry about Xiao You and Xiao Jiu. Let them get along and develop on their own. In this way, it’s really good for them.”

Grandma Gu also knew that she didn’t do well in the past. The two children weren’t happy in the end, so she listened to Gu Jiuxing and didn’t ask. Until today, she watched Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci come back together. They talked, laughed, and sat together for dinner. Gu Jiuci kept adding food to Tang Ziyou, but Tang Ziyou didn’t refuse and ate them all.

If this wasn’t a reunite, then what was a reunite!?

Grandma Gu felt that she had to know the progress.

“Xiao You forgave me, so we made up.” Gu Jiuci said.

“Then you like Xiao You?”

Gu Jiuci nodded, “Otherwise, why would I chase him?”

“Isn’t it because he’s gone, you’re suddenly not used to it?”

Gu Jiuci: ……

“I’m used to my parents going abroad for so many years. He only left for three months at that time. What am I not used to?”

“Then you didn’t look like you liked Xiao You before?”

“So do you have to ask me to bring up my dark history again?” Gu Jiuci said, “Give me a way out, Grandma.”

Grandma Gu laughed, “Hey, I just care about the two of you. You two like each other, of course, I’m happy. I don’t care about the rest. I won’t ask. Just get along with Xiao You.”

“Don’t worry.”

Grandma Gu waved her hand, “Then go out, I will sleep.”

“Okay.” After he finished speaking, he thought of something and turned back, “Grandma, I will go out in two days, I tell you.”

“Okay, be careful on the road.”

“En.” Gu Jiuci closed the door and walked out.

* * *

Tang Ziyou heard the knock on the door of the hotel. He opened the door and found that it was Gu Jiuci. He was stunned for a moment. There was an inexplicable feeling that he should have come. As expected, he still came.

“Who told me he wouldn’t follow me?” Tang Ziyou smiled.

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Gu Jiuci said boldly, “I didn’t follow you, I came by myself.”

Tang Ziyou laughed and let him in, “Where’s your luggage?”

“I left it in the hotel.”

“You don’t stay here?”

“I’m not a cast member of the crew, why do I stay here.” Gu Jiuci hugged him and walked in, “How are you, how are you feeling these days?”

“Very good.” Tang Ziyou said.

“Really?” Gu Jiuci was worried, “Is there anyone bullying you?”

Tang Ziyou shook his head. He was very popular now and the crew was responsible for the traffic. Who dared to bully him? From the director to the staff, they were very kind and had kind manner to him, for fear of neglecting him.

Gu Jiuci was only satisfied then. Although he said that he was basically relieved after seeing the crew and the actors he worked with before, but this kind of thing wasn’t afraid of 10,000, be afraid of what if (不怕一万就怕万一, meant not to be afraid of the unexpected occurrence of ten thousand times, but to be afraid of the unexpected occurrence once; to warn people to do things to prevent accidental accidents, not to be taken lightly; here). What if there was someone who didn’t have eyes?

So Gu Jiuci was still worried. He wanted to come and see for himself.

“It’s fine if you don’t. Tomorrow you go filming first. I’ll visit your class in the afternoon and chat with Zhou Yi and Director Li.”

“Alright.” Tang Ziyou had no opinion. The other had come. It would be too unreasonable not to let him visit the class.

“Then I have one more thing.” Gu Jiuci looked at him and applied.


“Can I not leave tonight and sleep with you?”

He looked at Tang Ziyou and said miserably, “Since you left, I’ve had nightmares every day for the past few days. I can’t sleep well every night.”

“I left for three days.” Tang Ziyou said helplessly.

“One day is like a year. In a blink of an eye, it’s three years.”

Tang Ziyou clicked his tongue, “I’ve been through it for three years, let alone this night.”

“That’s still a big concern. After all, a ** moment is worth a thousand dollars.”

“Who ** with you.” Tang Ziyou said with a smile, “The ** in your dreams.”

“It’s not the ** in my dream,” Gu Jiuci sighed, “We are still pure chatting under the quilt.”

Tang Ziyou’s smile deepened after listening to his tone.

This was indeed a fact. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to do something with Gu Jiuci, but that Gu Jiuci was obviously still concerned about the previous things and didn’t dare to do anything. On his side, he didn’t think about this. It was kind of funny to talk about it suddenly now.

“Go take a shower. I let you for one night.”

“Thank you, my wife.” Gu Jiuci kissed him on the face.

Tang Ziyou glanced at him angrily and muttered, “Who is your wife.”

“Of course, it’s you. It’s you, it’s you, it’s you.” Gu Jiuci kissed him again and hugged him for a long time before he was willing to take a bath.

Tang Ziyou took advantage of his bath time to chat with Liu Xu about Gu Jiuci’s arrival so that she wouldn’t be too shocked tomorrow.

Liu Xu looked at his WeChat and asked him: [So now you and Film Emperor Gu are… reconciled?]

Tang Ziyou: [Almost.]

Liu Xu: [Where is the difference?]

Tang Ziyou thought for a while. It was probably because they hadn’t exchanged engagement rings yet, but it was almost time come.

Tang Ziyou replied: [You don’t need to know this.]

Liu Xu laughed: [Okay, then your sister wishes you happiness. It’s not bad that you have a good harvest in your career and love now.]

Tang Ziyou: [Thanks for your help. Thank you, Sister Liu.]

Liu Xu thought to her heart how could it be turned to her. She just built a bridge for Tang Ziyou at first. What really sent him to the cloud was his own efforts and Gu Jiuci’s accidental addition.

From this point of view, Gu Jiuci and he were really a mess.

However, it wasn’t Liu Xu’s turn to be shocked. The other actors in the crew were the ones who were the most surprised.

Although they knew that Tang Ziyou had just collaborated with Gu Jiuci in the last drama and that Gu Jiuci had praised Tang Ziyou several times in public, none of them thought that Gu Jiuci would come to visit the class. This relationship seemed to be really good.

For a time, the crew once again felt that Tang Ziyou was lucky. As soon as he came back, he cooperated with Gu Jiuci and became popular quickly. Gu Jiuci obviously regarded him as a friend, which was very rare.

The official blog posted a picture of Gu Jiuci’s visit to the class. JiuTang cp fans instantly peaked. They never expected that this pair would be sold so soon, so Gu Jiuci took the initiative to visit the class!

“I’m dead, I’m dead, Brother Gu really likes Xiao Tang!”

“The last time Brother Gu went to visit the class, it was still a coffee position like Shan Qikun, but this time it’s our Xiao Tang!”

“And Brother Gu and Shan Qikun have known each other for a long time, he has just met Xiao You.”

“Passionate love period! This is the period of passionate love! Love at first sight, fall in love at first sight, and now visit the wife a thousand miles away!”

“Wuwuwu, JiuTang is so sweet, JiuTang is sugar, and it’s so sweet that people get drunk.”

“This pair is really the best looking and sweetest CP I’ve ever tasted! It must be true!”

“It must be true, I guarantee!”

As excited as JiuTang CP fans, it belonged to Director Li. Director Li chatted for a while with Gu Jiuci and said enthusiastically, “Mr Gu is interested in a cameo role?”

Gu Jiuci wanted to agree, but then remembered what Tang Ziyou had said to him before—he didn’t want to depend too much on him in his career.

Of course, he could make a cameo appearance in every Tang Ziyou movie and TV series. It didn’t take much effort to make a cameo appearance, but in the future, some people would definitely feel that Tang Ziyou’s success was inseparable from him and that he was invisibly protecting Tang Ziyou.

Gu Jiuci really wanted to protect him, but it wasn’t like that. It was too obvious and too bad for Tang Ziyou’s public opinion.

So he refused, “Not this time, wait for the next time. Next time Director Li has a suitable play, I will come again.”

“Okay.” Director Li replied with a smile. After all, it was best to agree to make a cameo, but it was normal to not agree. He just asked casually. It was normal not to agree to such a coffee position as Gu Jiuci.

Gu Jiuci visited the class for a week, watching Tang Ziyou act, accompanied him, and occasionally gave him teaching guidance.

Tang Ziyou was very talented in acting. Every time the director or Gu Jiuci gave him a little instruction, he would have an unexpected and amazing performance.

Gu Jiuci watched him walk on the raindrops in the rain. At first, he just followed the crowd. Slowly, there were fewer and fewer people. He started to walk along the straight line of the slate.

He walked very steadily, lightly, and straight, until there was a defect in one of the slates. The straight line on which he settled was missing, he unconsciously stopped and looked at the slate in front of him.

He paused for a moment. The raindrops hit his umbrella. He seemed to smile under the umbrella and sigh.

Then, he took a step and took a step over it. This step was a big step, not as light and graceful as when he walked before, but when he landed, he still stepped firmly on the straight line in front of him.

This was a criminal with his own ideas and even some obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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