After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 43: CH 43

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Gu Jiuci couldn’t help thinking of the time when they first got engaged. Every time he got off the plane and went home, Tang Ziyou would wait for him at home, no matter how late or early it was.

He stepped up the steps, hugged him, and said distressedly, “Don’t wait next time. Go to sleep first, I will be back.”

“It’s okay.” Tang Ziyou said, “Besides, didn’t I say I missed you.”

He let go of Gu Jiuci a little, looked at him, and said softly, “I want to see you early, too.”

Gu Jiuci was instantly struck by his words. He lowered his head against his forehead, kissed his mouth, and then picked him up, “Let’s go. I take the little prince back to his room.”

Tang Ziyou laughed at what he said, “I’m still the little prince.”

“What the fans said, brother is so good-looking, like a little prince.”

“You haven’t quit the group yet!” Tang Ziyou was shocked.

“Of course, what group should I quit? Of course, such a good group needs to be expanded by a few more.”

Tang Ziyou: …I’m afraid that you’re going to be mad at your pure fan!

He once again shed tears of sympathy for Sister Red Wine.

“Then you should be tighter in covering your skin, and don’t lose your horse.”

“Of course, don’t worry. I still have this sensitivity.”

Tang Ziyou looked at his smug look and felt very suspicious.

* * *

As New Year’s Eve approached, the atmosphere of New Year’s Eve became heavier. Gu Jiuci took Tang Ziyou to go out for a stroll before New Year’s Eve. The two of them were wrapped tightly, wearing masks, hats, and glasses. No one could see that they were the hottest CP this year.

When passing by a small shop selling lanterns, Gu Jiuci bought a small lantern for Tang Ziyou.

The lantern was bright red and there were candles in it. Gu Jiuci helped him light the candle and the lantern lit up instantly.

Tang Ziyou carried the small lantern and said in nostalgia, “When I was young, during the Lantern Festival, my grandfather would buy me lanterns.”

Gu Jiuci touched his head, “I’ll buy it for you later.”

“No need.” Tang Ziyou smiled, “I’ve grown up, not a child anymore.”

“You can be a child who still has a childlike innocence.” Gu Jiuci plausibly said.

Tang Ziyou looked at him with a smile and raised the lantern in his hand.

The red light was printed on Gu Jiuci’s face, wrapping him with a soft and lively layer as if he could be warmed by getting closer.

“Come on, let’s go home.” Tang Ziyou smiled.

Gu Jiuci nodded, took his hand, and walked back slowly.

On New Year’s Eve, Gu parents went to the kitchen early to prepare the New Year’s Eve dinner. Gu Jiuci rarely got into the kitchen and cooked with them.

Mother Gu looked at his obvious knife skills and said in surprise, “When did you learn it?”

“First half of this year.”

“Why did you suddenly want to learn to cook?”

Gu Jiuci sighed, “It’s not like my dad, in pursuit of his wife.”

When he said this, he glanced at his father and felt that their father and son really had the same fate and pity for each other; like father, like son. In contrast, Gu Jiuxing learned to cook as early as he was in school and even cooked for him several times. He looked like someone else’s child, too excellent!

Father Gu raised his head with a smile, “You and Xiao You are reconciled again?”

“En.” Gu Jiuci said.

“Then are you still planning to get married?” Mother Gu asked him.

“Yeah, it should be a few years later. His career is still on the rise. We have to wait for a little more stability.”

Mother Gu nodded, “That’s not bad, too. We also know this child’s background, a well-behaved person. Your grandma likes him, too. If you marry him, the family doesn’t have to worry about it.”

Gu Jiuci smiled, “You better worry about my brother.”

Mother Gu had a headache when he mentioned this, “Why hasn’t your brother moved at all? Does he have no one to like?”

Gu Jiuci shook his head.

Mother Gu looked at him sadly, “Then introduce them to your brother if you meet someone suitable.”

“Okay.” Gu Jiuci nodded, “I’m afraid my brother won’t like it.”

“If you introduce a little more, there will always be one that suits him.”

That wasn’t necessarily true. Gu Jiuci thought about Gu Jiuxing’s light-hearted personality. He really didn’t know what kind of person his brother would like.

Tang Ziyou watched Gu Jiuci plunge into the kitchen and didn’t come out. After a while, Gu Jiuxing also went in. He wondered if he should go in and help too. Otherwise, the owner was busy in the kitchen and he was sitting outside by himself, which seemed a bit inappropriate.

“Grandma, I’ll help in the kitchen, too.” Tang Ziyou stood up.

Grandma Gu hurriedly grabbed him, “You sit here, they’ll be busy. If you go again, the kitchen will be messed up.”

Tang Ziyou felt that it also made sense, so he sat down again.

As soon as he sat down, Gu Jiuci came out of the kitchen.

“Aren’t you helping Uncle and Aunt?” Tang Ziyou asked.

“Brother will do.” Gu Jiuci sat down beside him, held his hand, and whispered, “I’ll accompany you.”

“I have Grandma to accompany me.” Tang Ziyou turned to look at Grandma Gu.

Grandma Gu stood up with a smile, “I can’t accompany you. I have to lie down for a while. Call me when we’re going to eat.”

Tang Ziyou: ……

Gu Jiuci said with a smile, “Okay, Grandma. Have a good rest.”

“That’s it, have a good rest.”

As Grandma Gu said, she turned and walked towards the stairs.

Gu Jiuci saw that she was gone and approached Tang Ziyou, “I’ll be the only one to accompany you now.”

Tang Ziyou looked at him helplessly, but couldn’t help laughing. He watched TV with him.

“I just told my parents about us in the kitchen.” Gu Jiuci whispered.

Tang Ziyou looked at him in surprise, “Did you say it?”

Gu Jiuci nodded.

“Then… what did your parents say?” Tang Ziyou said nervously.

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“My parents said it’s good. You look very well-behaved. We know you and your family’s background. Grandma also likes you. Everyone likes you, so it’s good.”

Tang Ziyou let out an “oh”, unconsciously feeling a little happy.

Actually, he also guessed that Gu Jiuci’s parents wouldn’t say anything against it. After all, when they hadn’t dissolved their engagement in their previous life, Mother Gu treated him very well.

However, now that he heard Gu Jiuci say this, he was still very happy.

People who were in love were probably like this. Not only did they want their lovers to feel that they were very good and suitable, but also that other people felt that they should be together, especially their parents and family members.

Gu Jiuci looked at the smile on his face and said warmly, “When I see Grandpa tomorrow, I will tell him this. He should be completely relieved.”

Tang Ziyou nodded and approached into his arms, “Let’s go see Grandpa together tomorrow.”

“Good.” Gu Jiuci lowered his head, kissed his face, and hugged him tightly.

That night, Tang Ziyou sat next to Gu Jiuci and had a reunion dinner with his family.

This was the second time that he celebrated the New Year at Gu Jiuci’s house. Unlike last year, Tang Ziyou only felt lively and warm this year.

Mother Gu brought him several dishes. Tang Ziyou was overwhelmed and ate half a bowl of rice more than usual.

Before going to bed, Mother Gu still pressed a red envelope under his pillow and gave him a gift.

She looked at Tang Ziyou tenderly, exchanged WeChat with him, and whispered softly, “Xiao You, Xiao Jiu’s father and I aren’t in the country most of the time. Sometimes it’s hard to come back and you’re filming again, we always miss it. That’s why we add a WeChat account so that it’s convenient to connect in the future.”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “En.”

“You can tell me anything after that.”


Mother Gu smiled and said, “Really well-behaved.”

Tang Ziyou was embarrassed, but Mother Gu didn’t tease him anymore. She said a few words of concern for him and persuaded him to go to bed earlier.

Gu Jiuci waited until Mother Gu left before coming in and asked, “What did my mother say to you?”

Tang Ziyou handed him the phone, “I added my WeChat so that I can talk to her if I have something to say.”

“Then talk to me.” Gu Jiuci ruthlessly demolished his own mother’s support, “She knows what can be done from a distance. It’s better to tell me and I will solve it for you.”

“Then I’ll figure it out myself.”

“You can rely on me occasionally,” Gu Jiuci persuaded him, “Otherwise, wouldn’t your husband seem useless.”

“You’re not my husband yet.” Tang Ziyou reminded him.

“Soon, soon,” Gu Jiuci urged him. “The two parents have met and agreed, so it’s time to get the certificate. When you think the time is right, we’ll go get the certificate.”

Tang Ziyou was a little embarrassed when he said that.

In his last life, he wanted to get the certificate with Gu Jiuci every day, but now he could really get the certificate. Instead, he didn’t know whether it should be earlier or later and what kind of day was the most suitable.

Tang Ziyou held his cheeks and thought seriously.

* * *

On the first day of the new year, the first day of the new year, Gu Jiuci and Tang Ziyou went to the cemetery after greeting the relatives who came to the house.

Tang Ziyou still bought flowers and put them in front of the tombstone. He said to his grandfather in his heart: It’s a new year. This year is also a good year. I will take good care of myself. You should also take good care of yourself there.

He finished speaking silently in his heart, turned to look at Gu Jiuci, and took out the dice necklace in his pocket. He opened the dice and poured out the engagement ring.

It was his ring, with a small candy on the side and a “G” on the inside of the ring.

Tang Ziyou handed the ring to Gu Jiuci. He didn’t speak, but Gu Jiuci already understood.

Since he returned the ring to Tang Ziyou, Tang Ziyou hadn’t worn it, nor had he mentioned it. Gu Jiuci thought at first that he wanted to wait until September, the day he took off the ring, to put the ring on again.

However, Tang Ziyou didn’t.

At that time, Gu Jiuci guessed that maybe he was going to wait until the next time the two came to visit the grave together, and once again, in front of his grandfather, exchange rings with him.

The first time they exchanged rings was in front of Grandpa Tang, in order to satisfy his wishes and to let him go with peace of mind.

And now, they were standing in front of Grandpa Tang again. Only this time, not for the old man in front of them, but for themselves.

Gu Jiuci took the ring in his palm, grabbed his left hand, and slowly put the ring on his ring finger.

Tang Ziyou laughed and said to him, “Thank you.”

After he finished speaking, he wanted to withdraw his hand.

However, Gu Jiuci didn’t let go but kept holding it.

Tang Ziyou looked at him puzzled.

Gu Jiuci’s eyes were bright, but his expression seemed a little nervous.

He held Tang Ziyou’s hand. In the quiet world, in front of Tang Ziyou’s favourite relative, he spoke uneasily and sincerely.

“Xiao You, will you marry me?”

Tang Ziyou looked at him in surprise.

Gu Jiuci’s heart was beating like a drum and his hands were shaking when he held him, “I know that I was very sorry for you before. I didn’t do a lot of things well enough, which made you suffer a lot. I promise you, I will never do it again. Yes, I will care for you, take care of you, and love you. I want to be your lover, but I also want to be your family. I want to give you a home. I want you to rely on me. No matter when you are tired, you can stop and rest at any time. So, are you willing to give me a chance to grow old with you? Just give me.”

“Would you like, to marry me?”

Tang Ziyou stared at him blankly, at the seriousness in his eyes, the uneasiness in his eyes, and the affection in his eyes.

“Okay.” He smiled. His clear eyes were full of tenderness and love. He said, “I can give it to you, only to you.”

The brilliance in Gu Jiuci’s eyes was instantly lit up. He stepped forward, hugged Tang Ziyou, and hugged him tightly.

“Thank you Xiao You,” his words were full of joy, “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Tang Ziyou hugged him and leaned gently on his shoulder.

After going around in circles, they finally held the red thread and approached each other step by step. This world came and went, there were always people who were missing. They missed it once, but fortunately this time, they didn’t miss each other again.

“Let’s get married when the spring flowers bloom.” Tang Ziyou said.

Gu Jiuci was surprised and hugged him tightly, “En.”

The author has something to say:

After spreading flowers, Xiao You can be regarded as a double harvest of career and love. In the next chapter, you will see what happened to Xiao Jiu after Xiao You died in the last life. It may be abusive, so the little angel who can’t eat abuse can skip it. At the same time, in order to appease everyone’s mood of watching abuse in the next chapter, I will put some candy out at the beginning of the next chapter and write some sweet extras, so that everyone can eat candy to heal. This book was fast-paced + crematorium at the beginning, both of which are areas that I’m not very good at, so it may not be well written, but I also tried my best, so thank you all the little angels of this book. Thank you for cheering me up in the areas that I’m not good at and let me challenged myself. Love you guys, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

Main story is complete! YEAY!! I’m glad~

The next one is abusive… prepare your tissue… QAQ

See you in the next chap! (~‾▿‾)~

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